
smspillazduflu: howdy, when do you want to cut 0.9.0 ?09:47
smspillaz0.9.0 was a long time ago ;-)09:47
duflusmspillaz: Not sure now. Needs time to settle again :P09:47
smspillazduflu: I have some large-ish fixes in the pipeline, so I'm wondering when I should hold them to09:48
duflusmspillaz: Yeah large stuff after
smspillazduflu: right, I just kinda wanna know /when/ as in dates, so I can plan my week :)09:48
duflusmspillaz: I really don't know now. Probably safe to assume we don't want to land anything large this week09:49
smspillazduflu: sure, I'm wondering when a good time to start reviewing large things is :)09:49
duflusmspillaz: Don't know. I half expect to have time when I'm away next week. But maybe not09:50
smspillazwell, next week will probably be bad for both of us09:50
smspillazI'm at uni for a week and you'll be away09:50
smspillazso the week after that ?09:50
smspillazI'm just mindful that it would kinda suck if we delayed until right before freezes start happening09:51
* duflu checks schedule09:51
duflusmspillaz: Freeze is not an issue (March 7). If things have not landed by then, there must be other greater reasons why not09:53
smspillazthere's like 4 or 5 big ones09:53
smspillazI'm allowing a week for each09:53
smspillazduflu: anyways, maybe what I'd suggest doing is testing my ppa and checking for regressions and filing bugs ?09:54
smspillazthat will allow us to get the manual-testing process mostly out of the way09:54
duflusmspillaz: We will do as much as possible with the resources available. I don't know how that will pan out over the coming months09:54
smspillazduflu: fair enough I guess09:55
dufluI think the point of is to show "any release" from this point onward could be released. Just do as much as possible09:55
smspillazduflu: +109:55
smspillazduflu: anyways, I'd suggesting running the ppa. Been running it for about a month now and I'm fixing things as they come up09:56
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wnmhey guys. i've got a question, maybe someone can help. I just created an desktop entry with chrome's "create application shortcut" feature. I downloaded icons in different sizes and put them in ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor each size in each directory. the new icon is showing when i search for the application with dash. but when I switch applications with [alt]+[tab] its showing the chrome icon and it says "untiteled". does someone know a guide on how to pro12:30
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conscioususerCimi: overlay scrollbars discussions belong in this channel?13:54
Cimiconscioususer, maybe13:55
Cimiconscioususer, I have no plans to work on them this cycle though13:55
conscioususerCimi: actually, I wanted to discuss a possible bug before reporting13:56
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Cimiconscioususer, shoot13:56
conscioususerCimi: hold on, I'll pastebin a code13:57
conscioususerCimi: here, this is for Python3: http://www.pasteshare.co.uk/p/5ir/13:58
conscioususerCimi: this is a textview overlayed over a scrolledwindow13:59
conscioususerCimi: did it run?13:59
Cimitell me the issue, maybe is a known one14:00
conscioususerCimi: the overlay is not being rendered14:00
conscioususerCimi: this only happens if overlay scrollbars are active14:01
Cimithey both use a child window14:02
Ciminot sure what overlay does though14:02
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conscioususerCimi: specifically, this happens if the widget below the overlay is a scrolledwindow inside a gtklayout14:03
conscioususerCimi: and, very weirdly, the bug does not happening in Ambiance/Radiance, only with Adwaita and High Contrast, for example14:04
conscioususerCimi: (I didn't mention this until now because you said the code is not running anyway)14:04
conscioususerCimi: btw, *why* is it not running, which error did you get?14:05
CimiI didn't run it :)14:05
conscioususeroh, ok14:05
conscioususerCimi: as you can see, you need a rare combination of widgets to trigger it... but it's one I'm needing now :-/14:07
conscioususerCimi: what I found particularly weird is happening for some themes but not for others14:10
Cimitry seeing what triggers the issue14:11
Cimiediting the theme14:11
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conscioususerCimi: that will take a while cuz Adwaita etc. compile everything including css'es into a binary .gresource file14:16
conscioususerCimi: need to get the source14:16
conscioususerCimi: will contact you later14:16
Cimignome-themes-standard git14:18
conscioususerCimi: none of the themes seem to do anything specific with GtkLayout14:25
conscioususerCimi: however, I'm seeing something interesting14:25
conscioususerCimi: Adwaita sets a background color for GtkScrolledWindow, and HighContrast sets a background color for GtkViewport (which is used by GtkScrolledWindow)14:26
conscioususerCimi: the light-themes do not set a background color for either14:26
Cimiso it's an issue of rendering14:28
Cimithose two themes render the scrolledwindow/viewport14:30
Cimiambiance doesn't14:30
conscioususerCimi: but would is this triggered only when the ov-scrollbars are active?14:32
Cimibecause it's a bug in overlay scrollbar14:32
=== me4oslav-working is now known as me4oslav
conscioususerCimi: hmm... and one last question before reporting: does it make sense to you that it happens only when the scrolledwindow is inside a gtklayout?14:35
CimiI don't know...14:35
conscioususerCimi: well, anyway, will report... should it be directly against the overlay-scrollbar LP project?14:36
CimiI suggest you to pick up os-bar.c code and play with it14:37
CimiI don't think I will ever fix this in next months14:37
conscioususerCimi: might try, thanks for the help14:38
didrockshey mterry! saw that you are around :) how was the week-end?14:55
mterrydidrocks, meh.  Spent a lot of it looking at a data corruption issue in duplicity14:55
didrocksdoesn't sound fun14:55
mterrydidrocks, eh, it's fine.  When I'm weekend hacking, I can drink during, so not so bad  :)14:56
didrocksheh ;)14:56
mterrydidrocks, what's up?14:56
didrocksmterry: I was thinking switching some -dev from arch: all to arch: any14:56
didrockslike nux as a first target14:56
mterrydidrocks, what's in the -dev that needs it?14:57
didrocksnothing but:14:57
didrocksbecause when unity is build-dep on latest nux14:57
didrocksnux i386 is built and published14:57
didrocksthen unity on all arch starts to build14:57
didrocksand the -dev can't install libnux amd64 for instance14:57
didrocksso FTBFS14:57
mterryright, just saw that one go by14:58
didrocksthis was fine in the distro, I relaunched the build normally14:58
didrocksbut if we want to go to our daily process14:58
didrocksdon't seem something we should get bothered why, thoughts?14:58
mterrydidrocks, I mean, arch: any is a fine workaround (just takes up archive space right?  I assume no policy problems), but isn't that really a builder bug?  That it only looks one level deep in dependencies before trying a build?14:59
didrocksmterry: yeah, it's a builder bug that we have for ages, I think it's not a priority to get it fixed though14:59
didrocksthe space -> just a couple of .h files + symlinks14:59
didrocksso I think it's not that an issue14:59
mterryJust feels dirty  :)15:00
mterryBut sure15:00
didrocksok, proposing some dirts in a few :)15:00
mterryI would normally volunteer for the work, and will do so, but I first want to prepare duplicity SRUs for this bug15:00
didrockssure sure, just feel free to approve the MP then15:00
didrocksit's easy and quick enough :)15:00
mterrySo if you were looking for fast action, I might not get to it until tomorrow15:00
didrocksdoing nux, bamf, libunity, dee15:01
didrocksah nux is already any, so bamf should have been the guilty15:02
* didrocks starts to be puzzled, bamf was any as well15:03
didrockswhich one failed the chroot then?15:03
didrocksmterry: ok, will try digging next time (probably tomorrow, after a rebuild)15:03
didrocksmterry: seb128: btw, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build contains latest and greatest (untested)15:04
seb128didrocks, need/want testing?15:04
didrocksmterry: seb128: as I think we are close to enable daily build (at one UTAH issue closed), would be good to test15:04
didrocksyeah ;)15:04
* didrocks upgrades at the same time15:05
* mterry switches from staging to daily15:05
mterryOh, apparently I'm already using daily.  Odd15:06
didrocksupgrade upgrade, there is fresh new things! :)15:08
seb128Les paquets suivants seront ENLEVÉS :15:10
seb128  indicator-appmenu indicator-appmenu-tools libbamf3-015:10
seb128Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :15:10
seb128  libbamf3-115:10
seb128didrocks, is indicator-appmenu deprecated?15:10
didrocksreally? I don't have that on amd6415:11
seb128i386 here15:11
didrocksinteresting… and the new hud package isn't installed I guess as it's not built15:11
didrockscyphermox: you followed the merged, nothing linked to that in your opinion?15:11
didrocksoh, does indicator-appmenu deps on bamf now?15:11
* didrocks checks15:12
seb128didrocks, that's not new, it needs bamf to know what app is focussed iirc15:12
didrocksso I need to move bamf in the indicator pocket15:12
seb128didrocks, the issue is that libbamf3-1 breaks libbamf3-015:12
seb128and indicator-appmenu didn't get rebuild with the new bamf soname15:12
didrocksto have things built in the correct order15:12
cyphermoxwasn't that recently changed in the indicator-appmenu vs. hud code?15:12
didrocksyep yep15:12
seb128didrocks, how come you don't get the issue on amd64?15:13
didrockscyphermox: no, this was rolled back15:13
didrocksseb128: I wonder if I get the latest state or if everything is published yet15:13
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seb128didrocks, I'm away for some exercice, will retry in  ~45min but my reading is that indicator-appmenu needs a rebuild with the new bamf soname15:15
didrocksseb128: I agree, I'm triggering another one15:15
didrocksand will move bamf between package set15:15
ricotzmterry, hi15:17
mterryricotz, heyo15:19
ricotzmterry, you are argumenting as ABI and API were the same, and i am suggesting to use 0.4 after the several API removals not simply taking the version number15:19
ricotzif there is a need to bump the soname (e.g. ABI changes) there is no need to change the GIR name15:19
ricotzthe typelib will reference the right library as "backend"15:20
mterryricotz, right.  3 is not the SONAME15:20
mterryricotz, libbamf3 currently has a SONAME of 0 I think15:20
mterryricotz, much as libgtk-3 has a SONAME of 015:20
mterryricotz, so sorry.  Maybe I'm just misunderstanding your position.  What's wrong with using 3?15:21
ricotzbut there is no libbamf anymore, so actually this would mean Bamf3-0.4.gir/typelib15:21
mterryricotz, no other package does that.  They all do Secret-1 or Gtk-3 or similar15:22
ricotzimo it is needed to have girs parallel installable on API changes but not on ABI changes/soname bump15:22
mterryricotz, right.  That's what the 3 is.15:22
ricotzgtk preserves abi compat so the api 3.0 will stay15:22
ricotztake tp-logger for example15:23
mterryricotz, that is a separate thing, eh?  Their ABI compat promise just means they will always have SONAME 0, right?15:23
ricotzright, and so will be the api15:24
ricotzwhich is why Gdk-3.0.gir and so on15:24
mterryricotz, their API changes throught the 3.x series.  They add things all the time.  But the parallel installable thing is the 3.015:24
mterryricotz, just as the parallel installable marker for libbamf is the 3 (like when we had libbamf and libbamf3)15:25
ricotzyes, but the api is compatible and isnt broken in regards to backwards compat15:25
mterryricotz, right.  And when it is, they bump to 4.x15:26
mterryricotz, just as libbamf would bump to 415:26
ricotzso if you can promise bamf wont break api exept in major release15:26
mterryif it did the same thing15:26
ricotzyou can all it bamf-1.015:26
mterryricotz, every other gir/library uses the library version (secret 1, gtk 3) as the gir name.  That library name, to my knowledge, is the same thing as what you are calling the API version.15:27
mterryricotz, why is bamf different?15:27
ricotzwhat i am saying is that changing the gir name on soname bumps is not necessary if the api compat is preserved, which would be not the case with your naming scheme15:30
ricotzbut do as you like15:30
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mterryricotz, that's not true at all15:30
mterryricotz, if bamf bumps SONAME, what happens is we get libbamf-3-1.  gir1.2-bamf-3 and libbamf3-dev would stay the same15:30
mterryi.e. exactly the same as secret and gtk15:31
ricotzok, what are you doing on api removals as between 0.3 and 0.4?15:31
mterryricotz, API removals *should* only happen when we bump from 3 to 4.  I believe we had a removal that did not?  Because we were lax and felt the only consumer was unity.  I'd have to go back and look at the merge proposal15:33
mterry(^ when we bump from libbamf3 to libbamf4)15:33
mterryReally, we shouldn't bother removing API.  I think I noted at the time, we should just make it a no-op15:33
ricotzalright, considering 3 as api while preserving abi/api compat for future 0.x releases works15:34
mterryricotz, but whether or not we did the right thing there, that's a separate issue from the naming scheme15:34
mterryBecause the shared library shares the same problems we created then too, it's not just a gir thing15:35
ricotzok, my problem wer the latest API removals leading this discussion and how to handle that15:35
ricotzso if this won't happen after adding the offical introspection data it seems fine15:36
mterryricotz, yar, that was handled incorrectly.  I think we were just lazy about it15:36
ricotzmterry, you probably want to take a look at gir1.2-unity-5.0 and its content, i filed a bug about it ;)15:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1096545 in unity (Ubuntu) "gir1.2-unity-5.0 package named wrong while containing Unity-6.0.typelib" [Undecided,New]15:39
mterryricotz, :(15:39
didrocksbregma: see my answer, I can't parse how you link daily build with something that has nothing to deal with daily builds15:40
ricotzmterry, better to use a fully qualified line in the install file to catch that15:40
mterryricotz, true15:40
ricotzuploading daily builds can be tricky15:41
ricotzi guess it will be 7.0 soon15:42
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didrockshey sil2100! how are you?15:48
didrocksseb128: i386 published, still waiting on amd6416:01
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sil2100didrocks: hello! One moment ;)16:09
didrocksseb128: mterry: after a one minute of basic testing, the new unity stack seems to work here16:20
seb128didrocks, ok, trying in a min16:23
mterrydidrocks, hasn't crashed on me yet  :)16:33
didrocksmterry: neither for me, that's a start :)16:34
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sil2100didrocks: re-ping!17:07
didrockssil2100: hey!17:07
didrockssil2100: I just wanted to know if you were successful in the bug hunt we discussed on Friday17:08
sil2100didrocks: yes, I fixed it, a merge request is submitted - but I'm waiting for a re-comment from Trevinho17:08
Trevinhosil2100: ah, looking again17:09
didrockssil2100: that was the branch I saw? You're freaking awesome \o/17:10
* didrocks stares at Trevinho :)17:10
didrockshey Trevinho, happy new year btw!17:10
sil2100Well, it's a rather ugly way of fixing it, but at least the way I did it seemed safe in my broken mind ;)17:11
didrockssil2100: I'm running a newer test with latest unity from today17:11
didrockssil2100: with some luck, we only have those 4 failures!17:11
Trevinhosil2100: commented17:11
Trevinhodidrocks: thanks... happy new year to you too! (including sil2100 here too :))17:12
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