
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
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dobeycan anyone understand why bzr builddeb would be crashing in this build log? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/127602321/buildlog.txt.gz15:47
mgzdobey: /usr/bin/pristine-tar: Failed to reproduce original tarball. Please file a bug report.15:49
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mgzand lines preceeding that15:49
mgzyou can probably manually try those pristine-tar commands to see if you can get more info about why the tar it creates differs15:52
dobeyerr, i guess s/builddeb/dailydeb/ sorry15:56
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dobeymgz: so, the recipe creates the source package just fine locally (though i had to chnage "debversion" to "debupstream" otherwise it breaks on that); this seems to only happen on the launchpad recipe build :(16:00
LeoNerdSoo... in-place branch. Anyone have anything useful to say on the matter?16:02
LeoNerdI.e. can I inplace 'branch' back to an earlier revision of my branch, make an edit, and then merge the previous HEAD, thus altering history?16:03
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|otp
mgznot quite sure what you mean LeoNerd, but branching an older rev, changing something, then merging a current rev will only rearrange history, not alter it16:04
LeoNerdYes.. that's fine16:04
mgzit's the same as doing the change in another branch and merging that... but you flip the left-hand and right-hand ancestry16:05
mgzsetting append_revisions_only complains at such things16:05
LeoNerdSo, suppose I have 10 revisions. I want to make a change to -r4. So I can  bzr branch -r4 , edit and commit a -new- -r5, then how do I apply the old -r5 to -r10, keeping their individual identity, thus becoming my new -r6 to -r11 ?16:05
mgzthere's a `bzr replay` in bzr-rewrite I think16:05
mgzso, you'd do that, then replay the more recent changes16:06
LeoNerdYes, I know of replay16:06
LeoNerdBut what do I replay? I can't just  bzr replay -r5..10 .  can i?16:06
LeoNerdBecause it's the wrong branch16:06
dobeyneed to reboot again, brb16:06
mgzyou can specify the branch, no?16:06
LeoNerdMaybe.. but how? It's a local one, no?16:06
=== mmrazik|otp is now known as mmrazik
mgzwell, the branch revspec would work for one end...16:10
mgzneed to look at the command help...16:10
mgzLeoNerd: answer to your question from earlier (just got to looking at the help for replay),17:07
LeoNerdHrm, so apparently I totally misremembered, and it doesn't look like inplace branches are a thing17:07
mgz`bzr replay -d target -r 5..10 old`17:08
LeoNerdYes, I'm aware of that. But that needs 'target' and 'old17:09
mgzif you do `bzr branch -r4 old target` and add something first17:09
LeoNerdBasically: I had to redo everything and have the branches actually -living- somewhere different on the filesystem17:09
LeoNerdI couldn't do it inplace17:09
mgzwell, you can with co:17:09
mgzbut that's just the same thing with a different local arrangement17:09
mgzI didn't understand what you meant by inplace to start with...17:10
LeoNerdIt's all made more tricky by the fact that I'm using bzr shadowing another VCS, so my workdir has two17:10
LeoNerdSo it's not so easy just to blow it away and get a new one17:10
mgzwell it's easy enough to do, say,17:10
mgz`bzr branch --no-tree . /tmp/original`17:10
mgz`bzr pull --overwrite -r4 .`17:11
LeoNerdWellsure.. but that needs /tmp, whereas I've actually done it with some new subdirs of the root17:11
mgzthen replay from tmp17:11
LeoNerdYeah.. I'm quite familiar with that one. I just thought I recalled bzr now had some sort of inplace branches thing17:12
LeoNerdBut apparnetly not17:12
mgzI've been using the core co: funcationality recently and it's mostly pretty good17:13
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LarstiQLeoNerd: hmm hmm19:19
LarstiQLeoNerd: depending on how the replay command is implemented -19:19
LeoNerder.. I mean.. wha?  *blink* you didn't see hat19:20
LarstiQLeoNerd: if you do `bzr replay -d . -r 5..0 .`, perhaps it looks up the revspec first19:20
LarstiQLeoNerd: and by that time just refers to the repository, and.. oh meh19:20
LeoNerdThat was my problem19:21
LeoNerdIn the end I just disconnected my checkout from the branch, and stored branches(plural) elsewhere19:21
LeoNerdWhich I felt a little sucky but an easy workaround19:21
LarstiQLeoNerd: so what about a merge directive to store the branch up to rev 10, and replay from there?19:21
* LarstiQ tests19:21
LarstiQwhich is the same as what you did, except in one fiel19:22
LarstiQLeoNerd: I had a slightly different idea, but that seems to blow up the replay code19:31
LeoNerdAh OK19:31
LeoNerdYeah, I don't think I can think of a better way :/19:31
LarstiQLeoNerd: basically, just use . for location and -r revid:..revid:19:31
LarstiQLeoNerd: still with the hope that it will just look at the repository19:32
LarstiQLeoNerd: I do think something like that makes sense, if someone was willing to work on that19:32
bsdIs there a command-line command to see the info associated with a particular file-id?22:05
bsdaha: 'bzr help hidden-commands' -> file-id22:09

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