
akkAnyone know how to fix "Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages" on an apt-get install?02:19
akkI'm trying to install a KDE package, and it says I've held a bunch of KDE packages that I've never installed at all.02:19
bkerensaakk:  sudo apt-get install -f02:20
akkAdding a -f gives the same error message.02:22
akkand apt-get -f install without the package name gives nothing.02:25
akkCould it be a pinning issue? I added pinning yesterday because I needed 3 packages from neuro-debian, but I *think* I set things up so that only those packages can come from there.02:26
akkAnd aptitude show calligra is showing an ubuntu version, not a neuro-debian one.02:26
geofftakk: Can you pastebin the output? Or is it just that one error?02:29
akkNo, it's a long list. I'll pastebin.02:29
akkThe error message: http://pastebin.com/48y5GTEy02:31
darthrobotTitle: [# apt-get install -f calligra Reading package lists... Done Building dependenc - Pastebin.com]02:31
akkAnd in case I messed something up with improper pinning, here's my /etc/apt/preferences: http://pastebin.com/EXPXWNT502:32
darthrobotTitle: [Package: * Pin: release a=precise-security Pin-Priority: 950 Package: * Pi - Pastebin.com]02:32
geofftah. apt-get's error messages suck. I would perhaps try installing each dependency and see what error you get.02:32
akkLooking at the dependency list, I'm suspecting that I probably don't want this package anyway.02:33
akkTried to install it on a different machine and it predicted something like a 150Mb download.02:33
akkBut I'd still like to know what the error means and whether I messed up my pins.02:34
* akk doesn't understand pinning, misses the old simple APT::Default-Release option02:35
geofftyour pins don't look wrong to me02:51
akkThanks, that's good to know.02:53
akkI can live without Calligra -- maybe it's just a broken package.02:53
akkI'm investigating (not super heavyweight) ways of editing text and graphics in the same document.02:54
akkThought maybe calligra could, but the requirements make me doubt the "not super heavyweight" part anyway.02:54
nhainespleia2: I'm not sure if that support request on the ML was sweet or creepy.  :)17:29
pleia2nhaines: you should see the emails he's sent to me directly :\17:31
pleia2I believe he is trying to be nice though17:32
pleia2what girl doesn't like being told that some guy on the internet "likes their pictures"?17:33
* kdub discovers the magical land of debian packages17:55
nhainespleia2: oh, direct emails doesn't sound so great.  :(  But hooray for benefit of the doubt!18:37
nhainesMy policy was always that Ubuntu Hour tech support was free and outside of that people pay my full stranger tech support rate.  :P18:38
pleia2he emailed the list because I told him to ;)18:41
pleia2"I don't have time for one-on-one support requests right now, please email...18:42
pleia2(I am shipping him a 12.10 disk though)18:42

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