jvrbanac | mhall119, you still around? | 00:33 |
mhall119 | jvrbanac: yup | 00:35 |
jvrbanac | sweet! I think I just finished up a rough pass at that diagram. Just sent it via email. | 00:37 |
jvrbanac | I ended up stripping out a ton of redundant information when I made the whole thing pretty generic | 00:38 |
jvrbanac | I'm not sure if that was exactly what you were looking for. | 00:41 |
jvrbanac | mhall119, Woop! I forgot to add a type column on the search_elements table. I figured that since we weren't really rendering the content live, that we could remove the redundancy in the tables for classes, enums, and bitfields | 00:47 |
mhall119 | jvrbanac: where is this diagram? | 00:50 |
jvrbanac | I sent it to your email. Did it not come through? | 00:50 |
mhall119 | ah, wasn't paying attention to email, let me check | 00:51 |
jvrbanac | mhall119, I forgot to mention. I used MySQL Workbench. I wasn't sure what you like to use, but it is free and has a very nice EER modeling tool. | 00:58 |
mhall119 | jvrbanac: that's fine, I usually use dia, but this works | 00:58 |
jvrbanac | Ahh! I'll remember that next time. | 00:59 |
mhall119 | use whatever you like best | 01:00 |
jvrbanac | mhall119, :) I originally had this thing with separate tables for classes, enums, etc, but I figured I would try removing that concept all together to make it more generic. That way it should be flexible enough for most frameworks. | 01:04 |
mhall119 | don't be more generic that you need to be | 01:07 |
mhall119 | that's a classic anti-pattern :) | 01:07 |
jvrbanac | :) true | 01:07 |
jvrbanac | mhall119, Well, if I add back in out the ones I condensed it'll add on five more tables with nearly the same structures. Do you have an opinion either way? Do you think that I made it too generic? | 01:13 |
jvrbanac | mhall119, Now that I think about it... I'm missing a few other things now. Crud! Ok... back the the drawing board. Sorry! | 01:20 |
mhall119 | jvrbanac: no worries, I'm distracted by CES videos right now anyway ;) | 01:21 |
jvrbanac | mhall119, lol! | 01:22 |
jvrbanac | mhall119, I just sent you an updated version. It's a little less generic and has a few issues fixed. | 01:46 |
mhall119 | thanks jvrbanac | 01:47 |
jvrbanac | mhall119, I'm going to head out for the night. If you have some free time tomorrow, perhaps we can nail down these models. | 01:57 |
mhall119 | jvrbanac: sounds good, ping me whenever you're around | 01:58 |
jvrbanac | mhall119, will do! | 01:59 |
mpt | What's the simplest possible code with which I can test a Launcher icon with a number emblem? | 12:16 |
dpm | mpt, what sort of test are you thinking of? Perhaps the easiest way, without writing any code, is to run hello-unity: https://launchpad.net/hello-unity | 13:25 |
dpm | mpt, or you can run the short Python script with the sample code on http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/technologies/launcher/ | 13:42 |
mpt | Thanks dpm. I just want a test to show what the emblem looks like when it is 1, 2, 3, and 4 digits long | 13:42 |
* mpt gets the hello-unity code | 13:44 | |
mpt | AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'scale_simple' | 13:44 |
mpt | I guess it would help if I read the README :-) | 13:45 |
mpt | Ah, so if the count > 9999 it's rendered as "****" | 13:47 |
dpm | yeah, I think I saw someone mentioning that happening in the mail count for the launcher of the gmail webapp a while ago | 13:50 |
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