
thorwilgodbyk: i managed to forget to push yesterday09:04
thorwilnow i have a diverged branch09:05
godbykthorwil: No worries. I had plenty of other ones to work on.09:05
godbykthorwil: You should be able to merge cleanly. Or uncommit, pull, then commit and push.09:06
godbykThe only things I've worked on in that repository are with the translation files. So you shouldn't have any merge conflicts with the covers or title pages.09:06
thorwilgodbyk: chose the uncommit route. good thing the commands have such clear names. cover with dutch backside pushed09:08
godbykthorwil: Got it. Thanks!  I find that the uncommit route usually works best.09:09
thorwila client company made me use a svn hosted by them. i proposed git/bitbucket, but they are not familiar with git. few weeks later, changes to commit after a break. their server unavailable09:12
thorwiltheir being afraid of the new pays off ...09:12
godbykI've been primarily using git of late.09:13
godbykSwitching between git, bzr, and svn drives me batty sometimes, though.09:13
godbykSome commands are named the same but do different things under different version control systems.09:14
godbykSome commands aren't named nicely.  (git seems especially non-intuitive to me.)09:14
thorwilafter bzr and git, the not-distributed model feels wrong. even though there is no forgetting to push there :)09:14
godbykI do like being about to commit locally, though, and make branches cheaply.09:14
godbykthorwil: CreateSpace didn't balk at your cover, so I'm assuming it's all good. :-)09:21
godbykthorwil: They do however take a day to 'review all the files' before releasing it for publication however.09:21
godbykthorwil: Assuming everything passes review, the Dutch version of precise-e2 should be available in a day or two.09:22
godbykthorwil: Did I provide you enough info to easily generate the cover?  I just wrote a Python script to do all the math, so I can have it emit more info if you like.09:23
thorwilgodbyk: paper size and spine width is sufficient, as the bleed is what's left after subtracting 2 times A4 + spine, right?09:25
godbykthorwil: Yep. I think the bleed is 1/8-inch all around (but don't quite me on that).09:25
godbykHey, CarstenG.09:27
CarstenGThosten: You have 10.04 in the Dutch cover09:27
CarstenGSould be 12.04, or?09:27
godbykCarstenG: It should be 12.04, yeah.09:28
godbykDid I miss that, too?09:28
CarstenGcopy paste mistake from lucid :-)09:28
thorwili should be taken out behind the barn and shot09:29
godbykCarstenG, thorwil: I just fixed it and pushed the update.09:29
godbykthorwil: Keep this up and I'll stop brow-beating you into making all these covers for me! ;-)09:29
godbykLooks like I can't upload the new cover until they finish reviewing things. Oh, well.09:31
godbykWith that, I'm off to sleep.09:31
godbykThanks for your help this morning, gentlemen!09:31
CarstenGGood night!09:32
CarstenGSee you09:32
thorwilgodbyk: nite, cya09:32
godbykG'night, all!09:32
sagaci bang12:40

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