
* Ubik blames cyberanger 00:48
pomareMy grandfather passed away couple of months ago.00:49
pomareWas cleaning his house and I ran into something pretty unique00:49
Ubiksorry to hear that... what did ya run across?00:49
pomareit appears to be elvis' signed draft card00:50
pomarethats the back of it00:53
pomareit says that "the law requires you to have this certificate in your personal possession at all times"00:54
pomarewhich means it wasnt something he got rid of00:55
pomareit is nice00:55
wrsthello pomare , Ubik01:04
cyberangerUbik: why blame me, I haven't done anything yet <whistles_innocent_tune /><puts away wire cutters />01:26
Ubikcyberanger: club meeting tomorrow night..be there!01:27
cyberangerdrat, I need to be there, hope I can01:28
cyberangerand SATERN meeting thursday01:28
* cyberanger dislikes working around work all the time01:28
linuxman410anyone here02:57
wrsthey linuxman41003:01
wrsthow are things going?03:02
linuxman410ok i guess lost house and vechicles and girlfriend03:03
linuxman410and job03:03
linuxman410i have my netbook hope it holds up03:04
linuxman410live with parents again03:05
linuxman410yep my netbook battery is dead03:09
linuxman410have no money been looking on freelinuxbox for a laptop03:10
wrstdead as in won't charge?03:11
linuxman410i am running ubuntu 12.0403:13
wrst12.04 is pretty solid03:15
wrstI'm still on arch for laptop Ubuntu on my server03:16
linuxman410i scrap my server03:17
wrstI use it a lot03:18
wrston my phone now use it more than my laptop03:18
wrstyeah I've turned into a teenage girl03:20
wrstha no03:21
wrstbut can do what I do at home on it mostly03:21
wrsteven printing03:22
linuxman410need my netbook and usb drives03:22
wrstyeah I still use a laptop just converted my desktop to my server for some more power03:24
linuxman410yeah sold all my computers for scrap had no where to go with them03:26
wrstmy old server the power supply went out so pulled the hard drives03:27
linuxman410how u been doing03:32
linuxman410going to try to find laptop with burner so i can burn cds\03:35
wrstdoing good on my end03:36
linuxman410thats good03:37
pomarefound some weird things at my grandfathers workshop/lab03:37
pomareI always knew he had some weird things03:38
pomarebut we started opening some crates03:38
pomarejust couldnt believe what we found03:38
pomaresome images of what we've found03:38
pomarestill hundreds of crates unopened.03:39
linuxman410cool stuff03:40
pomareyea :)03:40
pomareits incredible03:40
linuxman410anyone here17:27
wrstlinuxman410: i'm here17:29
wrstgoing to get lunch so i'm in and out for a few17:29
linuxman410how u doing17:29
wrstgood  you?17:30
linuxman410ok i guess17:31
wrston my way to some unhealthy fast food17:31
linuxman410oh yeah17:32
wrstartery clogging goodness17:33
wrstwhat are you up to today linuxman410 ?17:34
average_guyI am here to setting up irssi and centerim.  How are you fine gentlemen doing today?17:35
linuxman410went and got application almost sold everything i have and have no money now17:36
wrstaverage_guy: I'm doing good17:37
linuxman410i do not really want to sell my netbook cause its about the only thing i have left17:38
average_guyglad to hear that wrst, enjoy your lunch17:38
wrsthopefully that won't happen17:38
linuxman410hope not17:39
wrstjust ordered a whopper average_guy17:39
* wrst waits in the drive thru17:40
average_guymmmm, those are my fav17:40
wrstI like them too much17:40
wrstaverage_guy: I know irssi17:40
wrstwhat is centering?17:40
wrstsilly phone17:41
average_guyit is an ncurses instant messenger17:41
wrstahh OK17:42
average_guyI don't know crap about irssi wrst, trying to figure the config out17:42
wrstI have been using bitlbee17:42
average_guyI have heard you talk about it before.  This is my first foray into GUI-less linux17:43
average_guyI have an Ubuntu server (giving me a headache) and I'm ssh'd into it from a win box at the momment17:44
* wrst arrives at a keyboard17:50
wrstoh average_guy don't think I'm gui-less, i use bitlebee with quassel17:50
wrstthe backend on a server without a gui but i'm happily pointing and clicking :)17:51
wrstand average_guy Unit193 is an ace at irssi17:51
* wrst loves highlighting people just to wake them up17:51
average_guyIt is nice to know there are people here with answers wrst,  that is why I lurk here ;)17:56
wrstyeah i lurk all the time just never have answers :)17:57
average_guyI'm trying to exaust google before I start buggin you guys though17:57
wrstwhat are you trying to do average_guy?17:57
average_guywell for starters I connect to Freenode and OFTC on startup and I would like to see them in seperate windows17:58
wrstyou are already over my head :) oh Unit193????17:59
average_guytrying to figure out how to automate OFTC identification, got it to work for freenode, so I'm getting close18:04
wrstseems like there are several different ways to all accomplish the same thing?18:06
average_guywhat do you mean wrst?18:07
wrstjust remember lots of guides all a little different but doing the same thing18:07
wrsti haven't attempted irssi in a couple of years18:08
average_guyaw man, it is staggering how much info and scripts are available18:08
wrstyeah i just wanted to chat, irssi wants to run the world :)18:10
Unit193average_guy: So how did you setup auth to Freenode?18:23
wrstgreetings Unit19318:26
Unit193Howdy wrst.18:26
wrstUnit193: hope all is going well18:26
wrstoh Unit193 ordered the network gear18:27
average_guyI followed the steps here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1010780 Unit193 and then tried to duplicate with OFTC18:28
Unit193wrst: I hope so too, and great!  When do you think it'll come in? http://xkcd.com/281/18:28
wrstUnit193: hopefully by end of week i still need a WAP18:29
wrstUnit193: love that cartoon :)18:29
average_guyI connect to both automaticly right now but I hve to manually identify on OFTC still Unit19318:29
Unit193average_guy: Heh, you could use http://pthree.org/2010/02/01/oftc-ssl-nickserv-and-irssi/  :P18:29
Unit193average_guy: Normally you can use server password too, for Freenode the server pass would be user:pass18:30
average_guywow, that was quick.  awesome18:30
wrstand Unit193 when i order from newegg it starts in memphis :)18:30
Unit193But then has to go to TX, then somewhere else. ;)18:31
Unit193average_guy: ...I may be an odd one, I have SASL setup, server password setup, and certfp too. :P18:31
Unit193(I wanted one addition to SASL as it failed a couple times)18:32
wrstUnit193: memphis, nashville, me is how it works unless its through the stupid eggsaver18:36
wrstthen it goes memphis, louisville, usually somewhere close to the ocean then back across to me18:37
average_guythat was outstanding. Thank you Unit19319:10
Unit193Sure thing, average_guy!19:10
Unit193Glad to help.19:10
cyberangerwrst: that's due to Fedex being our fufillment center for most of their tech stuff (and also why the xkcd joke works so well, fedex's largest presence & office is at that airport)19:13
wrstcyberanger: thankfully with newegg i generally get it shipped ups19:13
cyberangerI think I get fedex unless I bump up the shipping date19:14
cyberangerand todays order I did19:14
linuxman410cyberanger how r u19:15
wrstcyberanger: yeah if its 2-3 day shipping i usually get ups and its the next day, the cheaper stuff sometimes comes fedex19:17
wrstsometimes usps and sometimes... DHL!!!19:18
wrsti dread DHL tracking numbers19:18
cyberangerlinuxman410: good, you?19:18
cyberangerwrst: 1 day for this19:18
wrstcyberanger: if its in memphis i get it in one day without anything special if i order in the morning19:19
cyberangerlinuxman410: so, better than last time if I recall19:19
cyberangerwrst: this order is important & big enough to ignore the cost & have them offically do it for 1 day19:20
linuxman410cyberanger no not really19:20
cyberangerlinuxman410: hope if gets better19:20
wrstgotcha rush processing and everything!19:20
wrsti never have anything that important, well i have at work once or twice19:20
linuxman410house foreclosed vechicles repoed19:20
cyberangerwrst: 1/3rd me, 1/3rd my IT contracts, 1/3rd Chattacon, and Amazon will need one of those hard drives soon to load my data19:21
cyberangerlinuxman410: sorry to hear19:22
wrstcyberanger: amazon will load data on a HDD for you?19:22
cyberangerhttp://aws.amazon.com/importexport/ http://awsimportexport.s3.amazonaws.com/aws-import-export-calculator.html19:24
cyberangerwrst: ^ yes19:24
wrston huge downloads that is awesome, of course that is what you have been doing19:24
cyberangeryeah, thought you knew when I said import export service19:25
wrstwell i assumed but didn't know for sure19:26
cyberangerusing amazon's ec2's with extra EBS storage, then taking a snapshot, which gets stored in s3 (cheaper and easier for the next step)19:26
wrstthat is a sweet deal19:27
wrstthen when you get the data i'm guessing you just rsync? to keep things current?19:27
cyberangerthey'll do an export when they get my drive, export those snapshots, then here I'll either dd them (they're raw formatted partitions) or more likely I'll convert them to VirtualBox's format (VBox has that in a cli tool)19:28
cyberangerand yeah, easier to maintain with rsync here, compared to fetching TB's here outright19:28
wrstoh cool... that's super sweet19:28
wrstso you can get a system that you really like on AWS send them a drive then have it local... wow19:29
cyberangerand if I wanted to, I can mail that drive back to amazon, import it, and rsync it there if I had to19:29
wrstcool/geek factor is very high on that19:29
cyberangerhowever, a system image like ubuntu's is so small, that I'd more likely upload it19:30
cyberangerbut that's with next to nothing on it19:30
cyberangerthere's a certain threshold where it's cost effective, I'm spending two months internet just so they touch the drive19:31
cyberangerthat's why I had to wait till I had most of everything ready to go19:31
cyberangeror I'd be wasting the effort19:31
wrstthat is neat19:32
wrstand to think i have been transferring about 200GB just across a room since saturday night and it isn't finished yet19:32
cyberanger(I let it get a little too close to chattacon, but chattacon was the deadline to try it, and I may have to restart later, but it won't be from scratch at least)19:33
cyberangerreally, yeah, you do need the upgrade then19:33
cyberangeror a seperate network for oversized transfers19:33
wrstcyberanger: equipment is old, and this is going over wireless on a box i have just for backing up to19:34
wrstbut it needs to be connected via wires19:34
wrsti am considering running cat 6 wire under the house but i really don't want to19:35
cyberanger3 days, 1.1TB, but I think I've moved more than that, and that's some start & stop, and I think 3 days might be more like 49-51 hours, not 72 yet19:35
cyberangerwell, I'd either do that or through the walls, or over the house19:35
* cyberanger loves the cables too much, but my uplink is nowhere near that yet19:36
wrstyeah cyberanger i have blank plates in every room that is just asking for it19:36
wrstthat may be a spring project, at my tv especially19:37
cyberangerand it looks like the export is 160, and I'm not sure what the ec2 will be19:38
cyberangerkinda hoping for 200 or less but at this point, idk19:38
cyberangerI wouldn't go through this trouble without having an idea of how it'd pay out19:39
cyberangerI found a company that thinks it could help their internal devolpment, had them agree to split the cost, if I did the work of getting it running19:40
wrstnice cyberanger19:40
wrsthope that works out19:40
wrstsounds like you have a plan19:41
cyberangeronce it was running there, it'd be their cost for bandwidth, my cost for here19:41
cyberangerand honestly, after three jobs over thanksgiving & christmas, I'm willing to take on one risky & costly project for my resume19:42
cyberangerand this qualifies, possibly including foolhardy too19:42
linuxman410cyberanger i am trying to hangon to netbook all i have19:44
cyberangerlinuxman410: woah, that's a big change19:46
linuxman410cyberanger yeah i know i took all desktops to crusher and laptops19:47
linuxman410my netbook battery is dead19:48
average_guyso how about the program mutt? What do you think guys, hot or not?20:26
average_guyon a mission for an cli email client now20:27
wrstaverage_guy: did your video card die? :)20:28
average_guylol no, I have a rack of servers here I am playing with20:29
average_guytrying to bone up on my linux-fu20:29
cyberangeraverage_guy: I like it20:31
* wrst rolls eyes at cyberanger20:31
wrstof course you would cyberanger20:31
average_guycool cyberanger, I've been reading about it and it seems to be popular at least20:31
Unit193I'm a alpine person myself. :P20:32
average_guyhmmm, Alpine you say20:32
cyberangerwrst: three to one, cli mail clients rock20:33
wrstgmail web interface.... :)20:34
cyberangerwrst: with lynx20:34
wrstwell of course cyberanger :P20:34
* average_guy is taking notes20:34
wrstcyberanger: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2959906/gmailcli.PNG20:36
Unit193xombrero for gui email if not firefox. :D20:36
wrstwb xTEMPLARx20:46
wrstafternoon chris458522:25
chris4585wrst, sup22:26
wrstjust abotu to head home from work, you doing ok?22:26
chris4585hope the ride home is enjoyable22:31
wrstit wasn't not enjoyable chris4585 :)23:02
cyberangerwrst: did you hit every red light, then get questioned for assult23:04
wrstno cyberanger but judging by the sheriff's cars and ambulances down the road someone may23:04

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