
brouschheh, i was expecting a gittip thing00:02
rick_h_no, I've given up on the gittip thing I think00:15
snap-lhttps://github.com/craigmaloney?tab=contributions&period=monthly <- I has a sad00:42
brouschYou're worse than I am00:47
brouschMy CFA brigade stuff saved me00:54
snap-lFinishing up Episode 63 of OMC04:33
snap-lgood morning13:46
brouschso far13:46
snap-lReminder: MUG Meeting tonight.13:54
snap-lhttp://mug.org/meetings for more information13:55
snap-lrick_h_: re: WoT: Take the day off.18:14
snap-lgive it the closure it deserves.18:14
snap-lWheel of time is finishing up18:16
rick_h_yea, final book out today. Will be here tomorrow. closing a giant chapter of my life18:17
brouschMy step-dad read that18:17
brouschI read 1 chapter, looked at the pile, and said no thanks18:18
rick_h_lol, I do recall when I first started it took me 3 days to read the first 30 pages18:18
rick_h_I finished the rest of the book the next day18:18
brouschsnap-l: Did you see this? http://dvice.com/archives/2013/01/why-we-love-rob.php18:41
snap-lYeah, I have18:42
snap-lApparently there's also a pole-dancing robot, if you're into that sort of thing.18:43
brouschnot really18:44
rick_h_and the RoR world (including github) run for their lives patching all the way yay20:45
snap-lrick_h_: Yeah, apparently it's quite a doozy.20:47
rick_h_"allows attackers to bypass authentication systems, inject arbitrary SQL, inject and execute arbitrary code, or perform a DoS attack on a Rails application"20:48
rick_h_yep... that == doozy20:48
rick_h_what happens when you tool allows you to do all kinds of bat-shit crazy stuff...people exploit it20:48
snap-lWelcome to PHP++20:48
snap-lUsers who don't need to support XML parameters should disable XML parsing entirely by placing one of the following snippets inside an application initializer.20:49
snap-lWhat... the...fuck...20:49
greg-gso, should I take this news today to the extreme and be prejudice against someone in an election because they work on RoR?21:12
greg-g(a w3c election)21:13
snap-lUnless there's a good reason for it, I'd suggest no.21:17
snap-lNow, the reaon question of the day: should I keep listening to "Fear of a Black Planet" that Random Music selected for me?21:19
greg-gI know I know ;), my network was laggy otherwise there would have been a ";)" in the above21:19
brouschI am working with tastypie today and it's really nice21:22

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