
jussishadeslayer: ping when you get up. any chance of a ppa with KTP in it that has the auth stuff? I accidentally updated and broke everything...05:42
vHandaRiddell: :)05:50
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soeegood morning07:00
jussimorning soee07:10
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shadeslayerLaney: Riddell funnily enough I was looking into building ktp-call-ui with the older gst yesterday, rdieter put his patches up at http://rdieter.fedorapeople.org/rpms/ktp/08:21
shadeslayerWas going to reply today, but thanks a ton Laney08:21
shadeslayerjussi: kinda08:23
shadeslayerjussi: https://launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/+archive/daily-builds08:23
shadeslayerI haven't gotten around to testing those packages yet08:24
jussishadeslayer: ok, lets hope someone tests them soon, I havent got the home pc handy and Ill wait for testing on the work pc08:24
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shadeslayerwell this is fun09:58
shadeslayerkwallet lost all my passwords09:58
shadeslayerand it's completely empty09:58
shadeslayerand crash09:58
soeemight be the same reason Netbeans doesnt hold passwords for servers ?10:07
shadeslayersome weird problem with kwalletd I think10:07
shadeslayerrestarted it and it worked10:08
apacheloggersalut mes amis10:20
apacheloggerRiddell: shadeslayer wanted to look into porting10:20
shadeslayeruh yeah, maybe a couple of months down the line10:21
shadeslayerI'm looking into pgst right now10:21
shadeslayernot time for anything else10:21
shadeslayeror rather than months, once I finish pgst10:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: that's what I meant10:21
Laneyshadeslayer: merci, will upload that stuff tomorrow10:21
apacheloggeraka the question was who will port to gst110:21
shadeslayerfrom what I recall qgst needs porting first10:22
apacheloggerRiddell: and yes they all need portery, which depending on whether those pieces of software do some sort of device listing it may be impossible to do :P10:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: pgst does not use qgst :P10:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: not pgst, i meant that in order to port ktp call ui qgst needs porting first10:23
shadeslayersince it uses qgst10:23
apacheloggerah yes10:23
apacheloggerthat makes sense10:23
shadeslayernot to mention gst1.0 is missing stuff so it'll contain workarounds till gst1.0 gets fixed10:24
apacheloggerqtwebkit needs a direct port (i.e. I think it does not use qgst)10:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: seeing you on IRC after quite some time10:24
shadeslayerdidn't qtwebkit use phonon :P10:25
apacheloggerthe fact that gst1 is missing stuff is why i fear it may be hard to port some stuff at all10:25
apacheloggeras you essentially needed to implement direct device probing via alsa, pulse, whathaveyou10:25
shadeslayerTrevor said that it's a acceptable workaround till gst1.0 gets fixed10:26
shadeslayerwhich I think is later this year10:26
apacheloggerfor phonon, yes, since we have the alsa probing in place10:26
apachelogger(that actually would also not be possible with phonon5 as that is supposed to have only backend driven probing ... hooray for gst1 trololo)10:26
shadeslayerbtw ndisgtk is still using python2 right?10:27
shadeslayerraring has python3 port10:27
shadeslayerbtw can someone upload the l10n magic for quantal to beta backports?10:54
apacheloggeranyone wants to sort through my mail and reply 'yes' to every?11:06
* davmor2 quickly send a mail to apachelogger asking for a cheque for 1 Million Pounds Muhahahahaahaha ;)11:13
mikhasapachelogger, what about the viagra mails?11:16
mikhasare you sure you need a 10 years supply?11:17
Riddell"The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil." isn't it annoying when there's a non-free licence term in amongst otherwise GPL code11:49
sheytanHey guys11:54
sheytanplease include kipi-plugins to kubuntu default insta..11:54
sheytanin gwenview there's a 'share' button, but it says no plugins found. This is confusing ;)11:54
sheytanbtw, you can add more wallpapers now, too11:55
sheytanwe have space :)11:55
Riddellsheytan: it pulls in a bunch of stuff which means it takes up a lot of space11:55
Riddellincluding fun stuff like libwxgtk2.8-011:55
sheytanRiddell so please put a notification helper11:56
sheytanlike rekonq has for it ;)11:56
sheytanwhile first run gwenview11:56
Riddellit's a thought11:57
shadeslayerand maybe we can also add a helper for nepomuk-ffmpeg extractor now that we have a separate package for it?11:57
vHandabtw, don't you have something similar for strigi?11:58
shadeslayerRiddell: you forgot a description for the ffmpeg extractor :P11:58
shadeslayervHanda: not that I can see11:58
shadeslayerapt-cache search strigi | grep ffmpeg  returns nothing11:59
vHandaweird. I basically just copied the code from strigi, and then optimized it a little11:59
shadeslayerwe don't build with ffmpeg stuff ;)12:00
sheytansee? Thank me you have another stuff to do :D12:04
sheytanbtw, the notification helper is a good stuff12:05
sheytani have a nice list at home, what i would love to improve in next kubuntu. Will share that today evening ;)12:05
Riddellsheytan: I'll look forward to it :)12:21
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apachelogger"KDE 4.10 release schedule changes, was: We are having RC3 was: Re: Another RC?, was: Re: Akonadi-Nepomuk Feeder Improvements" <- le lol12:33
apacheloggermikhas: surely not bad to have a 10 year supply of viagra12:34
apacheloggerdavmor2: must have ended up in spam12:34
davmor2apachelogger: damn you and your spam filtering running my chances at millions ;)12:35
BluesKajHey all13:12
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soeeuhm 14:26
soeeFor certain workloads with the Linux 3.8 kernel the physical memory usage is lowered by a significant amount thanks to improvements within this kernel that's presently under development...14:26
soeesound good14:26
BluesKajhope it works better then the 3.7 does on my system14:41
BluesKajwell , the 3.7 kernel doesn't work at all wiuth my graphics card , geforce 8400gs14:42
soee12.10 uses 3.5.x ?14:44
BluesKajsoee, yes , the 3.7 is available and I tried it unsuccessfully14:49
BluesKajon 12.1014:49
soeeand 13.04 will be shipped with ?14:50
BluesKajit's default with 13.04 14:50
BluesKajso far 14:50
soeeso are there any chance to put 3.8 there ?14:50
BluesKajI'm hoping the 3.8 has the amd and intel 64 bit HW drivers issues solved 14:51
soeewhat issue ?14:51
BluesKaj3.8 is in rc2  stage I believe14:52
BluesKajit's difficult to tell from my perspective since using noapci and nomodest to get to the desktop is the only method that works on the live-dvd for my pc ...installing hangs and goes nowhere14:54
BluesKajand I've seesn compalints and reports about some amd and intel 64bit pcs having the same problems14:56
Riddellshadeslayer: what's the status of plasma active 3?15:00
shadeslayerMostly done15:01
Riddellwondering because okular is wanting a build-dep on activeapp15:01
shadeslayerawaiting testing on an ExoPC15:01
shadeslayerwhich will be sometime today15:01
shadeslayerassuming Shaan7 shows up :)15:01
shadeslayerhmm... activeapp ... don't remember what I did with those headers15:02
shadeslayerRiddell: build okular with plasma-active-dev in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-active/+archive/ppa/+packages15:03
Riddellwell best to just leave it until it's in the archive I guess15:04
shadeslayerI think we can upload it on Mondau15:05
shadeslayerassuming Shaan7 tests it15:05
shadeslayeralong with kio-mtp15:05
shadeslayerRiddell: or rather, can you review and upload kio-mtp?15:06
shadeslayerScott can pass it from New then15:06
shadeslayerit's in the experimental PPA15:07
Riddellcan do15:08
Riddellshadeslayer: but you'll need to do libwlocate in return for me :)15:08
Riddellfreeflying: how come libqaccessibilityclient is in a git repo called libkde... ?15:09
Riddellsorry not freeflying 15:09
shadeslayerupload libwlocate? I don't think I have upload rights15:09
Riddellfregl: how come libqaccessibilityclient is in a git repo called libkde... ?15:09
Riddellshadeslayer: nah but can you review the packaging?  it's in kubuntu-ppa/experimental15:09
shadeslayerahh sure15:09
freeflyingRiddell: no worries :)15:10
Riddellshadeslayer: kio-mtp upstream fail, files say gpl2 but LICENCE file is gpl 315:14
* Riddell fixes15:14
Riddellshadeslayer: uploaded!15:24
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sheytanany news about optimus for 13.04?15:38
sheytanim about to  buy dell 15z, but i had to read alot about it to get it even boot ;D15:38
Riddellwhat is optimus?15:41
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sheytanRiddell Nvidia / intelHD switching in notebooks for powersave15:56
sheytani can't get nvidia to work15:57
sheytanno opengl sucks ;(15:57
shadeslayerI switch off my discrete card16:00
shadeslayerjust boot it using the intel card16:00
freglRiddell: it got renamed afterwards... it's the fourth name or so...16:02
Riddellfregl: I presume I don't want to package accessibleapps?16:03
Riddellfregl: well infact first question would be do I want to package this at all?16:04
Riddellkmag wants it but I don't know how ready it is16:05
freglRiddell: it should have a release, but I got scared when Sebastian made random api changes at some point, though I think they were not in public api...16:05
freglRiddell: it enables kmag to track the keyboard focus and it will also help Simon doing better integration with the normal desktop16:06
Riddellsounds like something we want16:06
freglRiddell: I would love feedback and a nudge to make a release I guess... I haven't looked at it too much lately. in the end I guess I can make a release and we can always bump .so version if needed16:07
sheytanshadeslayer: it's impossible in this device16:07
sheytani thought about16:07
freglRiddell: btw, do you guys have Simon 0.4 or whatever was released packages? that would be nice too - it finally got rid of all non-free dependencies for good too :)16:08
Riddellfregl: that's next on my todo list16:08
Riddellhi jessie_ 16:30
jessie_Howdy, Riddell 16:31
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yofel_shadeslayer: Launchpad was so nice to remind me why I used boost 1.46 so far:17:47
yofel_ libboost1.48-dev : Conflicts: libboost1.46-dev but 1.46.1-7ubuntu3 is to be installed17:47
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yofelnow lets see what actually pulls that in17:47
BluesKajtried the 3.8-rc2 kernel , but it couldn't find apport even tho it's installed 17:58
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yofelJontheEchidna: is it somehow possible to build qapt 1.9.65 on precise? Currently it fails and I don't get what the error is trying to tell me: https://i127870061.restricted.launchpadlibrarian.net/127870061/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-amd64.qapt_1.9.65-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04.1~ppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz?token=9393704e4873661901e2ae148d08bc4018:24
JontheEchidnayofel: 404's forme18:25
yofelJontheEchidna: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/2915497/+listing-archive-extra18:25
JontheEchidnaah, 12.04's GCC is too old18:25
JontheEchidnais QApt 2.x particularly needed for 12.04?18:26
yofelwell, shadeslayer was trying to backport 4.10 to precise, and kde-runtime is stuck on qapt18:26
JontheEchidnaah, for the new language installation patch18:27
yofelI guess we could excavate the old qapt implementation in kde-runtime...18:28
yofelJontheEchidna: wait18:28
yofelonly for that?18:28
yofelwe don't even need that in precise18:28
JontheEchidnashould be only that18:28
JontheEchidnait'd probably be fine to drop the patch18:28
yofelI'll try that then first18:28
JontheEchidnathat's probably what shadeslayer was trying to ping me about the other day. I tried pinging him back but he hasn't responded yet18:29
JontheEchidnaI think my sleep schedule has drifted to the opposite of shadeslayer's :s18:30
soeei have installed nvidi driver, but it says "This driver is activated but not currently in use"21:24
soeeany idea why?21:24
yofelsoee: -> #kubuntu21:25
BluesKajsoee, it's abug , Have the same indication, but if you run,  dpkg -l | grep nvidia , you'll see the driver in use above NVIDIA binary Xorg driver21:28
sheytanRiddell till now: http://pastebin.com/utCqtE3C21:33
Riddellsheytan: could you e-mail that to kubuntu-devel so it doesn't get lost?21:35
yofelsheytan: re chromium - tried rekonq 2 yet? It's quite usable21:40
sheytanyofel: quite usable is not the point ;)21:40
sheytanplus in chrome you've got that magic called "synching" ;)21:41
sheytanand flash out of the box21:41
yofelI don't believe we have flash out of the box in chromium - that's chrome21:41
yofelIIRC firefox can sync too21:41
sheytanok, it might be chrome only. with ff i have to agree too, but anyway :D21:42
yofelI know they have nice points, but I believe rekonq is still better integrated21:43
yofelfirefox is probably out until the patches get back in (if ever), and i'm not sure how much security updates chromium gets in ubuntu21:44
sheytani've tried it. With more then  10 tabs opend it works slowly. I'm using more then 20 sometimes 21:44
yofelif it's speed with number of tabs open then firefox wins for me, chromium is a bit of a memory hog21:44
yofelbut yeah, it did notice that with rekonq21:45
yofel(but I'm still running 1.80, so I hope 2.0 is better there)21:45
yofelIIRC VLC was a license question21:46
yofeland if people need a better video player than dragon I believe it's easy to find one in muon21:46
sheytanthis list is my personall feeling. You don't have to agree with me and i'm not like: EVERYTHING MUST BE THE WAY I WANT IT, so it's all to disquss21:46
sheytanbtw muon21:46
sheytanthis is hmmm21:47
sheytannot quite a software center21:47
yofeltried muon-discover?21:47
sheytanhope that thing someones is workign on with qml21:47
sheytanwill be better21:47
sheytanyofel: will try it now21:48
sheytani have a test machine with today's 13.04 build21:48
sheytanyofel: looks like a gimp challange for me :D21:50
sheytanwho is working on this little baby?21:50
yofeliirc apol21:54
yofelJontheEchidna will know more21:54
yofelsheytan: as for the rest, kipi-plugins is a good idea, the samba kcm is indeed a pain21:57
yofelwhat's wrong with the wallpaper?21:57
sheytanthere's only one? :)21:57
sheytaninstead the 'install more' button, just add the default ones, or like ubuntu, make a contest to choose new :)21:58
sheytanwhat if you don't have internet access or are on 3G?21:58
sheytanlike me21:58
sheytani don't want to spent my trasfer on things that suppose to be already installed :)21:58
yofelthe problem here is image space... the full kde-wallpapers tarball is 87MB now22:18
alleeafiestas: is default behavior still the one you described in your blog video  screen management got magic?22:20
alleeafiestas: for me external (vga) monitor is not automaticly actived (or the right).  It's in off mode. 22:20
alleeafiestas: windows on external screen are not moved to the laptop screen when external monitor is unplugged :-(22:21
alleeStill much magic missing ;-)22:21
afiestasallee: you shouldn't use git snapshots, that kind of shit happen22:22
yofeland here I thought I'm the only one that needs xrandr to properly set his external monitor up22:22
afiestaswe haven't said it is "package ready" but well it was to be expected I guess22:22
afiestasif you update ot latest master, it should work22:22
afiestaswe have had some breakage and we still have some22:22
afiestasfor example Wacom eats some X11 events22:22
alleeafiestas: no offence intended!  I've updated ~ 2 hours ago to git master (lib)kscreen to get the fixes of my last bug report included.22:23
afiestasupdate everything always, not offence taken22:24
afiestasand disable wacom kded if you want "hot plug" to work 22:24
alleeafiestas: Ping me when it's a good time to sync pkgs with git in the meantime I work on the (not yet existing) quality of  the pkgs ;-)22:25
* allee checks wacom stuff ...22:25
afiestasallee: as I said, package everything asap22:25
afiestascritical stuf is being touched/improved/broken one commit could work, the next one break everything22:25
jessie_afiestas: ARe you the maker of kscreen?22:27
alleeafiestas: :-)   That's why I asked.  I don't want to waste time to create valuable bug report when you know that git is currently broken.    You can imply that I've tried with current master when I ask/report 22:28
yofelshadeslayer: 4.10 for precise is done once you have time to backport indi, that seems to need some other libs backported and I don't have time to look at the risks right now22:31
sheytanyofell: we don't have to fit into a CD anymore ;)22:37
yofelit turns out that there's plenty of other things you can fill 1G with...22:41
yofelI haven't looked at the current size though, so maybe we can do something22:41

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