
pittiGood morning06:13
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jibelgood morning07:42
pittiBonjour jibel, comment vas-tu?07:44
jibelBonjour pitti , ça va et toi ?07:44
pittiça va bien, merci07:44
pittijibel: le premiér Taekwondo hier était dur :)07:46
jibelpitti, Aïe aïe! Stop for 2 weeks, train for 2 months07:50
zygagood morning08:38
Noskcajevening zyga08:44
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pittijibel: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/JHBuild%20Gnome/ is already with --check, right?13:01
jibelpitti, right, do you prefer to run with build only first ?13:02
pittijibel: no, I just wanted to confirm13:03
pittijibel: what triggers them at the moment?13:04
jibelpitti, revision numbers are checked every 15 min and jobs are triggered if it changed or if it's a new packag13:07
pittijibel: hm, odd; https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/JHBuild%20Gnome/job/jhbuild-amd64-gvfs/ hasn't been updated since Dec 2813:07
jibelpitti, let me look13:08
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jibelpitti, last commit was 11days ago according to git which corresponds to last run, do I miss something?13:14
jibeloh, I disabled rebuild on dependency changes for the moment as it was rebuilding everything again and again and wanted to improve that behavior but didn't have time yet.13:17
jibelso currently if a failure is caused by a dependency and a new version of the dependency has been uploaded then packages that depend on it are not rebuilt13:19
pittijibel: argh, sorry, was mixing this up with another module13:39
cprofittdoes anyone know if Ubuntu Friendly is still an active project?13:41
zygacprofitt: I think it is13:42
zygacprofitt: ara knows best I think13:42
cprofittthanks zyga13:42
cprofittI am trying to figure out why submissions I have made are not showing up... so I can correct the issue (making the assumption that the error is on my end)13:42
aracprofitt, it is still active, in the sense that it is working, but not active in the sense of maintained13:43
cprofittI asked the question, but got no response so was not sure if it was active any more13:43
* cprofitt nods13:43
cprofittthanks ara13:43
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aracprofitt, actually, I wanted to start in 2013 a call for maintainers13:44
zygaara: hmm13:44
zygaara: I'm up13:44
arazyga, as a community project13:44
cprofittara perhaps we can work together on that... I may not have the technical skills but would be willing to try13:44
cprofittand I can definately blog about it - and the need13:44
zygaara: the goal is very useful to the community, it just needs some implementation and ease of use13:44
cprofitt+1 zyga13:44
zygacprofitt: sure, that sounds good13:45
zygaara: is friendly source code on launchpad?13:45
arayes, ubuntu-friendly is the project, and launchpad-results to store results13:46
zygacprofitt: what would you like to accomplish with ubuntu friendly?13:49
jibelpitti, no problem, anyway result is the same after a rebuild with all the deps https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/JHBuild%20Gnome/job/jhbuild-amd64-gvfs/7/artifact/gvfs.log13:49
cprofittzyga: well... in the end have a lot of models listed...13:49
cprofittfrom my perspective to make it more friendly I would like to see some sort of notification go to the user who submitted the results if the results will not be used13:49
cprofittthat way they know that the results were not just 'lost'13:50
cprofittI know how to find my results after doing some research, but I still am not sure if or why they are not available13:51
cprofittso better feedback to the users making submissions would be the key thing I would like to see13:51
zygaI think that automated submissions are a pain, it'd be much better to start off with something that takes 2-3 minutes to finish (start friendly client, gather hardware profile, send to friendly with possible user comments and several check-boxes for common issues)13:52
zyga(I mean the full checkbox client, asking users to do long, mudane testing)13:53
cprofittHmm... perhaps a 'quick submission' and then a 'full submission'?13:53
cprofittI think there is value to the complete submission13:53
zygasure there is but I'd rather have 10x the number of "this laptop feels okay to me" submissions than the current number of detailed but hard-to-quantify datasets13:54
zygaand that does not need any actual testing13:54
zygafriendly could start two weeks after installation13:55
zygaand ask the user for some (optionally anonymous) feedback on their hardware13:55
zygajust a few things, something that everyone would complete without difficulty or effort13:55
cprofittI would like to gather metrics on how many submissions have been made vs. how many have been approved13:56
cprofittit would be interesting to know if the issue is that the process is too long or that we have a large number of rejected submissions13:56
zygaSimple screen, a few items to confirm ("suspend generally works", "wifi works", etc), some simple pictures for oveal feeling (utter rubbish, okay but with problems and tinkering, good out of the box, flawless, etc)13:56
cprofittI do agree the goal would be to get more results in the results available to others13:56
zygacprofitt: once you have >N submissions for similar hardware you can just display that13:57
zygacprofitt: and say, white-list some comments if we ever display them13:57
zygacprofitt: with possible link to ubuntu forums (it'd be neat if we could generate links for particular hardware types)13:57
zygacprofitt: where users can sign up and talk on a already moderated forum13:57
zygacprofitt: I think that the current process is much too formal, it does not appeal to typical users13:58
cprofittthat is a good idea -- what about linking to askbuntu 'tag' as well?13:58
zygaperfect I think13:58
zygaI don't use either askubuntu or forums actively13:58
zygabut the idea of connecting users that have the same hardware is powerful13:59
zygait just needs to be executed right13:59
zygagood stuff will happen there, friendly will just be the conduit13:59
zygacprofitt: the separate thing is pre-shopping/purchase search14:01
zygacprofitt: friendly should appeal to such users as well but it's harder to execute14:01
zygacprofitt: as users have little understanding that the device name is nearly worthless14:01
zygacprofitt: and thus a piece of hardware called "foo" can range from supported to unsupported, low to high-end, amd or intel with random soup of internal components (wifi, gpu) that cause problems14:02
zygacprofitt: without a good idea on how to solve that I think this is a lost cause14:02
cprofittI agree... that is why I like the in-depth testing14:02
zygacprofitt: how is that getting people to know if a given device in the store is ubuntu friendly?14:03
cprofittbecause it will detail the internal components that can change within the same model14:03
cprofittLenovo T530s for example have several actual models14:03
zygacprofitt: yeah but those components are not displayed on the box14:03
cprofittincluding a CTO that is custom selected components14:03
cprofittI would not want to have results so generic that someone thinks model X would work... they go buy it... and then it does not work14:04
zygacprofitt: frankly I don't know what the solution for this problem is, I don't know of anything that would allow you to get some estimate that hardware X will work, beyond the high-end professional devices that sometimes have less variablility in them14:04
zygacprofitt: one might toy with a boot-n-see approach but shopping malls don't allow one to do that14:05
cprofittsome of the high-end professional deveice have much more variation than the low end stuff14:05
cprofittmy local computer shops allow a USB boot14:05
cprofittbut I think Ubuntu Friendly should be able to be a good guide.14:05
zygacprofitt: it would be interesting to see purchase trends14:05
zygacprofitt: then there is desktop vs laptop which some people might use ubuntu friendly for (to pick components)14:06
cprofittI agree we need to tweak the process for submissions... I will look at the way things are displayed as well.14:06
zygacprofitt: cool14:06
cprofittPerhaps we should have a survey about what others find good/bad about both parts14:06
cprofittyou and I may not represent a broad enough perspective14:06
zygacprofitt: who would you survey?14:06
zygacprofitt: I agree14:06
zygacprofitt: I suspect that there are broad differences in some regions14:07
cprofittwe could blog about it... link from Ubuntu Friendly etc14:07
zygacprofitt: (south america, india)14:07
zygacprofitt: that sounds good, I think it's worth blogging to start a discussion and get some extra points of view14:07
cprofittwe could then include that region information in the survey14:07
zygacprofitt: yeah14:07
zygacprofitt: or even link region and sale date and tell people that opt in that somoene in their vicinity got a ubuntu laptop they can recommend :)14:08
cprofittI will try to get a blog post out tonight14:08
cprofittara is that ok?14:08
zyga(let's not get ahead of ourselves)14:08
cprofittI do not want to step on any plans you have14:08
zygacprofitt: I think that it's worth talking to more people to get some perspective and understand if the issues with current ubuntu friendly that they see map to what we've discussed14:08
aracprofitt, zyga: what's the summary?14:08
zygaara: I think that friendly needs a reboot to realistically help users, we'd like to scope the community for input and present some ideas to them (stuff we've discussed here, among others simple submissions, facilitating discussions on the ubuntu forum/ask ubuntu and localizing the data so people see results relevant to where they live)14:10
zygacprofitt: what did I miss?14:10
zygaara: also, discuss how laptop (unitary) vs desktop (parts) problem should be (if at all) handled14:11
cprofittara - we would like to blog about making Ubuntu Friendly a community project that slowly moves towards improving the usability of both the submission of results and the overall quality of the results people can search14:11
zygasince laptops make the most sales in PC for some time now I'd totally skip prebuilt PCs14:11
cprofittin the short term I think we might like to put together a survey to get more information from people who use Ubuntu friendly14:12
cprofittto see what needs to be improved from a data driven perspective14:12
zygacprofitt: I think we won't get that -- they don't read our blogs14:12
zygacprofitt: we'll get feedback from other hackers on their (regional) view on this14:12
cprofittzyga: I am on planet so it sholuld get read14:12
cprofittwe can also ensure that some information gets out with UWN14:13
zygacprofitt: people that read planet.*.* are hardly the audience for friendly :)14:13
cprofitttrue, but their opinions are not invalid14:13
zygacprofitt: I agree14:13
zygacr3: hey, long time no see!14:18
cr3zyga: hey dude, been visiting family in another timezone, so not much overlap. how were the holidays?14:18
zygacr3: very long! I got so lazy I'm glad to be working again14:19
arazyga, cprofitt: but, who would implement those ideas?14:19
zygaara: who knows, maybe there's an eager soul out there that just wants to help and looks for a project14:20
zygaara: that's how I started with ubuntu years ago14:20
zygaara: we need visibility to hackers!14:20
zygaara: all that we do in our day jobs makes that easier14:20
cr3zyga: I'm always afraid to forget how to type but it's like riding a bike14:21
zygacr3: would you believe I never had a bike or learned to ride one?14:21
roadmrklqweuasd qwehasd qwewh14:21
cr3zyga: ironically, I rode a bike for the first time in many years during the holidays and it too is like riding a bike14:21
zygacr3: (well I did learn but my total hours on a bike are less than 24 probably)14:21
cr3zyga: that's certainly uncommon, which reminds me that I met a few people that couldn't swim during the holidays14:22
zygacr3: not everyone lives near bodies of water sufficient to foste that14:22
zygacr3: bikes are arguably more common :)14:22
cr3roadmr: drinking and typing will cause that14:22
patdk-wkheh, like my dad?14:23
zygaroadmr: your klingon is getting better14:23
patdk-wkhe had never seen water14:23
roadmrcr3: qweasd gfhljk zcx pouq rt14:23
patdk-wkjoined the navy14:23
patdk-wkand after weeks, finally past the required floating requrement14:23
* zyga reads unittest/runner.py14:23
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zygacr3: are you working with python in your day job?14:24
cr3roadmr: a monkey poured coffee in my boots (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuOvqeABHvQ&t=6m45s)14:25
cr3zyga: very little but I can't say the other languages I use :)14:25
zygacr3: heh, ok14:26
roadmrhe's using Java! can't say out of shame!!!14:26
cr3roadmr: that's how you sound to me :)14:26
cr3roadmr: I was expecting a microsoft related joke but java is pretty low too :)14:27
cr3roadmr: you'll be pleased to know that windows 8 has made a few more microsoft haters around me14:27
roadmrcr3: here's a microsoft related joke: "microsoft"14:27
zygacr3: are you using win8 at work yourself?14:28
roadmrcr3: hehe, but they'll eventually adjust. People adjusted to the ribbon after all...14:28
cr3zyga: nobody is, windows 8 came up following the holidays where geeks see their families to troubleshoot computer problems. isn't that how it works for you?14:29
* zyga sees how test runner invokes test cases14:29
cr3"you're into computers, can you fix mine?"14:29
zygacr3: my family is too remote to do that now14:29
cr3zyga: that's why you moved?14:29
zygano :-)14:29
cr3zyga: that's alright, you can tell us, we won't tell anyone in this public channel :)14:30
roadmrinstall Ubuntu - "there, I fixed it"14:31
roadmrwhat, you can read email and watch gangnam on Ubuntu, what more can you possibly want?14:31
dkesselroadmr, don't forget angry birds :)14:33
roadmrdkessel: oh true... I guess my parents don't do that, that's why I don't consider it14:33
zygaroadmr: you only need to show them ;)14:33
roadmrzyga: noo :D14:34
zyga(sound of stretching rope, yes!)14:34
zygaman, python unit test internals are insane14:34
zygaso that's how it works14:37
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cprofittzyga: sorry I got pulled away15:41
zygacprofitt: same here, looking at some netboot stuff15:43
zygacprofitt: so for that blog message, I think it'd be nice to write something16:08
zygacprofitt: do you think we should just both write about that?16:08
cprofittYes, I think we should both blog about it16:10
cprofittthe more people blogging the better IMHO16:10
zygaI agree16:11
cprofittara could blog about it... perhaps I ping jono on it even16:11
cprofittsince it is moving towards a community thing16:11
cprofittballoons might even want to get in on the action.16:11
zygacprofitt: balloons?16:11
cprofittNicholas Skaggs = balloons16:12
cprofittzyga: https://launchpad.net/~nskaggs16:15
* balloons ducks16:16
cprofittwe are talking about Ubuntu Friendly becoming a community effort balloons16:16
cprofittand blogging about it16:16
cprofittstarting the ball rolling to get that transistion rolling... and improvements to how it works from the end user perspective -- both submitting results and searching for Ubuntu friendly hardware to buy16:17
* zyga though for a moment, about a project codename balloons ;)16:17
balloonscprofitt, yes,  UF16:18
balloonsfrom a testing perspective, we are trying to get a hw testing db off the ground called hexr..16:20
balloonsi know zyga is working on making a nicer client again for checkbox16:21
zygaand improve the quality of the tests used by the current client16:21
zygaI'll cut a new release soon16:22
zygaand try to get the package into raring16:22
balloonsso the question is, what role does UF take on in the future? What goals does it have?16:22
zygaballoons: that's a good question16:22
balloonscontinue to be a "works with ubunu" db or something else?16:22
zygaballoons: and one that should be answered, with authority, by someone who takes the maintenence over16:22
zygaballoons: I'm sure we can give a few ideas that can inspire people16:25
* cprofitt nods16:25
zygaballoons: but the goal should be to find someone that wants to drive this16:25
zygaand make their own choices16:25
cprofittI agree zyga16:25
cprofittI might be interested, but I am not sure if I would have the time...16:26
cprofittbut I agree the person taking it over should drive those answers...16:26
zygaright, it's not a job, it's the passion and will of someone from the community16:26
cprofittI think blogging about the transition and what the project could become to the community is important16:27
cprofittI feel strongly that it is important and should work well for ubuntu users and potential ubuntu users... right now it is one of the few ways to get a computer with Ubuntu and know you are not going to have issues16:28
cprofitthaving users get machines that do not work is not a good thing... expecially as we move outside the group that has good technical skills16:28
dkesselagreed, cprofitt16:29
balloonsso, just needs to be focused16:30
zygayeah, I agree, the focus on less-technical and more typical and numerous audience is what I think the project could excell at16:30
zygaafter all, we'll always have checkbox16:30
zyga(we'll always have paris ;)16:30
cprofittI am at work right now, but I would truly like to understand what is required of a 'maintainer'16:31
cprofittwe have to integrate those parts in to a system that is easy to navigate, but has quality results that are meaningful16:32
zygacprofitt: good point, both aspects (data and ease of use) are important if this is going anywhere16:33
cprofittI really need to spend some time on this after work today...16:34
cprofittto look at the code and to understand how the parts currently mesh together16:34
cprofittthen to understand what a maintainer is responsible for16:35
cprofittballoons: will you be on in about 6-7 hours?16:44
balloonscprofitt, hmm yes quite possibly :-)16:44
cprofittcool... I am getting pulled away right now... but I will try to talk with you about this tonight if you are on16:48
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balloonsbah, letzoaf isn't around yet18:06
dkesselballoons, do you have the crash log for bug 1095453?18:11
ubot5bug 1095453 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Changing download servers and updating crashes update-manager" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109545318:11
dkesseli guess i have deleted it18:12
balloonsumm, yes18:12
balloonsthat was when it wasn't autouploading stuff18:12
dkesselcould you attach the info? bdmurray can't reproduce it...18:13
balloonsyes, attaching18:13
balloonsit's 10 mbs18:13
balloonsgonna be a few for me to upload it ;-18:14
balloonsshould be in your /var/crash folder dkessel18:14
balloonsalso gonna try and re-create it again18:15
dkesseli cleared it out the other day... :) but i can try to reproduce it18:15
balloonsI'm trying as well18:17
balloonsk it's uploaded18:18
balloonsyep, still crashes for me18:19
dkesselaaah. i guess i should not have installed all update yet...18:21
dkesselit does not crash when it only shows the "everything is up to date" message18:21
balloonsahh, feel free to add that info18:25
balloonsperhaps that's bmurray's issue18:25
* dkessel watches his cat drug herself on catnip :)18:27
dkessel... so what else could i do for ubuntu qa today?18:31
balloonsI got to file those feature requests ;-)18:34
balloonsI was going to say I want to get the introspection example complete, so I can write the next piece finally18:34
balloonsany luck on your end using it?18:35
dkesseloh right. i did not try it anymore yesterday. i should do that. maybe i find the right combobox in the introspection tree....18:37
* dkessel has found another bug18:39
dkesseltoo bad my vm has "only" 1.5 gigs RAM... apport says it can't send the report because of too little ram18:39
dkesselcd /var/crash....18:40
balloonsumm.. even via command line?18:42
balloonshello Noskcaj18:43
Noskcajhey balloons18:44
Noskcajany idea why you get program double-ups when you install two DE's?18:45
balloonswhat you mean?18:45
dkesselhmm apport can't process a 64k .crash file with 1.5 GB ram? strange18:46
balloonsgot many processes open or something?18:46
balloonssounds really weird18:46
dkesselnothing but the system settings and a terminal. restarting to see if it has an effect18:47
Noskcaji have xubuntu, then i put lubuntu-desktop on. i have two copies of some programs and because i installed all of lubuntu's stupid card games i can't just remove lubuntu-desktop to fix it. dkessel, that is wierd18:47
balloonsohh yes18:47
balloonsremoving a metapackage won't remove all the programs the metapackage installed18:48
dkesseli have steps to reproduce for you :)18:49
dkesselfor both... the initial crash and the failing apport upload18:49
balloonslol nice18:49
Noskcajballoons, sigh, after installing it i can't find why i would need lubuntu as well.18:49
dkesselopen system settings. choose "online accounts" (or whatever the name is in english)18:49
balloonsNoskcaj, you should have an apt history18:50
dkesselsignon-ui, if you know what i mean18:50
balloonsbut uninstalling those packages in one go is a bit less straight forwar18:50
dkesselmeh. does not crash anymore...18:51
Noskcajballoons, i installed it along with 20 other things, so i think i will keep lubuntu.18:52
balloonsyou could force uninstall low level libs and lubuntu* and lxde*18:52
balloonsthe install the xfce meta package again18:53
balloonsor use your hist18:53
Noskcajto man ideas, and i should keep lubuntu, at least to amuse phill18:53
dkesselwell, i'll just report that apport bug as i can't reproduce the other one after rebooting18:56
* zyga got support for test-scenarios in python318:58
Noskcajballoons, are you getting anywhere with th qa-website bugs?19:00
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dkesselyes chromium. go on. crash without me opening you :)19:03
balloonsNoskcaj, hmm19:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 1096192 in Ubuntu QA Website "Iso tracker should have a ubiquity/kernal changelog similar to the one netboot has" [Undecided,New]19:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 1096446 in Ubuntu QA Website "Iso tracker should have a timer, resetting for each testcase whenever the testcase is completed" [Undecided,New]19:04
Noskcajyep, those two. plus there are a few bugs reported by others that are just sitting around.19:06
balloonsdepends on stephane's time19:06
balloonsnormally he is able to work the first month of the cycle on stuff19:06
balloonsit might have to sit for a few months, it depends19:06
balloonsthe netboot thing should be easier to do19:08
balloonserr.. the kernel changelog19:08
balloonsletozaf_, hello19:08
balloonswanted to ask about your merge19:08
letozaf_yes tell me19:09
balloonsusing ~ doesn't work19:09
balloonsyou have to make a global 'home' variable?19:10
balloonsit works for me19:10
letozaf_on my notebook it doesn't19:10
letozaf_maybe because I have italian keyboard ?19:10
letozaf_I get ì instead19:10
letozaf_of ~19:10
letozaf_If I remember well19:10
balloonsohh shoo19:11
balloonsthat's no good19:11
balloonswell, regardless19:11
balloonsprobably should put that in /tmp anyways19:11
balloonsbut we should definitely avoid globals19:11
balloonsgood to know can't use ~19:11
letozaf_ok infact I did not upload anything becaus19:11
letozaf_because I was not sure you would like it19:12
letozaf_if you want I will try to find out why ~19:12
letozaf_doesn't work and how to make it work19:12
letozaf_not sure I will sucsede19:12
letozaf_but I can try19:13
letozaf_yesterday I saw awsome things, when will we be able to use them ?19:14
balloonsalesage, is there a good assertion for asserting a property exists?19:14
balloonsI see you doing this:19:14
balloons        btn = self.app.select_single('GtkToolButton', name='FileNew')19:14
balloons        self.assertThat(btn, NotEquals(None))19:14
balloonsthat the best way to do it?19:14
balloonsletozaf_, it all works now, so we can use the mnow19:14
balloonstrying to finish the next piece of the tutorial, but aks away19:14
letozaf_I wanted to try the new things about selecting menu items ect...19:16
letozaf_but I'm not in a hurry19:16
letozaf_tonight I have to go away in about 10 min19:16
letozaf_but I cannot wait to try the new stuff19:16
Noskcajoops lol, that was meant to be in terminal19:17
balloonsahh, well I'll be starting to push some of it19:17
letozaf_I can connect from where I will go, but If you guys are still working at the new stuff19:17
letozaf_I will start tomorrow19:17
letozaf_will  I need to update autopilot ?19:18
alesageballoons, I've been doing it that way yes--I'm scanning the docs for further guidance19:18
alesageballoons, maybe we'll quiz thomi or veebers when they're up19:18
balloonsok, it's working, so, can't complain ;-)19:18
balloonsjust wasn't sure19:18
balloonsletozaf_, umm.. you'll need to check the gtk introspection dev library version19:19
balloonsare you on raring/19:19
balloonsthen you should be good19:19
balloonsapt-cache show libautopilot-gtk019:20
balloonsapt-cache show libautopilot-gtk-dev19:20
balloonsyou want: Version: 0.4-0ubuntu1+bzr14pkg0raring119:20
letozaf_yes I got the right version19:21
letozaf_but do I have to launch for instance autopilot launch gedit19:21
dkesselhm could "apport fails to collect details on signon-ui crash on 2 GB VM with message 'not enough memory'" be considered a valid bug? i managed to submit the crash by upping the RAM to 4 GB...19:21
balloonsbasically, you launch the autopilot vis tool, look at the app internals and figure out the properties you want to assert or look at19:22
balloonscurrently, it's annoying because gtk apps spawn alot of stuff you have to look through19:22
balloonsdkessel, probably needs more memory19:22
balloonshowever, you could ping the apport guys on what's goin gon19:22
balloonsand possibly it should take that much mem to submit19:22
letozaf_balloons, I will try to connect later and maybe if I can I will try to do something, otherwise I will connect tomorrow night19:24
balloonsletozaf_, sounds fine19:24
balloonsthe autopilot guys are all on this channel now19:25
balloonsso feel free to ask them as well.. I'm learning this piece of it too19:25
letozaf_ahhh! I have to connect19:25
letozaf_feel like I'm missing interesting things :D19:25
letozaf_bye I will try to re-connect later19:26
balloonsletozaf_, ciao19:26
balloonsa bondanza?19:26
dkesselhas anybody got time to confirm bug 1097423 ? i don't want to bug balloons today :)19:30
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1097423 could not be found19:30
balloonsalesage, another question.. so in order to use introspection I need to utilize launch_test_application?19:30
dkesselbug 109742319:30
alesageballoons, yes this adds the magic introspection-sauce so far as I understand it19:31
balloonsI lose all the bamf goodness.. I think some of the confusion of using the tool will be the multiple ways to launch an app, and the different methods availible once launched differ19:31
alesageballoons, hmm19:31
alesageballoons, I have such a special case for the indicators, know what you mean19:32
alesagenot feeling qualified to serve a solution though :) --what is it about bamf that you're missing?19:32
balloonsi'm somewhat ok with that.. I just want to propagate on the best practices for what we're doing19:32
balloonsmore pythonic, less perlesque :-)19:33
thomimorning all19:33
balloonshello thomi19:33
dkesselhello thomi, good evening19:33
Noskcajthomi, morning. i never understand why i'm 2 timezones behind you and i'm still on irc first19:33
thomiNoskcaj: well, technically, I never leave IRC19:34
thomiNoskcaj: often I'll check my email before announcing my presence :)19:34
balloonsthomi has become self-ware.. or at least his irc bot has19:35
Noskcajballoons, lol. thomi, so do i19:35
balloonsNoskcaj, you get up early19:35
balloons0630 right?19:35
thomi...or I'm super-slack19:35
Noskcajballoons, yep, i wake really early always19:36
balloonsok so thomi we were chatting about a couple things19:36
balloons1) the best way to assert about a property (existence, non-existence, value)19:37
balloons2) The issues with differing ways to launch your test application (and differing methods available)19:38
balloonsalso, I added those requests.. and I'll add a pretty please (along with the 'launch' functionality)19:39
thomiballoons: ok, taking them off the stack in reverse order...19:41
thomino wait, it's a stack, so taking them in the correct order...19:42
thomi3) the launch functionality is basically done. It works on my laptop - just gotta do a bit more testing before I push the MP19:42
thomi...the new functionality will be available in the autopilot PPA right after the MP gets approved, and I'll talk to Martin about doing an AP release19:43
thomi2) you should always launch your test application using the launch_test_application method, provided by those mixin classes. This is the only way to launch an application and get the application proxy object, which you need if you want to do any sort of introspection.19:44
thomithe other methds exist becuase in the unity tests we frequently want to launch some applications and see how unity handles their windows.... so the fact that those methods are so prominent is due to autopilots history19:45
thomi1) THe absolute best way to assert for the value of a property is like: 'self.assertThat(object.property, Eventually(Equals(123)))19:46
thomiEventually comes from autopilot.matchers module, Equals (or LessThan, Is, Not, Contains, etc, etc) comes from testtools.matchers19:46
thomihowever, that only works if 'object' is a part of the application you want to introspect. If it's something else, then you need to use assertProperty: 'self.assertProperty(object, property=123)' OR use a lambda function with the Eventually matcher19:47
thomito test for the existance of an attribute, use a callable with Eventually. To test that 'property' exists on 'object', I'd do this:19:48
thomiself.assertThat(lambda: hasattr(object, 'property'), Eventually(Equals(True)))19:48
thomi...but in my experience most attributes are statically created, so you almost never have to do that19:49
thomidoes that answer your stack of questions? :)19:49
balloonsI believe so.. I'm working through converting my original gedit tests to use introspectoin19:50
balloonsthen I'll push to you for comment.. for one thing I was using bamf set app focus, and sending keystrokes to open menus and manipulate the app19:50
balloonsnow that we have introspection my assumption is I should only be sending keystrokes and mouse clicks for ? hmm.. not sure really19:51
thomiballoons: still use the mouse * keyboard as you were, but now you can use introspection to make sure that the menus / dialogs / whatever have actually opened19:54
balloonsthomi, sure.. but I do miss the application to set/get focus20:07
thomiballoons: Is that required? Possibly we can make that part of autopilot - don't return until the app is launched and focused.20:08
balloonsthomi, I'd really like to be assured of where my keystrokes are going20:09
balloonsbut no, not required I guess.. I mean, if something gets off, the tests will just fail20:09
dkesselwhat can we do about that "this is no official ubuntu package" warning when running appport for update-manager?20:26
balloonsfunny stuff isn't it?20:31
balloonsI believe it's reported20:31
balloonsif not it should be..20:31
letozaf_balloons, I have tried the evince autopilot test on my notebook with the ~ but as I already told you it does not work  I get a ì instead20:32
balloonsyes.. intl keyboard issues20:32
balloonslet's change it to go to temop20:32
balloonsand still avoid the global20:32
letozaf_ok sure!20:32
dkesselballoons, would that "not an official package" most likely be a bug in update-manager, or apport?20:36
balloonsI'd file with update-manager20:36
balloonsbut again20:38
balloonsI'm 99.9% sure it's filed already20:38
balloonsand/or there's an explaination20:39
balloonsbut I've seen it before20:39
dkesseli'll check20:40
=== _salem is now known as salem_
Noskcajballoons, are you able to pt some dates on the classroom wiki? i need to know at least a week ahead. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom21:52
balloonsyes, put your dates in21:52
balloonsI thought we had this discussion last week Noskcaj21:53
balloonspick any datetimes you like21:53
Noskcajballoons, oh yeah, forgot. it's just i need to go after spme of the others21:53
balloonsthe first is happening this week21:53
balloonsso, go for it21:53
balloonsmake something for next weke21:53
balloonsohh.. who do you need to go first?21:54
Noskcaji thhought yours needed two be first?21:54
balloonsyes.. so anyone else/21:54
Noskcajno, just that one. do you if phill was going to do a Vbox session?21:56
balloonseveryone is as signed up..21:56
balloonshe was21:57
Noskcajok, did he want me to co-host? i think i will do testdrive on the 24th (23rd for all of you)21:58
balloonsthose dates21:59
Noskcaji will edit the date in now22:02
NoskcajIs there anyone from the laptop team here, we need at least one of you to host some classroom sessions22:48
balloonsSergio is intended to do so Noskcaj22:49
balloonswe'll see what he says ;-)22:49
balloonsk.. dinner time pour moi22:49
balloonsthx Noskcaj22:49

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