
ali1234done: https://github.com/ali1234/jono-qml00:39
ali1234just need some sounds now00:44
cocoa117ali1234, can sticky bit (chmod +t xxx) apply to the subdirectories and files?00:50
cocoa117or is there a way to do it?00:50
cocoa117i mean kind like set it by default for a particular directory00:50
ali1234that's what it is for00:51
ali1234not sure how it work on subdirectories00:51
cocoa117as admin, i want all the subdirectories and files can only be deleted by its owner, the group user can read/write to it, but can't delete it00:52
cocoa117again, as admin, i want to set the rules, not monitoring every new file/directoires created00:52
cocoa117never mind, i guess ACL is only way to go00:53
ali1234i dunno if it's possible or not, i would have to google it00:53
ali1234but yeah ACLs00:53
aquarius__erk. my disk seems to be failing. Lots of disk errors in dmesg, and it's been "remounted read-only". I'm afraid to reboot in case it's all torched, but equally I have no idea what to do next. Anyone still around?01:19
aquarius__I'm not even totally sure anyone can see what I'm writing :001:19
directhexaquarius__, yes, your send buffer works01:20
aquarius__directhex: ah, that's at least useful01:20
directhexaquarius__, the thing to do is get your important data somewhere safe, stat01:20
aquarius__no-one seems to be awake in #ubuntu-kernel :(01:20
directhexyou have a handy replacement disk and usb caddy, right?01:20
aquarius__important data largely is somewhere safe already01:20
aquarius__either in bzr in launchpad, in U1, or in my mailbox.01:20
aquarius__this is why I run deja-dup for backups01:21
aquarius__#ubuntu seem to be too busy arguing about skype being non-free to actually answer support questions, hey ho :)01:21
aquarius__directhex: I don't, however, have a replacement disk01:21
aquarius__and I don't seem to be able to copy things with nautilus to the ssh box on the network01:22
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
aquarius__although I can ssh to it from a terminal, so I'm copying stuff to the server in case everything goes tits up01:23
aquarius__what I'm most worried about is: what do I *do*? I mean, if I reboot and it doesn't come up, I'll be really annoyed. But I have no idea how to fix this in the short term01:24
directhexmount -o remount,rw /01:24
aquarius__(in the long term the answer is presumably "shout at lenovo until they give me a new disk for my less-than-one-year-old laptop01:24
aquarius__directhex: if I just remount it, what might go wrong?01:24
directhex(they'll make you run some disk diagnostics from an iso)01:25
aquarius__I mean, dmesg has lots of "the journal aborted" in it01:25
directhexit might toast your superblocks and eat all your data01:25
aquarius__right. That's what I'd like to avoid, obviously :)01:25
directhexno "AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!" in your kernel? it's fiiiiiine.01:25
* directhex flees01:25
directhexanyway, bed01:25
aquarius__cheers, pal01:25
aquarius__you are so far the most helpful person ever :)01:25
aquarius__go to bed.01:26
directhexi am more helpful than anyone else you've asked about this, though01:26
aquarius__that's what I meant01:26
directhexthrough virtue of being the only one to reply01:26
aquarius__I wasn't being sarcastic in the least :)01:26
aquarius__you are indeed the most helpful01:26
aquarius__thanks for nothing, ubuntu support community ;-)01:26
directhexand technically even if i'd said "COAT IT IN HONEY" that statement would be true. thank you einstein, everything *is* relative! :D01:27
aquarius__srs, before you go: would you recommend (a) remount rw and see what happens, (b) reboot and see what happens, (c) something else?01:27
ali1234don't remount it rw01:27
directhexi'd try to scp valuable data to *anything* i had access to, then consider the entire partition compromised & useless01:28
directhexpossibly not in that order01:28
aquarius__ali1234: aha, more advice. Thank you. What would you recommend next?01:28
ali1234buy a new harddisk01:28
directhexjournal aborts kinda mean it's borked... unless, and this is a total edge case, it's the kernel up its own arse and not a physical issue at all01:28
aquarius__directhex: yeah, that's what I'm doing, although pretty much all my valuable data is already saved elsewhere as well. Being this well-prepared is something of a new experience for me, but I'm glad I did it :)01:29
aquarius__OK. Can I somehow diagnose whether the hardware is borked?01:29
directhexand it might get cleared up by a reboot. buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut... lots of people use the kernel, and how many of them have phantom disk failures? not many01:29
directhexaquarius__, http://support.lenovo.com/en_US/downloads/detail.page?&DocID=DS025448 - but that means a reboot01:29
aquarius__I think we can all agree that the disk is fucked in the medium term, and I can copy stuff off it right now, and I should do that and then go buy a new disk01:29
aquarius__is that it? I mean... should I try and fix things somehow?01:30
ali1234no, actually you should turn it off and not turn it on again until you have a new disk01:30
ali1234and a usb caddy01:30
aquarius__what's a usb caddy for?01:30
ali1234then you put the new disk in the usb caddy01:30
ali1234boot up a live image01:30
aquarius__directhex: yeah, I saw that. Mine's not on the list.01:30
ali1234use ddrescue to image the drive onto the new drive01:31
aquarius__directhex: this is an ideapad u300s, not a thinkpad01:31
ali1234then you run recovery on the new drive to repait the filesystem01:31
ali1234then you recovery whatever you can01:31
aquarius__ali1234: aha. That's useful info.01:31
ali1234then you reinstall01:31
ali1234don't but the broken disk in the usb caddy01:31
ali1234usb does not like broken disks at all and will cause you more problems01:32
ali1234like, at the first error, the disk will just go silent01:32
ali1234which will prevent ddrescue from skipping badblocks01:32
aquarius__sending it back to lenovo will cause them to write windows over the top of the disk anyway, so I lose all my data regardless :)01:32
ali1234they will replace the hard disk anyway if it is broken01:33
aquarius__but then I have no laptop for weeks, which is why I don't want to do that :)01:33
directhexexcuse to buy an ssd!01:33
aquarius__it *has* an SSD01:34
aquarius__it's a flamin' one-year-old ultrabook01:34
aquarius__the disc should not be dead.01:34
aquarius__the really annoying thing is: I took the "support me if it breaks" thing from pcworld, of all places, and it ran out after twelve months, which was about 20 days ago.01:36
aquarius__might be wrong abou tthat. I'll ring 'em in the morning.01:38
ballDoes Ubuntu ship with a command-line disk partitioning tool?02:54
ballAh, cfdisk?02:59
ballWhoop: Thanks03:12
ddfgthow i can mount windows share on ubuntu?06:42
ddfgtsomeone here?06:43
dogmatic69ddfgt: tried smbmount?06:44
dogmatic69smbmount //server/path /local/path06:44
ddfgtbut it's ask for password..06:45
ddfgtbut if i do it with nautilus i'm only put the ip..06:45
dogmatic69add -o credentials=/home/user/.smbpassword,uid=1000,gid=100006:45
dogmatic69make the .smbpassword file with your details06:46
dogmatic69that is all you need in it06:46
dogmatic69the uid/gid is your user / group id06:46
ddfgtbut i dont need a username / password for this share...06:47
dogmatic69you just said it asks for it06:47
ddfgtif i click in nautilus "file > connect to server" select "windows share" and put only the IP address - it is work fine..06:50
ddfgtbut when i try to make mount  - it's ask for password..06:50
ddfgtdogmatic69, ?06:51
ddfgtany idea?07:16
ali1234"Today begins a new phase for Ubuntu, and it's a phase that requires our leadership."08:21
ali1234anyone want to have a go at explaining what exactly that means?08:22
ali1234specifically who is "our"?08:22
ali1234also, since you can't "lead" an abstract concept, Ubuntu must refer to a group of people here, so who is that?08:25
ddfgthow i can mount my NAS in ubuntu?08:55
bigcalmAwake far too early on a Saturday morning. What to do?09:00
kvarleyddfgt: If it's plugged in via ehternet to your LAN it should just be available in "Browse Network" on the left side of the file manager09:01
kvarleybigcalm: if it's me, PHP + coffee + music always works nicely09:01
bigcalmkvarley: PHP is my day job. Maybe some Python this morning09:02
kvarleyDoes anybody know how big the images for Ubuntu for phones will be?09:02
ddfgtkvarley, - this is work fine.. but i want to mount it..09:02
bigcalmkvarley: look for the minimum specs for phones that will work with it. That might hint at size09:03
AlanBellkvarley: my guess would be not bigger than the nexus 7 image09:03
kvarleyddfgt: When you browse the NAS from there it will automatically mount it to /media/devicename09:03
AlanBellkvarley: could be a lot smaller if they don't include irrelevant stuff like LibreOffice09:03
kvarleyddfgt: If you're looking at manually mounting it, you need to look up samba command line examples and just substitute your info in there.09:03
ddfgtkvarley, i try now09:04
kvarleyAlanBell: It looks amazing. Watching a demo video with Mark playing with a Nexus. I MUST buy a nexus now haha :)09:04
kvarleyIt's way more responsive and fluid that I thought it would be at this stage09:04
ddfgtkvarley, i can browse it with the nautilus.. if i do ls /media/ i cant see it..09:07
kvarleyddfgt: Ah sorry, it will mount it it ~/.gvfs/ (~/ is your home folder)09:07
bigcalmI wondered where nautilus mounts ended up09:08
ddfgtkvarley, - king!09:08
AlanBellkvarley: yeah, if you look past the odd marketing it might well be quite fun to use and develop for09:09
bigcalmAlanBell: looking for a good on-screen keyboard and/or number pad. Any pointers?09:09
AlanBellI am not going to go out and buy last years phone to run it on09:09
AlanBellbigcalm: well I only really know about onboard, which is a comprehensive keyboard, but not a consumer focussed keyboard09:10
AlanBellcaribou is the gnome one which is more touchscreen/consumer focussed09:10
bigcalmAh. You might have realised that I need this for a kiosk mode09:10
bigcalmAha. I shall have a look, ta09:11
kvarleyAlanBell: That's my issue, I really want to try and test it but my current phone is a single core device with limited resources. Looking at the prices, it's still ~£400 for the top nexus 4 so I may as well wait until the next gen phones are out and pick up one of them.09:11
AlanBellby which I mean doesn't have keys that normal people don't use like tab and backtick09:11
AlanBellor alt-gr :)09:12
kvarleyddfgt: If you want it mounted permanently or to a different folder (/media/devicename for example) check askubuntu for guides on samba mounting or this one - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently09:12
bigcalmFine by me :)09:12
AlanBellbigcalm: in that case caribou or maliit09:13
AlanBellI am almost certain that Maliit will be the keyboard for Ubuntu phone09:14
bigcalmNot seeing Maliit in USC09:15
bigcalmWill try caribou 1st09:15
ddfgtkvarley, tnx09:20
kvarleyTechnically my phone could run the entry level Ubuntu09:26
kvarley1GHz single core CPU, 768MB RAM. Only thing is only 1GB ROM on the phone09:27
kvarleyAssuming I could install the OS to the microSD and just the bootloader stuff on the phone's ROM it'd work09:27
kvarleyBut porting to old hardware won't be fun so it probably won't happen09:27
AlanBellanyone played Ryzom?09:32
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:40
kvarleyI want to run a server on my LAN for running git and a web server but I need it to have a desktop environment on as well for some of the people who'll use it. Would I be better installing the desktop version of Ubuntu (or a derivative) instead of installing the server version then installing a gui on top of that?10:09
bigcalmThis is odd. Still haven't found out how to start/use caribou10:10
bashrcYou could maybe use something like a Raspberry Pi as a web server or git server10:20
kvarleybashrc: Not powerful enough, I'm looking to run many vhosts on the machine so it'll be pretty intensive. I currently have a webserver and git setup on the rpi, it's useful but won't handle the databases and vhosts10:28
kvarleybashrc: I might just end up running something like Zentyal on it which ships with a desktop environment and other useful stuff. Ubuntu based too so it might be pretty good.10:29
AlanBellkvarley: I would install the desktop version10:42
kvarleyAlanBell: Would you install the desktop version vs Zentyal?10:54
bashrcI think you can install Debian on Raspberry Pis.  It would certainly be a low power solution for something like hosting a home page.10:55
kvarleybashrc: It's not for hosting a homepage. It's going to be a testing web dev server so the rpi isn't powerful enough.10:56
kvarleybashrc: I own 2 raspberry pi's with debian running on them :)10:56
AlanBellkvarley: we have zentyal running for our mail server, but I tend to prefer servers that are the same as my laptop so I can reproduce things easily11:07
popeymorning all11:11
popeyAlanBell: ali1234 https://launchpad.net/qml-toolkit bug reporting now enabled11:30
AlanBellpopey: is that for the documentation as well as the toolkit or do I talk to dpm or someone about that?11:30
popeythats more for the toolkit itself11:31
popeyfor documentation, speak to mhall119 or dpm, yes11:32
AlanBellok, great11:32
ali1234what about design bugs?11:37
ali1234like the "resolution independence" thing11:37
AlanBellyeah, I was just wondering about that11:41
ali1234the only out and out bug i found is that ogg files won't play in Qt multimedia11:42
ali1234popey: what about bugs in the qt5 in the mobile sdk ppa?11:46
ali1234i didn't use any ubuntu specific QML at all; it was unecessary11:47
AlanBell1gu is quite big really11:56
popeyperhaps file them there and we can reassign11:58
popeybetter to get things recorded11:58
AlanBelljust did11:58
AlanBellso is this project manhatten?11:59
AlanBellbug 109634112:00
lubotu3bug 1096341 in UI Toolkit "GU image size advice is wrong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109634112:00
ali1234bug 109634512:06
lubotu3bug 1096345 in UI Toolkit "QML/Qt Multimedia won't play OGG files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109634512:06
ali1234AlanBell: mwc reference looks like a dead giveaway12:15
popeymwc reference?12:16
AlanBellhttps://launchpad.net/~bzoltan is the maintainer of that project and is a member of the manhattan team and not much else12:16
popeyZoltan does the SDK stuff12:17
ali1234and the timeline the last item is "mwc update"12:17
AlanBellwhich in turn leads to the project https://launchpad.net/manhattan/+series12:17
AlanBellnot that this is particularly revealing or anything12:17
ali1234it would have been if we had seen it last week12:17
ali1234but i guess thats why it has a silly codename etc12:18
neurothe phone project was codenamed the manhattan project?12:28
AlanBellso HUD stuff, if I run "UBUNTU_MENUPROXY="libappmenu.so" DESKTOP_SESSION='ubuntu' gnome-terminal" then gnome-terminal runs, but has an application menu and doesn't export the menu to dbus12:28
AlanBellrunning in a gnome shell session12:28
AlanBellneuro: they have a bunch of private placename projects12:28
neuronow i *really* have reservations12:29
neuroplease not to be shipping me a phone that can, you know, SPLIT FREAKIN' ATOMS12:29
neuroi don't want an OS with system specifications measured in kilotons or roentgens as well as MHz12:30
popeymanhattan being a city12:30
neuroand also the "Manhattan Engineering District"12:31
neurothat red bloom around the star at the top of the emblem looks awfully like that floaty swirly stuff around the circle on the phone lock screen ... sorry, welcome screen12:32
* AlanBell likes atom smashing12:32
AlanBellhiggs boson powered phone \o/12:33
penguin42AlanBell: Bit heavy aren't they?12:33
neurois that where you receive data packets before you request them?12:33
neurogoogle now has the generic female voice, siri has the binty voice in the US, weakest link guy here ... ubuntu phone would have THE GOD (particle) VOICE12:34
neuroi could totally do the voice of the phone12:35
neuroi do a mean Movie Trailer Man voice, i could do that12:35
AlanBelloh, I will turn on my speech synth12:35
neuro... ONE PHONE WILL RISE ...12:36
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
neuro... and with that phone, Apple will ultimately dominate the mobile market with their clean, usable UI and massive, stable development base.12:37
neuroIN THEATRES NOW.12:37
neuroactually, any lugradio/hashlugradio alumni in the vicinity may remember my Enemy Territory "plug" 30 second bit i did ...12:38
neurothat was almost my Movie Trailer Man voice12:38
ali1234it should have "the voice"12:38
neurojeez, i wonder if that's still kicking about12:38
neuroali1234: the weirding voice?12:39
ali1234YES THAT ONE12:39
neuronot sure i'd want a phone to have that12:39
ali1234well done for getting the reference12:39
ali1234i am happy now12:39
neuro"ANNNNNSWWWWEEEERRRRR TTTHHHEEE PPPPPHHHHOOOOONEEEEEEE ...." "Er, I must answer the phone, it seems, excuse me"12:39
neuropopey: oh dear god, i've found it: http://neuro.me.uk/projects/lugradio/audio/clan.trailer.mp312:41
popeyi miss our ET nights12:41
neurotimestamp 2005-03-18 05:0512:41
neurosome of the guys have been trying to start them up again12:42
neuroit's causing problems because the client is so frickin' old12:42
popeyi ended up playing on windows12:42
popeyalso the anti-cheat site went down12:42
Azelphurpopey: is there an XBMC remote for iPhone?12:42
neuroall the ones i tried before i switched to Plex were a bit naff12:43
popeyyes Azelphur12:43
Azelphuris it possible to link to things in the apple market like androids market:// links?12:43
Azelphurcool :)12:43
Azelphurah nice, I just give that link and if you qr code scan it on an iPhone it takes you straight to the store?12:44
ali1234i clicked on those mp3 links and rhythmbox crashed :(12:44
popeythere's a link on the page on the left12:44
popeytakes you to an itms:// link12:45
Azelphurah yes, cool ty :)12:45
* Azelphur is making a qr code for his TV 12:45
neuroand in the app store inside itunes, click the drop down next to the price/downloaded button, you can copy the http link for later shenanigans12:46
Azelphureven though it's a bit of an android fest around these parts, https://www.dropbox.com/s/8aq2gle8x1z50fq/2012-12-30%2002.53.03.jpg haha12:46
* neuro 's home is an apple home12:46
neuro(the ubuntu servers and two windows machines aside)12:47
AlanBellrunning notepad-qml it outputs "Connected to accessibility bus at:  "unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-zd04t68yLB,guid=52f7e497947d5291bfbd696650e821e9" "13:00
AlanBellbut it is silent in orca13:00
AlanBellali1234: do you know how rotation works? moving from portrait to landscape?13:02
ali1234in what respect?13:03
AlanBelldoes QML have some kind of notion of it?13:03
AlanBellI can't see anything in the ubuntu QML stuff about screen orientation and the videos all seem to be portrait only13:03
ali1234there is a sensor API in Qt mobility13:04
ali1234it has stuff like that13:04
ali1234it's not QML core though so ... that's why i was asking if it was available yesterday13:04
AlanBellI am more thinking of the UI transition and whether things should move about to take advantage of width13:04
ali1234QML is all about ttransition13:05
penguin42is it done as xrandr?13:05
ali1234well considering that QML runs on windows, mac, android, symbian as well, i'd say that's irrelevant13:08
ali1234AlanBell: stuff like this is why there's much more to it than just throwing together a load of open source stuff13:09
ali1234hardware adaption is serious business13:09
ali1234tbh i'm not convinced ubuntu phone even has a landscape mode yet13:10
ali1234i don't really seeing it happen in any of the demos13:10
AlanBellyeah, I was just wondering if that was available for free by using QML or if it was in the not-done pile. If they had done it as part of the project they would no doubt have shown it off13:14
ali1234well nothing in QML will work if you don't wire it up to your hardware13:15
bashrcHas anyone tried that qmlscene command?  I just get a segfault whenever I run it13:27
ali1234yes, it works for me13:31
ali1234try running it in gdb13:31
ali1234oh, did you add restart shell after running the install command? it adds stuff to the environment13:31
bashrcmaybe I need to restart13:36
bashrcstill the same segfault13:40
bashrcgdb indicates the problem is in libGL.so.113:41
* daubers has finally had his mop chopped15:10
AlanBellpics or it didn't happen15:10
popeyi should get mine done15:14
AlanBellare you going to CES?15:14
popeythankfully ☺15:16
ubuntubhoyAnyone care to spend the time to sort 12.04 not booting beyond 'checking battery state' please ??15:21
penguin42ubuntubhoy: Be careful, the actual text there is not necessarily the cause - that may be just the last thing printed before it went south15:36
penguin42yeh, adb shell on my cheapo Android TV dongle15:39
ali1234hmm, a question15:43
ali1234can you take a 32 bit binary, disassemble it to assembly code, and then rebuild it as 64 bit?15:43
sagacigood luck with that15:44
penguin42ali1234: There are ways of doing that; it's hard to do statically, easier to do dynamically15:44
ali1234i don't see a problem doing this. what could possibly go wrong?15:44
penguin42ali1234: There are a few problems15:44
penguin42ali1234: FOr example, the data structures returned by the kernel in 64bit mode are different/longer15:45
penguin42ali1234: Secondly finding all the code statically is very hard15:45
ali1234it's a windows device driver :P15:45
penguin42ali1234: It's normally simpler to wrap a 64bit wrapper around the victim and make calls to 32bit code whenever you need to do that; on linux you can do that for userspace code with libffi15:46
penguin42(and a lot of work)15:46
ali1234yeah... it's a device driver tho :)15:46
ali1234i want to use a 32 bit driver on 64 bit windows15:46
penguin42ali1234: I'm not sure what Windows offers for that; it's tricky - for example if the OS allocated a buffer in an area above 4GB and passed you a pointer what would you do?15:47
ali1234it offers nothing at all15:47
ali1234hmm good point15:48
ali1234for a wrapper15:48
ali1234but if i'm recompiling the whole thing as 64 bit, i'd do nothing15:48
ali1234i mean i could disassemble it, look at all the API calls and then rewrite it in C and rebuild for 64 bit, but it seems like a large part of that work could be automated15:49
penguin42ali1234: It's possible the OS has a way of saying 'hey allocate below 4GB please and make 32bit calls' but the other way is your wrapper has to copy data around15:49
ali1234it's a usb driver so it isn't writing directly into PCI memory or anything like that15:51
penguin42ali1234: Right, but the OS might pass you a buffer full of data15:56
ali1234yes, but always by a known documented API15:57
ali1234i wonder if you can "puppet" a windows driver into running in user mode15:58
ali1234then the 32 bit code could run15:58
penguin42ali1234: What type of driver?16:02
ali1234a TWAIN driver16:02
penguin42ah scanner?16:03
ali1234according to the internet you can take the drive for a different scanner and hack the IDs and it just works16:17
penguin42ali1234: I suspect that depends if they have the same underlying hardware - I guess a lot are the same hardware with a different label on16:18
ali1234they all use the same backend on sane16:18
penguin42ah well yeh16:19
penguin42can you just get sane for windows?16:19
ali1234only the crappy sane front end tool16:19
ali1234which just uses twain under windows16:19
directhexyes. but only for network scanners.16:19
ali1234(and there's a twain bridge too)16:20
ali1234hmm it partially works16:29
popeyAlanBell: see they want to do an askubuntu like stackexchange for openerp? http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/43481/openerp?referrer=DbZiUIEEr0odmpKS2kqovw216:50
AlanBellyup, I am one of the followers16:51
AlanBelldunno why it didn't link to my profile properly though, it picked up all your reputation and treated me like a newbie16:52
directhexhttp://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey - more than twice as many people running steam on 64 bit than 32 bit, even though only 32 bit is "supported"17:38
directhexon ubuntu, that is17:38
directhexmore people running ubuntu than 32-bit windows 817:40
directhexmore people running 64-bit ubuntu than 64-bit XP17:40
directhexall interesting stats IMHO17:40
penguin420.81% ubuntu (and I bet some of the other is Linux_ which maybe higher than I expected17:42
daftykinsyou ever get the feeling of deja vu when tagging new additions to your music collection 0o17:45
daftykinscould've sworn i've done this before >_<17:45
daftykinsdirecthex: are the games 64-bit native on Ubuntu? just the steam client that's 32?17:47
directhexdaftykins, some of the games are 64-bit native, but 64-bit native games cannot use the steam overlay or achievements17:49
daftykinshaha, oopsy17:49
daftykinsinteresting, thanks17:49
directhexdaftykins, there's only a 32-bit libsteam.so17:59
daftykinsis it really that hard to make things 64-bit? i thought it'd just be the format of the variables and that'd be it18:01
daftykinsthough, this is why i'm no coder ^_^18:01
penguin42So what's the sudden interest in qml?18:13
popeypenguin42: ubuntu phone18:14
popeysee http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/18:14
penguin42ah thanks18:14
penguin42popey: So that's qml driving unity/gnome?18:15
penguin42qml->qt->gnome ?18:16
popeygnome has nothing to do with it really18:16
penguin42well, what's the widget set - is it qt or gtk/gnome widgets?18:17
penguin42or nux?18:17
daftykinsthere been any news on all that EFI boot laptop bricking yet?18:37
penguin42daftykins: Yeh18:38
penguin42daftykins: It seems to only be a certain range of Samsungs, the current belief seems to be that it's the samsung-laptop kernel module that has a disagreement with the bios and they're going to disable that module from loading when in EFI mode18:39
daftykinsah-har, neat18:39
daftykinsthink some Macs were doing it too though?18:39
penguin42not heard of any bricking18:39
penguin42there are a lot of broken EFI bioses though; there have been reports of one that will only boot images with names of Windows version ... or RedHat Linux version ...18:40
penguin42and there was another Samsung one somewhere where it has some odd hidden menu options18:40
daftykinsi'm not fond of Windows EFI installs18:41
daftykinsextra hassle and no perceivable benefit18:41
daftykinsother than being GPT to get over the disk size limitation ofc18:41
daftykinsbut nobody sane installs an OS into a single partition on a 3+TB drive :D18:41
penguin42hmph, this is annoying; I've not got enough USB bits or the uSD card to carry on playing with my new toy18:41
daftykinswhat do you need? card reader?18:42
penguin42well, this thing has one USB socket and a uSD slot; so a powered USB hub would probably do it; or the uSD card that my Amazon vendor has screwed up sending me18:43
directhex... huh. colour me astonished: WP8 appears not to use any MTP-Z nonsense. plugged into ubuntu: works fine in nautilus. i can see my photos and stuff18:43
daftykinswhy on earth do you have one of those phones directhex ? :>18:44
directhexRingtones folder just contains an MP3 i pushed on via the windows sync app18:44
directhexdaftykins, because i really really really really really like the windows phone UX, and android gives me stomach ulcers18:44
daftykinsyou have no love for android? but it's lovely :>18:44
directhexandroid is the kde 3 of smartphones.18:45
daftykinstoo much UI prettification with mass slowdown and resource waste as a consequence? :>18:45
directhex...that's what i just said18:45
daftykinsjust checking!18:46
daftykinsat least they've finally begun optimising instead of just throwing faster hardware at it18:46
directhexi'll believe it when i see it18:48
directhexyou can't trust a new android phone, it degrades over time as badly as win9818:48
daftykinstrue, i suppose both carry on18:48
ali1234popey: you post my software on g+ and the license trolls are bugging me within 10 seconds :S18:49
daftykinsi haven't done anything about trying the solution to my Desire's 150MB /data issue yet18:49
ali1234"public domain isn't a real license"18:49
popeyso i see18:49
ali1234half tempted to switch license to BSD with a clause stating that the json guy can't use it18:50
ali1234i am such a troll18:50
ali1234so what's the diff. between BSD and MIT?18:59
Azelphurhttps://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/misc/2012/December/wifi.png thoughts? gonna stick this on my wall :P19:07
daftykinshaha nice19:08
daftykinssurely that's QR and not NFC though, unless you're gonna put some kinda tag beneath?19:08
ali1234and then set up a captive portal that renders webpages through that upside down proxy19:09
Azelphurgonna put a tag on the back of the sheet :)19:09
Azelphurali1234: rofl :p19:09
popeyor just capture all packets19:09
daftykinsAzelphur: really neat idea, think i shall do the same once i move out! how did you generate it?19:09
AzelphurI used the instawifi android app, it writes NFC tags and generates QR Codes19:11
popeydo the codes work with ios devices?19:12
Azelphurpopey: dunno, scan it! :p19:12
popeyoh yeah ☺19:12
popeyphone not to hand19:12
popeynot sure what I'd scan it with.. does it go to a url?19:13
popeyi mean, I have an app, but usually only use it for barcodes on products19:13
Azelphurit runs a wifi: URL19:13
daftykinsmy phone is so stupid at picking the right wireless network in this house ¬_¬19:15
daftykinsthey always want to pick the low signal one19:15
Azelphurso the QR code contains "wifi:S;Azelphur:T;WPA:P;wqpzsjyipeguyvrd;;"19:15
Azelphurdaftykins: same, haha19:15
popeydaftykins: which phone?19:15
* daftykins installs InstaWifi19:16
daftykinspopey: the old school HTC Desire19:16
popeyi find android devices hang onto a weak singnal19:16
daftykinsshe's 3 now, bless 'er19:16
popeyiphone and ipad seem to switch to the strongest one fine19:16
daftykinsi think it's just fail prioritisation19:16
popeyand ubuntu ☺19:16
Azelphurin my house Ubuntu always used to connect to the wrong AP19:16
daftykinsheh, had a feeling it'd require root, so it must read the wpa supplicant config19:17
Azelphuryea, I don't think it requires root, just optional extra19:17
daftykinsdid you screenshot the code out of the app, or use the share feature 0o19:18
Azelphurshare, emailed it to myself19:18
daftykinsah-ha :D19:18
daftykinsif the dev made it output to SVG that'd be neat19:19
AzelphurQR Codes scale pretty well anyway.19:19
daftykinsi love the ones in Borderlands 2 :>19:19
* Azelphur prints onto glossy paper19:19
Azelphurprinter falls over and dies.19:20
Azelphurand makes grinding noises19:20
Azelphuroshit -.-19:20
Azelphurthat does not sound healthy at all o.O19:20
AzelphurI think my printer doesn't like this glossy paper lol, it took it in a bit, announced that there was an error, I told it to paper feed and it started grinding and not doing a lot19:21
daftykinsprinters. glad i don't own one \o/19:22
Azelphurthink I put it in upside down, maybe that's why.19:23
daftykinsfinally culling some junk on my storage19:24
daftykinsso tempting to ditch all SD films XD19:24
=== IdleOne is now known as alacran
ali1234i want to drop all non-HD channel from my mythtv19:26
ali1234but i can't figure out how19:26
MartijnVdSali1234: mysql mythdb19:26
MartijnVdSali1234: DELETE FROM tv_channels WHERE19:26
ali1234yeah i know but i can't figure out that table for channels because it is insane19:26
MartijnVdSyeah I figured it wouldn't be that easy19:27
ali1234and they only come back when i retune anyway19:27
ali1234mythtv seriously needs a rewrite19:27
ali1234bored gnome developers should have done that instead19:28
ali1234the UI can't even work with a mouse let alone a touch screen19:28
popeywasnt someone forking it?19:29
ali1234not that i know of19:29
MartijnVdSis gnome-dvb still a thing/19:29
ali1234sounds good19:30
ali1234but... mythtv is so brittle i'm afraid to mess with it19:30
ali1234since it's working ok at the moment19:30
ali1234next time it breaks though...19:30
popeyevery time I moan about mythtv people suggest other options like VDR19:32
MartijnVdSVDR wants to take over your entire system, even more than MythTV19:32
MartijnVdSand last time I checked it was dead-ish as well19:33
MartijnVdSI mean.. their home page looks like it's from 199519:34
MartijnVdSand they mention "SUse 10 with 2.6.13"19:34
ali1234VDR is madness19:34
ali1234everyone who uses it is certifiably insane19:35
ali1234especially that "VDR_MAN" guy19:35
MartijnVdS"Unfortunately no public repository is being actively used for development of VDR on a patch-by-patch basis. "19:36
ali1234VDR is mythtv for people who grew up with  teletype terminals that print on paper19:36
MartijnVdSThe commits to the git repository are giant code bombs which mirror the tar files on the VDR homepage.19:37
MartijnVdSali1234: as I said, there's gnome-dvb19:37
MartijnVdSbut last time I used it it was .. flaky19:37
directhexgah, i'm so very close :/19:38
MartijnVdSit's supposed to work with a totem plugin19:38
Azelphurhow odd, my printer prints fine onto this random card I have sitting around19:39
Azelphurbut if I give it photo paper, it goes nuts19:39
MartijnVdSAzelphur: because photo paper is shiny?19:39
* Azelphur shrugs19:39
MartijnVdSali1234: I love the VDR linuxtv-wiki page:19:40
MartijnVdSali1234: TODO list19:40
MartijnVdSali1234: or, what needs to happen coz it's the freakin' 21st century already and splattering plugins, patches and scripts over 50+ websites and several forums and mailing lists is ueberlame:19:40
ali1234well, mythtv ain't much better :/19:41
ali1234and yeah yeah gnome-dvb19:41
daftykinsgah Explorer is so buggy >_<19:41
ali1234but that doesn't support headless operation, which is kind of a deal breaker19:41
ali1234come to think of it, i don't think VDR does either19:41
daftykinsdelete this folder please Windows 'no the thumbs.db file is locked' - but it's only locked because you locked it ¬_¬19:42
MartijnVdSali1234: I've switched to "timeout" + testdvb + szap19:42
ali1234i rolled my own system like that19:42
MartijnVdSali1234: it's ugly but I get huge .ts files that I can manipulate with avconv19:42
ali1234i had a full web interface that fetched xml files and it even streamed the live tv or recordings into a embedded vlc plugin19:42
ali1234and then i lost the code19:43
ali1234i don't even know how i lost it19:43
ali1234i might still have it somewhere but i've been looking for it for about 4 years19:43
MartijnVdStoo bad the DVB api is so hard to use from anything but C19:43
MartijnVdS(and even then..)19:43
ali1234well i just used the dvbstream + tzap19:43
ali1234and shellscripts on cgi19:43
MartijnVdSdvbstream doesn't work reliably for me :(19:44
ali1234and cron19:44
ali1234it was awesome19:44
ali1234i wish i still had it19:44
ali1234i would work much better these days, now that vlc and firefox doesn't suck19:44
MartijnVdSI've been thinking of making something proper in Python or Perl19:45
MartijnVdSbiggest problem is EPG storage/management19:45
ali1234i dumped listing to flat xml files19:45
ali1234with some shellscript i found19:46
MartijnVdSalso, the fact that "tuning" (szap) is separate from "viewing" (dvbstream)19:46
MartijnVdSI have 100mbit upstream now, so I could watch HD channels from home at work 8-)19:46
ali1234then the cgi would use cat and globbing to join them up into a listing for a channel between a time period19:46
ali1234EPG was the best part of it19:47
ali1234i'm now going to pointlessly grep my old harddrives for the code once more19:48
MartijnVdSto boldly grep where no man has grepped before19:48
ali1234well damn19:49
ali1234i've accidentally overwritten one of my external hard drives with an installation ISO19:49
ali1234that sucks19:49
ali1234wait, no i haven't19:50
ali1234it's just refusing to mount for some reason19:51
czajkowskipopey: http://i.imgur.com/p94e2.jpg  one for you19:51
ali1234oh, the cable isn't plugged in >.<19:51
daftykins130GB reclaimed deleting rubbish films19:52
daftykinsnot too bad19:52
daftykinsreally is therapeutic deleting things :>19:53
ali1234i accidentally /usr/bin the other day19:56
ali1234that was fun19:56
ali1234i was able to install --reinstall all packages from dpkg database though, so it was fixed quite easily19:57
Azelphurhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/2ejlj624exmmgk7/2013-01-05%2019.58.07.jpg finished job20:00
Azelphurwhy green paper? because my printer hates me.20:00
penguin42Azelphur: I assume that really causes people to redirect people to some random evil network20:02
Azelphurpenguin42: nope, it's actually functional and does what it says on the tin xD20:02
=== alacran is now known as IdleOne
popeyali1234: not so easy when /usr/bin and /bin are merged?20:08
ali1234doubt it would have made much difference actually20:09
ali1234nothing in /bin was actually useful except for /bin/sh20:09
ali1234i had to copy livecd /usr/bin into the system first20:09
solarcloud_3scrnhow descriptive of such acomment :D20:15
solarcloud_3scrnDoes anyone know how many of the distro's on distrowatch have a So-called 'App center' .. I'm thinking they such have come on a bit in the last few years ?20:16
solarcloud_3scrn**they should have ..20:17
popeyi expect most do20:18
popeyif you count "apt-get install foo" as an app centre20:18
solarcloud_3scrnDes anyone have the web-link for the wekly podcast over at distro-watch ??20:18
popeyits linked at the top of their site20:19
solarcloud_3scrngreat, thanks.20:20
solarcloud_3scrnWow, Bruc3 really sounds good in this one .. It's a year's summary .. Of course I must say, there are other podcasts .. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Podcasts20:22
daftykinshrmm, is there a way to work out what's causing so much IO in ubuntu server VMs?20:42
daftykinsany maintenance tasks perhaps that cause high IO briefly?20:43
ali1234hmm... i found it!20:45
jacobwali1234: you did?20:46
ali1234yes, i found the code that i lost for years20:46
daftykinsjacobw: ty sir20:46
ali1234it's basically a TV player app done as a html app20:46
ali1234except i did it before html apps were cool20:47
ali1234and instead of using a typical SQL/NOSQL database for the backend, it's all done with shell scripts and flat files20:48
ali1234it only needs a webserver with cgi and haserl20:48
ali1234gonna try to set it up...20:48
jacobwthat sounds great20:48
ali1234for the tv player you just need firefox and vlc plugin20:49
ali1234this would actually be really good for an androd tablet20:50
ali1234assuming you could get one that could play HD video20:50
jacobwi'd be interested to see it20:57
daftykinsah-har, keep seeing python appear doing landscape things. not sure if that's what's causing the activity yet though21:00
jacobwdaftykins: what kind of IO are you seeing?21:02
daftykinswell, i just see the hard disk get hammered occasionally in my server by seeing the light on, plus irssi on one of my VMs begins to chug when i'm only connected via local LAN21:02
daftykinsit's a dedi-VM disk21:03
jacobwlibvirt using a dedication disk?21:04
daftykinsnah vmware21:04
daftykinsWindows 7 host (gasp)21:04
jacobwwell, you could check IO in the VM then check that only vmware uses that disk from Windows and check that irssi isn't lagging with the server21:08
daftykinssure, it typed slowly as i heard the disk go so i'm pretty sure it's disk activity21:09
daftykinsi've got KiTTY sessions open with both VMs with iotop running now :>21:09
daftykinsthough it warns me... CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT not enabled in kernel, cannot determine SWAPIN and IO %21:10
daftykinsidentified it :)21:12
daftykinsfor some reason one VM is quite frequently running...21:12
daftykinspython /usr/bin/landscape-package-reporter --quiet21:12
daftykinsdamn you landscape! *shakes fist*21:12
jacobwsudo apt-get remove landscape-common21:13
daftykinssure could, better would probably be to de-reg the system21:13
daftykinsthanks anywho :)21:14
ali1234check it21:48
daftykinsno dataz21:49
jacobwthat's nice21:50
ali1234not only no dataz, it's also not executing any of the server side scripting at all21:50
ali1234that's how much of it is static21:50
* directhex continues to wait21:51
ali1234that's why you see the shell script, instead of the output from it21:51
ali1234i don't think i should fix the cgi, this code is hilariously insecure21:52
ali1234source if you want to play with it http://al.robotfuzz.com/~al/epg/epg.tar.gz22:01
ali1234don't put it on a public server though, unless you want to get owned22:01
ali1234hmm wait i already uploaded this http://al.robotfuzz.com/~al/random/epg.tar.gz and then forgot about it22:03
solarcloud_3scrnmark___ what .. shuttle.-buy-us-a-bus- worth ?22:49
solarcloud_3scrnobviously, he's not a bowler.22:50
solarcloud_3scrnpopey, hazchem signs n'again, popey  ??22:51
directhexDevice 0 (VID=0421 and PID=0661) is a Nokia Nokia Lumia WP8.23:53
directhexSending /data/Media/Music/FischerSpooner/Unknown Album/03. Emerge.mp3 to Music/Emerge.mp323:53
daftykinsthat not been done before?23:55
directhexnever worked properly in WP723:55
directhexand since wp8 can patch itself (unlike wp7 which needed the zune desktop app for patches), wp8 is no worse than iphone as a desktop linux user's choice23:57

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