
mysteriousdarrenUnit193: I got it back, and finally remembered my password00:12
DerpyeahAnyone here?00:31
DerpyeahI need help00:31
mysteriousdarrenthere are 69 other people, ask your question as clear and concise as possible00:39
DerpyeahI am trying to install action replay dsi pc code manager in wine00:45
DerpyeahI installed it in playonlinux and it works perfectly except that it won't detect when the Action Replay is connected via Usb00:46
DerpyeahI tried to install directly in wine but now I'm getting a load failed and still nothing is detected.00:46
DerpyeahDoes anyone have any tips?00:46
Combat_Wombatthis channel is great00:48
GazraHello, anyone here?08:31
GazraI would like to improve the Lubuntu user experience08:31
GazraI have been using Lubuntu for 2 years now, and for every new installation I need to highly customize.08:32
GazraI would like to make my cutomizations permanent, so that other can benefit from them too.08:33
GazraAny advice where I can do this?08:33
tsimpson!remaster | Gazra08:36
ubottuGazra: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility08:36
tsimpsonyou can spin your own custom ISOs08:37
GazraWell, that's nice, but I would like to do it for the standard Lubuntu distro.08:37
tsimpsonthen you'd want to report a bug in Launchpad against lubuntu-meta08:38
tsimpsonor possibly several bugs08:38
GazraWishes qulify as bugs?08:42
tsimpsonyou can even mark them as Wishlist08:44
=== Noskcaj-afk is now known as Noskcaj-sleeping
poqHi all. Does any printable info which I can print exist which could men that my OS is legal?15:39
inductiveloadpoq: legal?15:43
poq I need that info to show it to some stupid instances of policemans to make them believe that my OS and soft are ok15:43
inductiveloadwell, things can be under various licences15:45
inductiveloadthe kenrel itself is GPLv215:45
inductiveloadof course you might still have proprietary drivers, and each program you have could be under a different licence15:49
inductiveloadand that doesn't include things like encryption software (ssh, for example) which could be illegal regardless of licence15:54
inductiveloaddepending on where you are15:54
poqall looks harder than I thought15:58
inductiveloadback in a bit15:59
=== inductiveload is now known as IL|afk
=== IL|afk is now known as inductiveload
markveidemanisWho is Expert17:16
markveidemanis /kick17:22
markveidemaniswhoops wrong window17:22
=== jackson_ is now known as Noskcaj
AnalogymousI am experiencing a bug with 12.10 and nvidia-173 drivers21:18
Analogymousit is not compatible with xserver-xorg-abi-11 and 1221:19
Analogymousanyone knows a fix?21:19
dencryptAnalogymous: try another driver21:27
AnalogymousTried -current which doesn't support my graphics card21:28
Analogymousdon't think -96 is compatible either21:28
dencryptHave you tried Nouveau?21:28
AnalogymousI run nouveau but it crashes a lot21:33
AnalogymousI am trying some games but even the lightest of them crashes21:34

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