
ubuntubhoyas I say it's not one of the thing's I tried00:01
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Noskcajanyone interested? http://viajemotu.wordpress.com/2013/01/07/ubuntu-loco-games-2013-1/05:11
mattronixhas anyone used ubuntu arm on a raspberry pi08:39
hrwmarvin24: you can't09:13
hrw"If you have a Pi, try #raspbian !" is in topic for a reason09:13
infinityhrw: You meant mattronix, which failed to tab-complete cause he left. :P09:14
lilsteviehrw: I was about to say that but the guy left09:14
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ppisatiikepanhc: do you use DT with any of your arm kernels?11:01
janimoppisati, the armadaxp at least does not use DT11:05
janimoppisati, not sure about other kernels ike maintains11:05
ppisatii'm rpetty sure at leat one of our kernel support DT11:05
janimoarmadaxp support may be in 3.8 already so in raring we could just switch to mainline. I know it is being upstreamed but I am not uptodate11:06
hrwand if is then probably also uses DT11:09
ppisatimy concern is about ubuntu arm images vs DT distribution/board support11:16
ppisatido we separate DTs from ubuntu images?11:16
ppisatior do we only support one board?11:16
ppisatie.g. for omap4 there are already 2 different DTs11:17
ppisatipanda and pandaes11:17
ppisatiwhich do we pick?11:17
hrwboth and let uboot choose?11:26
ppisatihrw: does the linaro alredy do that?11:27
ppisatihrw: *linaro uboot11:27
hrwppisati: no idea - I no longer touch armv7a11:27
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ikepanhcppisati: besides armadaxp, highbank and arndale require DT when booting12:18
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ppisatiikepanhc: arndale?12:25
ikepanhcppisati: samsung soc12:26
hrwnice devboard for development of arm stuff. dual a15 with 2gb ram and sata12:29
ppisatiikepanhc: do you know where DT is distributed? in u-boot or in the kernel package?12:30
ikepanhcppisati: DT binary shall be something bootloader hands over to kernel, usually bootloader will put it in dram12:31
hrwppisati: should be with kernel12:31
ikepanhcppisati: in my viewpoint, it shall not be with kenel package12:31
suihkulokkiit comes from the kernel sources so12:31
hrwikepanhc: but it comes from kernel source12:31
ppisatiikepanhc: in the armadaxp case, where does it live?12:31
ikepanhcyes, in all of the case I see, all from kernel source12:32
ikepanhcbut just like acpi table, if we just need a single table for a kernel, why we need it?12:33
* ppisati download armadaxp and take a look12:34
hrwikepanhc: because we can provide single table for device which runs kernel targetting 100 different devices?12:35
ikepanhchrw: I think it shall be designed for "single kernel can work fine on 100 different board with each DT"12:37
ikepanhcppisati: armadaxp do not have DT support12:37
hrwikepanhc: if you want 4MB kernel with 4MB DT...12:37
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hrwikepanhc: there are devices where DT will be manipulated from userspace12:38
RaYmAnisn't that purely a hack to get around missing DT support in bootloaders though?12:39
hrwRaYmAn: no12:39
hrwRaYmAn: https://lwn.net/Articles/531569/12:40
marvin24hi janimo13:57
marvin24I've setup a branch on http://gitorious.org/~marvin24/ac100/marvin24s-kernel/commits/linux-ac100-3.813:57
marvin24with some patches against 3.8-rc213:58
marvin24I'm not sure how to proceed13:58
marvin24as there will be no official Raring build for the AC10013:58
marvin24on the other hand, a kernel package would make it simpler to create a community build13:59
marvin24I wonder if there is some docu on how to create ubuntu installer images for "unsupported" devices13:59
marvin24I have modified the omap netboot image already, and it seems to work14:00
marvin24but that's more like a hack14:00
janimomarvin24, nice, and 3.8 works just as well as our current kernel?14:16
janimomarvin24, I am not sure about how community builds are run, ogra may know more14:18
janimoI don't think there are easy tools, official images also contain a lot of per-target hacks both for builders and inside packages14:19
marvin24janimo: so far everything fine, 3.8 already includes the tegra drm driver (lcd and hdmi output work)14:24
marvin24so the patches are rather minimal14:24
janimomarvin24, great. But too late for the 3.8 cycle?14:25
marvin24it's a bit unfortune that there is so little docu about this14:25
janimomarvin24, about image building?14:25
marvin24janimo: in fact, bare 3.8 also works14:25
marvin24janimo: yes14:25
marvin24I guess there are many people who like to build images for their devices14:25
janimomarvin24, indeed, it is a pity. The tools used for ubuntu images are not well documented either14:25
marvin24well, there is build-live14:26
marvin24I didn't dig too deep into the configuration14:26
ogra_marvin24, we use livecd-rootfs to create the bits and then debian-cd and cdimage to assemble an image out of them14:26
janimomarvin24, it even stops canonical employees from testing things fast locally, it does not only affect outside developers14:26
ogra_everything sould be in public branches nowadays14:26
marvin24ogra_: maybe someone could setup a page which describes the process somehow14:26
ogra_(on launchpad, look for the cdimage team)14:27
marvin24I kown I'm to lazy to read the source14:27
ogra_marvin24, yes, someone should :)14:27
ogra_(since years)14:27
janimoit's not that it is not public (anymore at least) but not streamlined into one command that is easier than live-build14:27
ogra_(livecd-rootfs is a wrapper for live-build btw)14:28
marvin24ogra_: btw, https://gitorious.org/uboot-ac100/create_bootimage14:28
marvin24builds an image which can be uploaded via tegrarcm14:28
ogra_yeah, saw you talking about it on #ac10014:28
marvin24no need to flash14:28
marvin24starts raring netboot installer14:28
ogra_mkimage ?14:29
ogra_why dont you use text files for the config ?14:29
ogra_(we do that everywhere lese nowadays)14:30
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ogra_oh, a new florence release ...14:32
ogra_something to test on the nexus7 :)14:33
ogra_janimo, do you still work on the gyro sensor bits and camera support ?14:34
janimoogra_, I am still assigned those WIs so in principle yet. gyro first, webcam later14:34
janimofor webcam I know there was some nvidia comments on the bugreport suggesting they too are looking into that14:35
* ogra_ finally has ureadahead working ... 14:35
ogra_still struggling with plymouth14:35
ogra_i got it booting without initrd ... but then plymouth crashes and mountall refuses to finish the fsck14:36
marvin24ogra_: mkimage adds the u-boot header14:45
marvin24... which is not really required by u-boot anymore14:46
ogra_marvin24, u-boot doesnt need that since over a year anymore, you can use uEvn.txt and preEnv.txt instead14:46
marvin24I wonder why ubuntu still uses it (uImage, uInitrd)14:46
ogra_because we have code that handles them generically across all u-boot images and nobody bothered to change anything there14:47
ogra_panda is pretty much in maintenance mode ...14:47
ogra_nexus7 and ac100 use fastboot ...14:48
ogra_and the diferent server images we have ship with u-bppt on flash14:48
ogra_(afaik at least, havent done much in the server area lately)14:49
marvin24how is uEnv.txt loaded or embedded into the u-boot image?14:49
ogra_the only actual improvement was the switch to txt files from  the silly boot.scr14:49
marvin24is this omap u-boot specific?14:49
ogra_upstream u-boot14:50
* marvin24 greps the u-boot source14:50
ogra_should work on all setups that use upstream more or less14:50
ogra_so ureadahead speeds up booting noticeable ...14:52
ogra_but only the part where we show a splash anyway ... the bits with black screen didnt get faster14:52
marvin24ogra_: seems that uEnv.txt is loaded by a user defined script in some configs14:59
marvin24tegra has only minimal config scripts for now14:59
ogra_well, the functionallity to use it is upstream15:00
ogra_you shouldnt need to do anything but enable it15:00
marvin24ogra_: there is no "code" for this15:00
marvin24it's just a macro in the board config15:00
ogra_i thought there was15:00
marvin24which calls "env load" from the u-boot prompt at the end15:01
marvin24and then something must use these variables15:01
marvin24I like the "source <some script>" aproach more15:01
marvin24because it is more adaptable15:01
ogra_but a nightmare to edit15:02
ogra_boot.scr is one of the biggest complaints i had from users over the years15:02
ogra_well, the need for post processing15:02
marvin24yes, from a user perspective you are right15:04
marvin24on the other hand, I first have to upstream some script which interprets the uEnv.txt to make use of it15:04
marvin24search for "bootenv"15:04
ogra_i really thought that was an upstream addition thats usable everywhere now15:05
ogra_i know there were a bunch of discussions on the cross-distro arm list15:05
ogra_(to default to it for everything)15:05
* ogra_ curses 15:05
ogra_ok, my kernel change didnt fix plymouth15:05
* ogra_ sighs15:07
hrwogra_: nexus7 fight?15:08
ogra_well, tegra fight15:08
ogra_we have a similar prob on the ac10015:08
ogra_i can fix it by running console-setup before plymouth runs15:08
ogra_but i dont need to do that on any other arch and would likt to fix the root of the prob15:09
ogra_especially since you force yourself to use an initrd when needing to run console-setup before15:09
ogra_(and i'm trying to get rid of initrd completely for the installed nexus7)15:10
Tassadarwhy, it speeds up the boot?15:13
RaYmAnso it actually partially boots a boot.img without a ramdisk on n7?15:14
RaYmAntf201's bootloader is buggy and needs a >0 byte ramdisk to actually boot kernel.15:15
ogra_same for nx715:15
RaYmAnah, ok15:15
ogra_alternatively you can just disable the initrd support in the kernel15:15
ogra_but since we use the initrd at install time and cant get around that, thats no option15:16
marvin24is this a fastboot limitation?15:22
marvin24RaYmAn: what about to upgrade to u-boot?15:24
ogra_marvin24, rather abootimg i think15:25
marvin24abootimg? that just creates a boot partition ...15:26
marvin24fastboot has the size limit for the initrd15:26
marvin24which comes from downstream AFAIK, so all tegra devices should have similar problems15:27
ogra_well, abootimg doesnt let me add a obyte initrd15:27
ogra_no idea where the limitation lies :)15:27
marvin24ogra_: use /dev/null as the initrd name15:27
marvin24no joke15:28
ogra_but from an enduser perspectice it starts at abootimg15:28
ogra_oh, didnt try that15:28
lilsteviewith the tf201 it is actually the bootloader15:29
marvin24ah, didn't know that15:31
RaYmAnmarvin24: on n7? Not really possible given it requires a signed bl.15:33
Tassadarand it does not have nvflash yet - when you corrupt the bootloader, you have one nice brick15:35
marvin24ah, rescue (rcm) mode als requires signed blob15:36
marvin24otherwise you could just use tegrarcm15:36
marvin24maybe someone should ask for the keys ...15:36
RaYmAnIt's per-device key15:37
marvin24so they have a different "zero"-stage boot loader in each cpu?15:39
* marvin24 forgot how this is implemented in hw15:39
marvin24or I just didn't read http://http.download.nvidia.com/tegra-public-appnotes/tegra-boot-flow.html15:40
marvin24"The Tegra SoC supports various security modes. Some of these modes require the BCT, bootloader, and/or RCM protocol messages to be encrypted and/or signed with a potentially device-specific key. Details of these features are beyond the scope of this document.The Tegra SoC supports various security modes. Some of these modes require the BCT, bootloader, and/or RCM protocol messages to be encrypted and/or signed with a15:40
marvin24potentially device-specific key. Details of these features are beyond the scope of this document."15:40
RaYmAndoesn't that only handle the open case?15:40
RaYmAnah, right15:40
RaYmAnbut yeah, they are encrypted & signed with a device-specific Secure boot key (SBK)15:41
TassadarRaYmAn: so flashing/updating bootloader must be done by current active bootloader, since nothing else has the key?15:41
RaYmAnTassadar: that pretty much sums it up I guess15:41
Tassadarthat's dumb15:41
RaYmAn(and no, you can't extract the key :P)15:42
Tassadaryeah, it's all encrypted15:42
Tassadarread that somewhere already15:42
ogra_yeah, else nvflash would just work15:42
ogra_or tegracrm15:42
lilstevieTassadar: why is that dumb? works quite well15:42
RaYmAnin any case, fastboot won't let you flash a new bootloader because it requires that it's signed (by an RSA key)15:43
RaYmAn(on n7)15:43
Tassadarfasboot erase bootloader works pretty well too, unfortunatelly15:43
RaYmAnso if google wanted, they could easily let us flash a signed uboot15:43
Tassadarchmm, that is weird15:45
Tassadarone CM developer managed to accidentally brick his n7 by "fastboot flash bootloader boot.img" Oo15:45
RaYmAnthat's not very likely15:46
RaYmAnwell, actually15:46
RaYmAnthere is *one* case where that could happen15:46
RaYmAnIt uses a rather specific way of signing bootloaders, so if the boot.img was signed the same way, it would flash15:46
Tassadarit was probably just normal boot image15:47
RaYmAnit refuses to flash those15:47
RaYmAnI can't rule out a previous bootloader version might have allowed it15:47
Tassadaranyway, I don't really get why do they even bother to lock it up like that15:49
RaYmAnit's kind of pointless15:50
RaYmAnI mean, you can partially understand it on phones - carrier lockin and stuff, lots of money involved15:50
RaYmAnbut on tablets? that's just silly!15:50
ogra_probably just the same code15:51
ogra_and someone being to lazy to special case it for tablets15:51
RaYmAngoogle actively enabled that extra layer of security.15:51
RaYmAnIt's entirely optional on tegra15:52
Tassadartransformer's bootloader was encrypted too I think, Asus said that it was required to get like the DRM licences (?), and they released like "unlocked" version, which disabled google play movies or something like that15:52
RaYmAn(as you know from ac100)15:52
Tassadarif I'm not mistaken15:52
RaYmAnthe whole asus thing was one big misunderstanding. No one whining about it had any clue what it was about15:52
RaYmAnbut they did manage to convince asus to make an unlock, so no point in arguing ;)15:53
RaYmAnthe encryption/signing of the bootloader is a tegra SoC core feature. It's controlled by OTP fuses, so these fuses has to be actively burned to enable it15:53
Tassadarwell....nexus 7 has the same thing, shame that nobody cares since we can "unlock" ability to flash system/data/recovery15:54
* ogra_ doesnt mind the bootloader ... but the GPT15:55
* Tassadar searches for GPT15:55
ogra_the hardcoded partition table15:55
Tassadarpartition table!15:55
RaYmAnyeah, that's a pain with the hardcoded offsets etc15:55
RaYmAn(gpt_offset or something passed to kernel)15:55
ogra_i would pretty much prefer we could just wipe the MMC completely and use it as single partition15:56
RaYmAnI like how QC does it - just search for a partition iwth a specific UUID and load bootloader from there.15:57
marvin24ac100 was never locked at all15:57
Tassadarit was transformer prime15:58
Tassadarthe one with gps problems i believe15:58
RaYmAnTassadar: original transformer had exactly the same issues wrt bootloader.15:58
RaYmAnwell, except they didn't require signed boot.img & recovery.img for that.15:59
RaYmAnBut bootloader it self was encrypted & signed in the same way.15:59
Tassadaryeah, here it is http://www.androidpolice.com/2012/01/03/you-spoke-asus-listened-an-unlock-tool-for-the-transformer-primes-bootloader-is-in-the-works/16:01
Tassadarthey say it is required because of DRM16:01
RaYmAnthe interesting part is that when you unlock e.g. N7, it leaves your DRM keys in tact and DRM still works.16:02
RaYmAnwhereas on TF Prime, they wipe the keys16:02
RaYmAnSo I suspect it's more of a misunderstanding in what is required.16:03
Tassadarwell, on n7 it does not unlock the bootloader itself16:03
Tassadarlike the bootloader is still encrypted and must be signed16:03
Tassadarif you want to flash another16:03
lilstevieno different on the tf20116:03
lilsteviethe encrypted business is a one way deal16:04
TassadarI guess it would be complete surprise if the'd made up that stuff about DRM :)16:04
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Tassadarby the way, can't you play the movie via HDMI? Isn't the DRM pointless then?16:08
ogra_HDMI has builtin DRM :)16:09
Tassadarhah, okay)16:09
RaYmAnTassadar: look at HDCP16:10
Tassadar"In September 2010, an HDCP master key [...] was released to the public"16:11
ogra_sure, has the same status as libdvdcss16:12
Tassadarso just another "DRM" to soothe the content publishers16:13
ogra_you cant officially use or distribute it16:13
RaYmAndoes it even work for decrypting bluerays?16:13
RaYmAnI mean, on a regular pc etc16:13
ogra_HDCP is part of DRM ... else you could ... as you said above ... just copy the video stream16:13
RaYmAner, not blurays of course.16:14
RaYmAnFrom what I heard, you need rather specialized hardware to actually take advantage of that key16:14
Tassadarengadget says that "Hardware HDCP rippers like the HDfury2 and DVIMAGIC have been around" before that key was "released"16:17
Tassadarit is probably not even used that much anyway, since ripping the blurays is clearly possible16:18
marvin24yuhu - we'll get locked ubuntu16:45
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