
Combat_Wombatyes sadly alternatives lack very seriously in the graphics department so its vmware workstation for bust for what I need it for :D00:13
Bleu700any one home ?00:15
Combat_Wombatmany people00:17
Bleu70012.10 how do I turn the screen lock off?00:18
Combat_Wombatbut on the vmware workstation thing it is having the same problem I am having with teamspeak3. Some fairly significant audio problems00:19
wxlCombat_Wombat: have you tried looking for a vmware-related channel?00:24
Combat_Wombatnope just got my first vm setup havent gotten very far yet00:25
wxlthere is a #vmware here00:25
wxlit's registered00:26
wxlmax users last two weeks is 42800:26
wxli imagine there's someone there who can help you XD00:26
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)01:11
wxlflyabove: don't you have work to do?01:12
user02938Noticed some problems with Lubuntu:03:06
user029381:  Chromium browser isn't compatible with ebay. Won't allow photo uploading and text formatting.03:06
user029382:  Lubuntu is missing WiFi functionality (that works fine in Kubuntu).03:07
user029383. Google Chrome refuses to install in Lubuntu.  Fails with errors during install.03:08
user02938Now back to Chromium browser:   The fact that chromium is not compatible with ebay is a serious flaw since ebay is a  popular website for business.  But Google chrome (windows version) works fine with ebay.03:13
TheLordOfTimechrome installs fine in my 12.10 VM03:13
TheLordOfTimeand Lubuntu works fine with my wifi, you probably just need to add additional drivers03:14
mysteriousdarenit installed in my 12.04 laptop and 12.10 netbook03:14
* TheLordOfTime has a 12.10 VM because his 12.04 actually-installed system has a broken /boot03:14
mysteriousdarenuser02938: how did you install? cli?03:14
user02938mysteriousdaren,  I installed google chrome from google's website.03:15
user02938during the install process it fails with errors.03:16
TheLordOfTimenot here03:16
user02938I'm using lubuntu 12.04... Let me try again.03:16
TheLordOfTimeall it needs on here is libgconf.03:16
TheLordOfTimeuser02938, what "errors" is it throwing03:16
TheLordOfTimeyou're probably just missing dependencies.03:16
user02938just a moment..03:16
mysteriousdarentry lubuntu software center, or synaptic03:17
TheLordOfTimegoogle chrome installs correctly, and runs correctly, in 12.1003:18
* TheLordOfTime spins up his 12.04 VM03:18
user02938Ok, Google chrome installed fine on this 32bit PC.03:26
TheLordOfTimeand after i install libcurl3 in 12.04, the chrome installer works, and chrome correctly runs.03:26
TheLordOfTimeworks 64bit too, but i needed libcurl303:26
TheLordOfTimeand libgconf on 12.1003:26
user02938Well it refused to install in Lubuntu 64bit on my HP pavilion.03:27
TheLordOfTimeand you're not telling us the errors it said03:28
TheLordOfTimeso we can't really help you much03:28
TheLordOfTimeit usually says what errors you're having03:28
user02938I'm using my 32bit pc right now, so I'll bootup my 64bit PC and try again...Back in a few mins..03:28
TheLordOfTimeand i'm pretty certain the issue is you need to manually install the dependencies03:28
user02938it errored during the "man" installation03:28
user02938give me 10mins or so to check...03:29
hpuser2323<< I'm the person with the google chrome problem.  I'm installing in 64bit.. almost done...03:34
hpuser2323it says I have broken dependancies and i need to run 'sudo apt-get install -f'. So i'm doing that now03:35
TheLordOfTimehpuser2323, it usually says the dependencies03:37
TheLordOfTimeif apt-get install -f fails, specify them manually03:37
hpuser2323almost finished..03:37
hpuser2323It installed OK this time.03:38
hpuser2323Now I need to test how it works with ebay.03:39
hpuser2323So what are the wifi packages i need for Dlink USB Wifi adapter?03:39
hpuser2323(that was the wifi that failed to work in lubuntu but worked fine in Kubuntu)03:40
mysteriousdarenhpuser2323: search for your specific adapter on dlink and find the linux driver03:44
hpuser2323The fact that Kubuntu works fine with it, would indicate that Kubuntu already has the open source driver installed, and lubuntu does not.  So the question is, what driver is missing in Lubuntu.03:44
hpuser2323suppose i need to lsmod in kubuntu and check the differences in lubuntu?03:45
hpuser2323I prefer to download the driver from the lubuntu repos but I'll download from dlink if need be.03:47
hpuser2323I'll boot kubuntu so I can check what driver modules are installed for dlink wifi03:49
user02938hmm..   Lubuntu is missing a lot of wifi drivers compared to kubuntu.03:57
TheLordOfTimeMost HPs i've seen across my workbench deploy those cards which need additional drivers, so perhaps that's the issue03:58
dapi'm trying to get lubuntu12.10-amd64 running off of a usb stick; everything works out-of-the-box when running from cd, but when running off the stick(installed via unetbootin), wireless and my trackpad don't work. any ideas?04:00
user02938Well i'm looking at the kubuntu kernel modules > net > wifi and there's a lot of drivers there. But Lubutu is missing many of them.04:00
user02938dap..ah another wireless problem..  I'm looking into that now.04:01
dapi find it rather odd that it works out of the box, but not running off the stick.04:02
user02938the usb installer could have failed to include the drivers during install..only speculating...04:06
user02938My hard drive install is missing wifi drivers also...trying to figure out why..04:07
dapthat's possible. i'll try to find where they're located04:11
holstein!broadcom is a good reference04:14
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:14
user02938My Dlink wifi uses rt3070 chipset and the driver isn't loading in lubuntu.  Drivers rtlwifi are missing.04:17
holsteinuser02938: you can try the windows drivers with ndisgtk04:18
user02938holstein..thanks, will keep that in mind.  I just manually loaded the kernel driver with "sudo modprobe -r rtlwifi"04:19
user02938will have to disconnect my ethernet now and test wifi. Later..04:20
holsteinuser02938: if you havent tested, then id say you dont know that it is working04:20
holsteini would search "ubuntu rtwhatever". the line from lspci that desibes the hardware04:20
holsteini have one and i just load the windows driver.. works fine04:21
user02938yes i just google for information and i found my chipset so i loaded the realtek driver. Testing now04:21
=== torminator is now known as Guest1083
hpuser2323Sylpheed mail refuses to add a second email account.05:34
hpuser2323refuses to switch between the 2 accounts and won't display the accounts in the left panel.05:35
holsteinhpuser2323: i havent used it.. i would go right to http://sylpheeddoc.sourceforge.net/en/faq/faq.html05:37
holsteinunless you find a bug report you can get envolved with... with some helpful ideas05:37
holsteinOR, just use another client05:37
hpuser2323Sylpheed has a help menu with the manual which i'm looking at...trying to make sense of it.05:37
holsteini havent used an actual client since gmail started letting me pop other mail into it..05:37
hpuser2323Looks like sylpheed is bug ridden.  Not responding to my setup05:42
hpuser2323not even displaying the account I added.05:43
Unit193Is the other one that is pretty close to it working, claws I think?  I personally either use the webUI, but mostly Alpine.05:43
Unit193There was some other basic email client, but can't remember what it was... >_>\05:44
hpuser2323i'll check05:44
hpuser2323no, claws isn't installed.  Never mind, I'll use thunderbird or something else.05:45
holsteini would use thunderbird.. its not "heavy" and its well supported, even though frozen developmentally05:47
hpuser2323yes i'm familiar with thunderbird.  I have used Sylpheed before (in other linux's) but this sylpheed isn't working for some reason.  So thunderbird it is.05:47
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hpuser2323OK.. Thunderbird works fine.   I added 2 accounts. No problems.06:03
mysteriousdarenholstein: how are you? how was the holiday season?06:06
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IronWaffleIs anyone who's awake here that can help me?07:56
=== len is now known as Guest95026
flybelowHello, I need a little help, but it seems my messages are not getting through. Can someone please confirm you can see me?11:47
flybelowPeople don't reply to me, and most of my messages don't turn up in the log. Strange.11:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:49
flybelowHello. Can anyone see what I post?11:54
inductiveload1flybelow: i can hear you11:59
flybelowthank you!11:59
Moeweme too12:21
flybelowHey. I have Lubuntu 11.10 and I always log in as root, automatically. I don't need to enter any password, there is no login screen. Now I installed Lubuntu 12.04 and the system is logging in automatically as the unprivileged user right after boot. How do I make it log in automatically as root, like it does in my older 11.10 installation?13:45
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:29
Combat_Wombatlooking for a openbox theme that looks like chromium any suggestions?16:05
yggdrasilhi, im trying to install lubuntu on an acer travelmate but x doesnt seem to wanna come up17:16
yggdrasilit just keeps flashing, mouse loads for a second then it flashes out again.17:17
yggdrasilit looks like it fails when it loads extension glx17:20
R12OnuHello :-)18:32
R12OnuIs there a way to change the Synaptic Package Manager in Lubuntu 12.10 to something more like in Ubuntu?18:33
R12OnuI mean... friendly?18:33
R12OnuWith ratings and such18:33
TheLordOfTimeR12Onu, use something else perhaps?18:33
TheLordOfTimeSynaptic's not built to be that versatile18:34
R12OnuSuch as?18:34
R12OnuI'm pretty new to linux...18:34
* TheLordOfTime shrugs18:34
TheLordOfTimei pretty much just install everything via command line, so i'm less dependent on GUI features.18:34
R12OnuI don't use the command line at all :-D18:34
R12OnuI use the mouse18:35
TheLordOfTimemeh, i'm a packager, i need the command line for things :P18:35
R12OnuSo you must know a better package manager!18:36
R12OnuWhat's the package manager in Ubuntu?18:37
Combat_Wombatisnt there that  ubuntu software center thing? it comes with lubuntu too18:39
R12OnuOh, haven't noticed that18:40
R12Onubut its far from as friendly as the ubuntu one18:40
R12Onuwith the ratings and such18:40
Combat_Wombatwell if you remember whatever you are looking for is called i am sure its a package you can shoehorn into lubuntu18:41
R12OnuI'm mostly looking for new games and such18:42
R12Onudon't really know what I'm looking for18:42
Combat_Wombatwell ill save you the time there are no good games in the repositories save maybe freeciv but even thats stretching it :D18:42
Unit193There is the Lubuntu software center, but if you don't like it, Ubuntu software center should work as well.18:43
Unit193Xonotic is in the repos now, last I knew.18:43
R12OnuI think I managed to download the Ubuntu thingy :-D18:44
R12OnuOne last thing - can I remove the password pop-up window from Lubuntu?18:45
R12OnuI don't worry about anyone that don't know the password using the computer so its pretty pointless18:45
=== IdleOne is now known as alacran
=== alacran is now known as IdleOne
flybelowCan someone please tell me how to change locale?20:59
flybelowI searched google, but none of the solutions is working. It's one of those things that Ubuntu changes with every release, playing whack-a-mole with us...21:00
=== len is now known as Guest8987

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