[02:05] wrst: I'm just glad to have a weekend off [02:05] now if only I wasn't sick [03:03] cyberanger: what do you have? [03:06] wrst, http://chris4585.tumblr.com/post/39709970624/i-received-my-rosewill-computer-case-today-and [03:46] wrst: guessing common cold mixed with allergies [03:47] aside from the allergies & issues speaking, a rare (3-5 hour apart for the bad ones, one hour for mild) cough [03:47] no symptoms to make sense out of [03:56] cold is at least manageable misery [03:57] looks good chris4585 [03:57] aside from talking, isn't really any misery [03:57] wrst, thanks, I spent about 2hrs on it [03:57] just slowly doing things right the first time [03:57] chris4585: still pulling it up (running firefox with trickle, simulating a satphone) [03:58] just type don't talk cyberanger [03:58] cyberanger, hows that working? [03:59] chris4585: working like a slow charm (doing it's job perfectly though, shows me what I needed to know, what sites will work ok, what sites are just too big, and what ones fight with squid cacheing proxy) [04:01] ah sounds good [04:05] my filter tried blocking it for the word porn (tags: ...computerporn) [04:06] easy to fix (I did say I use squidguard with squid, yes? well no I have) [04:06] chris4585: nice, nice [04:08] lol cyberanger that is funny, well a few people post in the computerporn tag... so that is basically what it is [04:08] cyberanger, thanks, I tried to make it look good [04:10] yeah, overzealous filter (it's doing it's job though, if this mission trip in june happens, I'll be overprepared for nigeria) [04:30] well it caught my naught naughty computerporn tag [04:30] it'll probably be safe [04:35] lol [04:37] * Ubik is setting up a paypal link you all can donate to him a new computer [04:50] Hi all [04:53] hey ComputerChic [04:54] Ubik: only if I get a new ATA or a really nice IP Phone [04:56] Is this channnel on mumble? [05:01] good question, idk [05:05] If not, this channel def get on it.. I use it and love to voice everyone from the Linux Distro Community. [05:05] should [05:08] talking about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mumble_%28software%29 [05:09] Yes [05:18] I could set up a channel on Mumble. [05:19] cyberanger: actually [05:19] the link is to donate for me a new computer.. cause you sent me a link that killed my old one [05:19] so now I have to use the library computers [05:21] two issues with that, issue #1, I've said windows isn't a good operating system, and gave you a live disc, haven't I (I haven't? opps) and two, the library is closed, you aren't breaking & entering again, are you [05:22] of course I am [05:22] oh, and score... ATL got shut down today lol [05:22] over an electric toothbrush :) [05:23] * cyberanger calls a friend at the sherrifs office, think he works public relations, sure Ubik knows him too ;-) [05:25] suspicious vibration, eh [05:26] yeah [05:26] what have we come to as a society? [05:29] a bunch of book reading, trespassing, toothbrush wielding terrorists [05:30] yeah [05:30] wonder when I'll get flagged for having a kindle, as well as side-loading books into it instead of buying from the store? [05:30] heck, I even "checked out" a WikiLeaks-related Kindle book from the CPL [05:33] lol [05:33] wow, not where I was going with that, but hey, even funnier [05:34] lol