[01:07] hi [06:33] hi [07:51] hi [07:52] hi [08:22] blahdeblah: I'm sick of getting wifi dropouts working in the yard. Was it you talking up Ubiquiti stuff before? If so would a single http://www.citytechnology.com.au/store/ubiquiti/ubiquiti-unifi/ubiquiti-unifi-lr-long-range be a reasonable solution? [10:00] Hi [12:01] hello nicksydney === abyssusj is now known as abyssus [12:26] has anyone here used web apps in 12.10? [12:26] question in -chat if you have and could help [12:35] jea: it's on topic [12:36] oh, i realise that [12:36] the person just asked it in chat [12:37] ah ok [13:02] hi everyone i have a iusse with the uinty web apps [22:38] hi [23:10] Hi