
=== elky` is now known as elky
Deindremeeting time :)18:00
Deindre #startmeeting18:00
Deindre#Topic : Ubuntu Women January meeting18:01
DolasillaGood evening all! :)18:01
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Jan  8 18:02:59 2013 UTC.  The chair is Deindre. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.18:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired18:02
Deindre#Topic : Ubuntu Women January meeting18:03
DeindreHi to all18:04
Deindreok, who all is here for the meeting?  :)18:04
Dolasillaanyone else here for the meeting?18:05
DolasillaPendulum ?18:07
* IdleOne is sorta here18:09
Deindre#link http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/January2013/Agenda18:10
Deindrehi IdleOne :)18:10
IdleOnehello :)18:10
Deindreso, let's going on :)18:12
Deindre we don't have a whole lot on the agenda18:12
Deindrebut me and Dolasilla have enough to say18:13
Deindrefirst of all I'd like to point the situation of Ubuntu Women competition18:13
* akk is sorta here too18:15
DeindreI wished to ask Pendulum if she had some new about it18:15
Deindrehi akk, you're welcome :)18:15
DeindrePendulum: are you here?18:15
Deindreneverthless pleia2 asked me to say that she'll be sending out a coordination email this week,18:16
Deindreand, of course  new ideas are welcome during the meeting18:16
Deindreso, ideas? purposes?18:16
DolasillaI would say that Pendulum can simply write any update to the mailing list whenever she has any, without the need to wait for the next meeting18:17
Deindredefinitely :)18:18
DeindreDolasilla: will you introduce next Ubuntu classroom lesson?18:19
Dolasillawell basically we are now waiting to set up a date18:19
Dolasillafor the classroom about the local UbuntuWomen experience we are having in Italy18:19
Dolasillaonce set we will of course share it in the mailing list and more or less spam it everywhere18:20
Dolasillathe purpose is really to encourage UbuntuWomen local initiatives18:20
* Deindre likes this kind of spam :)18:20
Dolasillato try and involve more women in locos' activities18:21
Dolasillaso status is: pending for a date18:21
Deindreyes, we could gather in ML some questions, if any, about our work, to discuss in session :)18:22
Deindrenext point -> Carreer days18:23
DeindreCheri703: is taking care about career days, but we need volunteers :)18:24
Deindre#link http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/CareerDays18:25
Dolasillaso if you know any woman whose experience you think would be of interest and inspiration for other women please, contact her!18:25
Deindremany women during UDS gave their disponibility, it could be nice if they would keep in touch wih Chery18:26
Deindrenew project18:28
DeindreI'm writing some interview to GNOME 3/ GNOME shell user, and I'll be please to involve some Ubuntu Women,18:30
Deindreso if someone is interested, please contact me18:30
Deindreok, anyone else have anything?18:32
Deindrealright, thanks everyone!18:32
IdleOnenot from me no18:33
akkNothing here.18:33
Deindrenext meeting will be held on Tuesday 12 February at 1800UTC18:34
Deindresee you all18:35
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Jan  8 18:35:03 2013 UTC.18:35
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-women-project/2013/ubuntu-women-project.2013-01-08-18.02.moin.txt18:35
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-women-project/2013/ubuntu-women-project.2013-01-08-18.02.html18:35
IdleOneThank you for the updates Deindre and Dolasilla :)18:35
DeindreIdleOne: thank you to be here18:35

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