
=== dniMretsaM_away is now known as dniMretsaM
jandruskAppears ubuntu.com is running on 10.0417:56
canthus13It's not EOL yet, so why upgrade if it works?18:03
dniMretsaMexactly what LTS is for18:06
canthus13mebbe they don't have faith in anything newer. :)18:09
dniMretsaMyou never know18:24
Unit193jandrusk: Do you know what ubottu.com is on, though? :D18:45
Unit193(Linux 2.6.31 - 2.6.35)19:00
=== dniMretsaM is now known as dniMretsaM_away
skellatBlah blah blah20:10
=== dniMretsaM_away is now known as dniMretsaM
jrgiffordpaultag: yo, are all the sunlight labs apps are up-to-date?23:38
jrgiffordUnit193:  let me guess, raring?23:38
Unit193jrgifford: Wrong direction.23:41
jrgiffordUnit193: oh no... not hardy.23:45
Unit193jrgifford: I thought so, but according to the guessed kernel version, actually lucid...23:49
jrgiffordoh, interesting.23:51
Unit193So I'm not fully sure what version. :P23:52
Unit193Oh, and are you getting any delay on debian servers?23:53

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