[00:00] mhall119, for something like progression I would do Image{source: "foo.png" state: launcherItem.progressBarVisible ? "" : "hidden" } where launcherItem is your well..... [00:01] er ctrl+b is bold not new line sorry [00:01] bobweaver: found the right info yay! NFL TIME! [00:02] sweet HeLLy sportsbeech ? [00:02] firstrow [00:02] Hope my 49ers pull it together next week [00:03] me too HeLLy I am huge Niners fan [00:04] HeLLy, what do you think about the qb you like keap or smith ? [00:04] smith :-/ [00:05] He has had it rough for his entire career there with the coach changes and his stats are actually amazing [00:05] but I believe in keap I have to, he did spank the pats which put a huge smile on my face, the seahawks loss was a kick to the face though [00:06] I am diehard 49er fan having to deal with there awful seasons for so long been a big follower of Gore and Vernon Davis [00:48] "big-name developers such as Electronic Arts are currently developing apps for the new OS." [00:48] O.o [00:51] ? [01:09] hey [01:14] I will just leave this here http://www.cultofmac.com/208529/why-apple-should-stop-making-ios-apps/ [01:15] night all o/ [01:16] cya AlanBell nice chating with you :) === dayangkun_ is now known as dayangkun === tomorrow is now known as akiva-mobile === lpotter-bris is now known as lpotter [04:17] So you can develop Ubuntu Phone apps using the Quickly/QML tool kit right? [04:26] hi Rosenzweig [04:26] can you do that? [04:26] Hello linuxz3r. [04:26] whats quickly? [04:26] Something mentioned in the Ubuntu Phone App creation video. [04:27] It's a set of tools I suppose. [04:27] can you make 3d games with it? [04:27] Not sure. [04:27] ok [04:27] All I know is that to make a phone app you need Ubuntu, you need QT 5 and QML toolkit. [04:27] Now the tutorial I see is for python. [04:28] But is there a way to use C++ instead and compile for the phone? [04:28] qt5 from trolltech? [04:28] I guess there isn't a compiler at all seeing as its all python in this tutorial. [04:28] By Nokia, which is close enough. [04:30] ok [04:42] QML is more like the GUI toolkit. For Ubuntu Phone apps [04:42] you can indeed make 3D games. OpenGL works fine on Linux [04:43] From what I understand, your app logic can run in C++, but they want the GUI in QML [04:45] It seems like QML can do 3D games and call OpenGL, based on a document I'm reading about Qt5 from a year ago. [06:22] ok [06:22] i cant wait for uphone apps [08:12] Then start coding one! :D [08:42] hey guys [08:42] so what is an approximate status on the ubuntu phone? [08:43] is it a real possibility or still very unknown? [08:45] hey [08:45] first time i heard about this.. [08:45] cool [08:46] what does it use for graphics? i suppose it is not X [08:46] wayland? [08:47] Jester86: https://twitter.com/sabdfl/status/287829942249607168 [08:47] ☺ [08:48] it is a very real possilbility, but they have fallen behind schedule [08:51] andriod is linux on phone if your wondering [08:51] mesquka: who's behind schedule? [08:51] the dev team for ubuntu phone [08:51] we are? [08:51] Are they? [08:52] Nobody told me anything about them being behind schedule. Not even the rumour mill that seems to constitue tech journalism. [08:53] my source is #ubuntu (brady) [08:53] so you are on schedule? [08:54] no idea who brady is [08:54] are you open to hearing some thoughts even if they are critical? :) [08:54] we absolutely are. we have units to demo at CES which is exactly what we wanted ☺ [08:55] ok, unreliable source then [08:55] you know what i would want rather than a ubuntu phone? i would like a 100% web based os, like firefox os [08:55] or chrome os [08:55] mmmm..... [08:55] but developed in collaboration with the community [08:56] that os could then be ran on both phones and surf pads [08:56] but it is a cool project non the less [08:57] well, mozilla are doing firefox OS, and you'd have to speak to google about chrome os [08:57] we're not doing either [08:58] it would be a good option, i believe android prooved that linux on phones and there is the fact im using arch on my raspberry pi self built smartphone ;D [08:58] you can fork chomium os if you wanted [08:59] sounds like a lot of work.. :) [09:00] well, that's not what we're doing ☺ [09:00] but i think i will do it.. some time in my life when i have an infinite amount of money i will create something very small and slim that just boot up to a web browser [09:01] ok but i will not go on about that [09:01] What they're doing is eliminating device categories by conflating phones, tablets, desktops, and laptops into a single device with some different docks. [09:01] And it's wonderful. [09:01] an ubuntu is really cool [09:09] maybe they can do Internet Explorer OS [09:10] eeehehhheh [09:11] i really like the idea [09:13] popey is ubuntu phone a TI OMAP specific project at the moment? [09:13] mesquka, sorry had to get another beer. [09:13] so when you say it is a real possibility.. is that within this lifetime or just eventually? [09:15] within the next 2 years probably [09:15] The web is great but app dev is always going to be limited [09:16] there is certain resources you simply dont want to make available to the web [09:16] linux on phones, lets see..... mostly ARM processors, already existing kernal for that [09:16] ryan what do you mean? [09:18] as to linux on phones, if google can do it, so can we [09:20] anyone here know anything about https://reviews.ubuntu.com/reviews/api/1.0/reviews/filter/en/ubuntu/precise/any/vlc like if I can get more then reviews ? [09:20] Or other api's that are like that ? [09:21] no [09:22] afk [09:47] im back [10:27] hi [10:38] <_polto_> hi people [10:38] <_polto_> is there a way to test ubuntu-phone on my Galaxy Note 2 ? I am running a chrooted Ubuntu for a year now. My web and mail servers are running on it. :) but I'd really like to ban Android completely from my phone. Is it already possible since it has been announced ? [10:53] hi [10:54] <_polto_> hi mesquka [11:00] is there an irc channel for just general chat [11:00] ?? [11:00] ubuntu related ? [11:02] no [11:02] just in genreal [11:02] just do a channel search [11:02] cant [11:02] but all channels with have a general subject matter [11:04] ??? [11:04] oh right, alis, forgot [11:21] I can't concentrate [11:24] *sigh* [11:24] What's the latest news on ubuntu phone? [11:24] And can we get an image to flash? [11:26] nothing will happen till after CES [11:26] Bummer. [11:26] Cause I'd like to drop the droid. [11:27] Any news on whether full disk encryption and an actual "Lock" screen will be available or just the insecure "Welcome" screen. [11:29] not got a clue [11:29] it is still very much a WIP though [11:29] Because I'd like to see a decent secure phone. [11:31] It would be nice to script it to turn on location services and beacon the location to a web interface or pre-established email address in the event of repeated wrong code entries. [11:32] #ubuntu-discuss is for general ubuntu discussion mesquka [11:32] plenty of other channels exist for specific topics [11:44] thanks, I was looking for ubuntu-discuss [12:39] hello? [12:40] ? [12:41] I really need to see a psychologist [12:41] If my parents would let me RAGE [12:41] Just want to smash my mac and everything around me [12:42] hello guys :) [12:45] Hi robb [12:46] k1l_, [12:47] banned me on ubu :D [12:47] so are there more updates to find here than over there? [12:47] Robbilie: stop that [12:47] k1l_, what did i do?! [12:47] evading a ban/mute on purpose its not what its ment for [12:47] i was chatting fine with others [12:47] Robbilie: i asked you several times to stop that offtopic. you didnt follow the guidlines. [12:48] !guidelines > Robbilie [12:48] Robbilie, please see my private message [12:48] i stopped talking bout arch?! [12:48] the bot is awesome :D [12:49] k1l_, opk read through this [12:49] *ok gonna [13:00] hello? [13:02] hey [13:08] hi there. so the phone was announced, but is there any way to actually install/run it on a devide [13:08] device? [13:08] no_tech: nope. no images/code yet. [13:08] see /topic ☺ [13:10] thanks that was helpful [13:12] where the faqs are partly kinda strange [13:14] how so? [13:20] Is it running X or Wayland or something else? [13:20] Unknown. [13:20] that is strange... [13:20] the are running it without knowing what tech they use? :D [13:22] Or they don't want to tell us yet [13:22] Keep in mind Canonical is announcing a lot more details about it at the CES in a few days [13:23] But we've been told that images for our devices should arrive in a few months. If nothing too drastic happens, it should be safe to say that at least ONE type of Android phone (likely the Galaxy Nexus) will be able to run Ubuntu OS this year [13:30] I would just love to know what devices they would focus on. My company i work for uses Blackberry, and I was hoping to get a nexus 4 for personal use, but will now wait to see what devices ubuntu will run on. I thought it really looked good on the video's released thus far. [13:31] no_tech, i guess it wont run on a blackberry, but with the nexus you should be fine, even when the g nexus will get it first [13:32] Robbilie: am sure no Blackberry.. will still wait before coughing up for a nexus phone [13:32] no_tech, i guess thats the best way ;) [13:32] still, i love my razr i and with the intel cpu explicitly mentioned on there support page i guess i will be fine :D [13:32] and on the safe side :D [13:35] why is it so quiet [13:37] cause nobody knows anything :D [13:38] It's Sunday. [13:38] or that xD [13:38] yeh good point [13:38] pay attention, dont talk about sundays, you will get banned because its offtopic ;) [13:38] right k1l_ ? [13:38] can someone help me [13:39] no_tech: it's pretty certainly, though still not 100% confirmed, that the first Ubuntu Phone compatible device will be the somewhat old Galaxy Nexus [13:39] i was trying to compile a app for the new ubuntu phone [13:39] Transhumanist, correct [13:39] dank101, probblems? [13:39] Robbilie: poking the ops they banned you when you act against the channel guidelines isnt a very good idea [13:39] Transhumanist: thanks. i may try pick up a second hand one once the Rom is released [13:40] As will I === k1l_ is now known as k1l [13:41] k1l_, am i currently acting against the guidelines? just warning other users before they also get banned by paucity of their [13:43] yes it is a compiling error [13:44] whats the error and what are you compiling with [13:44] Qt5 [13:44] and it saying something about GLX failing to load [13:45] glx...sorry dunno what this is :/ [13:46] i think its OpenGL [13:46] something with these nvidia drivers [13:46] can you pastebin the entire error? [13:46] popey, great idea [13:47] its OK i got a answer on ask ubuntu [13:47] a working solution? :D [13:47] can you post the link? might run into this soon too [14:18] so i understand that the ubuntu way is to get teh community involved etc, but part of me just wishes that the anouncement included an actual device or rom being available. this waiting is a killer...;-) [14:20] no_tech, true, i hate it when companys annouce smthng you cant get your hands on after the presentatiopn [14:20] their fail, they let the devs wait and they get bored and loose interest [14:23] wait i will post a post from alan bell because i wont type it again: https://plus.google.com/109175303602657131317/posts/6doQRuuN433 [14:23] this wasnt a enduser announcment in the first place. it was an anouncment for the CES to get the attention of manufactures to get them into the boat [14:24] who is he? [14:24] k1l: makes perfect sense [14:25] without OEM's interested there is no point [14:26] ubuntubhoy: yep. and you have to show something before the even think about it [14:26] yeah [14:27] CES is the place to get them all at once [14:27] and the demo vids were very promising [14:27] hope thats when they release the source [14:28] just hope they dont get into patent game... am looking forward to the CES outcome [14:29] patience... [14:29] I think release time will depend on any negotiations they get involved in [14:30] they will play to the OEM's a certain amount [14:31] popey: patience is not the internets best attitude :) [14:31] No, no, not patience, PATENTS [14:32] popey: shot in the dark here, you wouldn't happen to have a rough idea of the system image size would you ? [14:32] 42 [14:32] no [14:35] didn't think so, but was worth an ask [17:34] Robbilie: I am just a random person making educated guesses [17:35] http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/01/cnn-predict-ubuntu-phone-wont-make-inroads [17:35] i like the ideas at the market situation that are mentioned there. [17:37] Hello here, i know the Ubuntu for phone has nothing to do with the Ubuntu for Android [17:38] still i want to know, if it's possible (right now) to personaly install it on your mobile? [17:38] nope [17:39] Ah okay, and how much phones have you tested it one this far? [17:39] on' -e [17:39] we know they have put it on the old galaxy nexus [17:40] (sorry my english is weak) [17:40] AlanBell: yes i noticed that they were only showing it on a Galaxy nexus [17:40] for all the handson videos [17:41] on all the hands-on videos [17:42] the ubuntu4android was first tested and developed on the motorola atrix [17:42] but it was tested on several more devices in the meantime. [17:47] k1l: i see okay, and when Mark Shuttleworth speaks of Native ubuntu mobile apps he means the ordinary *.deb apps for Mobile, or the HTML5 apps ? [17:47] native means running on the bare metal, yes [17:50] Awesome, so i guess Gaming on Ubuntu will be just great, it will be benefic for both desktop & mobile environement [17:50] well games will need to be ported over [17:50] Thank you AlanBell popey and k1l you were very helpful [17:50] which depends on the developers [17:50] popey: i know that [17:51] as with any app [17:51] but UBUNTU is the FUTURE [17:55] yep. just think on that most mobile smartphones use a arm cpu [19:35] great to see an irc channel of ubuntu phone [19:36] have developers planning to support hardware of many devices, or just some couple of? [22:19] Hi, I'm back