=== dayangkun_ is now known as dayangkun === glebihan_ is now known as glebihan [06:08] Hmm... any reason why System76 machines aren't listed on http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/ [11:46] hi [12:38] hi [13:04] mesquka: hi [13:05] How are they going on with the ubuntu phone, how far are they? [13:06] they are busy showing the phone to the visitors on CES :) [13:06] mesquka: if you read all the info online, I'm sure you will find it. [13:07] cool, any ROM's released yet? [13:07] my last statement will give you that info as well [13:14] as will the /topic of #ubuntu-phone === k1l_ is now known as k1l [22:19] Hi [22:20] iH [22:20] :P