
=== Celene_awai is now known as Celene
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=== ClumsyFairyQueen is now known as Celene_awai
=== Fuchs is now known as f
stokachuHi, may i get an ubuntu cloak? https://launchpad.net/~adam-stokes15:09
stgraberhey there15:09
stgraberit's been on my todo for a while but I finally found a spare cycle for it :)15:10
Myrttistgraber: what is?15:10
stgraberI've been running queuebot in #ubuntu-release, #ubuntu-testing and a few other IRC channels for the past year or so15:10
stgraberI now finally registered an account for it. Can I get a bot cloak for it?15:10
stgraberaccount is "queuebot", so ubuntu/bot/queuebot would make the most sense I guess15:11
k1lstokachu: looks good for me. just wait for some IIRC member to accept15:11
stokachuk1l: thank you15:11
Picistokachu: oh, here you are.  This normally would replace your canonical cloak, is that what you want?15:14
stokachuPici: yes please15:14
stokachuPici: sorry i saw this channel after i pinged you15:15
Picistokachu: I just tabbed over to IRC, so no worries.15:15
* Myrtti waits with baited breath15:16
foh, a Myrtti15:16
* f cuddles and puts his cloaking device aside15:16
Picif: perfect timing.15:16
fPici: see #freenode, I don't want to steal Myrttis job :p15:16
Picif: Could you please setup stokachu with an ubuntu/member/stokachu cloak?15:16
Myrttiyou're welcome15:17
PiciMyrtti: somehow I forgot you were staff. sorry :/15:17
fPici: there is also a bot cloak request, don't know how you handle these, stgraber15:17
stokachuawesome thanks everyone15:17
Picistgraber: let me jump through some documentation hoops first and then we can get that setup.15:19
PiciI've seen it around for a while so I think its a no-brainer for an ubuntu bot cloak.15:19
stgraberPici: No rush, I just figured it'd be good for a bot run by the release team to actually follow the policy and get a bot cloak ;)15:21
PiciMyrtti: If you're still around, could you please cloak queuebot with ubuntu/bot/queuebot please?15:28
fif she's not then I will15:29
PiciMyrtti: thanks :)15:29
Picistgraber: all set :)15:29
stgraberPici: thanks15:30
stgraberMyrtti: and to you too15:30
Myrttiyour welcome15:31
* f gives Myrtti a cookie <315:31
Myrttiyou're even15:31
Myrttimy Englsih is fail15:31
Tm_Ttalking about english, am I only one who hear scottish and indian english pronounciation somewhat similar15:58
=== Celene_awai is now known as ClumsyFairyQueen
=== f is now known as tinyfox

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