
ballI just mounted a disk that used to be the system disk on a Xubuntu box02:45
ballI see lots of directories but no files.02:45
ballOh hang on, there are files on there.02:46
ball...just not in the user's home directory02:46
ballI must have cleared it out before removing the disk.02:47
ballWhat would I use to partition a hard disk on Xubuntu?02:49
kgbthe installer, to empty space03:00
* kgb checks his glasses03:01
kgbball: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition03:01
LiquidedgeI upgraded to 12.10 and now I can't see the "Network" option in Thunar.03:02
Liquidedgeany ideas why that might be?03:02
grok_ball, Maybe, the home was mounted in /etc/fstab from another partition or disk?03:02
kgbLiquidedge: maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207682003:05
LiquidedgeEverything on gvfs is installed in Synaptic.03:06
kgbhehe looks like he's got a blog http://surffingtoday.blogspot.com/2012/10/ubuntu-forums-xubuntu-1210-upgrade_26.html03:06
kgbor im just being blind again03:07
ballkgb: thanks03:07
* kgb hides03:07
ballgrok_: Would it have subdirectories inside it if it were a mountpoint though?03:10
grok_You can mount something over a non-empty directory, the contents of the directory will be hidden by the mount.03:10
ballI'm assuming that I backed everything up before pulling the drive.  I'm using dd to write zeroes over the whole thing now.03:12
grok_Hm, No need to zero it all, just the first 512 MBs.03:12
grok_... if your intention is just to reformat.03:12
grok_sorry, the first 512 bytes.03:12
ballgrok_: I may do.  For now I'm just doing an informal inventory of disks.  I'm zeroing out the ones I might recycle, just in case I never get around to reusing them.03:13
LiquidedgeJust re-installed gvfs and still have the same problem.03:21
ball20020331520 bytes (20 GB) copied, 1308.03 s, 15.3 MB/s03:34
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
dcopehello all04:22
dcopehello all04:22
holsteindcope: hey.. feel free to /join the offtopic channel for chat.. cheers and welcome04:30
ballhello dcope04:39
dcopehow does ones install https://github.com/BlueDragonX/xf86-input-mtrack?05:08
dcoperunning configure doesn't seem to do much05:08
=== torminator is now known as Guest1083
=== phunyguy_t430s is now known as phunyguy
taneki wanted to talk to some people about the Alias command, can i do that here or what is the proper channel for that?06:49
OfferlamHi all - Have anyone tried to install Xubuntu on a DL380 G5 HP server?06:59
Offerlamim having major issues with it07:00
aLeSDhi all09:57
aLeSDIs there a way to make my xubuntu 12.10 do not ask me for the keyring passwd each time I logon ?09:58
grok_alesd: http://xubuntu.org/news/faq-1204-precise/ point 710:00
grok_Alternatively, when reinstalling, choose "Login automatically" from within the installer wizard.10:00
aLeSDgrok_: it's not the auologin10:00
aLeSDis after I login... I open the browser10:00
aLeSDand a window pops up telling me to ensert the password to unlock the keyring10:01
grok_oh I'm sorry then, I don't know what is a keyring actually.10:13
mahmoud__I installed XAMPP but I cannot start it10:23
mahmoud__I unpacked to /opt but I can't find any "start"10:24
bazhang!xampp | mahmoud__10:29
ubottumahmoud__: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.10:29
mahmoud__so where is the rc.local file?10:39
drupnewbhi i have xubuntu 12.10 and a custom .Xmodmap in my home dir and it's never read when xfce starts, i need to manually run xmodmap .Xmodmap each time10:43
drupnewbis this /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc the xfce init script? inside there is a xmodmap command but never is executed10:44
drupnewbalso nothing about xmodmap in .xsession-errors10:45
drupnewbany other place where i can put it? it doesn't work in .bashrc either10:46
=== Catbuntu is now known as Neshemah
xubuntu071Does anybosy uses hear Acer timeline series laptop?13:41
xubuntu812Guys.  I just installed Xubuntu on my netbook and I can14:05
xubuntu812*cant connect to my wireless network14:05
xubuntu812It doesn't detect my wifi14:05
xubuntu812How do i search for broadcom drivers on xubuntu?14:06
=== GrapeApe is now known as GrapeAway
pleia2xubuntu812: if you open the software center there should be a section for proprietary drivers14:36
pleia2(not on my 12.10 laptop at the moment, can't check)14:36
dcopehey al14:42
=== crond is now known as Guest12582
=== crondd is now known as crond
dcopehey all, how can i change my touchpad driver? i've just installed a new one15:57
xubuntu207After installing one tar.gz file I can't install this type of files anymore.The error codes are E: Unable to locate package lmule-1.3.1 and E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'lmule-1.3.1'.Any help would be appreciated.16:49
kireck211i cant browse or download anything17:37
kireck211but it says im connected17:37
kireck211my router is a dlink17:37
kireck211somebody can help me17:37
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=== rslacke is now known as |Slacker|
viszuHi, how do I disable F1 key in the xfce terminal, so it do nothing instead of opening online help ?17:55
Pol_Ciao a tutti, รจ la prima volta che mi connetto a questa chat...posso disturbare qualcuno x un problemino? : )18:30
Pol_hi guys, it's the first time i try to use this chat room...can i disturb someone of you because of a problem with xubuntu-boot?18:36
=== Neshemah is now known as Catbuntu
mursetkungfresh install xubuntu 12.04 on a dell latitude 13, whenever I resume after suspend my wireless connects, but although it says so, internet connection is not working. Must rightclick icon and deselect "Enable wireless" and select "Enable wireless" then it works again. Any solution?19:03
tarnekhow do i change the starting root directory name when i first open terminal, also, how do i make a macro picture appear when i first start terminal19:13
=== IdleOne is now known as alacran
=== alacran is now known as IdleOne
nantouis it easier now to set a proxy for the whole xubuntu system? im with 12.1020:25
kgbnantou: it can be done, but why not do app-specific20:27
nantouto avoid data leakage20:28
nantoukgb, any tips?20:35
tora_I have a problem when recording audio output from pulse with Xubuntu. I didn't experience this with Ubuntu 12.04. It is independant of the method I use to record [avcon or sox], and is basically a slowed audio.21:05
tora_I belive I have a Dell/Intel problematic sound card on my Laptop, but used to work ok before this upgrade.21:09
tarnek    first, when i start my terminal it comes up with a stupid startup directory, how do i change it to something i want it to say      second, ive seen people load terminals and a macro picture (ascii) pictures appear, how do you do that so when you start your terminal your picture appears  >>21:24
Arhixim trying to open a file that i have downloaded and need help opening the file from terminal commands22:20
ilssafter updating my xubuntu is with a black screen error and it does not leave22:48
xubuntu281Hi, just trying xubuntu on my computer- running from disc- how do I get it off?23:45
heoyeapull plug23:45
Barnabasxubuntu281, reboot and remove the disc / usb stick or whatever you use23:50

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