[15:08] ochosi: knome have you guys decided upon loading indicator? [16:01] maddernick: well i think we've settled on a circular indicator, have you uploaded your code somewhere yet? then i could simply push some samples of animations there next week [16:04] ochosi: i need to implement the animation itself, i would need height/width [16:05] but yeah, I will sudo apt-get install bzr ;) [16:12] mkay [16:25] maddernick: pls ping me when you've created a branch [16:26] ochosi: okay [16:26] ty === zequence is now known as zequence_ === zequence_ is now known as zequence [16:40] ochosi: pong, but its just the fading logo now [16:40] maddernick: that's fine for now, link? [16:40] okay [16:40] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dr-madnick/+junk/trunk/view/head:/xubuntu-logo.script