
Zouavehey, I've got a Geforce 400 and is blacklisted for unity, so I run unity 2d. Any update on this situation ?10:12
ZouaveI don't want to rely on 12.04 with a soon-to-be obsolete unity 2d, and no ubuntu phone dev possible...10:13
Zouavetypo : Geforce Go 740010:13
mardyjbache: hi! I've a change to submit to qtdesktopcomponents (qt5), which I think could be easily testable by an auto test13:50
mardyjbache: can I add a tests/auto/ folder and all the stuff to get the automated tests run, or is there a reason why this hasn't been done already?13:51
jbachemardy: we are still trying to get CI working on playground projects13:51
jbachemardy: try out this patch and see if it works for you. We will try to push it next week https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,4361213:51
mardyjbache: I cannot generate a Makefile for tests.pro; looks like the "tests" directory isn't picked up by qmake13:58
jbachemardy: please comment on the gerrit page13:59
mardyjbache: I don't think it's a bug, but just me missing something :-)13:59
mardyjbache: also other Qt modules don't mention the "tests" directory in their main .pro file, yet there it works14:00
jbachemardy: there are some other patches for autotests by Liang (lqi), you might want to take a look at those too14:01
jbachemardy: as you can see, this is work in progress14:02
mardyjbache: mmm... I seem to be missing the QtTest QML plugin; maybe the Ubuntu packages are missing it14:06
jbachemardy: careful about the Ubuntu packages. Afaik it is only Beta 2 of Qt 514:07
jbachemardy: I am sure that will be resolved before the final though14:07
mardyjbache: there are packages from the rc2 as well14:07
jbachemardy: ah allright. But yes, I suggest you just get the binaries from the qt-project site14:08
jbachemardy: Actually we already depend on a small patch to qttest which is not released yet14:09
mardyjbache: OK. For the time being I'll push to gerrit without adding tests, I'll revisit the thing next week14:09
jbachemardy: allright14:10
mardyjbache: mmm... when I try to instantiate Dialog in qt5 it tells me that the QtQuick.Window module is not installed; I guess that's a problem of the Ubuntu packages14:24
jbachemardy: certainly.14:26
mardyjbache: now that I got a working qt5 installation, the Dialog class is still broken. I'll submit a fix, hopefully today16:41
ben_Forgive me if I'm in the incorrect irc, but I have a bit of a problem and need to ask for help..17:27
ben_I have an issue where sound ceases to function after a suspend/resume cycle, I have found the fix others claim works where you disable auto mute in alsamixer, but for me that option just isn't in alsamixer.. anyone have a fix for me?17:28
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
markmmIs it possible for unity to remember which apps/windows I had and restore them at next login? 12.1022:22
mhall119markmm: technically the gnome-session-manager would do that22:45
mhall119but it requires apps to know about it and work with it22:45
mhall119and most apps sadly don't22:45
markmmmhall119, Bummer, might try scripting it somehow23:14

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