
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (klasa1b10:)07:21
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (THEBILL)07:38
bkerensaSame person coming in on polish dsl and spamming/trolling07:40
bkerensalooks like they are resetting their modem to get a slightly different hostmask07:41
elkysince when do people need to startx to install ubuntu?07:54
IdleOneyou don't08:00
elkysee burntreynolds in #u then08:00
IdleOneI'm going to guess a bad burn or he burnt a server.iso08:04
IdleOneelky: problem is they are running backtrack08:14
IdleOneor trying to08:14
elkyyeah, i figured. was eating dinner though ;)08:15
IdleOnenot inclined to help them at all08:19
bkerensaI believe Mongolski is the same guy08:33
bkerensawatching him08:33
Myrttibkerensa: polish school08:52
MyrttiI assume08:52
Myrtticomputer class or student using one08:52
Tm_TIRC, Poland, can I has memoriez?08:53
bkerensaPoland does not seem like a place I would be keen on visiting08:56
Tm_Tbkerensa: why not? there's plenty of nice IRC users atleast.08:57
bkerensaTm_T: The only things I know about Poland unfortunately come from Hollywood narrations of WWII08:57
bkerensaVery cold = Does not sound fun08:59
IdleOneany place that incented perogi is alright by me09:00
IdleOneinvented also09:00
Tm_Tbkerensa: Poland cold? wut?09:01
bkerensaIdleOne: Did Poland create it? It looks like Gyoza to me09:01
Tm_T"Winters are rather cold, with average temperatures around 3 °C (37.4 °F) in the northwest and −6 °C (21 °F) in the northeast. " ... how that is cold by any meters, I wonder09:02
IdleOne-6c is not cold09:02
bkerensaGyoza/Jiǎozi = Dough Dumpling with Filling09:02
bkerensalooks just like a Perogi but Chinese have been making it since before Poland existed ;)09:03
IdleOnecurrently -13c here and it is rather warm09:03
IdleOnebkerensa: I like Chinese food also :)09:03
bkerensaMe too... I like Japanese better though :) nothing like some good Nigiri or Sashimi09:04
Tm_TIdleOne: around that here too09:04
bkerensaTm_T: its only 30F here and I feel like imminent doom is here09:05
IdleOneyou pacific coast people are not from strong stock09:06
IdleOneThe trees, maybe09:06
* IdleOne hugs bkerensa and steals his Gyoza09:07
bkerensaIdleOne: Do you have your tattoo touched up at all anymore? I'm going to get some more orange and black added I think09:11
IdleOnebkerensa: I haven't had it touched up at all.09:12
IdleOnenot to mention the artist who did it is 600 miles away but I haven't needed it touched since it was done.09:13
IdleOnelighter colours will tend to bleed more09:13
bkerensaI'm getting a Tux in the Summer likely09:14
IdleOneI was worried about the green but it's been 5 years and it is still bright09:14
IdleOneI don't like penguins that much :)09:14
IdleOnenext tattoo I get will be a cover up on my right shoulder.09:15
bkerensaSomeone from Redhat said if I ever switch to Fedora/RH they would pay to remove the Ubuntu :P09:16
IdleOneI am thinking of getting the nicks of all my favorite Ubuntu ops :P09:17
IdleOneFor the log readers, there is also room for those of you who wish to buy space, $5USD per letter09:18
bkerensapsh :)09:19
bkerensaIdleOne: http://www.steveo.com/gallery/pictures/tattoos/big/14.jpg09:20
IdleOneyeah, he got a tattoo of himself09:20
IdleOnedumbest tattoo ever09:21
IdleOnehmm, could have been worse.09:21
AlanBellRobbilie: hi, whats up Robbilie?11:38
bazhanglubuntu has a PPC install?15:10
* Pici shrugs15:11
bazhangbios? there's no bios in a powerbook15:14
bazhanghahaha "a bash script"15:20
CoreyEr, disregard.18:37
jribhexabit_M: hi.  The bot should be okay as long as it does not speak (publicly or privately) in response to activity in the channel19:01
hexabit_MHi. Ok no its just like a client but one can not use it to send text yet. :)19:02
DJonesIt sounds a very interesting project19:03
jribhexabit_M: great.  You can ask #freenode if there's anything they would like you to do about the bot being on the network (for example you can get a cloak indicating it's a bot)19:03
Fuchsfrom our pov bots are allowed as long as they don't disrubt the network, nothing special is needed, a bot cloak can be granted if both the bot and owner confirm. </freenode>19:03
DJonesJUst for clarity and so other ops know what the bot is doing, this was hexabit_M's original message in #u "Helo from Sweden! I coded a ircclient (like a bot) for blind people that reads all msgs out loud in  speakers. Would it be ok to test it for a couple of days in this channel?19:04
jribhexabit_M: seems like it should be fine in #ubuntu then.  Good luck with your project19:04
hexabit_MOk i will do that. Thanks again for your help. I will show you the source etc later. :)19:05

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