
GeorgeJI'm running Ubuntu 12.10. I've installed deluged and deluge-web. The problem is: deluged comes with an init script in /etc/init.d, which, as long as I can tell tells upstart when the service starts, here's the file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1497703/. The problem is, I wrote an upstart job for deluge-web as such: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1497681/. However, when I do sudo service deluged start, it does not also start deluged-web. 00:01
GeorgeJWhat could I be doing wrong? sudo service deluge-web start works just fine.00:02
xnoxdon't use start-stop-daemon00:24
xnoxsetuid/setguid commands are available as upstart stanzas, see upstart cookbook00:25
xnoxi don't know if umask is needed00:25
xnoxGeorgeJ: increase upstart verbosity (see cookbook) and then fully stop everything, start deluged and inspect what events are emitted. Maybe deluged fails to start? or is already running (aka -web missed the event already)00:29
GeorgeJxnox: I stopped both services(and checked to make sure). And then just started deluged, to no avail.00:30
GeorgeJI'll check how to increase verbosity.00:30
GeorgeJxnox: I've added --verbose, should the log not be /var/log/syslog?00:44
xnoxdmesg or syslog, can't remember. And it's with initctl call not "--verbose" =/ how did you increase verbosity?00:45
xnoxhttp://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#initctl-log-priority set to debug level00:46
xnox$ sudo initctl log-priority debug00:46
GeorgeJI've added --verbose to the linux line in grub.00:46
xnoxoh... extreme =)00:49
GeorgeJI've stopped and started ufw(which has an upstart job in /etc/init), but got no events in /var/log/kern.log /var/log/syslog and /var/log/dmesg :(00:50
GeorgeJEven even done sudo initctl log-priority debug00:50
xnoxGeorgeJ: I got them in $ dmesg00:52
* xnox ponders why they are there and not elsewhere.00:52
GeorgeJxnox: Yes, it seems that `dmesg` indeed show the events. But not for my script, meh :(00:56
GeorgeJWell, not MY script, that script.00:57
xnoxand you removed init-script and only have upstart jobs at this point?00:57
GeorgeJNo, I have the init script. I don't like to remove files that were installed by packages.00:58
xnoxbut then you have clashing names.... 01:00
xnoxGeorgeJ: and it's config files under /etc/ you are safe to modify/remove them. If you want audit, install etckeeper that does version control the whole /etc.01:00
GeorgeJxnox: Cool!01:02
GeorgeJWell, the installed init script is at /etc/init.d/deluged and it starts deluged just fine.01:03
* xnox thought you are rewriting it to be an upstart job?! no?!01:03
GeorgeJI want to start another binary called, deluge-web, so I've added http://paste.ubuntu.com/1497681/ at /etc/init/deluge-web/conf01:03
xnoxah.. I see.01:03
GeorgeJOh no, I'm adding one.01:03
xnoxI have no clue if sysv scripts emit events that upstart jobs can see.01:05
GeorgeJWell, there's no reason I'd assume so either, but the init script(http://paste.ubuntu.com/1497703/) contains start-stop-daemon, is that not the script telling upstart that the daemon started?01:07
xnoxGeorgeJ: you can cheat and in `deluge-web` pre-start stanza do `service deluge start`.01:07
xnoxGeorgeJ: no.01:08
GeorgeJAha! Then that's completely understandable.01:08
GeorgeJNah, I just start deluge-web independently, it shouldn't really matter in this case. I'll just bug the package maintainer to remove the init scripts and add the proper upstart jobs!01:09
xnoxinitscripts are big pile of crap, there is an upstart-sysv bridge that can manage and run them in a similar fashion to upstart jobs, but I don't know which events get emitted, if any.01:09
xnoxGeorgeJ: yeap, file a bug on launchpad requesting an upstart job against that package.01:10
GeorgeJxnox: Hmm, is there a template, or an existing such bug request I could use to make it easier? I've never really filed a bug before. Or, should I just describe my problem?01:11
xnoxGeorgeJ: `ubuntu-bug deluge` follow promts and type "please provide an upstart job" you may want to say that you have other upstart jobs that depend on that one.01:13
xnoxGood night!01:15
GeorgeJxnox: Thank you very much! Good night!01:15
AeyounHi. I have a problem with deb packaging. Every file in debian/* is copied over to the build-area *except* for the upstart file so it fails to be detected by dh_installinit and is not included in the package. Hoping there is some knowledge overlapp here so I can get some help.17:13
AeyounI have studied other deb packages and cannot see that any of them are doing anything different from what I am doing.17:14
SpamapSAeyoun: the file should be named packagename.upstart or packagename.jobname.upstart17:35
AeyounSpamapS, I have tried naming it upstart, packagename.upstart, and packagename.jobname.upstart. all fail. (All are valid, though. The dh_installinit util looks for all of them.)17:36

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