
Kilosmorning superfly and all others06:08
magespawnmorning Kilos07:01
Kiloshi there magespawn 07:01
Kilosdid you get to sleep after all07:02
magespawnlast  night at about 1007:02
Kilosuseless trying in the day with family around07:03
Kiloseven grown up ones07:03
magespawnand luckily the kids sleep late when they are up late07:06
Kilosnot just kids. sis and swaar still asleep as well;07:07
magespawnand the wife, mom and kids going out, so might just catch a snooze when they do07:12
Kiloshi tuxmaster 07:12
tuxmasterhello kilos 07:13
tuxmasterhave any of you heard of a place called New Horizons?07:15
Kilosmagespawn, do you know how to see if the 12.04 download iso is 12.04.3 or .4 yet or is it always 12.04.107:16
Kilosnope tuxmaster where is it07:16
magespawndo not know either way, mightnalways be 12.04.107:17
Kilosekk thats bad07:17
magespawns/mightnalways/ might always07:17
Kiloseek too07:17
magespawnhey tuxmaster 07:17
tuxmasterits some computer training place in Cape Town, im wondering about their legitimacy07:18
Kiloswhen you home lemme give you the commands to make and updated cd/dvd07:18
Kilostuxmaster, ask your question in the mailing list too07:19
Kilosalso hang here someone will know07:19
Kiloshave you joined the list tuxmaster ?07:20
tuxmasterno havent yet , im  gonna join now07:20
magespawnyou can paste them now if you want Kilos 07:21
Kilosi forget how to join07:21
Kilosthey on maverick i go fetch07:21
magespawntuxmaster here is the maiking list link https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-za07:23
tuxmasterthanks magespawn07:23
Kilosits as i kept it so i can understand so pasted07:25
KilosMaaz, list join07:26
Kilosremember that magespawn 07:27
magespawnyes Kilos, will try07:27
Kilosyou can get it from slexy hey07:28
Kilosor you want the commands here?07:29
magespawngot it ty, stored it in evernote07:31
Kilosgot that from the crashkid long time back07:31
Kiloswith lucid i think07:32
Kilosyou just change precise to next one if im not mistook07:32
Kilosif i can stay awake tonight i will do it with 12.0407:40
magespawnKilos: could you not do it automatically?08:08
magespawnoff for now, later all08:16
Kilosthat takes brains and i wont see whats happening08:21
* Squirm stretches09:13
kbmonkeyhello ubuntuers09:19
Kiloshiya kbmonkey 09:20
Kilos2 days running09:20
Kilosthings are looking up09:20
kbmonkeynext step is to get crash kid to review it09:21
Kilosdont you think it needs some polishing. the fly said there was some work that could be done on it but he didnt have time09:22
Kilosi have no idea how it works so cant comment09:23
kbmonkeyindeed, it is version 009:23
Kilosim happy but one would want to go to crashkid with a perfect product hey?09:25
Kilosif he was still here he could have even discussed it with you too09:25
Kilosits tough with him here for 1min every few months09:26
Kilosanyway you know how to auth yourself now so its all in your hands09:27
Kilosif you found your password that is09:28
kbmonkeyi have but it wont accept. i dont think its the freenode password it wants09:29
kbmonkeymust be another password set in the bot config09:29
kbmonkeymake sense, as ibid does not rely on freenode auth09:29
kbmonkeyits a seperate system09:29
kbmonkeyplus it would a terribly bad practice passing passwords to third parties09:30
Kilosyes your freenode password when you registered you nick09:33
Kiloso my09:34
Kilosof course09:36
Kilosfool me09:36
Kilosyou modern peeps say my bad09:45
kbmonkeymy sis is back from overseas. going to say hi10:19
kbmonkeyhave a good day Kilos 10:19
kbmonkeyand all ubuntuers10:19
Kilosyou too kbty10:19
inetprogood mornings10:26
* Kilos bows10:28
Kilosi go eat11:05
superfly*yawn* good morning all11:27
Kiloshi superfly 11:27
Squirmoh dear11:36
Squirmit's Saturday11:36
Kiloswhat you forgot Squirm 11:37
SquirmI start work on Monday11:37
Squirmat least I go back to a 16mb line11:37
Squirmwell, we should be setting it up on Monday11:38
Kiloslo ludo11:43
Squirmhello Cantide 12:51
Cantidehi Squirm :)12:53
Kiloshi Cantide 13:42
Cantidehello, Kilos :)13:52
Kiloshi magtie 14:13
magtieHi Kilos14:13
Kiloshi Mezenir 16:46
=== nlsthzn_ is now known as nlsthzn
Kiloshi nlsthzn 16:52
nlsthznhiya uncle Kilos 16:52
Kiloshows things your side?16:52
Kiloswith the loco and all16:52
nlsthznsame old same old... tad busy time thus far to worry about loco stuff16:53
nlsthzngnight all17:05
Kilosnight nlsthzn 17:06
Kilossleep tight17:06
Cantidenight everyone~17:23
Kilosnight can17:23
smileeeHallo :)17:33
Kiloshi smileee 17:54
Kiloswhats the significance of the extra ee17:54
Kilosit just wears out my tab key17:54
=== smileee is now known as smile
smilesmile is back ;)17:55
Kiloswb smile 17:55
smilemaybe I'll just  change my name to s, lol :P17:55
smilethanks XD17:56
Kerberosmile: hoi18:18
smileKerbero: alles goed? :p18:20
Kiloshoi Kerbero 18:20
Kerberoja alles is prima hoor18:21
Kilosyou been away?18:21
Kerberokwam terug naar huis vandaag18:21
Kerberowas 3 weken bij de ouders18:22
Kilosa goed uitgerus18:22
Kerberote veel18:22
Kerberodie ouers gaan slaap 10h in die aand18:22
Kilosek ook18:22
Kerberoen dit na ek gewoond is om eers 1h te gaan slaap18:22
Kerberodit krap die patroon om en dan is ek 5:30 soggens wakker terwyl die ander nog slaap18:23
Kerbero"dan moet jy maar opstaan en iets doen"18:23
Kerberowel as daar iets te doen was sou ek nie 10h saam met hulle gaan slaap het nie18:24
Kilosai het jy nie n rekenaar saam gevat nie18:24
Kerberostadige internet18:24
Kilosstadige internet werk goed op irc18:25
Kerberoen halfpad deur raak die cap ook nog op18:25
Kerberoek was op irc, maar daar was niemand anders nie18:25
Kerberoai al die probleme18:25
Kilosek is elke dag hier18:25
Kilosspesiaal vir eensames18:25
smileKerbero: lang! :p18:35
smile(3 weken)18:35
smileleuk, Kerbero ?18:35
Kerberode eerste week is leuk18:36
Kerberodaarna niet meer zo18:36
magespawnevening all18:37
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloshi måge18:43
Kilosmagespawn, 18:43
Kilosdunno what happened there18:43
magespawnwhats up Kilos?18:43
Kilosbeen parking off magespawn 18:44
Kilosand you?18:44
magespawnyup vegging nicely18:44
magespawnonly for the weekend though then back to kzn on Monday18:48
Kilosenjoy while you can18:48
magespawnhey Kerbero, smile 18:50
smileKerbero: oke.18:50
smilemagespawn: hallo ;)18:50
Kiloshi Squirm 18:59
SquirmTrixar_za: http://get.beetagg.com - It's a QR code reader. works so much better than the one I had on my blackberry. or it's just this 5MP camera as apposed to 119:25
Trixar_zaMight be19:32
Trixar_zaBtw, on via the phone19:32
Trixar_zaBoth here and on whatsapp19:32
smilebyee :)19:37
nuvimobaloha 19:54
nuvimobmaaz: hey19:54
MaazHello nuvimob19:54
Kilosnuvimob, lewe jy nog?19:55
nuvimobdoes anyone know how long on average it takes to resize an ntfs formatted drive? 19:56
nuvimobhi oom! 19:56
nuvimobjip, nog springlewendig 19:56
Kilosresize met wat19:56
nuvimobgaan dit goed met oom? 19:56
Kilosen hoe groot is die ntfs drive19:56
Kilosja dankie seun 19:57
nuvimobdis met die installation tool - ek is nie seker wat dit gebruik nie19:57
nuvimob300 gb19:57
Kilosn 2g drive gaam vinnig maar n 2tb vat lank19:57
Kiloswatse instalation tool19:58
Kilosxp of 719:58
nuvimobEk wil dit kleiner maak tot 60-240 (of dit wat beskikbaar is) 19:58
nuvimobxubuntu se install tool19:58
Kilosglo nie langer as twee ure nie19:58
Kiloshang af wat moet als skyf19:58
nuvimobEk gebruik dit want win 7 s'n wil dit net met die helfte kleiner maak19:59
Kilosms gooi mos goet orals op n skyf19:59
nuvimob! 2 ure? 19:59
* nuvimob paas uit19:59
Kilosas daar nie baie ms goed op is nie sal die 30 min vat of so19:59
nuvimobEk het gedefrag en chkdsk20:00
nuvimobpagefile afgesit voor defrag 20:00
Kilosja maar as jy mooi kyk is daar files that belong in beginning middle and end of drive20:01
nuvimobai, ek het so 'n idee ek het dalk dit op gemors 20:02
Kiloslinux gooi dit als in die begin en kry klaar20:02
Kilosnee man die resize werk mooi20:02
nuvimobwant die xubuntu install het my nie die opsie gegee om langs windows te installeer nie20:03
nuvimobso nou wil ek die resize doen en kyk wat my opsies is 20:03
nuvimobdie selfde install het mooi gewerk op my broer se lappy, so ek weet nie wat is fout is nie20:04
Kiloshet jy n paar keer probeer20:05
Kilossnaaks dat dit nie alongside wil doen niwe20:06
nuvimobEk het so idee dis iets met windows wat dit doen. Die verskil is dat my broer se lappy 7 home het,  en my pa s'n 7 pro20:06
Kiloswatse partisie tool gebruik xubuntu?20:07
nuvimobnee dis die eerste keer dat ek probeer oom.  Ek het geslaap... Ek ry more terug,  so ek kan nie nou fouteer nie. As dit die geval is, sal ek net windows heeltemal afhaal. 20:08
nuvimobdis die ding, ek weet nie oom20:08
Kilosdis vinniger20:08
Kilosmaak klein win part 20:08
nuvimobEk het geen idee waar die wind 7 disk is nie. Ook nie skoon dvd's nie. Lol,  ek is nou in 'n hoek20:10
Kiloshoekom moet win daar bly20:10
Kilosspeel pa games20:10
nuvimobnee oom, hy speel op Ubuntu. Ek het wel eenkeer gesukkel om die wifi aan te sit en toe kon ek dit net op kry met windows20:12
Kiloshi charl_ 20:13
Kilosnou sit net ubuntu op20:13
Kilosgooi weg windows dan is jy nou nou klaar20:13
charl_hi Kilos 20:14
charl_how's it going20:14
Kilosgood ty20:14
Kilosand you?20:15
nuvimobEk wonder of 'n mens die recovery partition hou as jy windows replace 20:15
nuvimobhowdy charl_20:15
Kilosnee ek het 7 af gehaal en 12.04 kde opgestit20:16
Kilosen dit vra moet dit grub in sda sit of ander plek20:16
Kilosas jy sda kies is win weg20:16
superflynuvimob: *pounce*20:21
inetprosuperfly: don't do that to me!20:21
* inetpro will get a heart attack20:22
charl_hi nuvimob 20:22
superflyinetpro: eh?20:22
* nuvimob is pounced on20:22
nuvimobhowdy superfly 20:22
charl_hi superfly 20:22
nuvimoblol inetpro20:22
superflynuvimob: please set aside some time on Wednesday the 5th of June20:22
inetproto much noise with the pouncing :-)20:22
nuvimober, lo I meant 20:22
charl_hi inetpro 20:24
charl_long time no see on irc... you have been silent?20:24
nuvimobsuperfly: ok cool! Looking forward to that time20:24
nuvimoboom Kilos, wat is naamgenoot in Engels? 20:25
Kiloswat is dit in afrikaans20:26
charl_no man it's a person with the same name20:26
charl_or not?20:27
nuvimobthat's correct20:27
nuvimobokay, so plunging with xubuntu-only20:28
charl_oh i see, that is indeed a namesake in english: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namesake20:28
charl_seems like i never understood the english term, i thought it had a different meaning20:29
Trixar_zaIt's somebody or something you share a name with20:30
Trixar_zaIt's also a pretty good webcomic20:30
Trixar_za^ see20:31
inetprocharl_: me!? Never!20:31
inetprocharl_: Happy New Year!20:31
charl_inetpro, thanks! you too!20:35
Kilospoor langjan 12.10 has rally made his life tough20:37
Kilosand sflr has deserted us20:39
Kiloscharl_, i may be stupid but im not a fool20:49
Kilosat times i give the right advice20:49
Kilosfew and far between the times but20:50
charl_some people say "i might be crazy but i'm not stupid"20:59
Kilosnuvimob, that install should be done already20:59
charl_besides, if you want advice on english i shouldn't be the one to answer in any case :D20:59
Kiloslol me too21:00
nuvimobit is oom21:00
nuvimobbusy setting up apt-mirror21:00
Kilosmy dad used to say after everything ive taught you you still know nothing21:00
Kiloshe didnt know eish21:01
Kilosnight all. sleep tight21:05
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
charl_night all!21:22
magespawnthere is a joke about that 'I may be crazy but I am not stupid'21:29
magespawnnight all22:22
superflynight magespawn22:35

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