
CarlFKsyslog is full of [   64.097806] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 004:13
CarlFKis that expected, or should I file a report ?04:13
psusiCarlFK, do you actually have a floppy drive?04:35
CarlFKpsusi: nope04:35
CarlFKhmm.. let me check...04:36
psusiCarlFK, then you should not tell your bios that you do04:36
CarlFKold laptop04:36
CarlFKyep, no drive, but it was enabled in bios.  thanks04:50
psusiI once wrote a floppy disk driver for ReactOS... floppies are horrible hardware04:53
psusinobody ever implemented the ability to auto detect the hardware, so you have to tell the bios what kind you have ( if any ) and the kernel has no choice but to trust your setting04:54
CarlFKyeah - and they have an eject button :)04:57
CarlFKseems mac did a better job with that04:57
bjsnideryou know what really sucks? gftp hijacks ctrl+v for its own use. it doesn't paste05:44
bjsniderin fact i don't think there is a paste shortcut if you're using gftp05:44
bjsnideryou'd better have a mouse05:44
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BluesKajHiyas all14:48
=== jimerick1on is now known as jimerickson
smbAnybody knows which dependency now would pull in libcrypto. Trying to compile Xen under raring chroots with sbuild and the current version now fails in the configure stage.15:55
bjsnidersmb, check the config.log17:09
smbbjsnider, Just found it. python-dev used to pull in libssl-dev but not anymore17:10
smbCurrently recompiling the package with added dependency to be sure17:11
smbOk, confirmed. Adding the builddep fixes the build17:24
user82!info linux-image18:48
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB18:48
user82when will they finally go over to 3.8?18:48
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
rrvamy laptop immediately resumes automatically after I suspend it. How do fix?22:06
splottnow it's show22:56
splottwhy it's so slow?22:56

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