
darkxstricotz, can you rebuild js188 with e4x enabled21:06
ricotzdarkxst, e4x (xml support) is enabled by default21:32
darkxstricotz, hmm ok, well its not working for some reason21:36
ricotzdarkxst, are you forced to replace the current handling to port it?21:39
ricotz(if this is gjs related)21:40
darkxstyes gjs related21:40
darkxstit was removed in 18, so should work in 1721:41
darkxstGio overrides make use of it though21:41
ricotzah i see21:44
ricotzso an alternative is needed (soon) then21:44
ricotzok, anyway, it is enabled in the 188 build and is suppose to work then21:46

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