
=== slank is now known as slank_away
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ricotzhello, please cancel those stuck builds https://launchpad.net/~super-friends/+archive/daily/+build/4197265 https://launchpad.net/~super-friends/+archive/daily/+build/4193592 https://launchpad.net/~ajf/+archive/transmission-remote-gtk-unstable/+build/4186079 https://launchpad.net/~super-friends/+archive/daily/+build/419121407:26
imexilHi I'm really struggling to assign another "Also affects project" to Bug #104952213:20
ubot5bug 1049522 in auctex (Ubuntu) "auctex installs emacs23 even when emacs24 is installed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104952213:20
imexilthe package "ecb" has the same problem but does not exist on launchpad so it seems I can not mark it as "affected project"13:21
imexilso what should I do now?13:21
dpmhi all, quick question: if I change the name of a team which has got a PPA, is there any way to make the change transparent to the PPA subscribers? Or will they need to update the subscription to point to the PPA with the new team name?13:28
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dimiternczajkowski: ping13:32
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czajkowskidimitern: the latter14:05
czajkowskidpm: the latter14:05
czajkowskiimexil: not sure what you mean14:05
dpmczajkowski, ah, I was fearing that, thanks for confirming14:05
imexilczajkowski: well the bug is currently only affecting the auctex package14:06
czajkowski2nd person to ask in as many mins ;)14:06
imexiland I just want to add that it also affects the ecb packages14:06
imexilonly going on "also affects project" does not help since there is no "ecb" project present in launchpad (though there is the _package_ ecb)14:07
czajkowskican you add upstream info on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/auctex/+bug/1049522/+choose-affected-product14:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1049522 in auctex (Ubuntu) "auctex installs emacs23 even when emacs24 is installed" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:08
imexilwell then I have to specifie the name and when I change auctex to ecb I get: "There is no project in Launchpad named "ecb". Please search for it as it may be registered with a different name."14:10
imexiland I'm back at square one so to say14:10
czajkowskiimexil: so it's not possible, if there was an upsteam you could link to the upstream bug14:10
imexilOK I just assumed that _every_ package in ubunt also can be addressed in launchpad14:11
imexilwhich let's me wonder how one reports a bug in ecb on ubuntu ....14:12
mgzimexil: you can assign a bug to the ubuntu package, but not always the upstream14:12
mgznote that the package name may well not be the same as the command you run or the name of the project14:12
imexilOK that would be sufficient, but how do I do that wrt to "Also affects project"14:13
imexilAH! It's then "Also affects distribution" ... that was not very obvious to me. Sorry.14:14
imexilThat should probably better be called: "Also affects package/distribution"14:15
mgzright, it's distribution, not project14:16
imexilOK thanks.14:16
mgzI agree it's not terribly clear14:16
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chrisccoulsonis launchpad meant to be adding comments to mozilla's bugzilla? (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=827019#c12)18:39
ubot5Mozilla bug 827019 in en-GB / English (United Kingdom) "404 error when using Chambers (UK) search" [Normal,Assigned]18:39
chrisccoulsoni thought that was disabled, but i just noticed this18:39
alesagehi, I've got a bzr problem, wonder if someone can offer an opinion on this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1510284/19:09
lifelessit looks like a url ? :)19:10
lifelessalesage: what version of bzr is that ?19:11
lifelessalesage: I seem to recall some issues with pulling from stacked repos a while back19:11
alesagelifeless, hmm--remedy would just be an apt-get update?19:12
lifelessalesage: if its that problem, yes19:13
alesageok lifeless, we shall attempt thx :)19:13
ricotzhello, could someone bump the buildscore of those builds please https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3/+sourcepub/2917132/+listing-archive-extra19:46
czajkowskiricotz: all_of them?19:50
czajkowskiricotz: https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/PolicyandProcess/PPAPriorityPolicy19:50
ricotzyes, both :)19:50
ricotz(this is not a public site)19:51
czajkowskiricotz: also this channel isn't really watched past 6pm UTC as there is only one person on maintence atm in Launchpad and the other 2 are in AU timezone and I finished work almost  2 hours ago19:51
ricotzthere is currently a dependency issue which should get fixed with this build19:52
czajkowskiricotz: please file a question https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad19:52
ricotzczajkowski, oh, i see, thanks19:52
ricotzalright, i will just leave it then and let it climb the queue19:53
czajkowskiricotz: possibly wise, everytime a project is bumped it pushes past another one that has been waiting :)19:53
ricotzczajkowski, yeah, have a nice evening then, and don't care about this :)19:54
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alkisgHi, I can't understand why https://code.launchpad.net/~vagrantc/ltsp/ltsp-debian-packaging fails to sync... could someone see any reason?20:48
alkisg[Errno 110] Connection timed out ==> but it does work for me20:48
fgintherlifeless, alesage and I have been working on http://paste.ubuntu.com/1510284/ ...22:06
fgintherwith no success22:06
fgintherour system already has the latest precise packages, we also found https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/522637 which mentions a repair step22:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 522637 in Bazaar 2.0 "BzrCheckError: Cannot add revision(s) to repository: missing referenced chk root keys" [High,Fix released]22:08
fgintherthe repair attempt results in: "bzr: ERROR: RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch/libdbusmenu/.bzr/) cannot canonicalize CHKs."22:08
fgintherWas wondering if anything else comes to mind :-)22:08
SweetsharkHi everyone, can you please kill https://launchpad.net/~bdcomp/+archive/backports/+build/4198934? It ran out of disc space and blocks a buildd? I notified the owner of the build already. thx.23:07
StevenKSweetshark: I've killed it.23:10
SweetsharkStevenK: awesome thx.23:14
lifelessfginther: sorry, nothing does.23:27
lifelessfginther: perhaps ask jam ?23:27
fgintherthanks, I'll do that23:28
=== tsbere_ is now known as tsbere

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