=== dayangkun_ is now known as dayangkun === glebihan_ is now known as glebihan === amithkk_ is now known as amithkk [05:47] Can I work with someone here on this question I asked: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/218421 [05:48] ... or is it better to wait for comments on LP itself? [05:50] ihashacks: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading#Using_packages_from_other_distributions [06:06] so now I have ~/.dput.cf with http://paste.ubuntu.com/1502508/ [06:06] and I run 'dput backports-force-quantal nmap_6.25-1_source.changes' [06:06] but still get 'Error: uploading files for distribution UNRELEASED to backports-force-quantal not allowed.' [06:06] oh, heh, that's local error :) [06:07] it's referring to what's in debian/changelog [06:07] or more specifically in the source.changes file [06:12] holy hell, all I had to do was "sed -i 's/UNRELEASED/unstable/g' debian/changelog" [06:12] Is that a standard procedure or something with how nmap got built during my bzr from quantal and merge-upstream? [06:13] ihashacks: normally you'd use the Ubuntu release in question in there [06:13] I kinda thought that, but the existing one had "unstable" everywhere... probably becauze I merge-upstream'ed it? [06:14] ihashacks: that's because we have no diff from Debian [06:17] nvm, I look down further and there are references to jaunty [06:18] wow, so simple - I swear I google'd that and searched on answers.launchpad.net first! [06:18] Successfully uploaded packages. [06:18] tyvm! [06:18] sure [06:38] you were right. unstable was rejected, but quantal was accepted. === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [12:22] Hi. “Version older than that in the archive. 1.0-0~4~quantal1 <= 1.0-0ubuntu1~ppa”. The first number is from the daily build receipt and the latter is from dput upload. Why would the daily builds ise a different version number? How should I resolve this? [15:29] hi, for some reason I keep getting this from launchpad : dget: curl kio-mtp_0%2Bgit20130104-0ubuntu1~ppa1.dsc https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+files/kio-mtp_0%2Bgit20130104-0ubuntu1~ppa1.dsc failed [15:29] when I try to use : dget -xu https://launchpad.net/\~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+files/kio-mtp_0%2Bgit20130104-0ubuntu1\~ppa1.dsc [15:31] ah there we go === \u03b5 is now known as Guest88690 === epsy is now known as Guest29969 === epsy_ is now known as \u03b5 === ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch