
thorwilgodbyk-feynman: into physics today? should it be "L'équipe du manuel Ubuntu" or "Équipe du manuel Ubuntu"?19:14
thorwilgodbyk-feynman: double-fr.svg pushed, using "L'équipe du manuel Ubuntu" on the back like it was on the front of the single version already19:26
godbyk-feynmanthorwil: Heh. feynman is the name of the computer I'm on. It's my secondary irc nick. Not sure why it fell back to it, though.19:37
=== godbyk-feynman is now known as godbyk
godbykthorwil: Also, If L'équipe is consistent, then go with that. I just copied and pasted the text from the interior of the manual, so it may be a different context.19:37
cqfd93Hi All!19:50
cqfd93thorwil and godbyk: in "l'Équipe...", "l'" stands for "the"19:52
thorwilcqfd93: hi! so it should be there, both on the front and back?19:55
cqfd93If "The Ubuntu Manual Team" is both on the front and back, yes20:04
godbykThanks, cqfd93.20:51
godbykthorwil: I updated the cover to change 12.10 to 12.04 on the back cover, btw.20:51
cqfd93you're welcome, godbyk21:07
thorwilgodbyk: heh, i even noticed when reading the email, but then forgot about it21:07
thorwilgotta run, g'night!21:08
godbykcqfd93: Hey, Sylvie. How would you translate 'user'?21:33
cqfd93godbyk: user = utilisateur21:43
godbykcqfd93: Thanks.21:43
godbykcqfd93: I'm just tidying up a few last details on the French precise-e2 manual.21:43
cqfd93godbyk: please, give me the sentence that contains this word21:45
godbykcqfd93: It stands alone. It's in the file system diagram.21:56
godbykcqfd93: You had your own name there. I thought I should replace it with something more generic.21:56
godbykcqfd93: It refers to the /home/user directory (as opposed to /home/sylvie).21:57
CarstenGHi Kevin22:00
CarstenGIs there still the transparency issue with the new printing service?22:00
godbykHey, CarstenG.22:00
godbykCarstenG: I haven't encountered any problems yet, but I've only had a couple people purchase the English version of 12.10.22:01
godbykCarstenG: They do tell me when they detect transparency, though, and they flatten it for us.22:01
godbykCarstenG: All the same, I'm trying to flatten everything on our end, too. Just to reduce the number of potential problems.22:01
CarstenGnice to see that the Dutch version is already online :-)22:02
CarstenGgood work22:02
CarstenGDoes Hannie know about it?22:02
cqfd93With Enrico, we thought we could use a real name and he choose my name :-)22:02
CarstenGSylvie, yes, a real name would be good there. In the quantal version we changed the "user" to "John Doe"22:03
godbykCarstenG: Yep. I emailed Hannie about it so she could post the release notice herself (since I figure it's likely she'll want it written in Dutch).22:03
godbykCarstenG: Ah, did we change it there?  Okay. I'll keep an eye on that next time.22:04
CarstenGIts a place holder name.22:04
godbykCarstenG: Yeah. I know we had discussed changing the placeholders everywhere to a generic name, but I didn't think that applied to precise-e2.22:05
CarstenGI think there is also a place holder name in France, or?22:05
CarstenGYes, Kevin, not in the pot file22:05
CarstenGBut for German for example, I used "Erika" also in precise-e222:06
CarstenGWell, in the screenshots until now.22:06
godbykCarstenG: I had to modify the French 06-root-directories screenshot because part of it was clipped slightly at the edges and because I wanted it in a flat PNG format.22:07
godbykCarstenG: So I just opened the original SVG in Inkscape and transferred over Sylvie's translations (except for the 'user' dir).22:08
CarstenGI see.22:08
CarstenGWell, I think I will skip the PDF version of that screenshot in the raring release.22:11
CarstenGThe png version is better.22:11
godbykCarstenG: Agreed.22:11
godbykCarstenG: The PDF version was great except that it's transparent.22:12
godbykCarstenG: So now I export to PNG and flatten that.22:12
CarstenGWell, I get an make error for the French precise-e222:15
CarstenG! Unable to load picture or PDF file 'titlepage/halftitlepage-fr.pdf'.22:15
CarstenGIs it because of your change from \providecommand{\printscreen}{screen} to {print}?22:15
godbykCarstenG: Oh, let me add that to the repository.. one moment.22:17
godbykCarstenG: Okay, it's pushed now.22:17
CarstenGand yes, it was this change :-)22:18
godbykCarstenG: The half title pages are only used in the print versions.22:18
CarstenGbtw the \listfiles is not really necessary, or?22:19
godbykCarstenG: It's not necessary.. it just outputs the files, timestamps, and versions to the log file. It's useful when I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem someone is having.22:19
godbykCarstenG: It doesn't affect the PDF at all.22:19
CarstenGAnd one more: :-) 6149x3953 px for the 06-root-directories.png is a little bit much. :-)22:20
godbykCarstenG: Well, I exported it at 600 dpi for printing.  Otherwise CreateSpace yells at my for low-resolution images. :)22:21
godbykCarstenG: I might be able to drop it to 300 dpi. I'll check.22:21
CarstenG1027x 768 should be enough, as the other screenshots.22:21
CarstenGah ok22:21
godbykCarstenG: Yeah, CreateSpace gets after me about our low-res screenshots, too.  I'm not sure if there's a way to take higher-resolution screenshots and keep them readable, though.22:22
godbykCarstenG: I could just resample the screenshots at a higher resolution, but then they'd just take more file space and not provide any more detail. So it's not really worth it.22:23
CarstenGI agree22:24
CarstenGIn my copy from ulu the screenshots are readable22:24
CarstenGSo I expect this for createspace, too.22:25
godbykCarstenG: They're readable for me in both the Lulu and CreateSpace copies I have, but they do appear a little grainy (dithered).22:25
CarstenGthis can also be a result of printing black/white?22:26
godbykThat's part of it. I think it's also partly due to the lower resolution.22:26
CarstenGIt would be interessting to see a color printing...22:26
CarstenGyes of course22:26
godbykCarstenG: Remind me when I get to the German one and I'll create one for you.22:29
CarstenGYes, don’t worry. I keep this in mind. :-)22:29
godbykIt looks like CreateSpace wants 300 dpi or higher. So I'll re-export the root dirs image at 300 dpi instead.  That should reduce the PDF file size a bit. :)22:32
CarstenGWhich dpi 1024x768 would be?22:33
godbykOops.. hit Ctrl+W with the wrong window focused. :-/22:35
godbykCarstenG: I'm not sure what dpi those end up being.. but pretty low.22:35
godbykThe root dirs image at 300 dpi is 3074×1976.22:36
godbykBut that one doesn't follow the same scaling as the screenshots.22:36
CarstenGWell, if I scroll through the PDF, Evince lags when it comes into the near of the root directory screenshot...22:37
CarstenGI think this is because of the file size.22:37
godbykIf we take a full screenshot at 1024×768 resolution and the screenshot fits into the main text block area (about 304 pt), then that'd be a resolution of 243 dpi (if I did the math correctly).22:38
CarstenGWhy does this not follow the same scaling?22:38
CarstenGIt is a png as the others...22:38
CarstenGwell, this 243 dpi would be ok in my eyes...22:39
godbykWell, it follows the same scaling factor within the PDF itself, but the actual PNG isn't necessarily 1024×768.22:39
CarstenGThis is what I wanted to say: You can export it from Inkscape with 1024x768 :-)22:40
godbykCarstenG: If I do that, then that image is just under 100 dpi.22:42
CarstenG;-) as all the other screenshots, too. :-)22:43
godbykWe may want to redo this image anyway for raring, since it doesn't contain all the directories that are described in the manual.22:44
CarstenGone moment, you wrote, it would be 243 dpi?22:44
godbykThe regular screenshots are (I think) 243 dpi.22:44
godbykBut this SVG exported at 1024 px would only be 100 dpi.22:44
CarstenGa normal screenshot with 1024 px width in the text block comes to 243 dpi22:46
CarstenGour svg export with 1024 px width in the text block comes to 100 dpi?22:47
CarstenGI’m wondering...22:47
CarstenGSame px size, same text block --> same dpi. (IMHO)22:48
godbykThe original SVG isn't 1024 pixels wide.22:48
CarstenGBut does this matters?22:49
CarstenGI thought: (pixel size) / (text block width) = dpi value22:50
godbykWell, here's what I know: When I go to the export dialog box and tell it to export the drawing at 1024 pixels wide, it says the dpi is 99.93. :)22:50
godbykCarstenG: That's true, yes.22:50
CarstenGWell, I’m confused... I think its time for bed now. :-)22:51
godbykLOL. You and me both. :-)22:51
godbykWe'll just blame Inkscape for now. ;-)22:52
CarstenGhey you have 5 pm there...22:52
godbykTrue.. no sleepiness excuses for me, sadly.22:52
CarstenGok, we can discuss tomorrow again. :-)22:53
CarstenGGood afternoon.22:53
CarstenGsee you22:53
godbykSounds good.22:53
godbykG'night, CarstenG!22:53

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