
mhall119daker: did I miss anything interesting on that lice CNet feed?00:12
mhall119oh lord00:17
mhall119live video00:17
mhall119not lice00:17
dakermhall119: no idea :)00:48
bkerensamhall119: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter/AppPromotion00:59
bkerensasays Jono is working on Ubuntu Button for FF and I was discussing it with one of the people at Mozilla who uses Ubuntu and works on the Team that would approve it00:59
mhall119bkerensa: ah, great, I think the problem before was that we weren't closely following their release cycle, but we are now01:01
bkerensamhall119: So I think it goes a little further than that :)01:01
* bkerensa needs to find the bug he has open in Bugzilla01:01
mhall119bkerensa: is there still some concern that they have?01:03
bkerensamhall119: So it appears the issue would be that its a lot of work :)01:05
bkerensamhall119: I have a bug ID if you would like to comment on it01:05
bkerensamhall119: <ckoehler> bkerensa I don't think it makes sense to do the work required to make that happen01:10
bkerensa<ckoehler> our download pages are very fragile01:10
bkerensa<ckoehler> ubuntu users will already have firefox01:10
bkerensamhall119: but the bug idea is here https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=76300701:10
ubot2Mozilla bug 763007 in General "Firefox.com lacks "Download for Ubuntu" button but offers Generic Linux Download" [Enhancement,New]01:10
mhall119bkerensa: you'd want to confirm, but I don't think Kubuntu, Xubuntu, or other flavors and derivatives come with Firefox by default01:20
bkerensamhall119: Yeah but this is a Ubuntu button not for other projects right?01:21
mhall119bkerensa: the button works on any Ubuntu flavor or derivative that uses our archives01:22
bkerensamhall119: I see01:22
mhall119it points to apps.ubuntu.com, which lists things in the archives01:23
mhall119so technically the button works for any OS, it just takes you to a page about the app with screenshots, rating and reviews, and a download button01:23
bkerensamhall119: the localization and detection issue I think it what the blocker would be01:25
mhall119what's the issue?01:26
bkerensamhall119: Getting people to localize the content and sorting how to detect Ubuntu users from other Linux users01:27
bkerensawe cannot blanket offer the Ubuntu button to Redhat or Fedora users01:27
bkerensaFirefox does not have a header right now that separates it from Fedora or other Distros01:27
bkerensamhall119: oh it looks like it was actually re-added01:28
bkerensamhall119: but I'm not sure that Chrome or Chromium or browsers offered by Xubuntu/Lubuntu/Kubuntu have the Ubuntu field in the UA string01:29
bkerensaso we would only be presenting this button to Ubuntu users that already have Firefox?01:29
bkerensamhall119: So Chrome/Chromium present "(X11; Linux xARCH)" where FF does "(X11; Ubuntu; Linux; rv VERSION xARCH)"01:32
mhall119bkerensa: why can't you offer a page with Ubuntu *and* Fedora buttons01:33
mhall119one page, multiple buttons?01:34
mhall119or multiple buttons on a side-bar01:34
mhall119or something01:34
bkerensathats where the work comes in01:34
mhall119anybody that provides Firefox packages themselves and provides you a button01:34
bkerensaand then we would have to localize01:35
bkerensawe would also have to localize the ubuntu button since we offer the website in every language under the sun01:35
bkerensamhall119: I would like to see it01:35
mhall119hmm, imbrandon made a css version of the download butotn, that would be localizable01:35
bkerensabut convincing people to "do work" for something like this... Unless we could convince Ubuntu Contributors to pick up the work and submit patches01:36
mhall119bkerensa: what if we offered an array of images in different languages?01:37
dakerbkerensa: they use django ?01:37
bkerensadaker: let me check the repo01:37
mhall119daker: Mozilla uses a lot of Django, yes01:38
dakerso it will be easy with imbrandon button {% trans "Download for ubuntu" %}01:39
mhall119daker: if that site is Django and translted that way, yes01:43
mhall119bkerensa: if pre-translated images would make it possible for them to put the button on their pages, I'll work internally to get those made01:47
bkerensamhall119: Well I will try and push it01:49
mhall119bkerensa: let me know if there are any other roadblocks and we'll try to overcome them as well01:49
bkerensamhall119: asking someone now01:50
bkerensa<bkerensa> ckoehler: someone at Canonical asked01:50
bkerensa<bkerensa> :P01:50
bkerensa<ckoehler> bkerensa Probably not at this stage.01:50
bkerensaso looks like no01:50
bkerensamhall119: there was more but I had to PM you the rest since it is not something that should be public01:51
bkerensadaker: https://github.com/mozilla/bedrock <-- django01:52
dakerso mhall119 i guess imbrandon's button will work with {% trans %}01:54
dakerbkerensa: on which page it needs to be shown ?01:55
bkerensadaker my understanding is that Ubuntu Comm Team wanted it on front page01:56
bkerensawhich is the only place we offer the main download button01:56
dakerbkerensa: https://github.com/mozilla/bedrock/blob/master/apps/firefox/templates/firefox/new.html01:58
imbrandonif there is something I can do / change to help out with it mhall119 / daker just let me know01:58
imbrandonit could be a trivial server side script (js,php,python,pretty much anything) to generate a translated png as well with minimal work02:01
mhall119imbrandon: will do, thanks02:04
imbrandondaker / mhall119: here is the current sources too for the button, should you need it for a Proof-of-Concept or similar etc etc02:06
mhall119my god these CES keynotes are cheesy02:42
mhall119daker: sounds like a new CES drinking game02:46
imbrandoni'm in :) hahaha02:46
mhall119maybe AlanBell can make CES Bingo cards02:46
dakeromg steve balmer02:48
imbrandonwhat stream are you all watching ?02:48
mhall119oh gawd02:49
mhall119hide the chairs02:50
imbrandoni'm pretty sure Balmer will retire in 201302:50
imbrandonor be forced to02:50
* mhall119 wouldn't be surprised02:50
imbrandon13 years at the helm, and with the tepid win8 and windows phone releases i think is sealing the deal on his retirement02:51
mhall119has it been 13 years already?02:51
imbrandonyup, well going on it, 200002:52
mhall119they don't have a twitter app yet?02:52
mhall119so Microsoft got their CES keynote afterall...02:53
mhall119I'm shocked02:53
mhall119shocked I say02:53
dakerlightweight, smooth, highly secure, productive, isn't that cool :D02:53
imbrandonhow cool is that02:54
mhall119isn't that cool02:54
* mhall119 takes a shot02:54
dakerand designed by the best designers in the world :D02:55
mhall119daker: solid colored squares are hard02:55
dakervery hard!02:58
imbrandon250ft tall ironmans03:06
imbrandonwith a Indepdance day ripoff speech to pump them up for battle :)03:07
mhall119that movie looks terrible03:07
dakermhall119: the tricky thing is the rendering of the 3D scenes03:08
imbrandoni feel like I'm watching a torrent'd "cam"03:10
mhall119daker: technically yes, but without a decent story it's still a terrible movie03:13
dakermhall119: do you have any idea on how filmmakers uses ubuntu to render there movies (how to combine multiple servers to render one scene)03:14
mhall119daker: I've heard various 3d studios that work with film makers use Linux in general or Ubuntu in particular03:16
mhall119Jason DeRose could probably give you better info on that industry though03:16
dakermhall119: i just want to know what tech/software they use, i have a 3d animator friend and he always stuck at the rendring part(a full HD scene can take a day to render)03:18
dakerscene = 2 to 5 sec03:19
imbrandondaker: Renderman, RenderRocket, Maya, Mental Ray ... and the software "hooks" the farm togather03:21
imbrandonnot really the OS03:21
imbrandonlike DreamWorks uses Ubuntu on HP Media Cloud alot03:22
imbrandon10k cores 100% cpu 24/7 for 28 weeks to render 'How To Train Your Dragon'03:23
imbrandonso it takes a long time even for the big guys :)03:23
dakerimbrandon: oh03:23
dakerimbrandon: so my friend has done that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvSQUjJvjYo03:24
ajmitchimbrandon: 10k sounds smallish, http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2010/01/39000-core-ubuntu-cluster-renders.html03:25
imbrandonyea i thought so too cuz it was from memory but ... http://h20435.www2.hp.com/t5/The-Next-Bench-Blog/How-to-Train-Your-Dragon-Slays-Its-Way-To-Best-Animated-Feature/ba-p/6180503:26
imbrandonthen again Avatar was MUCH higher quality too03:27
imbrandonand had custom render software written just for it :)03:27
ajmitchweta have been keeping busy with recent work like the hobbit, I think they're still using ubuntu there03:27
imbrandonyea, irrc they are03:28
* imbrandon is suprised ajmitch hasent been an extra on a LOTR movie :)03:29
ajmitchfunny, but no :P03:29
mhall119daker: I worked on a render farm years ago03:36
mhall119I think they used renderman03:36
mhall119it was all Linux, some Redhat variant03:37
dakerok ty03:37
mhall119daker: my brother does this, I've been trying to get with him to see if we could use juju to build a render farm in the cloud03:38
mhall119right now he rents time on someone else's render farm, that's how most people do it I think03:38
imbrandonjcastro: why in the juju video ( most apparent at 2:17 ) does the juju logo and maas logo both use diffrent shades of Ubuntu orange ( and diffrent fonts / font weights ) on the screen at the same time no less04:07
=== inetpro_ is now known as inetpro
dakermhall119: nice11:33
jcastroimbrandon: not sure why13:40
dakerdoes anyone know if u1 does have a qml sdk ?16:30
czajkowskiaquarius: boo16:32
czajkowskidaker: talk to aquarius16:32
aquariushey, daker :)16:33
dakeraquarius: does anyone know if u1 does have a qml sdk ?16:33
aquariusdaker, depends which parts. U1DB, which is a syncable JSON database, will have -- we're working on it. In the interim we know roughly what that API will *look* like, and there's a prototype Python implementation you can use until the real one is done.16:34
aquariusdaker, Ubuntu One file sync... you shouldn't need an API. Just save a file into a synced folder and you're done; U1 itself takes care of it for you.16:34
dakeraquarius: my use case : a photo app with filter that will publish to u1 then get a public url which you can share to fb/tw16:36
aquariusdaker, aah, right. The U1 file sync APIs to do things like publish a file are available over D-Bus, but aren't directly available from QML yet. However, they should be very easy to call from your application; the low-level app which starts up the QML view, is that in C? Python?16:37
dakeraquarius: i haven't started yet those are just ideas that comes to my mind, anyway maybe i have to wait16:39
dakeris this an official account https://twitter.com/ubuntuphone ?16:41
aquariusdaker, it'd be pretty trivial to add to your app, fear not16:41
dakeraquarius: ok thanks :)16:41
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: around?17:00
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: yup17:03
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: was the wiki failing a couple moments ago? I was getting 500's everywhere17:03
mhall119I don't know, but it *is* the wiki17:04
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: hey, do you think https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OnAir/BestPractices states things clearly?18:18
popeyJoseeAntonioR: maybe something about microphone / headphones, and muting yourself when you're not talking, so no background noise comes in?18:26
JoseeAntonioRpopey: great, will add that now18:26
czajkowskifolks might be interested in reading18:27
jcastroimbrandon: 504 nginx errors on omg19:59
bkerensajcastro: libfitbit does not seem to be syncing21:54
bkerensajcastro: looks like the PPA we have is outdated from upstream21:56
popeyi should get a fitbit shouldn't i22:08
mhall119popey: it does seem to be what all the cool kids are doing22:13
bkerensapopey: you should22:14
bkerensapopey: and made libfitbit work so I don't have to boot VM :D22:14
popeyi can probably just carry my phone i guess22:14
bkerensapopey: you have iphone?22:14
popeyof course22:14
popeyi like beauty22:15
popeyonce Ubuntu Phone comes out, I'll switch to that (probbaly) ☺22:15
bkerensanow I know where these user studies come from22:15
czajkowskithey are nice22:15
bkerensapopey: yeah I hope to flash my gnex at the end of next month22:15
czajkowskilatest firmwarm to my phone gives some nice swipe features, just not as smooth as the iphone22:16
bkerensaMain reason I ditched my iPhone is it got laggy for some reason22:16
bkerensaI get the new Firefox OS phone in a couple weeks so we will see how using that goes22:17
czajkowskibkerensa: availle to buy direct or where does one purchase it?22:18
bkerensaczajkowski: I am getting mine from Mozilla but they should be available in emerging markets I think in Q2.... So likely Asia and India first22:19
popeyI heard brazil22:19
czajkowskimind boggling the way stuff is realeased, depending on locations22:19
czajkowskistuff should just be able to be bought never mind this daft country lark region22:20
czajkowskinarks me off no end22:20
popeypeople probably wouldn't buy it here though22:20
bkerensapopey: likely brazil too... I don't think they have chosen all the emerging places they want to test it22:20
popeyso no point marketing a device that wouldn't sell22:20
czajkowskipopey: true, but at least the option should be there22:20
bkerensaBut I know Latin America / India  / Asia is at the top of the list22:20
czajkowskiit's like ubuntu laptops22:20
mhall119popey: they didn't give you a phone to play with?22:21
czajkowskiyou can buy from dell if you live in the states, but not if you were in .ie or .uk22:21
bkerensapopey: Why would it not sell in UK?22:21
mhall119were the worried you'd forget it in a bar or something?22:21
popeyi dont think the UK market needs a low end phone22:21
czajkowskiyou can go to tesco and get a 50 quid smart phone22:22
bkerensapopey: It won't be low end and I think Mozilla has a unique advantage that there brand is already known to people across all OSes so people know what Firefox is and have a pre-existing relationship with the brand over say Android22:23
popeyphones are dirt cheap here22:23
bkerensa50 quid is how much USD?22:23
bkerensaoh wow22:24
bkerensathats very cheap22:24
popeyyou can get smart phones for free here22:24
czajkowskibkerensa: phones are cheap22:24
popeyour market is very different from US22:24
czajkowskiand you can just change from carrier to carrier if you want22:24
popeysee http://www.orange.co.uk/22:24
popeywhat you can get for nothing, just the 25 quid a month22:25
bkerensaYeah I think the cheapest phone they sell prepaid at our grocery is $13022:25
popeyand is that a smartphone?22:25
popeyor a regular "featurephone"22:25
bkerensapopey: yeah very low end android22:26
bkerensaWe don't sell feature phones much more in the U.S.22:26
bkerensanot in phone shops or grocery anymore22:26
bkerensamaybe online22:26
popeyso i can see why they're looking at the emerging markets for firefox os22:26
bkerensamost carriers have been migrating people off of them22:26
bkerensapopey: I think its due to marketing.... Mozilla has more assets overseas than in the U.S. or UK22:27
bkerensapopey: is internet also cheap in the UK?22:31
czajkowskibkerensa: varies but yeah22:32
popeyi guess22:34
popeysome mobile networks throw in an ADSL router and home internet for free22:34
popeyas does Sky (FOX)22:34
popeyI have a bundle of cable TV, phone and 60Mb internet22:35
bkerensaYeah I pay about $50 for Cable Internet alone22:36
* popey looks at fitbits on amz22:43
s-foxoh, hey everyone. didn't realise i'd joined this room.22:45
s-foxanyway, time to go. goodbye.22:47

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