
mazalMorning Squirm 05:56
superflymorning mazal, Squirm05:58
mazalHi superfly 05:59
superfly_-_- gee, thanks again freenode06:09
=== superfly_ is now known as superfly
mazalhmm , starting to get very worried about the future of ubuntu desktop with all the talk that unity development is going to focus on phones and tablets06:14
superflymazal: move to the dark side, join me on KDE, where we already have a tablet UI which doesn't interfere with the desktop UI06:15
superfly...where we don't have people removing functionality and features in favour of "usability" ... where you don't need 3D graphics if you don't want it, while your desktop still works ...06:19
theblazehenwhat just hyappened?06:23
mazalHaving lots of power failures lately :(06:25
superflytheblazehen: dunno, freenode is having fun again... it kicked me off too06:25
superflymazal: :-(06:25
superflymazal: where are you based again? Gauteng?06:25
mazalYep , little Cullinan06:26
theblazehensuperfly: that explains it.06:26
superflylittle cullinan?06:26
* superfly googles06:26
mazalYep , Cullinan , i just mean it's a little town06:27
superflyoh, right... I know Cullinan06:27
mazalThe diamond mine town06:27
superflyYup, that's the one06:27
Kilosmorning superfly and others06:36
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:37
mazalMorning Kilos 06:37
Kiloshi mazal 06:37
superflyhi Kilos06:39
Kiloshi jrgns 06:41
jrgnsmorning all, Kilos06:41
Kilosmazal, have you sorted the ssh thing yet06:41
magespawnmorning all06:45
superflyhi magespawn06:47
magespawnhey superfly06:48
magespawnI got my code 10 in Cullinan06:49
=== sharpey is now known as Kilos
Kilospc just rebooted 3 times as soon as its booted past password06:52
magespawnlooks like people are playing boomarang today06:52
Kilosthen xchat cant get past my cloak host06:53
Kiloshey magespawn 06:53
mazalMy problem is power failures , and the rest seems like the interwebs06:53
Kilosmine is like a power failure but power didnt go off. maybe ups playing around, 06:54
magespawnhey Kilos06:56
maiatodayhi all06:59
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:02
Kiloseek again07:12
superflyKilos: overheating?07:12
Kilosremoved ups07:12
Kiloswhew i dunno superfly 07:13
Kiloswill add outside cover with fan if it does again07:13
Kilosmaybe time for a blow out again07:15
=== inetpro_ is now known as inetpro
Kilosyo inetpro 07:21
inetproelo Kilos07:23
inetproand hello everyone else07:23
magespawnhey inetpro07:24
magespawnthere is no nefarious intent behind my router questions last night07:25
magespawnwas just me being impatient07:25
KilosMaaz, define nefarious07:25
MaazKilos: Nefarious \Ne*fa"ri*ous\, a. [L. nefarius, fr. nefas crime, wrong; ne not + fas divine law; akin to fari to speak. See {No}, adv., and {Fate}.] Wicked in the extreme; abominable; iniquitous; atrociously villainous; execrable; detestably vile. [1913 Webster]  Syn: Iniquitous; detestable; horrible; heinious; atrocious; infamous; impious. See {Iniquitous}.07:26
Maaz[1913 Webster] -- {Ne*fa"ri*ous*ly}, adv. -- {Ne*fa"ri*ous*ness}, n. [1913 Webster], nefariou…07:26
Kilosyou a criminal in disguise magespawn 07:29
magespawni have criminal potential07:29
Kiloswe noticed it with the rhino horn07:32
* Kilos ducks07:32
magespawnpotential only Kilos07:32
jrgnscan anyone recommend good IT recruiters? I'm on the prowl for a new position...07:44
superflyjrgns: you're joking, right? about the IT recruiters?07:51
superflyjrgns: where are you based?07:51
jrgnssuperfly: why would i be joking?07:51
superflyjrgns: because almost every IT recruiter I have met knows nothing about IT07:52
jrgnssuperfly: lol, yeah, that's why i'm asking07:52
jrgnssuperfly: I've been on both sides of the recruitment process, and generally recruiters make a mess of things07:52
jrgnssuperfly: but every now and then you hit gold07:52
superflyjrgns: I only know of one guy who is mostly competant, and he's in Cape Town07:54
superflyjrgns: are you on the GLUG mailing lists?07:54
jrgnssuperfly: yup07:54
jrgnssuperfly: what's his name? doesn't hurt to spread the net wide07:54
superflyjrgns: have you tried mailing the CLUG-jobs mailing list?07:54
jrgnssuperfly: not yet, it's on the todo list07:55
superflythough you can try CLUG-jobs too :-)07:55
superflyjrgns: what sort of work do you do?07:55
jrgnssuperfly: started out as a web dev, but these days it's systems dev & admin, as well as some management roles07:56
superflywe're looking for developers, but we're in Cape Town07:56
jrgnsi'll check it out, thnx07:57
Vince-0Hi! *was afk09:00
superflyjrgns: have you played with Python much?09:23
jrgnssuperfly: not a lot, but i can read it09:23
jrgnssuperfly: tended towards ruby more than python09:23
superflypython doesn't have scalability issues like Ruby does09:24
* Squirm yawns09:42
Kiloshiya kbmonkey 09:50
Kilosbefore lunch and all09:51
Kilossurely the skies will open today09:51
jrgnssuperfly: noted10:45
jrgnssuperfly: do you have a link to a writeup of said issues?10:45
magespawninetpro and kilos i managed to get a console cable10:48
Kilosdid you make it magespawn ?10:49
magespawnno went and spoke to the guys i got the router from10:49
Kilosthey would have the username password too10:50
magespawnno that would be it department in jhb10:51
Kilosah well hack it and put yours in10:51
magespawnthat is why i said i was impatient they mailed them this morning10:51
Kilosim the same cant wait for stuff10:52
Kilosmust try out immediately10:52
superflyjrgns: not specifically, that was mostly from friends who've had to deal with issues like that, but there's also the (in)famous rant by that Twitter engineer on how Ruby/RoR was giving them major issues10:53
superflyjrgns: by my own experience, Python scales better than PHP10:56
Vince-0python! whoot - I'm a fan10:57
superflyVince-0: can you write any?11:01
jrgnssuperfly: kewl. my limited experience suggests the same11:05
jrgnssuperfly: but hey, don't let facts get in the way of a good conversation ;)11:06
superflyjrgns: ever heard of Zed Shaw?11:06
jrgnssuperfly: nope. quick google says he created mongrel?11:07
superflyyup, you use mongrel at all?11:07
superflymaybe you use thin, the successor (i.e. "fork") of mongrel?11:08
jrgnsyeah, used thin11:09
jrgnsstill a lot of resources for a single process11:09
superflyjrgns: well, a few years back Zed wrote a blog post called "Rails is a Ghetto" and moved to doing Python development after using Ruby and Rails for years - though his rant was more about the community around Rails, rather than RoR or Ruby itself11:10
jrgnssuperfly: interesting. one of the things that attracts me to ruby is the community. although, i guess ruby comm != rails comm11:11
jrgnsi'll keep that in mind. thanx11:11
Vince-0superfly, still learning11:20
Vince-0got the #ctpug python users on atrum11:20
superflyVince-0: you in Cape Town?11:22
Vince-0python is my ideal language, I learnt J2ee stuff in the past11:22
Vince-0Durban -11:22
Vince-0but I don't think there's many job opportunities for python in this country11:22
superflyVince-0: there's also gtpug11:22
superflyVince-0: we're looking for Python/C++/C developers11:22
Vince-0ah! I'm a linux/voip admin first - I've avoided hardcore progging for a while11:23
superflyVince-0: well, if you ever feel like moving to Cape Town, and you think you're a good developer, come for an interview :-)11:24
Vince-0I lived in CPT and stellenbosch for 2 years11:27
Vince-0I guess the next logical progression after system admin becomes scripting/perl/python then progging web front ends for tools like voip - so Ima get stuck into some python11:27
inetproKilos: the skies are all open here, all clear and blue11:29
Kiloslol i mean open and gooi die groot water11:31
Kilosbossies begin weer hang11:32
Kiloslo hubx 11:41
hubxhi there11:41
magespawnsuperfly can programmers not tele work? do they have to be in location?12:18
superflymagespawn: for Nomanini? no,they have to be here, we do pair-programming12:18
mazalBye all12:50
mazalEnjoy the evening12:50
inetproKilos: waar's die reen?13:03
Kilosai inetpro ?14:18
inetproKilos: ek's bly die son het jou darem nog nie helemal weggebrand nie14:19
Kiloshahaha ek was afk14:19
Kiloskop voel ietwat beter nou14:20
Kilosnou kan ek jou weer treiter14:20
Kilosek sien doer oor die berg na kerk straat se kant so paar volke wat op bou14:21
Kilosstrange hey superfly , pc aint rebooted again since ups removed15:34
* inetpro wonders why Ubuntu chose to write all logs to just /var/log/syslog and no longer some to /var/log/messages these days15:34
Kilossomehow the faulty battery must be doing it albeit with another outside battery connected too15:34
superflyKilos: you messed with the UPS? 15:35
superflyno wonder15:35
Kiloswhen i got it the battery was dead completely15:35
Kilosand wouldnt charge from ups power15:35
Kiloscharged with own batttery charger then pur back\15:36
inetproKilos: ai!15:37
Kilosall i did was parralel an outside battery with it superfly 15:38
superflyKilos: what battery is it? UPSes take special batteries called deep cycle batteries 15:40
Kilosthat cant cause any harm15:40
Kilosi just added a car battery on the outside15:40
Kilosin parralel with the internal one15:41
Kilosbut i know the internal one is faulty because it lost some charge when just standing15:43
Kilosbut the ups is a horrible thing to open up15:43
superflyKilos: don't mess with UPSes 15:50
Kiloswhat can i say superfly , already done months ago15:50
superflythey are dangerous 15:50
Kilosoh tell more15:50
Kilosdangerous to pc or me?15:52
tumbleweedreplacing batteries with batteries of the same spec is safe enough15:52
tumbleweedbut adding higher capacity batteries could cause overheating15:53
Kilossame spec meaning 12v?15:55
tumbleweedsame capacity and current rating too (basically, a battery of the same form factor)15:59
Kilosand the overheating could only come when power gone and running off external battery right?16:00
tumbleweedfrom charging, too16:01
tumbleweedand obviously all safety checks that the UPS does are assuming an internal gel-type battery, not an external wet battery16:02
Kilosthings are getting too involved. i thought a ups was just a battery charger with an inverter for the screens voltage added16:04
Kilosand pcs psu of course16:04
inetpronow why does all this sound like the source of many many problems he has had16:06
tumbleweedit is. But I don't think it's safe to assume that you can just add more batteries in parallel, to increase capacity16:06
tumbleweedunless the UPS provides a socket for connecting an external battery16:06
Kilosi added some16:07
Kilosran wires from the battery leads inside to plugin sockets i fitted in the casing16:08
tumbleweedI'd have disconnected the internal battery too16:09
tumbleweedmost likely, that has a shorted cell or two16:09
tumbleweedthey tend to dry out after a few years16:09
tumbleweedanyway /me -> dinner16:09
Kilosthats what i gotta do now . thought at the time it wouldnt do much16:10
Kilosty tumbleweed 16:10
inetproanyone here using drupal 7 and the syslog module on Ubuntu 12.04.1, and considering it a good idea?16:14
* inetpro doesn't like how it pollutes the syslog files with many strange looking entries16:15
inetprobut I can understand how it could improve performance without having to write to the db16:16
inetprothe documentation is just a bit out of date at http://drupal.org/documentation/modules/syslog16:17
inetprothat is, if you want to make it write to a separate logfile 16:18
Kilosinetpro, what performance improvement do you get?16:44
Kiloshi smile 16:45
smilehi :)16:46
superflyinetpro: I've never bothered, I never needed it16:50
smilewhat do you guys think about Fedora 18?16:52
inetprosuperfly: so you log to the database?17:07
inetprosmile: I haven't tried Fedora for some time17:09
smileinetpro: ok :p I don't like it very much17:10
* inetpro is very happy with Kubuntu17:10
superflyinetpro: yes17:14
kbmonkeyhi hi17:16
Kiloshi kbmonkey 17:16
inetprokbmonkey: wb17:16
Kilosinetpro, you see the 3 line login???17:17
Kilossame as qa17:17
Kilosor am i mistaken again17:18
inetproKilos: hmm... oit's different17:18
inetproKilos: it doesn't reveal his IP17:18
Kilos* QA (~QA@8ta-151-159-112.telkomadsl.co.za) has joined ##kilos17:18
Kilos* QA has quit (Changing host)17:18
Kilos* QA (~QA@unaffiliated/kilos/bot/qa) has joined ##kilos17:18
Kilosoh is that what you getting at17:19
inetproyebo yes17:19
Kilosbut thats no my ip there by qa17:19
Kilosmine had a 4 in somewhere i think17:20
inetproKilos: hahaha17:20
inetproKilos: that is your public ip, well the somewhat concealed version of it17:20
Kilosisnt that an 8ta ip17:21
smileinetpro: I'm very happy with Bodhi :)17:22
inetprosmile: wth is Bodhi?17:22
smilewww.bodhilinux.com :)17:22
Kiloshittegolf hier more. 19/3517:30
smileKilos: :DD17:40
smilebaie warm :)17:40
Kilosbetter if its cooler at night17:41
magespawnevening all17:41
Kiloshey magespawn 17:41
magespawnyou all been busy yacking17:42
smileKilos: yeah, but 19 is not very very hot17:43
Kilosna was inetpro 17:43
Kilosfor night time temp smile ?17:43
magespawnnot even that now here about 28 here now17:44
Kilostomorrow gonna be hotter magespawn 17:44
Kilosi think it hits you too17:44
Kilosdidnt check you temps though17:45
kbmonkeyits very hot here, no rain today17:45
magespawnwell then i will have to lie in a pool somewhere with scantily clad woman to bring me drinhks17:45
smileKilos: yea? :) 17:46
smileover 20 degrees is too hot for night, but 19 is okay17:46
Kilossmile its hot for night temp here17:46
smilesleeping nude helps :p17:47
Kilosyou suffer when temps are 25°c17:47
Kiloshappy new year cocooncrash wb17:48
nastjaKilos, welkom :)17:48
Kiloshi nastja 17:49
cocooncrashKilos: Thanks :)17:50
nastjaKilos, that Linux users are discussing South Africa?17:50
Kilosnastja, those there by you?17:51
nastjaKilos, We discuss the performance of Richard Stallman17:53
superflyohi cocooncrash!17:56
cocooncrashohi superfly 17:57
superflycocooncrash: nice to see you, things going well?17:57
cocooncrashsuperfly: Yup, pretty good. Had 3 weeks off work (which was pretty intense until the end last year), back this week17:58
cocooncrashHad my first white Christmas too :)17:58
cocooncrashsuperfly: Yourself?17:58
superflycocooncrash: OK, hopefully things are a little calmer this year?17:58
cocooncrashsuperfly: Hopefully...17:58
superflycocooncrash: going well thanks. Really enjoying my "new" job (been there a year now)17:59
superflyvery few places you can write assembler, C,  C++ and Python all as part of your day job17:59
cocooncrashsuperfly: That's quite varied!18:00
nastjawhy do you communicate in English? and not in Afrikaans?18:00
cocooncrashsuperfly: Where are you working again?18:00
Wrazits like 6 here18:00
cocooncrashnastja: Ek is nie 'n Afrikaaner nie18:01
superflycocooncrash: www.nomanini.com - so the assembler, C and C++ are all embedded, and the Python is for our server backend, running on AppEngine18:01
superflyhaha, cocooncrash++18:01
kbmonkeyecho "Happy Birthday Stephen Hawking" | espeak18:01
cocooncrashsuperfly: Sweet, looks really interesting18:03
superflytrying to get the guys to move away from using the SDK and onto a proper framework, pyramid specifically18:03
Kilosnastja, most of the guys on this channel are english speaking with afrikaans as second language18:04
Kilosyou are the only russian18:05
inetproKilos: I was doing what?18:07
inetprococooncrash: wb, nice to see you here again18:07
Kilosinetpro, everything18:07
nastjaKilos, I did not know that18:07
cocooncrashinetpro: :)18:07
Kilosyes nastja  and some guys in the netherlands and england and america too18:08
kbmonkeythat looks very neat superfly, :)18:09
nastjavoice and you communicate in English, too?18:09
Kilosno voice18:09
Kilosbut all english, the universal language18:10
Kiloseven you18:10
inetproKilos: who's here from the UK?18:10
Kiloshiya davy18:10
inetprohe's been so quiet /me even forgot about him18:11
Kiloslol me wonders who is the forgetful one18:11
Kilosyeah musta been on holds and left pc lurking18:11
superflykbmonkey: it's awesome, but also a pain in the rear end at times18:11
inetprotumbleweed: are you or have you been involved in the Ubuntu mobile project?18:12
nastjaKilos, in the republics bordering Russia also speak two languages. Russian and native18:13
inetproTonberry: wb18:14
Kiloshi Tonberry 18:14
kbmonkeyhi Tonberry 18:14
zerefoh dear,18:15
zerefscreen blank18:15
Kiloshi zeref with what18:16
zerefhi Kilos: just switched it on, nothing18:16
Kilosoh my18:16
zerefnot even power light18:16
Kilosuh oh18:17
Kiloscheck power cables18:17
* kbmonkey holds thumbs18:17
Kilosswitch on at the wall18:17
zerefquadruplile check, wheni plug in the power button, light goes on, but then switches off18:17
Kiloswhy couldnt it be something easy like a fresh kubuntu install18:18
Kilosno spare screen to test with18:18
zerefhope screen in not dead. have had it for 5 years18:18
* zeref is attatched to the screen18:18
Kilosmaybe thats the prob. you too close and sweated on it18:20
kbmonkeylol Kilos 18:20
zerefthe last thing i did was to type ctrl+alt+118:20
Kilosswitch all off and start again18:21
zerefmayb its a sign to get new screen, I've upgraded all other parts :P18:23
Kiloswhere are you/18:23
Kilosstill at varsity?18:23
kbmonkeyMaaz, coffee on18:24
* Maaz flips the salt-timer18:24
Kiloscity man18:24
zerefoh joburg18:24
Kilosthere a shop in pta selling 19 inch screens for R35018:24
Kilosmagespawn, you still got that addy for that place18:25
magespawndo not think so Kilos 18:26
zerefmagespawn: is it legit18:26
Kilosbright star trading18:26
Kiloswill try find more info for you18:26
magespawnif i recall correctly yes18:27
zerefKilos: what type?18:27
zerefsamsung, lg ??18:27
MaazCoffee's ready for kbmonkey!18:28
Kiloshere is an email addy18:28
Kilosguys name is Ade18:29
zerefthanks Kilos.18:29
zerefo0o, java has a web framework called wicket18:30
Kiloscell no 072 361 111818:30
zerefta Kilos:18:30
zerefanybody used wicket?18:31
kbmonkeynope, zeref 18:32
zerefbusy using it at work, similar to pythons Django.18:34
zerefso much learning :-)18:34
kbmonkeyseems like my team membership expired over dec while I was offline :/18:34
kbmonkeyI see the reminder emails a bit too late. oops.18:34
zerefnaughty kbmonkey 18:35
zerefdoes anybody know when the next Joburg ubuntu meeting is?18:36
zerefreally need to attend ome :-)18:36
Kilosbeen nothing in the mails zeref 18:36
Kilosenquire at the mailing list18:36
Kilosthe MMlist18:36
* Kilos teasing inetpro 18:37
zerefqueery, query, queeeery????18:38
zerefusually organises it18:38
Kiloshye hasnt been herwe18:38
Kiloshere either this year18:38
inetproKilos: jy stout!18:40
Kiloswat nou18:40
zeref /locate Ubuntu-za --joburg members18:40
smilezeref:  :o18:59
inetprozeref: I think you did it wrong19:00
inetprozeref: it's --members johburg19:01
inetprowb nuvolari19:02
Kiloslo nuvolari wt19:02
nuvolarilo kbmonkey, inetpro, oom Kilos, smile, zeref 19:02
nuvolariI was gone?19:02
smilenuvolari: :D19:02
Kiloswell duh!19:02
* nuvolari ^5's smile19:02
smilenuvolari: not that I know? :)19:02
nuvolaria productive day I'd say19:03
Kiloswhat did you achieve nuvolari 19:04
nuvolarinew vehicle registration, drivers licence, set up xbmc, PS3MediaServer, xbmc remote, oh and a bit of work19:04
kbmonkeyhello nuvolari!19:04
kbmonkeyis the wind also howling there by you?19:04
Kiloswell done19:04
nuvolarikbmonkey: is better, but there's still some wind19:04
Kilosbath time for me19:04
nuvolarioom moet lekker bad19:05
kbmonkeynuvolari, check out VLC Direct Pro Free for android19:05
zerefinetpro: :P19:05
kbmonkeyto control vlc on your pc via the network19:05
Kilosek bad om skoon te kom nie vir pleasier nie19:05
nuvolaridoes anyone know much about dehumidifiers?19:05
nuvolarikbmonkey: I'm not a big vlc fan :P only use it as a last resort19:06
inetpronuvolari: aircons do that19:06
nuvolariinetpro: but most cheap ones makes it more moist19:06
nuvolarihere by the coast a dehumidifier with cooling capability is much better19:07
nuvolariwell, from what I've read19:07
magespawnkbmonkey you can also stream the content from the pc via the network to the droid19:13
kbmonkeyit is very neat magespawn :)19:16
kbmonkeymy wireless router stopped being wireless. probably for the better, I'm not sitting watching stuff in the evenings 19:17
kbmonkeysetting up a wiki to log stuff I do and learn19:18
nuvolarioh hi magespawn 19:22
magespawnhey nuvolari 19:23
magespawnmost ac have a dry function19:24
nuvolariI am struggling to find a decent dnla renderer for ubuntu :-/19:24
nuvolaribut my stack is as follows: server: PS3MediaServer + xbmc, android: MediaHouse for browsing, MX Player, Official xbmc remote19:25
smilebye :)19:32
Kilostoods smile 19:32
Kilossleep tight19:32
smilethanks :)19:33
tumbleweedinetpro: no, as far as I know, it's internal to Canonical19:35
inetprotumbleweed: ahh19:36
tumbleweed(although some projects like that are open to certain community members for discussion, but I haven't applied to be part of any of those)19:36
* inetpro thought tumbleweed was good at hiding secrets from us19:36
tumbleweed(I'm supposed to be added to the ones that are relevant to the release, with my release team hat on)19:37
inetprohmm... 19:38
inetproI think Kilos will be happy about the following19:38
* Kilos waits19:38
inetprolooks like Unity 2D is making a return19:39
inetprobut not coming from Canonical19:40
Kiloscan get rid of nvidia 17319:40
inetproa pure community driven effort19:40
Kilosuh oh19:40
Kilosbut then it wont be on the dvd right?19:40
inetproKilos: looks like it's still early days19:41
inetprolet's wait and see what gives19:41
Kilosnot serious i got unity working with the 173 driver19:41
inetproget involved at https://launchpad.net/u2t19:41
Kilosand theres always kde that works without it19:42
Kilosalbeit a bit slower19:43
Kilosoh and mate19:46
Kiloshavent tried that since last clean install19:46
Kilossleep tight all of you19:57
magespawnnight all20:08
zeref1TB Sat to use for backup20:48
zerefboughtve already at 80%20:49
kbmonkeyai, where did the time go22:05

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