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adam_gzul: jamespage Daviey just sent 4/5 merge proposals to folsom branches of lp:~ubuntu-cloud-archive. the cinder branch @ lp:~ubuntu-cloud-archive/ubuntu/precise/cinder/folsom doesn't seem to want to play. if you could approve, ill upload to staging and get precise-folsom/proposed in-sync with quantal-proposed. need to figure out whats up with the cinder branch ,or do it manually00:36
zuladam_g:  merge propsal url?00:39
paco1sarnold: thanks for the link00:53
sarnoldpaco1: was it useful?00:54
sarnoldpaco1: or was something else more useful in the end? :)00:54
paco1i changed the value for 300s (5mn), but for the moment i dont see any change in my slave dns server00:55
sarnoldyou'll have to wait at least until it's timed out its old data, right?00:55
paco1the timed out before i changed the value?00:57
paco1the value that i'have had was 604800 (7days), and i changed it for 300s(5mn)00:58
sarnoldpaco1: soooo, in seven days, it ought to start slaving every five minutes.01:05
sarnoldpaco1: maybe teardown and re-create the slave in the meantime? :)01:05
sarnoldpaco1: (that _might_ be as easy as restarting the slave; I don't know that level of detail.)01:05
adam_gzul: are you unable to branch from lp:~ubuntu-cloud-archive/ubuntu/precise/cinder/folsom too?01:06
zullemme check01:06
zuladam_g: interesting....nope01:07
paco1sarnold: but i read that the "dig @server axfr" command from the master server, able to start the transfer immediatly...like it doesnt do....01:11
sarnoldpaco1: do the acls allow it?01:12
paco1sarnold: yes01:12
sarnoldpaco1: is there anything interesting in the logs?01:12
paco1in the master server log it says: "zone entreprise.com/IN/bd: loaded serial 2013010701" | zone entrprise.com/IN/bd: sending notifies (serial 2013010701)01:16
sarnoldcool, can the slave receive the notify?01:16
paco1immediatly despues el rndc reload del master....no01:18
paco1i you want, i can do named-checkconf -p of my 2 servers01:20
paco1http://pastebin.com/zFyq9KG6 > master | http://pastebin.com/xqPzGtTh > slave | http://pastebin.com/RUsV7gDP > dig exemple.com | http://pastebin.com/3JpyL2VF > dig -x reverse01:25
paco1sarnold: if you can see my config, to see if there is a problem, thanks!01:27
sarnoldpaco1: sorry, I don't see anything that stands out.01:31
paco1sarnold: my config countered well....01:33
syncsyshow can I change the port to 80 from 8080 in tomcat.? I have read many google results but I never find the .xml files in the said directories in ubuntu (latest version)01:35
sarnoldsyncsys: dpkg -L tomcat7 | grep xml  ought to narrow down the options01:37
syncsysthanks. works. but i wonder why $ sudo locate server.xml01:38
syncsyslocate: can not stat () `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db': No such file or directory01:38
sarnoldyour locate database never gets rebuilt, the cronjob (/etc/cron.daily/mlocate) appears to run only if you're on wall power if the powermgmt-base package is installed..01:40
sarnoldsyncsys: sudo sh /etc/cron.daily/mlocate  ought to rebuild the database01:41
syncsysthanks again.!    it was in /etc/tomcat7/server.xml       i changed port to 80. services tomcat7 restart        still opening on 8080 and not 8001:43
syncsyssarnold, <Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1"01:44
sarnoldsyncsys: hah, looks like tomcat7 doesn't report much in the way of errors if sometihng else has port 80 bound already. does netstat -anp | grep :80 show something else listening on 80?01:46
sarnoldsyncsys: check /var/log/tomcat7/catalina* log files, I found this: java.net.BindException: Permission denied <null>:8001:47
syncsysit should not as it is a fresh vps install. let me check01:47
sarnoldlooks like tomcat7 drops privs before binding to port 80, perhaps that's a mistake in the config?01:47
syncsyssarnold,  netstat -anp | grep :80 shows nothing01:48
sarnold.. or perhaps the intention is to always use a proxy if you want it on 80?01:48
paco1sarnold: I leave, I shall see the continuation tomorrow, thanks for your help01:50
syncsysyes......Caused by: java.net.BindException: Permission denied <null>:8001:50
syncsys        at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint.bind(JIoEndpoint.java:391)01:50
syncsyswhy is that?01:50
sarnoldpaco1: good luck :) if you've got time, I'd be curious to hear the solution...01:51
sarnoldsyncsys: binding low ports (<1024) requires root privileges (capability CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE)01:51
paco1sarnold: ok, no problem ;)01:52
syncsyssarnold,  I was aware but I nano the server.xml file by sudo and restarted tomcat by sudo also... I didnt grasped the privileg thing01:52
syncsyssarnold,  tutorials say i need to AUTHBIND=yes01:53
sarnoldsyncsys: yay, that's it!01:55
syncsyssarnold,  i think on tomcat instal A new user "tomcat7" with primary group "tomcat7" will be created.01:55
syncsysand everything is done by that user. which is not root01:55
sarnoldsyncsys: edit /etc/default/tomcat7 -- you'll find AUTHBIND at the bottom. uncomment it, change it to "yes", and restart tomcat.01:55
syncsysso no port allow. which is contrary to apache201:55
syncsystheres no default in /etc01:56
decciI am facing an issue installing Ubuntu 12.04 on compellent SAN. I did it for CentOS 6.3 and it went fine. here is the complete picture: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1508279/01:57
decciWhen I try to install ubuntu 12.04. The installation cannot see the SAN storage device as shown http://tracker.webtechnologyfocused.com.au/ehw/volumesnotdetected.jpg01:57
syncsyssarnold,  do i need to install authbind first?01:57
decciI have attached lscsci output too..any idea what could be the fix?01:57
sarnoldsyncsys: probably; authbind was just installed for me when I ran "apt-get install tomcat7"01:58
syncsyshm. so i need to do that manually01:58
syncsyssarnold,  no it coundnt be. if you are using ubuntu01:58
syncsysi did the same. apt install tomcat701:58
sarnoldsyncsys: http://pastebin.com/dSDst7n101:59
syncsyssarnold,  oh. i already have authbind. but no /etc/default folder01:59
sarnoldsyncsys: and that's very odd...02:00
sarnoldroughly 38 packages on my system "own" /etc/default (dpkg -S /etc/default) -- not sure how yours went missing02:01
syncsysstrange. now i see default folder. i just did apt-get install authbind02:01
syncsysReading package lists... Done02:01
syncsysBuilding dependency tree        Reading state information... Done  authbind is already the newest version.02:01
sarnoldsyncsys: do you have an /etc/default/tomcat7 file?02:02
syncsysyes. i do now.02:05
syncsysnot before. i think some configs messed up02:05
syncsysnow its ok. runingon  8002:05
sarnoldwoot :)02:06
syncsysmy last mission , should I choose to accept, is to link the two websites domain dns with the vps and tomcat (each directory for each domain)  . I did that with apache2 httpd once. i think thats also called binding. but dont know how to do that in tomcat02:07
syncsyssarnold,  am I correct?02:09
sarnoldsyncsys: sorry, I don't know that much tomcat; it was easy to install and fiddle with ports, but actually configuring the thing is something else entirely :( sorry02:11
syncsysoh ok02:11
syncsysno problem02:11
syncsysyou helped alot already02:11
syncsysthanks sarnold  :)02:12
decciHi Anyone who can help with Ubuntu 12.04 on Compellent SAN issue02:28
decciWhen I try to install ubuntu 12.04. The installation cannot see the SAN storage device as shown http://tracker.webtechnologyfocused.com.au/ehw/volumesnotdetected.jpg02:28
sarnoldwelcome back decci, you didn't miss any answers while ping-timing-out..02:40
deccisarnold: ok thanks02:41
deccisarnold: I wish I could get some response on this02:41
decciI am struggling to get it work02:41
sarnolddecci: it might not hurt to try askubuntu.com or serverfault.com, too -- the fact that your macihne reports the names of the stupid thing just baffles me...02:42
sarnoldI'd feel happier if it didn't know anything about the san at all, you know? then it might just be "modprobe this magic" or something.02:42
deccisarnold: ok02:43
Jeeves_not so handy typo02:43
Jeeves_zpool add foobar disk02:43
Jeeves_instead of zpool attach foobar disk02:43
deccisarnold: Though it works for CentOS 6.302:57
Jeeves_df -h03:32
Jeeves_Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on03:32
Jeeves_/dev/vda1       2.0G  1.2G  750M  61% /03:32
Jeeves_free -m03:33
Jeeves_Swap:         8188          0       818803:33
Jeeves_that's really clueless03:33
lifelessJeeves_: in what way?03:40
arrrghhhHey all.  I just got a shiny new 4tb drive... I don't want to boot from it, but how do I properly set it up so I can use all 4tb?03:42
lifelessarrrghhh: partition it with gdisk, not fdisk.03:44
arrrghhhah ha03:44
lifelessarrrghhh: it has to be a gpt partition table for > 2TB disks.03:44
arrrghhhYea, I was reading up on that... Just found gdisk as you mentioned it :)03:45
lifelessarrrghhh: you -may- run into translation issues if you are plugging it into a non-native bus (e.g. USB)03:45
arrrghhhnah.  going into my on-board sata6 controller03:45
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arrrghhhlifeless, bah.  I'm still doing something wrong.03:54
arrrghhhPerhaps I need more "extents"?03:54
lifelessarrrghhh: I don't know. Whats happening ?03:55
arrrghhhSorry, no segway lol03:56
arrrghhhSo I'm using LVM and it's saying "Insufficient free extents (39429) in volume group 4tb: 76800 required"03:56
arrrghhhHrm.  Maybe that's all that I actually get out of a 4tb disk03:57
arrrghhhIsn't there some 'buffer' Linux creates for bad sectors or something?04:02
arrrghhhand it's a little too generous, so on large drives you adjust it down ?04:02
arrrghhhDamnit I can't think of the term...04:02
lifelessyou're thinking of the relocation map which is internal to the device (and similarly on SSD's)04:02
arrrghhhYea, maybe it's not for bad sectors04:03
lifelessthere is a bad block layer driver around which /can/ be placed under lvm or as block stacking thing but very few folk use it.04:03
arrrghhhI thought Linux had some sort of a buffer that I adjusted on my larger drives04:03
lifelessthere is a root only allocation group to prevent running out of space, but thats after you get a filesystem04:04
lifelessI suggest that you gdisk it, make one partition, put ext4 on it and see how big it thinks it is.04:04
arrrghhhhum.  Stupid hard disk manufacturers.04:04
arrrghhhwell after gdisk i have 3.6TiB04:04
lifelessIf it's 4TB, its all good, change the partition etc and go for lvm04:04
lifelessso 3.6TiB - Thats TiB vs TB I suspect.04:05
arrrghhhthat's how LVM reports too04:05
lifelessYou have: 4TB04:05
lifelessYou want: TiB04:05
lifeless        * 3.637978804:05
lifeless        / 0.2748779104:05
lifelessYou have:04:05
arrrghhhVG Size               3.64 TiB04:05
lifelesslooks like its all setup to me.04:06
arrrghhhhum.  alrighty then.04:09
irvi installed a LAMP stack and phpmyadmin from the repos, but i can't access the phpmyadmin page. any ideas? normal pages load fine on the lamp server04:30
irvtried restarting apache04:30
irvthere she goes, had to manually copy the config file over04:33
irvhow can i configure apache2 to load index.php before index.html04:53
andolirv: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_dir.html#directoryindex04:57
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koolhead17jamespage: morning07:16
koolhead17is this bug fixed for precise https://bugs.launchpad.net/quantum/+bug/106996607:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1069966 in quantum "rootwrap error with L3 agent" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:17
koolhead17i see it is fixed for 12.1007:17
KondorHow does one style directory listings via css javascript in apache07:35
Kondor!@#$*&^%  this im asking google07:37
ubottuKondor: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:37
samba35how do i add spice to my ubuntu .i have installed all packages for spice make changes as per doc still i dont see spice in virt-manager07:39
Sprocksanyone able to help with an apparent grub issue?08:55
Sprockswhen I reboot/boot my ubuntu server the grub menu just sits there until I go to it and hit enter08:57
jamespagekoolhead17, its fixed commited so it in the SRU process for quantal09:02
jamespagekoolhead17, http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/cloud-archive/folsom_versions.html09:02
jamespagewould indicate that the minor release updates are in staging for the cloud archive but not yet accepted into proposed09:02
koolhead17jamespage: so once it gets accepted it will go to cloud archive which means i can use it 4 folsom. Am i correct?09:04
jamespagekoolhead17, yes09:04
koolhead17jamespage: also its been almost 2 months. Does it takes a lot of time for a bug to get fixed moved to testing and then to main cloud archive after fix?09:05
koolhead17i see this a one of the blocker bug 4 running folsom with quantum09:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 4 in launchpad "Importing finished po doesn't change progressbar" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/409:06
jamespagekoolhead17, 2012.2.1 was released at the end of november; its in process09:10
jamespagesee bug 108525509:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1085255 in quantum "Meta bug for tracking Openstack 2012.2.1 Stable Update" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108525509:10
jamespageadam_g has been working on verification in the lab; there was some delay as we had to get quantum+cinder added to the minor release exception for openstack09:10
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koolhead17jamespage: so from cloud repo we have OpenvSwitch via quantum09:12
koolhead17isn`t it09:12
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* koolhead17 bookmarks beta bug-tracker list09:13
jamespagekoolhead17, looking at that bug report I think the openvswitch agent is not impacted by that bug - its specific to the linux bridge agent09:13
koolhead17jamespage: one was because of rootwrap09:13
jamespagekoolhead17, openvswitch + quantum works just fine - I've tested it *alot*09:13
koolhead17jamespage: you have some doc you would like to share. i want to test/try/document it on our wiki09:14
jamespagekoolhead17, so I followed the quantum docs for 'shared provided gateway'09:15
koolhead17jamespage: i have a blueprint to work on, remember09:15
jamespageand used https://github.com/EmilienM/openstack-folsom-guide/blob/master/scripts/quantum-networking.sh09:15
jamespagekoolhead17, this is now all encapsulated in the nova-cloud-controller, nova-compute and quantum-gateway charms in the charm store09:16
jamespagewhich is how we are testing quantum in the CI lab now09:16
koolhead17jamespage: i would have used Juju if i had a way to use it inside proxy09:17
jamespagekoolhead17, on hardware using maas?09:18
jamespageor virtually?09:18
koolhead17jamespage:  standalone without MAAS09:18
koolhead17i have some 8 GB server and wanted it to use 4 testing09:19
jamespagekoolhead17, which provider tho?09:19
koolhead17jamespage: standllone09:19
jamespagekoolhead17, yeah - but thats not a provider for juju09:19
jamespagedo you mean LXC?09:19
jamespagelocal provider09:19
koolhead17local povider09:20
jamespageOK - so quantum does not work on the local provider09:20
jamespageneither do some of the other charms09:20
jamespagekoolhead17, its a squeeze but you might want to try using MAAS with KVM virtual machines in your server09:21
koolhead17jamespage: have not tried MAAS+Juju yet.09:21
koolhead17seems like i will have to give it a try09:21
jamespagekoolhead17, its not really for production but was used during development - there is a virsh power management option I think09:22
jamespagekoolhead17, you can then configure the squid-deb-proxy that maas will install to use you proxy infrastructure09:22
jamespagejuju will used that automatically09:22
koolhead17jamespage: i will try to get whole openstack working in traditional way as of now09:23
koolhead17to get hold of it09:23
jamespagekoolhead17, that is the best way to learn it of course!09:23
koolhead17once i have idea about espacially quantum i will try it out09:23
jamespagekoolhead17, if you want to ping me with quantum questions once you have had a go using the docs feel free09:24
jamespagesome of it was not obvious09:24
koolhead17jamespage: i honestly feel there is document overload happening :)09:24
jamespagekoolhead17, meh - its complicated!09:25
jMCg_Hello happy people!09:25
jMCg_How do I tell do-release-upgrade that I wanna stick to LTS'es for now?09:25
koolhead17jamespage: let me poke you if am stuck with quantum part, as of now am more interested in understanding the magic of it. I am up on networking to understand it. :P09:26
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psivaajamespage: the ceph smoke tests are still hanging/ failing to execute. So please go ahead if you think its best to drop them for the time being.10:27
psivaajamespage: also, the runlists still have the old fetch_location in the new branch. that needs changing as well to fetch from the new branch10:28
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aFeijo_I have this error in my new ubuntu server which I installed dovecot with mysql: Unsuported dictionary type mysql. I already installed dovecot-mysql package, what else do I need?11:11
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mah454I run ltsp server11:34
mah454chroot in /opt/ltsp/i386 and add new user with "useradd " command11:35
mah454and then run ltsp-update-image11:35
mah454but this user can not login in thin client !11:36
mah454why ?11:36
QuestI want to allocate (in simple terms) different folders for different website domains. e.g mysite2.com mysite1.com   . in apache2 httpd, i have to bind. how exactly do i do that in tomcat7 . I have also made some netbeans projects  (i guess i have to copy paste the war files somewhere) ?12:02
maruqhi guys, I'm trying to boot ubuntu 12.04 on an AWS hi1.4xlarge instance (SSD)12:12
maruqas far as I can tell, it's not giving me the SSD volumes, only a standard 8GB EBS volume at /12:13
maruqI'm guessing it's something to do with the AMI, just wondering if anyone knows anything I need to specify to use that SSD12:13
rbasakThe extra volumes tend to be independent, don't they? Have you looked in /proc/partitions? Is it mounted in /mnt?12:17
maruqrbasak: I think I found them at /dev/xvdb & /dev/xvdg12:25
rbasakThat sounds about right12:25
QuestI want to allocate (in simple terms) different folders for different website domains. e.g mysite2.com mysite1.com   . in apache2 httpd, i have to bind. how exactly do i do that in tomcat7 . I have also made some netbeans projects  (i guess i have to copy paste the war files somewhere) ?12:59
Quest need help wit this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14214440/tomcat7-domain-settings12:59
jMCgOkay. Wtf. How do I configure all apps that link against libgnutls to correctly validate certificates against the correct CAs?13:27
jMCgOr let me put this question differently: WHY DOES ANYTHING use GnuTLS?13:35
Magus_hey guys, I'm having a bunch of mdadm trouble. Would anyone be able to help me?13:41
Guest30157but yeah, any mdadm help i can get would be a life-saver13:44
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TheMagusis anyone here that could help?13:58
smoserhallyn, ping13:58
smoserTheMagus, don't ask to ask, just ask. if someone is here that can and wants to help, they will.13:58
podduswhat's the problem?13:58
TheMagusI'm having a really bad mdadm issue; specifically, I posted this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12444348#post1244434813:59
smoserhallyn, bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1060404 question.13:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1060404 in upstart "update-grub runs and fails in containers" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:59
TheMagusbasically, trying to re-create/assemble a RAID array and it can't find my partition; possible I am not putting to together correctly or maybe I need to zero out the superblocks or something14:00
poddussorry, never dealt with RAID14:02
TheMagusdarn, ha14:02
TheMagusreally need help on this, so i'm trying to look around for any channels or resources possible.14:02
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podduswell I can at most try to help you brainstorm14:07
TheMagusthanks :)14:10
TheMagusi tried assembling the raid twice with --assume-clean, so I don't believe any of the data has been touched, just the superblock14:10
TheMagushad a thought of wiping the superblock and assembling, but still uncertain as to the right move.14:10
TheMagusmy drive order was a bit odd, as well, but I am not sure if it can auto-detect that or if there's a way to specify.14:11
podduswell for starters I would try to back the information up as it is now14:12
TheMagusi can't even get any info since i can't mount it14:12
podduscan you dd?14:13
TheMaguspossibly; not sure if i have the drive space around for that, though.14:13
podduswell if this data is important I'd suggest you get some HDD space and copy it over14:13
poddusat least if you screw up more now you can go back and start over14:14
TheMagusyeah, I might try to grab a drive later.14:14
poddusI don't really understand this RAID5 setup. is there redundancy? is the information from the failed drive somewhere on the others?14:15
TheMagusyeah, it's a RAID5 across 4 drives.14:15
TheMagusone drive failed, so I did a create, assume-clean which i thought would put it back together and it didn't?14:16
TheMagusnot sure why it didn't do it correctly but...14:16
TheMagusthat's why i am seeking out help14:16
hallynsmoser: yeah?14:23
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hallynsmoser: btw, i'll be asking you (if you don't mind) to upload two libcgroups for me, one to r and one to q, in a bit14:24
hallynstgraber: isn't libcgroup meant to be in the server set?14:24
hallynmaybe not...  but I thought so14:24
smoserhallyn, so you're saying all i have to do is have devtmpfs mounted and then 'apt-get upgrade' will work ?14:25
smoserand its no danger of writing bootloader incorrectly to my host?14:25
hallynsmoser: i think that if is aid that, i was wrong.14:25
hallynoh.  yeah.  we undid that14:25
hallyndon't mount devtmpfs in container14:25
hallynlemme edit that.  (the SRU in fact was undone)14:26
smoseri'm just curious, because i'd really like to be able to somehow get a cloud image, and install stuff into it without kvm14:26
poddusTheMagus: what was the "wonky issue" you had a while back? if the hdd index goes to 5 and you only had 4 hdds then no wonder it isn't working14:26
stgraberhallyn: libcgroup is an unseeded universe package, so can't see any reason to have it in the packageset14:26
hallynsmoser: will the cloud iage have a blockdev?14:27
TheMaguspoddus: that was my thought. I had a similar issue (the drive popped out of the array)14:27
hallynstgraber: but if it hasn't been decided before it needs to go through an approval process i assume14:27
TheMagusit's on my map to get new drives for this soon, but need it to survive until then14:27
smoserhallyn, probably14:27
smoseror , yes14:27
TheMagusheck, I'll order the new ones tonight if I can get it to survive, ha14:27
hallynsmoser: then all you need to is make sure that the root device's blockdev is in the container's /dev14:27
poddusTheMagus: so did the HDD fail or is it a software bug?14:28
hallyn(i think - i'm pretty sure)14:28
podduswas it the same HDD?14:28
TheMaguspoddus: the drive "failed", i think the system overheated, honestly.14:28
TheMagusi don't recall if it was or not14:28
smoserhallyn, what is "the root device"14:28
hallynwhatever device 'mount' says root is mounted from14:29
hallyni.e. /dev/dm-714:29
poddusTheMagus: so you rebuilt the RAID the same as you did now? why do you think the problem is related?14:30
smoseri dont think that is true.14:30
TheMagusunsure, but I know the ordering of drives is a bit odd so I figured I'd mention it.14:30
TheMagusrather give more information than not enough, you know?14:31
stgraberhallyn: if it was a server related seeded package, it probably would be in the packageset (as cjwatson's script is supposed to do that) or we'd fix the script for it to be. But as I said, I can't see any reason why it'd be in the packageset in its current state.14:35
poddusTheMagus: alright, this RAID5 is too complicated for me to wrap my head around right now. I definitely suggest, if you want to keep your data, to back it up before you do anything else. If you succeed, unless there's a really good reason why you're running a software RAID, I suggest you put your HDDs to better use with a normal rsync backup. or backup the RAID. in any case it's always good to have a backup! :P sorry I can't be of more help.14:37
TheMagusyeah, I was already planning on my backups when it failed :T14:37
xnoxRAID is not a backup solution.14:37
TheMaguswish i had more time, you know?14:37
TheMagusxnox: yup14:38
hallynstgraber: oh, sorry, i misread your first response14:38
TheMagustrying to recover mine so i CAN back it up :T14:38
hallynstgraber: i thought it once went into the packageset so that i could push updates to cgroup-lite when it was part of libcgroup :)14:38
hallynbut maybe it just happened as a result of lxc depending on it at one time14:38
hallynsmoser: meaning you don't think grub succeeds then?14:38
hallynsmoser: you'll also need to give the container write perms to it in the container config's devices.cgroup.allow lines14:39
smoserhallyn, well, my experience was with chroot, not lxc.14:39
smoserbut i woudl have thought if it didnt work in chroot, it wouldnt work in lxc either.14:39
smoserhallyn, just so you know where i'mi coming from, i had this annoyance of not being able to 'apt-get upgrade' in a chroot of a image using 'mount-callback-umount'  at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smoser/+junk/backdoor-image/view/head:/mount-callback-umount .14:41
smoseri thought it was not easily solved.14:41
poddusTheMagus: if your data is worth anything to you, probably the worst thing to do now is to rush it. that never works. I've tried :)14:41
smoserthen i saw your bug, and thought "Wonderful! someone has this fixsed for me!"14:42
TheMagusotherwise i would have been up all night trying to fix it, poddus14:42
TheMagusthat's why when the two creates didn't work, i stopped and sought help14:42
stgraberhallyn: was probably a one off kind of thing. I'm vaguely surprised that cgroup-lite isn't in the server packageset though14:42
TheMagusin retrospect i should have backed up immediately before trying to repair the raid :/14:42
TheMaguslive and learn so far.14:42
poddushey, that's the only way I ever learned anything14:43
hallynsmoser: in fact bug 1096984 suggests that it should work (the guy said it worked for him with lvm backed partition)14:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1096984 in lxc "Wrong device for the / mount point (dup-of: 1060404)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109698414:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1060404 in upstart "update-grub runs and fails in containers" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106040414:43
stgraberhallyn: nevermind, wasn't checking properly, cgroup-lite is in the server packageset14:44
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hallynstgraber: ok, no big deal, i'll get the libcgroup updates sponsored, i just *thought* i remembered not having to14:44
stgraberhallyn: oh, and I remember you saying something about qemu? what source packages would you need for qemu?14:44
stgraberhallyn: it might be that libcgroup is in the packageset on older releases as packageset content is stored per series14:44
hallynstgraber: the source package is 'qemu'.  though it hasnt' made it into r yet.  (assume it's hung in NEW)14:45
hallynhaha, oops, i guess q is 12.10, not 11.1014:46
stgraberhallyn: ok, I'll wait for the new source to be accepted, then I'll poke Colin to update the script (or will myself if I can remember where it's)14:46
hallynstgraber: thanks14:46
TheMagushmm. one thought I am having is since my disk slot numbers are a bit wacky... doing a create with missing, drive 1, missing, drive 3; then adding drive 4 and 5.14:58
hallynsmoser: you're coredev right?  would you mind sponsoring libcgroup updates at http://people.canonical.com/~serge/libcgroup-rm-inits for q and r?14:59
smoserhallyn, yes, i am core dev. i will take a look.15:11
poddusTheMagus: do you know the original configuration?15:25
TheMaguspoddus: yup. The e-mail my server sent me has it even15:34
poddusso wait, your RAID was working without HDDs 0 and 2? which was originally a RAID of 4 HDDs?15:41
TheMaguspoddus: naw, it's a bit confusing, sorry. I have disks in slots 1,3,4, and 515:44
TheMagusthey were all in active sync so i know it was working15:44
Davieym_3: Hey, are you chairing this meeting in 12 mins?15:48
poddusactive sync?15:49
poddusnever mind, it doesn't really matter15:50
TheMagussorry :)15:50
TheMagusfound this post http://serverfault.com/questions/447617/reusing-slot-numbers-in-linux-software-raid-arrays might be exactly what i was thinking of.15:51
podduswhy is your setup so complicated anyway15:52
TheMagusnot too sure, wish it wasn't of course ;)15:52
m_3Daviey: whoops... was lost in email vortex15:55
m_3really quite excited about it too15:55
Davieym_3: cool!15:56
Davieym_3: Will this be your first time?15:56
poddusTheMagus: have you seen this: http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/recovery_raid15:56
m_3Daviey: not quite... but might as well be15:57
Davieym_3: heh, you are an old hand!15:58
TheMaguspoddus: nope, i'll take a look :) thank you!15:58
DavieySpamapS: Do you still want to be on the chair rota?15:58
Davieyyolanda: can you add yourself please?15:59
m_3#startmeeting ubuntu-server-team15:59
smoserhallyn, i uploaded to raring for you.15:59
SpamapSDaviey: no ;)15:59
smoserm_3, that isn't going to work here.15:59
m_3hmmm um... why not?15:59
m_3oh... doh16:00
m_3um... thanks smoser16:00
DavieySpamapS: might want to remove yourself :)16:00
zulnah he can still run it if he wants to16:01
poddusTheMagus: I'm heading out, good luck16:02
hallynsmoser: thanks16:16
roaksoaxbbcmicrocomputer: what are you gonna look at for mysql and openstack ha?16:23
bbcmicrocomputerroaksoax: sorry on a call16:25
bbcmicrocomputerroaksoax: I haven't started any work on the MySQL charm yet.. need to take a look at the backlog of feature requests16:29
bbcmicrocomputerroaksoax: a decent README wouldn't go amiss :)16:30
roaksoax bbcmicrocomputer ok, I'm working on getting HA support16:30
bbcmicrocomputerroaksoax: if you need me to review anything..16:30
roaksoaxsure thing16:33
roaksoaxthanks ;)16:33
keithzgArghh, I cannot figure out why for a daily cron job that sends an e-mail, the same mail line works on my desktop and not the server.16:39
keithzgIt's literally just cat file | mail -s "subject" $MAILTO16:40
keithzgHow can something so simple be going wrong?16:40
greppykeithzg: path to cat? or the path to the file or the path to mail?16:48
RoyKkeithzg: try full path to mail16:53
RoyKkeithzg: as in 'cat file | /usr/bin/mail ...'16:54
keithzgGood idea; sadly still silently fails.16:55
keithzg...or not?16:55
keithzgah, no, it was the other thing I just did, heh. Installed postfix, which uninstalled exim4.16:56
RoyKkeithzg: is the cron job run? what does the logs say?16:57
keithzgWhatever exactly that changed, that seems to have done it. Even just "cat file | mail -s "Subject" guy@place.com" works now16:57
RoyKkeithzg: I use postfix on most of my installations16:57
RoyKok, great16:57
keithzgYeah I had actually *assumed* that postfix was installed, considering that mail was just *silently* failing, not throwing an audible fit. But I guess it was using Exim4 in the background instead? Either way, works now!16:58
RoyKkeithzg: I've seen the same with exim, never tried to debug it - just found that I wanted postfix, with which everything worked :P17:10
keithzgRoyK: heh17:33
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paco1hello masters!18:06
paco1sarnold: are you there?18:06
sarnoldhey paco1 :) how's it going?18:06
paco1i just checked my zone in the slave server....and it works18:07
paco1/var/cache/bind/db.myzone.com > $TTL 300        ; 5 minutes18:07
sarnoldpaco1: awesome :)18:08
paco1like i put yesterday18:08
paco1my reverse doesn't change yet, because i didn't change anything ;)18:08
paco1i change the ttl of the reverse and i will see....18:09
sarnoldpaco1: heheh :)18:11
sarnoldit's easy to forget to change the reverse.. of course, when you're trying to get _something_ to work, it doesn't much matter. hehe.18:11
paco1and it works within to delete the zone in the slave18:11
paco1it replaced it18:12
paco1well, now i'll see the tsig config18:13
paco1sarnold: it's easy or hard tsig config?18:15
sarnoldpaco1: sorry, I've never done that :/18:16
zulDaviey: when you get a chance can you review python-ceilometerclient and python-pecan please?18:30
cgalatiDoes anyone have some time to help me with server recommendations?18:50
cgalati*Crickets chirping*  lol18:54
zulhallyn: any fallout from the new qemu-kvm yet?18:56
hallynzul: it's not in the archive yet18:57
zulhallyn: oh...then no :)18:57
hallynzul: i've emailed one of the debian maintainers with my git tree.  plenty of comments from him.18:57
hallynamong whic his that there are cmdline changes between qemu and qemu-kvm.18:57
hallynso we might be breaking new ground for debian to figure out how to solve that - a kvm wrapper, or what18:58
Davieyzul: can you ping me first thing tomorrow.. unless it's blocking work.. i'll do it now19:09
zulDaviey: yep19:09
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pmatulishaving trouble joining #ubuntu-cloud . anyone know what's up with that?19:20
sarnoldhaha, "Cannot join to channel #ubuntu-cloud (You must be invited)"19:22
w0rmiethe channel is restricted actually19:22
sarnoldsomeone's gone and set mode +i on the channel.19:22
hattorihanzoHey, I have a fresh 12.04.1 fully updated server19:35
hattorihanzoand for some reason i dont see anything in my /var/log/syslog | messages19:36
hattorihanzoanybody have an idea of whats going on19:36
sarnoldhattorihanzo: sometimes log-rotation races are lost and the syslogd keeps writing to the .0 file; check /var/log/syslog.0 to see if the logging is happening to the wrong file19:39
hattorihanzotheres aa syslog.1 but its stopped reporting on the 31st19:42
hattorihanzoalso "logger MESSAGE" doesnt show up anywhere19:42
sarnoldhattorihanzo: hrm. that's odd. is /var/log full?19:45
hattorihanzona, this is a brandnew vps i setup over the holiday19:45
sarnoldvery strange.19:46
sarnoldhattorihanzo: oh that's odd. I don't have any of those "terminated on signal" in my logs...19:54
hattorihanzoi did find something about commenting out the /dev/xconsole but that diddnt help19:55
sarnoldhattorihanzo: does it run alright once you restart it?19:57
LuizAngiolettihello there.19:59
hattorihanzosarnold: nope :(19:59
sarnoldhattorihanzo: oh. that's interesting. why does it die?19:59
hattorihanzoits not dead now, its just not logging.20:00
LuizAngiolettiI'm receiving the following message in /var/log/syslog, after a huge update yesterday: "ubuntu dovecot: auth: Fatal: Support not compiled in for passdb driver 'vpopmail'"20:00
sarnoldhunh. I wonder why I have _four_ rsyslogd processes. is that usual?20:01
LuizAngiolettiIs dovecot for ubuntu packaged with support to vpopmail?20:01
hattorihanzoo_O https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rsyslog/+bug/94003020:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 940030 in rsyslog "rsyslog stops working after logrotate until restarted" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:12
hattorihanzowell, its not working even after a restart20:13
sarnoldhattorihanzo: be sure to reply if that proposed fix solves it for you20:24
hattorihanzoit didnt :(20:40
sarnoldhattorihanzo: then be sure to report that, too! oof.20:40
ninjixhaving a problem doing a direct kernel boot with libvirt20:51
ninjixgetting this error20:51
ninjixerror: internal error process exited while connecting to monitor: qemu: could not load PC BIOS '/home/libvirt/images/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-loader'20:51
BaldFatMy problem > I decided it would be "fun" to run bind and my own dns for my next work. Now I can't update the server and have to stop dns and bind9 for my network to connect to the internet. How would I get it back to default?20:51
drocsidso i have an amazon ec2 running ubuntu server. this may seem like a dumb quesion, but is it ok for me to reboot the session?20:54
ninjixdrocsid: you can reboot, just don't terminate20:54
ninjixbut why do you want to reboot, drocsid ?20:55
ninjixeasier to just restart services20:55
drocsidninjix: ubuntu server was telling me restart required20:59
ninjixdrocsid: ahh... you ran a dist-upgrade21:01
drocsidninjix: i guess i did ......21:01
drocsidninjix: don't remember recently. I'm just concerned about security updates21:02
drocsidi beter backup my data21:03
ninjixdrocsid: you should be fine21:04
drocsidbackups are always good tho21:05
ninjixnew kernel images get loaded on reboot21:07
ninjixaws manages all of the kernel/grub stuff for you unless you want to roll your own kernel and use their pv-grub21:09
drocsidninjix: whats the prefered way to upgrade security packages: 'aptitude upgrade' ?21:12
ninjixdrocsid: normally use 'apt-get upgrade' and then do a 'apt-get dist-upgrade'21:14
sarnoldapt-get update21:15
drocsidsarnold: that updates the package lists, i do that first i believe21:15
sarnolddrocsid: yes, just ninjix made a typo in his advice :)21:16
ninjixsanderj_:  thanks :) for the correction21:17
tasslehofftesting email alerts from my raid via a python script with "sudo mdadm --monitor --scan --oneshot --test --program /data/scripts/smtpmail.py". It works, I get the mail, but mdam never returns. is that expected?21:17
ninjixany Ubuntu cloud team around?21:58
ninjixI'm still stuck on this libvirt not wanting to load my precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-loader21:58
ninjixit works correctly when I launch the cloud image directly with kvm21:59
xslhello all21:59
xslin a ubuntu host i have the firewall loggin working ok and going to syslog or to whatever log i want... but wen i get the lxcontainers up ... the firewall logs randomly on each container and stops loggin on the host21:59
xslanyone knows why this happens, or a way to prevent this?21:59
alex88hi guys, what can I use for running a memory check on a server?22:34
alex88forgot the memory test when booting grub, I'm on a remote server running a rescue image22:34
Chorcaanyone else have issues on a supermicro X9SCM?22:45
ChorcaCan't get e1000 to detect the network interfaces22:45
Sprocksanyone able to help with an apparent grub issue? when I reboot/boot my ubuntu server the grub menu just sits there until I go to it and hit enter23:00
patdk-lapchorca, that could be alittle hard, as it uses the e1000e driver23:03
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andygraybeali'm in ubuntu 10.04 .. my virtual machine manager is showing my LVM volume only  having 3GB left.. when pvdisplay shows that i have 107GiB out of 272GiB23:19
andygraybealhow do i get the virtual machine manager to show the correct size of available data on this LVM?23:19
andygraybealit won't let me create a machine larger than 3GB23:19
andygraybealis there something about the physical extents being contiguous?23:20
andygraybealthat i might be missing?23:20
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andygraybealwhat does this mean:   Total PE              6983523:31
andygraybeal  Free PE               2750323:31
andygraybeal  Allocated PE          4233223:31
andygraybealah pe size is 4.0 MiB23:32

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