
TheLordOfTimethis sounds like a support request rather than a bug... https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/109673503:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1096735 in synaptic (Ubuntu) "Nothing display when click Synaptic form menu on ubuntu 11.10 what's the problem?" [Undecided,New]03:24
* TheLordOfTime is lagging too badly to do anything :/03:25
snamellit`14:22 *** pietro98-albini JOIN08:36
snamellit`oops, sorry rcirc feeding stuff on the prompt.08:37
snamellit`I just looked at a bug of a crash.08:37
snamellit`I notified the upstream developer. In what status do I leave the bug now?08:38
jibelsnamellit`, do you have a bug number?08:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1096342 in autossh (Ubuntu) "autossh crashed with SIGSEGV in __libc_start_main()" [Undecided,In progress]08:51
snamellit`I put it to in progress, but this feels wrong to me...08:53
jibelsnamellit`, indeed, set it to 'in progress' if you're actually working on a fix, otherwise set it to confirmed08:55
jibelsnamellit`, also if you know how to reproduce it, adding the steps in the description would be very useful08:56
snamellit`so talking to the dev is considered 'working', ok. :-)08:56
snamellit`trying to reproduce it, not very successfull so far... But executing memory smells bad...08:57
snamellit`*data memory08:58
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Jswing_Hello, I think someone change the status of bug 607796 by error as I can't find any patch or branch related.  If someone could revert it to triaged. Thanks13:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 607796 in unity (Ubuntu) "Launcher, Window management - Dragging and holding a selection over an entry in the Launcher should spread out windows belonging to that application" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60779613:57
hggdhJswing_: as om26er stated in the bug, it was a bad update by an user14:10
Jswing_ok, thanks14:12
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andrewkaHi i need a bug supervisor to assist sru16:17
* TheLordOfTime yawns16:17
TheLordOfTimegood day16:17
TheLordOfTimeandrewka, i heard "SRU" and "Bug" in the same sentence :P16:18
andrewkagood day16:18
TheLordOfTimei've got 40 minutes before class starts, what's up.16:18
andrewkaI have filed the bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnutls26/+bug/109505216:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 1095052 in gnutls26 (Ubuntu) "Client certificate authentication fails" [Undecided,New]16:18
andrewkaIts a gnutls issue with client certificate is precise16:19
andrewkain precise i mean16:19
TheLordOfTimeobvious questions: (1) does this issue exist in Raring? (2) if not, does this issue exist in Quantal? (3) if not, has anyone else been able to confirm the bug other than you?16:20
andrewkaNot in raring and quantal because they use different versions16:20
TheLordOfTimeso then it was "fixed" in quantal or raring, by some higher upstream revision.16:20
* TheLordOfTime glances16:21
andrewkayes its fixed upstream16:21
andrewkamy patch is actually pulled from upstream16:21
TheLordOfTimei see that16:21
andrewkaThis bug is caused by the same issue - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnutls26/+bug/102059116:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1020591 in subversion (Ubuntu) "subversion and GnuTLS internal error" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:21
andrewkaI have the full test case there to reproduce the bug16:22
TheLordOfTimemind if i ask you why you created a new bug just for the debdiff?16:22
andrewkabecause i picked it up in apt-transport-https16:23
TheLordOfTime... OH CRAP, I'M GOING TO BE LATE16:23
* TheLordOfTime has to run or he'll be late16:23
andrewkathe existing bug was picked up in subversion16:23
TheLordOfTimesorry i have to drop you right here though :P16:23
* TheLordOfTime subscribed to both bugs and will check in two hours once class is over.16:23
TheLordOfTimeunless someone gets to it first16:24
andrewkai doubt it, i filed that a while ago16:24
TheLordOfTimethere's other bug controllers around other than just me, someone here'll get to it.16:25
andrewkaso i will await your assistence16:25
TheLordOfTimesince you pinged here :P16:25
TheLordOfTimeandrewka, one thing: your patch is missing DEP3 tags.16:25
andrewkawill update16:26
* TheLordOfTime will check the rest later, as he is headed out the door as we speak.16:26
bdmurrayandrewka: Do you happen to know which version of gnutls this was fixed in?17:02
bdmurraywell it looks like 2.12.15 which actually isn't in quantal17:06
bdmurrayso this will need fixing there too17:06
dkesselballoons, back :)17:14
TheLordOfTimebdmurray, i can work on the quantal debdiff and add DEP3 tags, which their precise debdiff doesn't include18:05
* TheLordOfTime has two VMs he can destroy after testing18:05
andrewkait is fixed in 2.12.1518:05
andrewkawas going to update the debdiff and do quantal later tonight if you have vms already then that cool18:06
TheLordOfTimeandrewka, i keep VMs for good reasons :P  And I *always* build-test SRUs prior to submitting to the SRU team18:07
TheLordOfTimeandrewka, sometimes, you just get FED UP with Windows in a windows environment :P18:07
TheLordOfTimei'm going to assign myself to the quantal part, if you can do the precise, andrewka18:07
TheLordOfTimeunless you want me to build both.18:07
* TheLordOfTime glances briefly at oracledb installation progress18:08
andrewkaIf its not a bother to you am cool with it18:08
TheLordOfTimeits not18:08
TheLordOfTimeit'll give me a reason to not do anything with php5 for a while :P18:09
andrewkacool then18:09
TheLordOfTimeso do you want me to rebuild the debdiffs with DEP3 myself for both, or do you just want to tweak your debdiff accordingly and add DEP3?18:09
* TheLordOfTime would buildtest your debdiff regardless18:10
andrewkago for it, you can rebuild both18:10
TheLordOfTimeOK, bdmurray are yo uable to unsubscribe sponsors?18:10
TheLordOfTimesince sponsors won't have a complete debdiff yet.18:10
* TheLordOfTime doesn't seem to have access.18:11
TheLordOfTimewhich may or may not be related to this user account (nonadmin account on a system)18:11
bdmurrayokay, done18:12
TheLordOfTimebdmurray, thanks much.18:13
TheLordOfTimebah lag, a message was posted that still referred to Sponsors xD18:13
TheLordOfTimegot processed after you said you unsub'd them.18:13
TheLordOfTimeandrewka, i've assigned the bug to myself for precise and quantal, i'll have debdiffs in a couple of hours18:17
* TheLordOfTime is in a break in class right now18:17
andrewkaTheloadofTime: Thanks18:18
TheLordOfTimegood news: if i remove the diff on the NEWS item, it imports right :P18:22
TheLordOfTime(the upstream diff)18:22
* TheLordOfTime disappearifies temporarily18:24
TheLordOfTimeand i'm back.18:50
TheLordOfTimeandrewka, update: i've made build-tests and uploaded them to one of my PPAs, i believe i put it in my build tests ppa, unless i mistyped the path.  in the interim i'm creating a debdiff that would be SRUable.18:57
TheLordOfTimefast progress is fast :P18:57
TheLordOfTimeehehehe, i accidentally targetted precise-proposed with my build test xD18:59
TheLordOfTimeandrewka, once they build-test (assuming a successful build) i will attach debdiffs to the bug.19:10
TheLordOfTimebdmurray, ^19:10
TheLordOfTime(just for your ref, bdmurray)19:10
TheLordOfTimei apparently have to find my laptop charger, so... i'm out again and will return later19:10
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* TheLordOfTime yawns21:45
TheLordOfTimedebdiffs are annoying sometimes21:45
TheLordOfTimeesp. when things implode or break :P21:45
lemonsqueezehiya, i just filed bug #1097042. should i notify someone so it gets attention ?22:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 1097042 in linux (Ubuntu) "by default ext3 is mounted without barrier=1 in lucid" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109704222:03
lemonsqueezeif something's missing please let me know22:04
lemonsqueezeadding logs ...22:09
mistergibsonIssue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glx-alternatives/+bug/1072344 .  I am looking for a by-hand work around to this bug as I see no forward progress on it forthcoming.  Is there a way to *force* glx-diversions into place despite broken pre-dep pkg?22:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 1072344 in glx-alternatives (Ubuntu) "glx-diversions broken in Quantal" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:37
TheLordOfTimelemonsqueeze, the linux kernel bugs are usually seen pretty quickly by who needs to see them, once you attach logs and stuff, that can be used to then figure out the issue, but you do have to wait for Linux people to see it (to answer your question: you file the bug, attach, the details, and wait)22:39
lemonsqueezewill do, thanks =)22:41

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