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didrocksTrevinho: hey, around?07:39
didrockspopey: hey! once you are around, some more free karma:08:06
popeymorning didrocks08:16
didrockshey popey! how is the weather in uk?08:17
popeyGrey. As always. ☺08:18
didrocksI share the same sky today! :)08:20
didrockswhat have you done to Lyon? You have broken my weather! :-)08:20
didrocksthanks popey ;)08:41
* didrocks adds 2 to the list of bootstrapped projects now08:41
didrocksseb128: popey: do you use standard icon size for unity?08:43
didrocksor reduced one?08:43
popeydepends which way the wind is blowing08:43
popeyand which machine08:43
seb128didrocks, standard08:44
popeyreduced on laptop, not on desktop08:44
didrocksseb128: when you press super, with the daily build ppa, you don't see any empty space between the launcher and the dash?08:44
seb128didrocks, btw ppa from yesterday works fine on my laptop, no issue so far ... should I try tweaking the launcher settings?08:44
* popey tries08:44
didrockspopey: you do use the daily build ppa, right?08:44
popeyon my desktop, yeah08:45
* popey boots it08:45
didrocksseb128: well, I can reproduce it right away ;)08:45
didrocksI see that: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/tmp/space_in_unity.png08:45
seb128didrocks, I don't see it with the default icon size but I confirm when playing with the slider to change the setting08:46
seb128it does it for some values08:46
didrocksok, let me open a bug :)08:46
didrocksI see as well a bigger size at initialization for half a second08:46
didrocksseb128: mterry mentionned to me to have a super key which seems wonkey for him, I can't reproduce though08:49
didrockslike some super press doesn't seem to be acked by the system08:49
didrockspopey: if you can try to see if you reproduce this one ^08:49
didrocksseb128: also, if you want to confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/109718408:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 1097184 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity daily-build (07.01.13) empty space between launcher and dash in non default launcher size" [Undecided,New]08:50
popeydidrocks: i can't reproduce a gap between launcher and dash, with any size dash08:51
popeys/dash/launcher/ ☺08:51
sil2100Oh, I have the same issue08:52
popeyi did manage to catch it once as it shrunk while the dash was open08:52
sil2100With the Super key08:52
didrockssil2100: ah, please file a bug, not sure if you have the time to investigate, nice to know you are not alone :)08:52
sil2100Not sure what happened, but since some update in staging sometimes I have to wank Super key more than once to get it working now08:52
popeyhmm, not got latest unity from the ppa.. that'll be why08:52
didrockspopey: interesting… maybe try to set it to 32 and restart unity08:52
didrockspopey: ahhhh :)08:52
didrockspopey: yeah, that's it! :)08:53
didrockssil2100: please signal that as soon as you catch it08:53
popeyi dist-upgraded, still showing archive version...08:53
didrockssil2100: it's easier then to find where the regression comes from :)08:53
didrockspopey: do you really have the daily-build ppa?08:53
seb128didrocks, I had some issues opening the dash with super as well08:54
* popey stabs ppa-purge and add-apt-repository08:54
popeyppa-purge adds a # in .list files, add-apt-repository doesn't notice this08:54
popeyso blindly says "okay, added repo" but actually doesn't uncomment the list file08:54
seb128didrocks, it seems like if you act fat-finger and stay a bit too long on the key the tap doesn't work08:54
seb128didrocks, not sure if that's new I tend to use the mouse rather than the keyboard to go to the dash08:55
didrocksseb128: ah, indeed, with fat-finger08:55
didrocksbut the press was 250ms IIRC08:55
didrocksmaybe the delay should be a little bit longer, not sure if it changed though, didn't see that in the merges08:55
didrockssil2100: want to give it a shot? IIRC, it's a simple #define, you can try increment it08:56
seb128didrocks, well in "normal" tapping it seems to work fine in any case08:56
didrocksyeah, but slow tapping isn't triggered08:56
didrocksand I think in some case of testing, it should08:56
didrockspopey: interesting :)08:56
didrocksinterestingly annoying? :)08:57
popeydidrocks: ok, i have a gap now ☺08:58
didrockspopey: you can put a sticker on it, that's handy! :)08:58
didrocksok, a small one :p08:58
popeyand yes, it's losing super keypresses08:58
didrocksok, so 2 noticed issues to be fixed before releasing to distro08:59
didrockspopey: seb128: do you mind if one of you open the bug for it?08:59
popeysure, will do09:01
sil2100didrocks: for fixing the Super key-press issue you mean?09:01
didrocksyep :)09:02
sil2100didrocks: will try, I'll dig and see if they actually changed something that could have caused it to (if the delay changed, or maybe the method how the delay is treated)09:02
didrockssil2100: thanks! :)09:03
popeysil2100: bug 109718909:06
ubot5bug 1097189 in Unity "Super key not registered if held too long" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109718909:06
davidcalledidrocks, hey. mhr3 told me you would prefer a branch per scope (and I know why), but do you know how to deal with automated translations in this case?09:07
didrocksdavidcalle: I think we'll go on translation in the ubuntu package, or do you mean you want to activate the possibility to translate in the upstream project?09:08
davidcalledidrocks, oh right, forgot about this possibility. Fine for me then.09:08
didrocksbecause if you want to do that, it will be one launchpad project per scope, and it's not fun for you I guess :/09:09
didrocksdavidcalle: yeah, so don't enable the translation in the ubuntu-scopes launchpad projects09:09
didrocksdavidcalle: I think it's the easiest, I gave it another thought this week-end, that's why it changed since Friday ;)09:09
didrocksand when I thought about it again, I guess you were during your lunch break, not online! :-)09:09
davidcalledidrocks, no problem. ;-)09:10
didrockshey mmrazik, can you give it a look? https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/libdbusmenu/bootstrap/+merge/142256 it succeeded in one arch, not the other one09:17
didrocksand the two pre-merging archs succeded09:17
mmrazikdidrocks: looking at it but "xvfb-run: error: Xvfb failed to start" doesn't look very familiar09:18
didrocksmmrazik: seems a configuration issue not making it runnable as it ran on i386 before the commit phase and succeeded in http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/dbusmenu-ci/./build=pbuilder,distribution=raring,flavor=i386/20/console09:21
mmrazikdidrocks: don't understand09:22
didrocksmmrazik: well, this one PASSED, isn't it? it's the same arch09:22
mmrazikbut I just don't see why xvfb-run suddenly stopped working09:22
mmraziknot aware of any specific configuration for xvfb-run09:23
didrocksmmrazik: if the machine you run on/the configuration is different, maybe there is a different X server started?09:23
didrocksmaybe just try otherwise rekicking it…09:23
mmrazikdidrocks: yes please, try to re-approve09:23
mmrazikdidrocks: the builder machine is shared so maybe some other test/build influenced the build09:24
mmrazikbut in case of xvfb-run I would expect it doesn't really care09:24
mmrazikthere is no X running on those builder machines09:24
didrockshey andyrock, how are you?09:25
andyrockdidrocks, good what's up?09:26
didrocksandyrock: there is a regression in unity trunk, maybe you will know what happened: bug #109718409:26
ubot5bug 1097184 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity daily-build (07.01.13) empty space between launcher and dash in non default launcher size" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109718409:26
didrocksandyrock: do you think you can/have time to work on it? As told on the bug report, the first hint is that on startup, the launcher has the regular size for 0.5s09:27
andyrockdidrocks, "the launcher has the regular size for 0.5s" it should not be the problem09:28
didrocksok, so another bug? :)09:28
andyrockyup let me check DashController.cpp :)09:28
didrocksthanks! :)09:29
dufludidrocks, sil2100, popey: lp:unity 2970 made the timeout configurable and changed the default from 250 to 130ms. Change it back to 250 if you like :)09:33
didrocksyeah, I think this will be saner value, most of tapping are between 250 and 300ms (it's 300ms on android)09:33
sil2100I think 250ms was fine ;p09:33
sil2100duflu: thanks for the info!09:34
* sil2100 prepares a merge request09:34
dufludidrocks: In independent tests by myself and Brandon we both concluded anything above 130 was "too long". But I don't mind...09:34
dufludidrocks: It's because Compiz reliable tap detection is turned off. If the Super timeout is 250 then it's too easy for Super+other_keys to trigger the dash09:34
didrocksduflu: any reason than compiz reliable tap detection to be turned off btw?09:35
didrockssil2100: gimme gimme :)09:35
dufludidrocks: To fix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/95016009:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 950160 in OEM Priority Project precise "Unity blocks other programs from binding globally to Super+* (* = any key)" [Critical,In progress]09:35
didrocksand we don't have anymore issue with alt + something?09:36
dufludidrocks: It's not turned off for Alt. So not a problem :)09:36
didrocksah ok :)09:36
andyrockdidrocks, https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity/launcher-options-single-emission09:45
andyrockdidrocks, i think it's causing the regression09:45
andyrockfixing it09:46
didrocksandyrock: ah, nice that you spotted the cause, yeah, it seems to be linked09:46
didrocksandyrock: do you think that this position is testable?09:46
andyrockmaybe with autopilot09:47
didrockssil2100: so, now that I've been able to run against latest unity the indicator-unity tests, here are the results:09:51
Mirvadded a note to the bug report about the side effect reported by smagoun that brandon is currently looking at09:51
didrocksso 7/8 to fix still (-4 you really did fix, isn't it?)09:51
sil2100huh, still failures?09:53
sil2100Let me see that :/09:53
sil2100test_gedit_undo again?!09:54
didrocksseems :/09:54
sil2100This means war09:54
didrockson both09:54
didrocksat least, the failing ones are common to both09:54
sil2100Ok, but now gedit_undo fails differently09:57
sil2100And a new failure09:57
didrocksah, at least, what you have done had an impact :)09:58
didrockssil2100: not sure how your load is, but maybe just finish the tap thing so that it's merged, then, I'll approve it and you can go on the failures?09:59
sil2100didrocks: the tap thing is submitted for review, so I will look into those failures10:03
sil2100(actually am now)10:03
didrockssil2100: jumping on your MP! :-)10:03
didrockssil2100: thanks ;)10:03
didrocksif only that was giving ingress points :)10:03
didrockssil2100: oh, yo udidn't link it to the bug report10:04
didrockslet me do it10:04
sil2100The undo and the one new failure I can try fixing, but the next/prev ones are really mystical - I thought that introducing a wait for the started application will help, but in the end it didn't10:04
sil2100But I'll try looking a bit deeper10:04
sil2100oh, sorry about that ;)10:04
didrocksthe 4 test_dash_hud is the one you fix and need another review, right?10:05
didrocksmaybe after the gedit_undo, you can try unity.tests.test_hud.HudBehaviorTests.test_closes_then_focuses_window_on_mouse_down before the next/prev black magic :)10:05
andyrockdidrocks, that was the problem. it's fixed now10:37
andyrockneed to write an ap test10:37
didrocksandyrock: you rock! :-)10:37
didrocksmmrazik: is this one stalled? https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/libdbusmenu/bootstrap/+merge/14225611:06
mmrazikdidrocks: I just received an e-mail about that11:06
didrocksah? good timing then :)11:06
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didrocksmmrazik: we disable the autopilot job as jibel is trying to make the intel box working with raring11:37
mmrazikdidrocks: ok11:37
didrocksand then, once we have the daily build running, this will enable us to kill the staging ppa and this job :)11:38
mmrazikdidrocks: mhm. the dbusmenu job still failing :-/11:38
didrocksmmrazik: urgh, I can't reproduce it here, with a pbuilder, everything is working11:38
mmrazikrandomly, as now it failed on differen builder host (the same where it passed previously) and different arch11:39
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didrockssil2100: any progress btw? :)12:45
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petko10hey guys , I have a question about developing for the Ubuntu phone OS - the native language is QML/Qt5/C++ right ?13:20
larsupetko10, yes: http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/13:22
petko10ok ,nice (I asked , because , though i read most of the info on the gomobile, I didn't see any C++ code , but it's not hard to figure that qt=c++ as I think of it)13:27
sil2100didrocks: yes, but now a short break for preparing lunch13:38
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didrocksmterry: hey! I think you saw that your regression you found was a real one :)16:27
mterrydidrocks, yeah, looks like it got fixed already16:27
didrocksmterry: yeah, I pinged and harassed people16:28
didrocksmterry: how full is our plate? do you have time for indicators and unity tests issues?16:28
mterrydidrocks, mmm, I've got stuff.  I can take some of it off your plate...16:29
didrocksmterry: yeah, there are basically 2 kinds of thing, and they are quite urgent to have daily unity release16:29
mterrydidrocks, OK16:29
didrocksmterry: first one is about bootstrapping dbusmenu and libappindicator16:30
didrocksdbusmenu still has a test stability issue when merging16:30
didrockssee https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/libdbusmenu/bootstrap/+merge/142256 for instance16:30
didrocksso if you can give it a look, why it's failing on some archs…16:30
didrocksthe second is libappindicator, which needs bootstrapping and test passing during build, see it with cyphermox about where he stops16:32
didrockslp:~mathieu-tl/+junk/libappindicator for some debug infos16:32
didrocksthe second issue is what sil2100 is working on16:33
cyphermoxwell, that's basically where I'm at16:33
cyphermoxdidrocks: seems to me like dbusmenu is failing because the script run-xfvb.sh is probably very broken in some way16:33
cyphermoxmterry: libappindicator: i'm trying to figure out what might be different between the gtk2 tests and gtk3 tests that would explain why the gtk3 tests reproducibly fail while the gtk2 tests pass16:34
didrocksmterry: if you have knowledge about that, that would be great ^16:34
didrocksmterry: second things is about indicator autopilot tests16:35
didrocksmterry: we need to fix them all to be able to start releasing daily unity16:36
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didrocksthe list is at jenkins-qa/job/ps-indicators-autopilot-release-testing/16:36
didrocksyou can see the 3 archs16:36
mterrydidrocks,  https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/PS/job/ps-indicators-autopilot-release-testing/16:37
mterryOK, cool16:37
didrockswe have 10/7/10 failures16:37
mterryWas about to ask if that was right url16:37
didrocksyeah, this is the public mirroring :)16:37
didrocksso sil2100 has a regression fix for 4 of them16:37
didrocksso normally this would be 6/3/6 remaining16:37
didrockscan you please coordinate with sil2100 and bregma (who will put brandon on line) to get that to 0?16:38
didrocksthis can be either tests not stable16:38
didrocksor real issues16:38
didrocksmterry: sil2100 can help you to run autopilot16:38
sil2100I see that some issues are still AP typical issues16:40
mterrysil2100, is there a wiki for getting myself able to run the indicator autopilot tests?16:45
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sil2100mterry: a wiki? hm, not really, sadly...16:51
* mterry goes on lunch+errands, but will come back. sil2100, if you could leave some notes on running autopilot, unless it's literally as simple as running autopilot inside the indicator source somewhere16:54
sil2100mterry: I'll send you an e-mail if that's fine with you?17:02
didrockssil2100: mterry is in the US, so if you can do that before going EOD, it would be awesome :)17:03
bschaefersil2100, mterry hey, I hear you guys are work on fixing the AP tests?17:17
sil2100Yes, some failures regarding the indicators mostly17:18
bschaefersil2100, well I was going to join in, and wanted to make sure I didn't step on anyones toes :)17:18
sil2100bschaefer: some of the failing tests, for instance, are due to AP not waiting for the application to get focus17:20
sil2100(at least that's how it looks like it)17:20
bschaefersil2100, o dang...thomi had a nice ap-view branch that made a list of all the failing AP tests along with the video17:20
bschaeferthough the video isn't that hard to get from jenkins17:21
bschaefersil2100, this is the list your working through right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1510013/17:21
sil2100Yes, I'm using it all the time ;)17:21
sil2100apview.html banzai!17:21
sil2100bschaefer: yes, more or less - there are even some more, since the latest indicator ap results have more test failed17:22
bschaeferalright, ill keep checking jeninks for more.17:23
bschaefersil2100, I think i've noticed a bug in unity though....when you do a 'unity' and something is striping focus off the windows in the first say 60 seconds17:23
bschaeferthough i wasn't sure if it was something I was doing :)17:24
bschaeferwhich could explain the AP tests losing focus of an application (since its a fresh reboot)17:24
sil2100That would, hm, really answer the question of why gedit_undo failed last time17:25
bschaeferyeah... i was going to dig into it after I got over a bunch of other work I was doing17:25
bschaeferim thinking it could be the switcher, but it would be nice to have someone else confirm it :)17:26
sil2100Never noticed it though - you say it happens after start of unity?17:26
sil2100I'll try on a guest session now17:26
bschaeferas I have been restarting unity a bunch now17:26
bschaefersil2100, well a compiz --replace17:26
* bschaefer goes to add debuging statment to nux event loop17:28
sil2100Holy shat, you're right17:35
bschaeferwell dam...I should have filed a bug about it17:36
bschaeferwell either way, Ill work on fixing that17:36
sil2100After like 20-25 seconds suddenly all apps loose focus17:36
bschaeferyeah, its strange, ill see what window is doing this in the nux event loop...ill see shortly!17:36
sil2100bschaefer: should I fill a bug?17:38
bschaefersil2100, sure, and assign it to me :)17:38
* bschaefer hopes this is the cause of the problems in the AP tests17:39
sil2100This would make sense, since I tried fixing the issues by adding an assertion of window focus, but it didn't help - and it also answers the question why I was unable to reproduce it here17:42
sil2100I only once reproduced one of the problems, and I think it might have been right after unity --replace17:42
bschaefersil2100, yeah, interesting, it looks like the switcher steals focus for some reason....17:42
sil2100I didn't notice it17:42
bschaeferthough let me double check17:43
sil2100bschaefer: anyway, great catch!17:43
bschaefera bunch of events when through when it happened17:43
bschaeferthanks! You have no idea how annoying that bug was when trying to reset/compile/test/repeat haha17:43
bschaefersil2100, definitely the switcher....17:44
bschaeferit sends a bunch of PropertyNotify events when it happens ... interesting ... time to go fix it17:45
sil2100bschaefer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/109736817:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1097368 in unity (Ubuntu) "Windows losing focus after the start/restart of Unity" [Undecided,New]17:48
bschaefersil2100, thanks for filing that!17:48
bschaefersil2100, sorry I hadnt yet, that could have saved you some time ...17:49
sil2100bschaefer: no problem, good that you spotted it even now ;)17:52
bschaeferyeah, hopefully the fix will be simple!17:54
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bschaefersil2100, interesting, the problem appears to be in SwitcherController::ContructWindow, view_window_->EnableInputWindow(true, "Switcher", false, false);18:09
bschaeferif you remove that line, everything works, as that chunk of code should be in ShowView (which it is)18:09
bschaeferthe switcher window it self was being focus (but since its just an nux::XInputWindow really there is no title)18:10
sil2100bschaefer: does it need to steal focus?18:12
sil2100I mean, hm18:12
bschaefersil2100, nope, it was happening when it was being created18:12
bschaeferas there is a bit of a delay when things get created unless you force it18:12
bschaeferlike with the dash18:12
sil2100bschaefer: excellent, well, we don't want it doing that then ;p!18:13
bschaefersil2100, it needs to take the focus when the switcher is started, but there is code in ShowView to do that, which it does :)18:13
bschaefersil2100, sooo now to test this ... hmm18:13
bschaeferI don't want to have an AP test that is 30+ seconds long...for each arc18:13
sil2100Not sure if that's easy autopilot-testable...18:13
sil2100Right, and besides it would require a clean unity start18:14
bschaeferplus having to do a compiz  --replace18:14
bschaefera unit test no...18:14
sil2100So maybe an unit test? I know they're not really meant for such things18:14
bschaeferi mean...18:14
bschaeferhmm...well we could fake creating a the switcher18:14
bschaeferwhich then we could possibly check the panel title18:15
bschaeferas it will be empty if it steals focus18:15
sil2100hoo, ok, that sounds nice18:15
bschaeferwell im not sure if I have access to the panel in a unit test18:15
bschaeferbut I think I can find something to check, I can dig into18:16
sil2100Since normally I would say 'let's not test it', but then we'll forget about this issue and again after a while, if it gets reintroduced, we'll be thinking 'what the heck is going on' unnecessarily18:16
bschaefersil2100, yeah I agree, this is one of those regressions that is hard to detect18:17
bschaeferas looking at the rev, it was introduced by me :), at like 250018:17
bschaefersil2100, what are you running? 13.04 or 12.10?18:18
* bschaefer hopes this wasn't back ported to 12.0418:18
sil2100I'm running 12.10, but from staging18:20
sil2100I'll check on precise if it's there ;)18:20
bschaefercool, thanks!18:20
bschaefero interesting, it is on a 75ms timer, which is why the unit test atm don't catch it either18:22
bschaeferactually no its 20 seconds...18:24
bschaeferdam variables looking the same18:24
sil2100heh ;)18:30
sil2100See you tomorrow!18:30
bregmabschaefer, what was the issue with the switcher messing up the AP tests?18:34
bschaeferbregma, i haven't confirmed it, but I should run those AP tests18:35
bschaeferbregma, it is leaning towards that18:35
bregmaI'm just looking at what needs to be done to get proper unit tests set up for the switcher18:35
bregmaso I'm particularly interested18:36
bschaeferoo yeah, hmm well I was looking at the unit test, and creating the switcher doesn't appear to make it lose focus :(18:37
bschaefersoo that either means there is a deeper problem...or you need to run the unity stack to get it to lose focus18:37
bregmathe unit tests don't take into account of the fact that a significant portion of the logic of the switcher is in the Unity compiz plugin:  there's a signal fired off when the Switcher is initialized later after its creation, and it's connected to something in the nuityshell somewhere18:44
bschaeferbregma, hmm well that could explain that, it would just be nice to fail in a simple unit test :)18:45
bschaeferthere are bits in the unityshell.cpp that should be moved into the switchercontroller18:46
bregmabschaefer, absolutely -- I'm working on a task list for that18:46
bregmapart of our new focus on total QA18:46
bschaeferbregma, awesome, im guessing that is why we need those books haha18:47
bregmaSwitcher seems like a good place to start because it (should be) pretty much self contained18:47
bschaeferyes it should!18:47
* bschaefer wonders why autopilot is being mean18:48
bregmahmm, nothing activated by that Switcher signal should be stealing focus18:51
bschaeferwell I need to dig into why EnableInput for the view steals focus when running unity vs a unit test18:51
bschaeferas the problem is in SwitcherController::ContructWindow()18:52
bregmahow can you tell?18:52
bschaeferif you do a compiz --replace and wait 20 secods18:53
bschaeferseconds you lose window focus18:53
bschaeferand by adding print statements I found it was in construct window, and I commented out enableinputs and then did a compiz --replace18:53
bschaeferand then the window focus was no longer being lost18:53
bregmaConstructWIndow() calls EnableInputWindow() (from Nux) ... would that do it?18:53
bschaeferyeah, that is what the problem was18:54
bschaeferbut ... doing a unit test that just creates a switcher, and gets to that function doesn't cause unity to lose window focus...18:54
bschaeferthough...do the unit tests run on a different X Server?18:55
bschaeferbesides the :)18:55
bregmatechnically, the unit tests should not need a server and should not uncover this problem18:56
bregmathat's another story18:56
bschaefervery true, I don't think a unit test is proper for this...18:57
bschaefernor is an AP test18:57
bregmaeither way, nux::BaseWindow::EnableInputWindow() is being called with take_focus set to false, so I would expect it to not grab the focus18:58
bschaeferyeah I noticed that as well...I need to spend some more time in figuring out *why* that is enable input is causing it to lose window focus18:58
bregma...unless the Nux ABO has changed again and there's a misalignment, but I think that's unlikely18:58
bschaeferyeah, ill do some digging into Nux to figure out why...18:59
bschaeferalso you can see something is sending the UBUS message to the panel, saying we lost focus19:00
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bschaeferbut it doesn't know the name of the window19:00
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bschaeferbregma, looking at BaseWindow...it shows the window if the first bool is true19:01
bschaeferwhich simply showing the window could be the problem19:01
bregmagorram badly named variables, we need to bring in the daeth penlaty for those19:02
bschaeferyes... very19:02
bregmano, daeth is too good for 'em19:02
bschaeferthe take_focus is just for the XInputWindow19:03
bregmaa boolean variable name 'b'19:03
bregmait answers the question, 'is it b?'19:03
bschaeferyes it is a b!19:03
bschaefernow everyone knows, though since its an explicit typing system it should be easy to tell!19:04
bregmawell, it seems to be that creating an XInputWindow without take_focus set shouldn;t steal the focus, but now I have to brush up on XInputWindow19:05
bschaeferyeah, the XInputWindow uses the the take_focus to send an PropertyNotify that it is taking focus19:06
bschaeferso it sends an XEvent19:06
bschaeferwhich is the event I was receiving  when the switcher was stealing focus19:06
bregmaso how has this ever worked properly?19:07
* bschaefer wonders the same thing19:08
bregmasecond question:  why is the Switcher created as a persistent object and not created when needed?19:08
bschaeferits the SwitcherController that is just created once19:08
bschaeferthe model gets created each time you hit alt+tab19:08
bschaeferand why there is a timer...im guessing so there is a better start up time....(its done with the dash and the lenses as well)19:09
bregmathat's my guess, but having the Switcher (and dash et al) created when needed also saves time, and makes simpler more reliable code19:10
bregmaone of the things on my list is to see comparative timings of persistent vs. as-needed design for the Switcher19:11
bschaeferyes...hmm ill see if the EnableTakeFocus is called when the switcher steals focus...19:11
bschaeferthat would be nice, we still need to get some timing done to work on improving the dash speed19:11
* bschaefer wonders who that was passed onto19:11
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Stewi3_89Hi can someone help me restoring unity desktop? I've tryied some Google tips but still not working23:34
bschaeferStewi3_89, could you explain the problem a bit more?23:37

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