
StevenKwgrant: Ah ha. The five queries come from package_upload_source_dict[source_file.sourcepackagerelease.id].packageupload.id00:10
StevenKTrying to key SPRF to upload id00:10
wgrantTo get changesfiles?00:11
StevenKNo, that is fed into CPU so it can populate the objects00:13
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StevenKWhich it builds by using IPackageUploadSet.getSourceBySourcePackageReleaseIDs()00:18
* StevenK breaks DistroSeries:+queue :-(01:30
wgrantWhat did you do to it?01:30
StevenKI changed one part of it to no longer use IPackageUploadSet.getSourceBySourcePackageReleaseIDs(), and too make use of PUS only, and now the next method called is looking up SPRF.sourcepackagerelease.id and raising a KeyError when it isn't in the dict.01:31
StevenKIt just wants a mapping of PU id to a list of SPRFs01:33
StevenKSo I might just rewrite it to not be dreadful01:33
StevenKwgrant: 62 == NEW, 66 == DONE01:53
StevenK3 of those are going to be PackageDiff01:53
StevenKwgrant: I've shifted https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/moar-preload-distroseries-queue-redux/+merge/142056 back to Needs Review, but it's currently cowboyed onto DF.02:48
StevenKwgrant: Can haz review, if you're undistracted?03:49
wgrantSoon :)03:51
StevenKwgrant: Shall I pick up bug 1095982 and make AAGs work for lp.View?03:52
_mup_Bug #1095982: Person.getAffiliatedPillars doesn't filter out inaccessible private projects <403> <easy> <private-projects> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1095982 >03:52
wgrantStevenK: Maybe, or work out why LimitedView wasn't sufficient to render the link03:52
wgrantStevenK: You can probably grep for the OOPSes03:53
StevenKwgrant: Well, an AAG should allow it, by rights03:57
wgrantStevenK: An AAG should certainly allow LimitedView, and I think it should allow View, but the private projects implementation assumes that an AAG does not give View03:58
wgrantBut I think LimitedView should have been enough to render that page03:58
wgrantUnauthorized: (<Product at 0x1585a650>, 'displayname', 'launchpad.LimitedView')03:59
StevenKClearly not. displayname should remain under View03:59
wgrantShould it?04:00
wgrantI wonder how BugTask:+index works04:00
wgrantMaybe the task table shows title rather than displayname04:00
StevenKLikely, just thinking about it04:00
StevenKwgrant: IProduct.userCanView() uses ISharingService.checkPillarAccess04:10
StevenKwgrant: And checkPillarAccess only checks APGs04:17
wgrantStevenK: Doesn't the LimitedView adapter do something different?04:18
StevenKIt checks userHasGrantsOnPillar04:18
wgrantThat's what I suspected04:19
StevenKwgrant: So I'm not sure how to tackle this04:22
wgrantStevenK: How does BugTask:+index render?04:22
wgrantI assume it uses Product.title rather than Product.displayname04:22
wgrantWhich must mean that title is LimitedView04:22
wgrantBut displayname is LimitedView too, from that exception04:23
wgrantStevenK: Perhaps userHasGrantsOnPillar doesn't respect team participations04:25
StevenKThat calls IAccessPolicyGrantFlatSource.findArtifactsByGrantee(), which doesn't check TeamParticipation.04:28
StevenKLimitedView for an AAG, and View for an APG just sounds wrong04:29
StevenKwgrant: The only that I can see that uses TeamParticipation under APGF is _populateIndirectGranteePermissions04:33
wgrantStevenK: I don't think AAG == LimitedView && APG == View is feasible to implement fully, but there's nothing fundamentally wrong with the idea and it's what is mostly implemented today04:37
wgrantSo we would do well to preserve it for now04:37
wgrantStevenK: _getSharedPillars uses TP and APGF04:37
StevenKwgrant: Well, it isn't what happens for bugs and branches04:37
wgrantStevenK: Sure, but bugs and branches don't have subordinate objects that can have their own grants04:38
wgrantThe idea is that a grant on a bug gives you access to just that bug, not all details about the product04:38
StevenK*cough* stacked branches04:38
wgrantWhile a grant on the product gives you access to all04:38
wgrantStacked branches are not subordinate04:38
StevenKYes, I was mostly trolling badly.04:42
StevenKIt probably feels wrong due to bugs and branches acting differently.04:43
StevenK_getSharedPillars uses TP and APGF for the owner, but not the grantee04:44
wgrantSo it does04:45
wgrantIt's not quite clear why it checks owner or driver at all04:45
wgrantThe owner/driver check is to verify that the current user is allowed to see that the grant exists04:46
wgrantgetSharedProducts lists all direct grants for the *given person* to a product that the *user* owns or drives04:47
wgrantcheckPillarAccess is the privilege checking implementation04:47
StevenKSo from what I can see, there is no mtheod that looks for an AAG while respecting TP.04:47
wgrantYou'll want something similar to that, except on APGF04:47
wgrantgetVisibleArtifacts is probably the only thing that uses AAG+TP04:48
wgrant(though it shouldn't; all artifacts should have it denormed)04:49
wgrantWhat about it?05:04
StevenKIt isn't denormed05:05
wgrantHence "should"05:05
StevenKCan haz review now?05:05
wgrantAm looking05:05
wgrantIs long05:05
StevenKYou're not stuck with 3G tethering05:06
wgrantsource_dict is one of the most useless methods ever, and its name is wrong05:06
wgrantCan it be inlined?05:06
StevenKIt is leftovers, effectively05:07
wgrantI can use a selection of Storm "validators" to do my evil05:29
wgrantThough I shall probably never be forgiven05:29
StevenKOMG, you wouldn't dare05:37
* StevenK stabs buildbot and it's poller06:14
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StevenKstub: Are you going to QA r16409 today?08:46
* stub wonders if it is untestable08:52
stubI guess if we can retrieve stuff from the Librarian, it is qa-ok08:52
adeuringgood morning08:54
stubStevenK: qa-ok'd09:11
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benjigary_poster: yep, that is a bug in the backend; I was just trying to figure out where to file that and whether or not I should dig into it14:47
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* dobey wonders who to bug about bzr dailydeb having issues only on launchpad :-/20:14
lifelessdobey: what do you mean?20:27
dobeylifeless: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/127602321/buildlog.txt.gz20:33
dobeylifeless: this seems to only happen on lp. the recipe for that build works fine locally, it's just a simple recipe to reubild lp:ubuntu/ubuntuone-client on older versions of ubuntu that we (u1) still need to support.20:34
lifelessdobey: that looks like a pristine-tar failure20:34
lifelessdobey: there is no exception thrown from bzr routines, so presumably the tags etc were all recreatable20:34
dobeyyes, but why would it fail only on launchpadk, and not locally? how am i supposed to debug it further?20:34
lifelessdobey: clean quantal chroot should let you reproduce it20:35
lifelessbut I presume you tried that and couldn't ?20:35
dobeyi've tried dailydeb on quantal and on raring; though not in an empty chroot20:37

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