
Jordan_Uikonia: I'm willing to believe that there is a correlation between unstable Windows installations and installing Windows after Ubuntu, though the causality pretty clearly wouldn't be what they claim.00:19
ikoniato be honest, the only time I see this is with people not doing their home work00:20
ikoniaI've never seen this, the people I interact with daily don't have this problem,00:21
ikoniaevery time I've seen this complaint it's been user error/lack of planning00:21
ikoniaand I don't like people blaming windows for their lack of planning/research00:21
Jordan_UCompletely agreed.00:22
Transhumanistikonia: I've been talking to jamie_ and helping him through partition management with Gparted so he can dual-boot Ubuntu and Windows. If I hadn't of, he would've just ditched Ubuntu given his frustration and bad experiences in this channel. This isn't a Windows support channel, but nor do you need to kick somebody for wanting to dual-boot. His problem was Windows not recognising ext3.02:02
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottuIn #lubuntu, holstein said: !broadcom is a good reference04:14
bazhang<nullby7e> this chan is full with lamers17:49
bazhangubuntu server pi aquaponics?18:11
bazhangoh yeah thats on topic18:11
=== IdleOne is now known as alacran
=== alacran is now known as IdleOne

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