
=== Vicarious_ is now known as Accident
=== Accident is now known as Vikarious
owDear #ubuntu: I'm using the latest Ubuntu LTS. What's the fastest, easiest way to share a folder in a way that Windows machines (actually, my Samsung Blu-Ray player that automatically discovers network shares) can see it?00:02
ActionParsnipow: use nautilus, right click folder and share00:02
dpurgertinstall linux on the bluray player? :D00:04
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RhondaKion1: Linux Containers.  And yes, ip_forward is set to 1.00:08
jhutchins_wkThe startup disk creator mentioned earlier is for an emergency boot disk, not an installer.00:10
jhutchins_wkow: If that doesn't work, look into a upnp server like mediatomb.00:11
ixio2anyone able to help me usig shaperd and/or wondershaper to throttle a single port INTO my ubuntu box?00:13
ixio2or any other method of throttling a single port00:13
kusznirHi all: quick question: ubuntu 10.04, running as a server (no gui).  I've built my firewall rules; iptables -L shows what I want.  What's the "proper ubuntu way" to set those to persist across reboots?00:14
dpurgertkusznir, add an entry to your /etc/network/interfaces00:15
kusznirdpurgert: I don't see anything in there that enlightens me how to do this...There's a whole ruleset.  (On most other OSes, I'd run /etc/init.d/iptables save).  Google keeps turning up more old/wrong/bad info than good...Any specific recommendations?00:16
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ActionParsnipkusznir: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo   shows how to setup the iptables to be setup at boot00:16
TheLordOfTimekusznir, my suggestion? install iptables-persistent00:18
TheLordOfTimekusznir, it'll save rules into /etc/iptables/rules.v4 or /etc/iptables/rules.v6 (one's ipv4 one's ipv6), and will reload them on boot.00:19
theverantReading package lists takes fooooorrrrreeevvveeeeeerrrr00:20
theverantI mean like 5 mins+00:20
theverantnew install of 12.1000:20
theverantanyone have ideas?00:20
kusznirThanks all!00:20
TheLordOfTimetheverant, because its a new installation?00:20
TheLordOfTimetheverant, also, your connection may be slow.00:21
theverantI don't think it's my connection00:21
theverantbut I will try to change servers00:21
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theverantWhen I sudo apt-get update I'm getting fetched 18.5 MB in 1min 29s (207 kB/s).  Then on the reading packages it slows waaaaaaaaaaaaaay down.00:24
memandHey guys, I have a 32-bit  version installed on a 64-bit machine that I have been using for a while now. Is there a way to upgrade it to 64-bit while keeping all my files and setting and installed stuff?00:25
theverantThis is an i7 machine w/ 32GB RAM.  Should not be so freakin slow00:25
xanguamemand: backup your files, reinstall00:26
dpurgertmemand, not really.  backup the files and reinstall the x6400:26
Riley88hey guys anyone here on intel hd 3000?00:26
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Riley88i enabled sna through x11.conf and i kept getting a gpu error apprt00:27
Riley88i has to disable the,00:27
memandxangua dpurgert : Hmm ok, guess I'll have to weigh the advantages of a 64-bit system versus having to install everything again (especially since i just got my nVidia chip working :P )00:28
theverantman... this is basically unuseable.  Nobody else is reporting issues?  What the hell have I done now00:28
Riley88whats the issue00:28
TheLordOfTimetheverant, it works fine for me in 12.10, even on 5 year old systems on just-barely high-speed connections00:28
keberhello in world is 4 rightheart one testicle mans, 4 rightheart gods, 4 leftheart one testicle mans, 4 leftheart gods, in moon is same00:29
theverantTheLordOfTime: I know! It's always been snappy for me too00:29
theverantbut this is unreal00:29
TheLordOfTimetheverant, it could just be temporary00:29
theverantactually... now that I think about it... the install seemed to take an awfully long time as well00:29
theverantbut I did have updates turned on00:30
theverantso that was probably doing it00:30
theverantIsn't the Reading Package Lists function on my system though?  Reading the database it's just downloaded?00:30
ixio2what "session" should I use to disable unity?00:32
ixio2?? unity00:32
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity00:32
theverantYeah, it's been 7 minutes and only 42% read so far00:32
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:32
theverantIt's the same whether or not I use the Canadaian servers or the Main Server00:32
ixio2im trying to install freenx, this line is causing problems: COMMAND_START_GNOME='gnome-session --session=ubuntu'00:32
ixio2tried ubuntu-2d same issue00:33
keberhello in world is 4 rightheart one testicle mans, 4 rightheart gods, 4 leftheart one testicle mans, 4 leftheart gods, in moon is same00:33
elkykeber, that doesn't look appropriate for here.00:34
theverant... also... there seems to be a serious lag when I open Software Sources in the settings window.  It's about 4 times as long to open as other settings maybe coincidence, maybe not00:34
delphinasguys did anyone have a problem with "flashing windows" in ubuntu using virtual box00:35
theverantkeber: I have no idea what you are talking about, but wow00:35
owI'm trying to install samba4 and dpkg is throwing a hissy fit about my smb.conf file, apparently it has a ton of invalid lines in it00:35
delphinasespecially when you drag windows00:35
SuperLagI know there's a page with supported AMD / Nvidia video cards... been there. I'm just curious if any of you use dual displays on a desktop, where you have to connect them to a dongle.00:35
SuperLagAnd if you've run into any issues00:35
Creedbut are you sure that is gonna work?00:35
SuperLagCreed: you talking to me?00:36
owSo I guess what I need to know is, what package do I reinstall to make smb.conf the skeletal default, and how do I do that00:36
owWhat Ubuntu package creates /etc/samba/smb.conf ?00:39
SuperLagow: I think installing the samba package itself does that00:39
rootkitHi. Does 12.04 use the 3.x kernel or the 2.x kernel?00:40
ActionParsnip!info linux-image-generic precise | rootkit00:41
ubotturootkit: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB00:41
SuperLagnice patch :)00:42
CongWhat do I need to install b43 drivers on lubuntu 12.10?00:44
ActionParsnip!broadcom | Cong00:44
ubottuCong: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:44
memandI think I'll stick with 32-bit. Unless anyone has some info about some serious advantage of 64-bit that I could not find with a quick google search00:44
rootkitBugger. Do you then know how I can fix the issue with a Realtek 8188CE wireless card on the 3.x kernel? It works fine under 2.x but in 3.x the network-manager says its connected but it won't connect to any websites etc00:44
ActionParsnipmemand: it helps with audio and video encoding00:45
ActionParsniprootkit: can you ping
rootkitActionParsnip: not from a 3.x kernel00:46
rootkitI can right now as I'm using something like Lucid00:46
memandActionParsnip: The thing is I mainly use my laptop for coding.00:47
rootkitmemand: long number support00:47
rootkitThe future.00:47
SuperLagmemand: how much RAM do you have on the machine in question?00:48
memandSuperLag: 4 gigs00:48
memandSuperLag: so yeah it's a bit of a waste not to use all of it00:48
SuperLagI don't think it will recognize all 4GB00:49
SuperLagwith 32-bit, that is00:49
owokay, I apt-get remove'd samba and samba4, and then apt-get install'd them, and it didn't create smb.conf00:49
CongActionParsnip, there is nothing in there, in the section b43 - No Internet access, about 12.10.00:49
usr13SuperLag: 4G RAM is not a problem for a 32bit system.00:49
fawxtrotit is if it a windows system00:50
memandSuperLag: Actually, when I go in the sys info I can see that it's recognizing 3.800:50
memandor what usr13 said00:50
usr13SuperLag: RAM is not a reason to not stay with 32bit system.00:50
SuperLagthere are limits00:51
necr0tiki think alsa is only installed with xbmcbuntu. Is pulseaudio in there by default or just alsa?00:51
SuperLag32-bit can only address so much00:51
dr_willisi basically only use 64 bit OS on all my 64bit hardware - reguardless of the ram.00:51
Kion1I am using 16GB on 64 bit no problems00:51
ActionParsnipCong: you can install the debs you need from the install media00:51
ActionParsnipCong: use the server method00:52
SuperLagthe limits aren't an issue on current hardware, with 64-bit systems00:52
memandI have been reading some places that certain things (they did not specify what) is unstable on 64-bit, but it was some old articles so maybe that is not the case anymore?00:52
SuperLagthe limits could be an issue on a 32-bit system00:52
CongActionParsnip, server method is?00:53
SuperLagmemand: like what?00:53
dr_willisI cant think of anything i find unstable on 64bit.,00:53
ActionParsnipCong: all in terminal00:53
* SuperLag uses 64-bit in production... has for years. No issues.00:53
usr13memand: Some apps are not fully 64bit compatable00:53
SuperLagbut that's true too00:53
dr_willisOnly app i can recall that dident have 64bit port was zsnes. ;) but its working now on 64bit00:53
memandSuperLag: the only thing that they really specified was flash, but they have never been good with 64-bit on any system00:54
dr_willisFlash is a probopem on 32bit system...00:54
dr_willisflsah has been a problem for years and it dosent look like it will ever get much better.00:54
SuperLags/on 32bit system//g00:54
Kion1Flash is a problem everywhere!00:54
memanddr_willis: flash kind of has problems everywhere :P00:55
usr13dr_willis: flash has a problem on 64bit systems (flash is problem period :)00:55
SuperLagmay it die a swift and quick death00:55
dr_willismemand:  i use flash-downloader tools and replacer plugins. ;)00:55
SuperLagif only  :/00:55
SuperLagI use Chrome for Flash.00:55
dr_willisFlash works very well on my 64bit system. :) but i also know of people with 32bit ubuntu systems that cant get flash going at all.00:55
CongActionParsnip, the files I need are b43-fwcutter and  firmware-b43-installer, right?00:55
memandwell hopefully flash will soon die with the rise of html500:56
ActionParsnipCong: if thats what the guide says00:56
CongActionParsnip, I can't follow the guide it isn't for 12.10.00:57
ActionParsnipCong: its the same00:57
owI can't win >:(00:59
memandanyways I think that for the moment it's too much hassle for me to switch over (specially since I'm thinking about moving to arch at some point) I just needed a little input on what the difference actually would be00:59
CongActionParsnip, I'll give it a try. btw, did I mention it's for lubuntu?00:59
memandso thanks for the responce :)00:59
keberhello in world is 4 rightheart one testicle mans, 4 rightheart gods, 4 leftheart one testicle mans, 4 leftheart gods, in moon is same01:00
ActionParsnipCong: the only different between that and ubuntu is the default apps and desktop. The underlying guts doing the actual work is identical01:00
memanddr_willis: flash-download and replace, how does that work? And to what end?01:00
memandkeber: what???01:01
dr_willismemand:  i download any flash videos i want with the various flash-downloader plugins. they can download them in mp4, webm, or other formats.01:01
ActionParsnipmemand: or you can use minitube :)01:01
dr_willismemand:  theres a flash-replacer pluygin that plays flash vidoes that i dont want to download.. in vlc or mplayer embeded in the browser.01:01
memandAhh, thats a good idea01:01
keberhello in world is 4 rightheart one testicle mans, 4 rightheart gods, 4 leftheart one testicle mans, 4 leftheart gods, in moon is same01:01
dr_willismemand:  any other uses for flash at sites.. i never need. ;)01:02
ActionParsnipkeber: do you have an ubuntu support question?01:02
memanddr_willis: nice :)01:02
* memand goes to the plug-in sites (DIE FLASH, DIE)01:03
owany idea from that pastebin what's going on? I'm trying to install samba, it tells me to rm /etc/samba/smb.conf, I do so, and then it says it can't install because /etc/samba/smb.conf doesn't exist01:03
ActionParsnipow: make a blank smb.conf file to humour it, then uninstall01:04
marko90xHello im new to ubuntu can someone help me to instal pcsx2 emulator on 12.10 x64 ?01:05
owActionParsnip: tried that, now I get ProvisioningError: guess_names: 'realm =' was not specified in supplied /etc/samba/smb.conf.  Please remove the smb.conf file and let provision generate it01:05
owsimilar to before01:05
ActionParsnip!info pcsx201:05
ubottuPackage pcsx2 does not exist in quantal01:05
marko90xhttp://pcsx2.net/download/releases/linux.html i found it here01:06
ActionParsnipmarko90x: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gregory-hainaut/pcsx2.official.ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install pcsx201:07
marko90xi tried that but that repository shows an error01:07
marko90xW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/micove/console/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found01:08
marko90xW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/micove/console/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found01:08
marko90xE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.01:08
ActionParsnipmarko90x: http://ppa.launchpad.net/micove/console/ubuntu/dists/   doesn't support Quantal and should be removed01:08
marko90xwhats quantal ?01:09
ActionParsnipmarko90x: codename of Ubuntu 12.1001:09
ph4nt0mi have installed ubuntu minimal whit lxde and i wana say that the browser integrated to lxde is bugging it doesn't load01:13
webyHow did your H get all the way over there01:14
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Tonvinubuntu always breakdown while run chrome stable with root?01:15
ph4nt0mbut its not a probleme i did take it off and i installed firefox01:17
keberhello in world is 4 rightheart one testicle mans, 4 rightheart gods, 4 leftheart one testicle mans, 4 leftheart gods, in moon is same01:17
CongActionParsnip, didn't work. Couldn't resolve a website or something. I need a offline method.01:18
keberhello in world is 4 rightheart one testicle mans, 4 rightheart gods, 4 leftheart one testicle mans, 4 leftheart gods, in moon is same01:18
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ph4nt0msome one use twpsk? may be go pm if01:19
mrdebhi. ubuntu precise daily comes with kernel 3.5. is this normal, also, can u install nvidia-current from command terminal and it pulls in 3.2 stuff. is this ok too?01:19
CongActionParsnip, couldn't I use the 12.04 firmware files?01:19
mrdebpls answer it is very important01:19
CongActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1508223/01:19
owblargh, "Existing smb.conf does not have a [netlogon] share, but you are configuring a DC." <-- I don't think I want to configure a DC01:20
royasohow to get out of here01:22
Cong/part and /quit to exit01:22
keberhello in world is 4 rightheart one testicle mans, 4 rightheart gods, 4 leftheart one testicle mans, 4 leftheart gods, in moon is same01:22
keberhello in world is 4 rightheart one testicle mans, 4 rightheart gods, 4 leftheart one testicle mans, 4 leftheart gods, in moon is same01:24
noobroot23can i ask something?01:25
keberhello in world is 4 rightheart one testicle mans, 4 rightheart gods, 4 leftheart one testicle mans, 4 leftheart gods, in moon is same01:25
noobroot23@keber xaxaxa01:26
wbfIf anyone needs help with installing ubuntu on the ug802 i'm here ;)01:26
ActionParsnipCong: which broadcom chip do you have?01:26
Congbcm 431101:26
Cong I think01:26
noobroot23Is anybody here to hel me with backtrack 5 r3 framework 3 issue?01:26
wbfalso: I need help with my F5D5050 belkin usb modem01:26
ActionParsnipCong: just grab the bcmwl-kernel-source deb file from the install media01:27
wbfand also where do I put .o files? I just compiled a couple, just wondering01:27
ActionParsnipCong: sudo lshw -C network    will tell you01:27
owokay, I think I've almost figured all this out, last question is, why is "guest access" greyed out in nautilus and how do I make it not greyed out01:27
noobroot23Is anybody here to hel me with backtrack 5 r3 framework 3 issue?01:28
wbfActionParsnip: Where do I put kernel .o files? I just made some, I just wanna know01:28
ActionParsnipnoobroot23: ask in #backtrack-linux01:28
CongDoes lubuntu have bcmwl-kernel-source in the media? I couldn't find anything like that the last time I checked.01:28
ActionParsnipwbf: try:   sudo updatedb; locate psmouse | grep so      will tell you01:28
ActionParsnipCong: should do01:28
noobroot23ActionParsnip: i ve tried but registration is needed and needs 24 hours to complete01:28
wbfActionParsnip: Not sure where to put .o files, in which dir from the root?01:29
ActionParsnipnoobroot23: doesn't mean its supported here01:29
ActionParsnipnoobroot23: could ask in #linux01:29
=== destro_ is now known as grep0r
noobroot23aha i ll give it a shot thnx!01:30
CongActionParsnip, searched the whole disc.01:30
wbfActionParsnip: Not sure where to put .o files, in which dir from the root? PS: this will solve my other problem.01:30
CongActionParsnip, didn't find it.01:30
ActionParsnipCong: or get it from packages.ubuntu.com01:31
crazybrainmy mozilla firefox  freezes frequently in ubuntu 12.1001:31
delphinasbuy gyus01:31
CongActionParsnip, what will I do with it? will it install offline?01:31
ActionParsnipCong: did you look in /cdrom/pool/main/d/dkms01:31
ActionParsnipCong: the driver is fine, you just need your firmware01:32
syncsyshow can I change the port to 80 from 8080 in tomcat.? I have read many google results but I never find the .xml files in the said directories in ubuntu (latest version)01:33
crazybrainhelp me guys01:33
crazybrainand Ubuntu is also running very slow01:33
elena-IKlast awn release is from 2010, that project seems dead. is there another dock that has a notification area, indicator applet, cpu monitor (and traffic monitor)?01:33
CongActionParsnip, got it.01:33
ActionParsnipCong: on the cd?01:34
Congnope. from package.ubuntu.com01:34
MeanEYEAre soft lockups with X a known issue for 12.10?01:34
wbfcrazybrain: do you see ads on your page? are they slow?01:34
crazybrainno ads buddy01:34
sagitta007Help me out?01:34
crazybrainit freezes01:34
crazybrainUbuntu 12.10 is very slow01:34
sagitta007EXCUSE ME01:34
crazybrainas compared to previous ones01:35
syncsyscrazybrain,  how can you say that01:35
wbfcrazybrain: Install xfce01:35
crazybrainwell it is01:35
sagitta007Pardonnez moi por favor01:35
wbfcrazybrain: oops I meant LXDE01:35
crazybrainit is running very slow01:35
CongActionParsnip, did you get that?01:35
sagitta007HELLO *waves red flag* in need of urgent assistence01:35
wbfcrazybrain: what is your hardware specs? and graphics card?01:35
CongActionParsnip, I got bcmwl-kernel-source_5.100.82.112+bdcom-0ubuntu3_i386.deb from packages.ubuntu.com01:36
seednodesagitta007, ?01:36
sagitta007need help01:36
somsip!ask | sagitta00701:36
ubottusagitta007: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:36
wbfcrazybrain: I said what is your SPECS?01:36
crazybrainhardware is fine buddy01:37
wbfcrazybrain: does it have ATI01:37
wbfcrazybrain or what01:37
wbfcrazybrain: or what? what graphicscard?01:37
sagitta007One moment dude01:37
sagitta00700:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor DRAM Controller (rev 02) 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) 00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset HECI Controller (rev 06) 00:1a.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset USB2 Enhanced Host Controller (rev 05) 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corp01:38
crazybrainwbf: it has a graphics card01:38
wbfsagitta007: please use paste.ubuntu.com01:38
crazybraini mean good graphics01:38
sagitta007Intel HD graphics01:38
seednodesagitta007, crazybrain isn't talking to you...01:39
ActionParsnipCong: ok, install it01:39
wbfcrazybrain: What graphics card? Nvidia, ATI, and Intel are all graphics card vendors, so which one?01:39
sagitta007crazy brain talking to me01:40
sagitta007or some person01:40
CongActionParsnip, just reading through the guide this packages is used to install STA drivers.01:40
somsip!who | sagitta00701:40
ubottusagitta007: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:40
crazybrainwbf: it's intel i think01:40
crazybrainwbf: it has inbuilt hd graphics01:40
sagitta007crazybrain: i need help01:41
crazybrainsagitta007: me too buddy01:41
CongActionParsnip, do I need to know anything else, because I'll be shuting down and starting lubuntu and I don't want to keep coming back here.01:41
somsipsagitta007: so how it works is you say clearly what your issue is. If someone can help, they often will. If no one can help, you might not get an answer and may need to come back later and ask again. See !patience01:41
sagitta007Need to change DHCP to Static IP in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS01:42
ActionParsnipCong: you will need to satisfy deps manually. Is the system a laptop?01:42
Sir_FawnpugI am about ready to throw this server in the trash.01:42
CongActionParsnip, yep.01:42
somsipsagitta007: desktop or server?01:43
sagitta007somsip: desktop01:43
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ActionParsnipCong: why not use a wired connection and move the laptop near the router....makes things waaaay easier01:43
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, are you comfortable with editing config files?01:43
ActionParsnipCong: laptops have that mobility factor, dead handy01:43
sagitta007Sir_Fawnpug: No I just ditched Windows 8 for Ubuntu01:44
somsipsagitta007: this looks reasonable: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oV5qmOHjZk01:44
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, ahh, OK.01:44
sagitta007somsip: the issue with that is my interfaces has no etho it has lo which is god knows what01:44
Sir_FawnpugI've never really done it any other way cause usually any time I need a static IP, it tends to be running on a machine that is headless anyway01:44
CongActionParsnip, do you have a list of the debs required, seems like a mighty big list.01:45
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, lo is the local loopback interface01:45
somsipsagitta007: is your connection over wifi or cable?01:45
Sir_FawnpugIt's something that exists mostly for testing the network stack01:45
ActionParsnipCong: you'll have to see what the deb needs and what is installed now01:45
sagitta007somsip: right now using cale01:46
ActionParsnipCong: the wired connection will make all this a tonne easier for you01:46
sagitta007Somsip: cable*01:46
somsipsagitta007: you connect to your router using a cable, and not a wifi connection?01:46
sagitta007Somsip: sometimes this sometimes that01:46
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, but you said you don't have an interface called eth0, yeah?01:46
Ismailescuhow can i upgrade the libttf4 package ? :)01:47
Ismailescuin terminal01:47
sagitta007Sir_Fawnpug that is what has been bugging me when  u use a cable ur supposed to have eth)01:47
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, what that usually means is that Ubuntu didn't see your network card01:48
somsipsagitta007: networking is not my strong point and Sir_Fawnpug seems to have this so I'm backing off01:48
Sir_FawnpugCan you do a quick "lspci | grep -i "eth"?01:48
sagitta007Sir_Fawnpug what do I do now01:48
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, what we're going to try is find the appropriate driver and get ubuntu to load it for you01:48
sagitta007Sir_Fawnpug 01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM57780 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (rev 01) was the feedback01:49
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, ahh, broadcom is always kinda finnicky when it comes to linux, let's see if we can find the appropriate driver01:50
Sir_FawnpugTry "modprobe tg3"01:51
Sir_FawnpugNote that you need to be root, so you may have to prepend that with sudo01:51
BONG_IT_can i downgrade apache2 to lower version01:52
Sir_FawnpugBONG_IT, like apache 1.3?01:52
sagitta007_Sir Pawnpug:returned01:52
Sir_FawnpugOK, do lsmod | grep "tg3"01:52
Sir_FawnpugSee if it says tg3 plus a couple of numbers01:53
sagitta007_SirPawnpug: tg3                   152032  0  is what my output was01:53
Sir_FawnpugExcellent, now let's try lshw -C network, to see if your card is listed01:54
magmahow can I see the user who copied some dirs of mine?01:54
Sir_Fawnpugmagma, you mean like track whether or not your directory's been copied?01:55
magmaSir_Fawnpug: exactly01:55
BONG_IT_can i downgrade apache2 to lower version01:55
Sir_FawnpugAFAIK you can't, but you can do something to prevent it01:55
magmaSir_Fawnpug: like what?01:55
Sir_FawnpugBONG_IT_, what version are you wanting?01:55
sagitta007_Sir Fawnpug: PCI (sysfs)   SCSI                         *-network                description: Ethernet interface        product: NetLink BCM57780 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe        vendor: Broadcom Corporation        physical id: 0        bus info: pci@0000:01:00.0        logical name: eth0        version: 01        serial: 88:ae:1d:84:09:a6        size: 100Mbit/s        capacity: 1Gbit/s        width: 64 bits        clock: 33MHz       01:56
magmaSir_Fawnpug: I can read the .bash of all user to see who used cp on my dirs. Byt through sftp there is nothing like that right01:56
BONG_IT_is there any pinoys here01:56
Sir_Fawnpugmagma, oh, I think I understand. Maybe there's logs?01:56
magmathat's what I'm trying to find01:57
Sir_FawnpugLogs usually live in /var/log01:57
sagitta007_Sir Fawnpug: posting output01:57
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007_, pastebin is probably good if it's big output01:57
decciI am facing an issue installing Ubuntu 12.04 on compellent SAN. I did it for CentOS 6.3 and it went fine. here is the complete picture: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1508279/01:57
Sir_FawnpugBut yeah, your network card is assigned to eth0 now.01:58
decciWhen I try to install ubuntu 12.04. The installation cannot see the SAN storage device as shown http://tracker.webtechnologyfocused.com.au/ehw/volumesnotdetected.jpg01:58
decciI have attached lscsci output too..any idea what could be the fix?01:58
sagitta007_Sir Fawnpug: out put at http://pastebin.com/4ru7UZhj01:59
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007_, woah, looks like it has an IP address already!02:00
KI4ROAnyone figured out how to stop RHYTHMBOX?02:00
Sir_Fawnpugtype ifconfig into your console and see if eth0 has been assigned anything02:00
Sir_FawnpugKI4RO, you're trying to kill it?02:01
sagitta007_Sir Fawnpug affirmative02:01
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007_, fantastic!02:01
BONG_IT_how to setup static ip in ubuntu 12.04 LTS02:01
sagitta007_Sir Fawnpug I need a static Ip though02:02
Jeremy3Dwhat's a good screen cast program for making video movies/tutorials?02:02
Sir_FawnpugNow we need to make that persist02:02
KI4ROSir_Fawnpug, I can kill it through System Monitor.  Just want it to stop normally when I close it02:02
ActionParsnipJeremy3D: kazam, recordmydesktop02:02
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007_, well, the first part was getting your network card loaded02:02
ActionParsnipBONG_IT_: use network manager02:02
Sir_FawnpugKI4RO, oh, I couldn't help you there, I've never used it.02:02
Jeremy3Dah i think i downloaded recordmydesktop at some point. got a preference ActionParsnip ?02:02
sagitta007_Sir Fawnpug let's do it02:02
KI4ROSir_Fawnpug, Thanks any way02:02
ActionParsnipJeremy3D: not really, try both02:02
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007_, before we set up the static IP we need to get ubuntu to automatically load up that module at boot time.02:03
Sir_FawnpugBut that's not hard. Just do nano -w /etc/modules, add a line with tg3, and hit ctrl-o02:03
Sir_FawnpugIf you do that then you won't have to do modprobe each time02:03
BONG_IT_can i use in /etc/network/interfaces02:04
ActionParsnipBONG_IT_: sure02:04
Jeremy3DActionParsnip, 10-4, thank you02:04
sagitta007_Fawnpug at nano -w /etc/modules now what02:05
sagitta007_Fawnpug: very nervous with command line02:06
Sir_FawnpugDid you add a line with tg3 in it?02:06
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007_, I understand; the command line can be a bit intimidating at first.02:06
sagitta007_Fawnpug tg3 affirmative02:06
Sir_FawnpugOK, did you do ctrl-o?02:06
WXZI just setup dual monitors on lucid, both VGA but one's connected with a DVI->VGA adapter, and the VGA one just blacks out when I get to the login screen02:07
sagitta007_fawnpug affirmative02:07
Sir_FawnpugOK, now do ctrl-x02:07
Sir_FawnpugNow this is a system with a GUI, right?02:08
sagitta007_Fawnpug correct02:08
Sir_Fawnpug(brb, goign to smoke; I haven't left you)02:08
DunitekWhats up?02:08
sagitta007_Fawnpug: I prefer a soda02:08
sagitta007_Dunitek: hello there02:09
sagitta007_bilo: hi back02:09
bilohow are u?02:09
sagitta007_Bilo: splendid waiting for old fawnpug to finish his smoke02:10
DunitekSplendid? :) Let me guess, Great Brittian?02:10
sagitta007_Bilo: First month with Ubuntu but have some windows Server experience02:11
sagitta007_DuniteK: I am American, I assure you, dear fellow02:11
biloi don't speack english very fast02:12
DunitekGot ya! Just curious02:12
bilobut i use xubuntu02:12
Sir_FawnpugI thought I might add that my roommate makes grown men cry when she cookies. The house smells wonderful.02:12
DunitekDoes anyone else here hate Unity?02:12
sagitta007_Dunitek: I miss the old GNOME02:12
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007_, so I've never done it this way but you're using Unity, right?02:12
alexhairymansagitta007_, have you seen MATE?02:12
Sir_FawnpugDunitek, I swear by fluxbox myself02:13
sagitta007_alexhairyman no man sorry02:13
WXZI just setup dual monitors on lucid, both VGA but one's connected with a DVI->VGA adapter, and the VGA one just blacks out when I get to the login screen02:13
alexhairymansagitta007_, it's a gnome 2 fork that carries on the legacy02:13
DunitekNice, I always remove unity and log in to classic. Why Fluxbox, what is so great about it in your opinion?02:13
sagitta007_Fawnpug: affirmative02:13
bilohow i can put your name first in the dialogue02:13
Sir_FawnpugWXZ, what's driving the heads?02:13
WXZSir_Fawnpug: I don't even know what that means02:14
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007_, OK, then hit System->Preferences->Network Settings02:14
Sir_FawnpugWXZ, what kind of video card do you have? Sorry, long day at work.02:14
WXZSir_Fawnpug: it's a radeon hd 5450, do you want the GPU?02:14
sagitta007_fawnpug: Unity 2D man in the words of DOS No such file or directory02:15
Sir_FawnpugIt should be right next to "Places"02:15
Sir_FawnpugGranted this is from a while back02:15
ActionParsnipDunitek: fluxbox is easy to configure and light02:15
Sir_FawnpugActionParsnip, I've thought about checking E17 out lately02:15
WXZSir_Fawnpug: it's a radeon hd 5450 graphics card02:16
DunitekActionParsnip, I will have to try it and see.02:16
BONG_IT_i have a problem in loading of webserver02:17
Sir_FawnpugWXZ, for radeon cards, I couldn't tell you; I'm an NVidia user.02:17
BONG_IT_how can i paste the logs here02:17
WXZoh, darn02:17
DunitekBONG IT, Paste Bin?02:17
Sir_FawnpugErr, ~pastebin02:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:17
DunitekThumbs up! ^02:18
Sir_FawnpugI finally got it. I should be proud of myself.02:18
biloi can'02:18
sagitta007fawnpug: can you walk me through the setup02:18
biloa question02:19
BONG_IT_yes pastebin02:19
bilosomeone can help me?02:19
sagitta007im here02:19
sagitta007I havent d/c02:19
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, I need to do a little research because I usually do this through the config files02:19
sagitta007bilo English only02:20
SuperMiguelhow do i do fake raid installs on new ubuntu?02:20
biloyes but i'm not speack fluently02:20
sagitta007bilo now whats the problem02:20
Sir_FawnpugWXZ, are you a new GNU/Linux user? I found a link that you might find instructive.02:20
BONG_IT_i have a problem in apache2 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1508318/02:20
biloi have a problem with my xubuntu02:20
WXZSir_Fawnpug: whatever the case with what graphics card you have, generally you have to install a driver, correct?02:20
Sir_FawnpugWXZ, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver02:20
BONG_IT_im using 12.0402:20
Sir_FawnpugWXZ, well, not always; the proprietary drivers sometimes have their own way of doing things.02:21
Sir_FawnpugLike NVidia has TwinView for that purpose02:21
sagitta007Fawnpug: I smoke cigars once a while hbu?02:21
DunitekBONG_IT, Your PHP Script runs only on PHP402:21
DunitekOR PHP 5.2 or lower02:21
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, I smoke cigarettes way too frequently for my own good.02:21
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, I haven't forgotten about you, BTW02:22
sagitta007Fawnpug: a large cigar a month is all I do02:22
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, but I did find this: http://www.sudo-juice.com/how-to-a-set-static-ip-in-ubuntu/02:22
Sir_FawnpugSometimes I like to smoke a pipe, but I don't do it all that often.02:22
DaemeonZaneNeed some help. I'm uding WUBI to install 12.10, and I've gotten hung up. Output is as follows: ubuntu kernel: [840.440194]  [<c15d04fe>] kernel_thread_helper+0x6/0x1002:23
sagitta007Fawnpug: own a wood pipe with a bowl02:23
BONG_IT_how can i lower my php sir02:23
somsipDunitek: seems like the error is not the deprecations, but the missing mcrypt and pdo plugin BONG_IT_02:23
sagitta007Fawnpug: weaned myself onto herbal leaves02:24
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, on the rare occasion that I do, I usually smoke black cavendish.02:24
BONG_IT_what can i do somsip02:24
DaemeonZaneBlack Cavendish is good stuff02:24
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, haha, I dont think I will ask.02:24
sagitta007Fawnpug: not what you think its mint02:24
somsipBONG_IT_: install them - php5-mcrypt and php5-pdo-mysql (possibly)02:24
BONG_IT_whats the exact comman sir02:25
Sir_FawnpugThat sounds like a peculiar kind of smoke if you ask me.02:25
somsipBONG_IT_: or php5-mysql (assuming it is mysql)02:25
BONG_IT_or should i lower my php5?02:25
SuperMiguelthere is no alternate install on 12.10 for fake raid??02:25
somsipBONG_IT_: you can but it's simpler to just install what is needed02:25
Sir_FawnpugDaemeonZane, a british colleague of mine got me started on it.02:25
sagitta007Fawnpug: Just survived a lung transfer I need to get off and I am doing well02:25
DunitekBONG_IT, somsip is suggesting that you run "sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt php5-pdo-mysql php5-mysql"02:26
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, i'm glad to hear the transfer went well.02:26
DunitekIf this fails maybe you should reinstall LAMP02:26
somsipDunitek: BONG_IT_ yeah, but I think i was wrong with php5-pdo-mysql.02:26
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, anyway, you might find this link useful: http://www.sudo-juice.com/how-to-a-set-static-ip-in-ubuntu/02:26
Sir_FawnpugLet's see if ubottu has anything on the subject02:26
sagitta007Fawnpug: apparently I have a twin unlike many  people and his lung proved useful02:26
BONG_IT_ok theres an error to download the php5-mcrypt02:27
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, alternately, does your router let you set up static leases?02:27
somsipBONG_IT_: much better if you tell us what it is02:27
sagitta007Fawnpug: No clue to what you said, but Static constantly changes IP right?02:28
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, no, that is dynamic.02:28
Sir_FawnpugStatic means that your IP remainss constant02:28
Sir_FawnpugIf you want a dynamic IP, then you're more or less done.02:29
sagitta007Fawnpug: I feel like leaping into the english channel02:29
BONG_IT_heres the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1508327/02:29
Sir_FawnpugThis is the official english channel, right?02:29
BONG_IT_when i dowloaded php5-mycrypt02:29
ActionParsnipSir_Fawnpug: sure, right between england and france02:29
sagitta007Fawnpug the one off London02:29
somsipBONG_IT_: just the repo not responding, that's all. Try again, or try a different source02:30
sagitta007Fawnpug a Dynamic DHCP will do?02:30
Sir_FawnpugActionParsnip, I see what you did there.02:30
ActionParsnipsagitta007: the D in DHCP stands for Dynamic02:30
Sir_Fawnpugsagitta007, you don't mind your IP changing, right?02:30
Sir_FawnpugIf you don't, then you're more or less done.02:30
Sir_FawnpugIf (for some reason) you want your IP address to stay the same, then there's more to do.02:31
somsipBONG_IT_: this seems to be the official ubuntu mirror, though maybe the one you have on the pastebin is usually better for you for some reason https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirror.pregi.net-archive02:31
sagitta007Fawnpug: to private If it does not irritate you02:31
somsip!tab | sagitta00702:32
ubottusagitta007: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:32
hilariousis there something in ubuntu that continually uses bandwidth ?02:32
seednodehilarious, depends what you have installed02:32
sagitta007Fawnpug: Still there?02:32
BONG_IT_how can i download sir02:33
hilarioustelepathy indicator ?02:33
BONG_IT_how can i replace02:33
hilariouszeitgeist ?02:33
somsipBONG_IT_: It's a long time since I used the software centre, so I can't help.02:34
wbfExcuse me where do .o files go?02:34
somsipCan someone talk BONG_IT_ through changing the current repo in software centre or whatever it is called?02:34
wbfNot .so02:34
BONG_IT_where i can get updates02:34
sagitta007somsip wouldnt that be update02:35
somsipsagitta007: GUI not CLI02:35
wbfcan someone help me? *raises red flag*02:35
somsipwbf: more details would help02:35
BONG_IT_do u have repo02:36
wbfsomsip: where do I put .o files so I can modprobe them?02:36
sagitta007_Fawnpug: I am back02:36
somsipwbf: you may need to research more, but the answer is in 'man modprobe'02:37
tripelbNo question, just sharing. No matter how many times I warned and hinted, I got the disk burned as one is file. Then sent emails explaining and they were ignored. Got a reply, how did that disk work for you. Really being nice, sent another and explained what to see when the disk is done. No response yet. Tears out one or two hairs.02:38
dniMretsaMis there anyway to use xinit without having an xterm window pop up?02:38
melihcan anyone help me ?02:38
sagitta007_I need to speak to a networking expert in private seeomg that Sir Fawnpug is not here02:38
somsipBONG_IT_: ok - looks like noone can help you right now with the repo change, but installing php5-mcrypt and php5-mysql should help you, even if you have to wait until you can access your usual repo. Ask me later if you still have problems with the PHP02:38
sagitta007_somsip: Where's Fawnpug02:38
somsipsagitta007_: that's not a constructive question02:39
sagitta007_somsip: how can one override an IP ban02:39
somsipsagitta007_: please don't ask me questions unless I'm already helping you. I have work to do and just come on here for a few minutes now and then.02:40
BONG_IT_should i install php5-mcrypt also?02:41
BONG_IT_i see02:41
Jeremy3Danyone know how to turn off the touchpad feature on a wacom tablet? i dont see it in the tablet settings02:44
somsipBONG_IT_: yes - the error mesage says that it is missing02:45
Greyfox__I am having trouble booting ubuntu from the disc. Just a black screen with a blinking cursor pops up. What's wrong.02:45
goddardmy wifi disconnects when under heavy load02:45
goddardfor long periods of time02:46
goddardis that normal?02:46
goddardhow can i figure out if its my wifi card or my router02:46
dr_willistry a different card...02:46
revickulous2001or try a different router02:46
dr_willis!nomoseset | Greyfox__02:47
dr_willis!nomodeset | Greyfox__02:47
ubottuGreyfox__: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:47
goddardive been using rync for like 300gb of data02:48
goddardtried ssh at first that didn't work so well02:48
dr_willisjust 300 gb?02:50
dr_willishow tiny.02:50
dniMretsaMso I'm using SSH to forward X and I'm trying to get it to use ssh-askpass to get the password for the remote machine. how to I go about accomplishing this?02:51
seednodeI've never ussed ssh-askpass02:51
SolarisBoyi use agent forwarding and keybased access its easier02:51
dniMretsaMthe command I using is this: xinit /usr/bin/ssh -XY user@machine lxsession -- :102:51
SolarisBoyif you can ofcourse.02:51
BONG_IT_how to unlock the dpkg im installing right now the php5-mycrypt02:52
BONG_IT_how can i see the process02:52
wbfI'm angry. there's no way to get my network card working on my other computer02:52
goddarddr_willis: doing it over wifi was a dumb idea02:53
memandwbf: did you try yelling ?02:53
dniMretsaMSolarisBoy: It seems overkill to set all that up for one machine, but I guess I could02:53
dr_willisrsync should be able to resume the syncing02:53
wbfmemand: No and I don't want to02:53
wbfmemand: can you help me?02:54
memandNo, sorry02:54
SolarisBoydniMretsaM: you could try ssh-copy-id and copy your key to the target if it allows for that type of auth - it would be a one time password thing02:54
wbfwho knows about wired usb network cards?02:55
memandI can actually see I have to go to bed since I'm blurting unhelpful sarcasm ;) have a nice night wbf02:55
Sir_Fawnpugwbf, I'm angry too; I had a NIC die on me and I'm having to replace it now02:55
dniMretsaMSolarisBoy: my key has it's own passphrase, so that wouldn't help02:55
goddardi have another hard drive on my laptop can I use it to do some kind of raid?02:56
Sir_Fawnpugwbf, I think net is standardized like audio or storage02:56
Sir_FawnpugFor USB02:56
Sir_FawnpugBut i'm not entirely certain02:56
wbfSir_Fawnpug, can you please help my ny net card is an F5D5050 and I need to get it running02:57
wbfSir_Fawnpug, a belkin02:57
Sir_Fawnpugwbf, give me a little bit, I'm finishing up eating02:57
=== todd_ is now known as un2him
somsipBONG_IT_: close - somsip :-)02:59
=== first is now known as yomi
dniMretsaMSolarisBoy: "heh" is such a helpful answer, lol :P03:00
BONG_IT_this my apache2 error log http://paste.ubuntu.com/1508375/03:00
BONG_IT_im sorry ; ]03:00
BONG_IT_already installed the php5-mycrypt anmd php5-mysql03:00
somsipBONG_IT_: restarted apache and checked phpinfo() to make sure the modules are loaded?03:01
yomicould someone list the contents of the default sudoers file>03:02
yomicould someone list the contents of the default sudoers file?03:02
magmaWhere is the log that stores authentication information?03:02
somsipmagma: /var/log/auth03:02
magmasomsip: and do you know where is logged SFTP information?03:03
somsipmagma: never used it. Sorry03:03
SolarisBoydniMretsaM: if the prompt is your issue you can either set up key based access (without a passcode thought thats secure it defeats your prompt issue cause), or you can create a wrapper that uses expect or a similar library to await the prompt and enter the data you require - however if you say setting up keys is overkill thats possibly assasination03:04
magmasomsip: is it safe to delete the auth.log?03:05
Sir_Fawnpugmagma, yeah, it's just a log03:06
dniMretsaMSolarisBoy: my main goal is to ask for the password on my end and thus open only the remote X session. usually, it pops up an xterm window to ask for the authentication03:06
somsipmagma: I've never done that. You might find that syslog (whatever) stops logging auth entries until you reboot though03:06
Sir_FawnpugYeah, somsip has a good point.03:06
dniMretsaMbut maybe I'm going about this in the wrong way. any other thoughts?03:06
BONG_IT_phpinfo() as in i write this command03:06
Sir_FawnpugI've to ask, bTW, is that a reference to the self organizing map?03:06
magmasomsip: you mean that the log is deleted on reboot?03:06
somsipBONG_IT_: Enter the PHP interactive shell (php -a) and call the phpinfo function (with 'phpinfo();)') but if you're asking this, you might have a long difficult journey to get this working and that is going to go way OT03:07
Sir_Fawnpugmagma, what he may mean is that syslog may cease to function until you reboot03:07
somsipmagma: I'm guessing, but I think it's fair to expect that to happen03:07
Sir_Fawnpugmagma, without getting into too much detail I'm not sure what happens if you delete a file with an open file descriptor03:08
BONG_IT_heres the error when i restart my apache2 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1508387/03:08
somsipBONG_IT_: never seen that before. You'll need to look it up. I'm not doing that dfor you03:08
Sir_Fawnpugmagma, I would expect syslog to crash though03:09
Sir_FawnpugIn the worst case scenario03:09
magmaI see03:10
ph4nt0mhi i got eeepc whit lfxe on minimal ubuntu, the hdmi dont transfert the screen to my tv.. anyone knows abouut that? plz03:11
ozzloymy byobu no longer has copy mode, what gives?03:12
ozzloyi do ^a [ and can move the cursor around, but enter drops out of it03:12
tf2ftwozzloy, ive notice byobu to be pretty finicky03:12
ActionParsnipph4nt0m: is there not a shortcut key to switch the output?03:12
ph4nt0mi think F803:12
ph4nt0mbut nothing appen03:13
tf2ftwph4nt0m, shift + f803:13
tf2ftwor a fn key03:13
MeanEYEAnyone experiencing soft-locks with Xorg?03:13
moesUsed startup creator in Ubuntu-12.04...Set extra space at 4.0 gb...In the launcher I have a 4.3 gb file...When I try to open it I get an error: "could not find /cow" How to open file?03:14
ActionParsnipmoes: its not a file to open, it holds the changes to the OS03:15
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest42500
moesActionParsnip, Okay thanks03:16
ActionParsnipmoes: what were you expecting to see when you opened it?03:16
moesActionParsnip, The changes I have made to the o/s03:17
ActionParsnipmoes: in what form, a pictur?03:17
moesActionParsnip, Just any kind of a display03:18
kslaterwhy is my load factor so high on Ubuntu desktop 12.04.1?03:18
Sir_Fawnpugkslater, are you running a bunch of programs at once?03:19
kslateruh, not that I know of03:19
wbfSir_Fawnpug, I have a belkin f5d505003:19
Sir_Fawnpugkslater, load average is essentially a measure of how many programs the kernel didn't get around to executing in a given timeslice03:20
WXZeverytime I uncheck the box which says "same image in all monitors" and restart, it just goes back to being checked.03:20
Sir_FawnpugSo a high load average indicates that some program is hogging a lot of CPU time03:20
kslaterjbd2 seems to be doing a fair bit of io according to iotop03:20
Sir_FawnpugWell, IO usually causes a program to sleep03:21
Sir_FawnpugWZX, try modprobe usbnet03:21
moesActionParsnip, I found the info telling me size used left by using df -h Thanks03:21
kslaterlooks like pidgin is at least part of the culprit. I'll be back.03:22
Tr3nTso i want to use ubuntu for my OS and run a media center like XBMC. i want to but a remote and usb for control. any ideas ?????????03:22
wbfTr3nT, you need LIRC03:22
Tr3nTi will google lirc03:22
Sir_Fawnpugkslater, pidgin should be fairly I/O bound unless there's a serious bug in it, which could be the case03:23
Tr3nTmy friends use xbmc without any lirc03:23
Tr3nTthey all use ubuntu03:23
Tr3nTwith a mce remote03:23
Tr3nTi will ask them03:24
wbfyeah MCE, but what remote do you have?03:24
Tr3nTi have 14 remotes03:24
Tr3nTmaybe more03:24
Tr3nTall windows03:24
Tr3nTi work at a pc shop03:24
Sir_Fawnpugkslater, it might help to install valgrind on your machine. You can use that to do code profiling.03:24
Sir_FawnpugKeep in mind that valgrind slows things down A LOT though.03:24
Tr3nTi get all this stuff free so i want to build a media pc03:25
Tr3nTi have a P5K-E mobo with a Q6600 cpu , GT9800 gpu , 8TB of HDD space03:26
Tr3nT6gb of ram03:26
Tr3nT1000Watt psu03:26
Tr3nTand thats all03:26
wbfTr3nT, if you don't have A MCE remote your gonna need lirc03:27
Tr3nTi have 14 mce remotes03:27
Tr3nTall diffirent ones03:27
wbfTr3nT, do they work or not, if they don't, use LIRC03:27
wbfTr3nT, sudo apt-get install lirc03:27
Tr3nTthey are all working03:27
wbfTr3nT, do they work with XBMC?03:28
Tr3nTthey work on windows on xbmc03:28
wbfTr3nT, sudo apt-get install xbmc03:28
Tr3nTnot tried ubuntu03:28
wbfTr3nT, this is UBUNTU help...03:28
Tr3nTi have 3 remotes that have the keyboard under it03:28
Tr3nTi want to use ubuntu as my OS03:29
Tr3nTim installing ubunto now03:29
wbfTr3nT, if you still want windows click install alongside03:30
Tr3nTi dont03:30
wbfTr3nT, then click install ubuntu over windows03:30
somsipTr3nT: any chance you could change the verbosity level?03:30
Tr3nTbrand new hdd 500gig hdd WD for main disk03:30
wbfTr3nT do you need help installing it or what?03:31
Tr3nT8tb of extra space03:31
Tr3nTinstalling now03:31
somsipTr3nT: we don't need a blow-by-blow account, thank you03:31
Tr3nThold on03:31
Tr3nTblow by blow?03:32
wbfTr3nT, please go into the private chat I made03:32
wbfTr3nT, if you want to do blow by blow.03:33
Tr3nTthank you wbf03:33
Sna4x8Anyone used php5-mysqlnd (mysql native driver) in 12.04?  http://pastebin.com/EcYm2PQ9  segfaults for me if I change line 11 to false.03:38
somsipSna4x8: should the $conStr be difference to use mysqlnd?03:40
Sna4x8Don't think so, no, at least that throws a "Driver not found" exception.03:40
ProfesorDavismaybe i doing this wrong, but how come i cant do ls /volumes to check my volumes through terminal on Ubuntu?03:41
Sna4x8At any rate, with php5-mysql it works, but if I apt-get install php5-mysqlnd the same code segfaults.03:41
somsipSna4x8: Not finding anything specific except ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES appears to default to 1 anyway03:42
Sna4x8somsip: Yea, I want to set it to false.  My code works fine if I leave it true.03:43
Sna4x8When it's set to false, fetch(PDO::FETCH_CLASS) will return native db types, which I want (i.e. MySQL integer columns come back as ints).03:44
somsipSna4x8: ah - misleading pastebin. looks like this might tell you something given 'will not work with the follwiong set to 0" http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6346674/pdo-support-for-multiple-queries-pdo-mysql-pdo-mysqlnd03:45
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kslatercouldn't pin down what the cause of the high load factor is03:47
Sna4x8somsip: But that's just for multiple statements.  I don't need (or want) to allow multiple statements to be executed.03:47
kslaterwasn't pidgin. could be chrome I suppose.03:47
kslaterdual core and neither is executing about 20% or so03:48
Sna4x8Besides, I disagree with that so.  mysqlnd is native as of php 5.4 AFAIK (http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/php-mysqlnd/ <-- some backup for that).03:48
somsipSna4x8: K. I'm just searching, so maybe you need someone else03:48
Sna4x8Word, I appreciate you help!03:48
somsipSna4x8: have you seen the bug reports that relate to this? eg: http://grokbase.com/t/php/php-bugs/123gyvbnpb/php-bug-bug-61411-new-pdo-segfaults-with-persistent-true-emulate-prepares-false03:50
jordan_hello all03:50
Sna4x8Hrm, I haven't seen that one.  I did post on one bug report, but it's old (although unresolved).03:51
somsipSna4x8: in a search I got a few, that seemed most relevant but I didn't read through for a solution03:51
Sna4x8That pretty much sums up the issue I'm having: persistent + !emulate_prepares = segfault with invalid pointer.03:52
Sna4x8*grumbles*.  I suppose the solution is use the standard php-mysql driver and do the type conversions in my code.03:53
kslaterhmm. Maybe my load factor was due to my-weather-indicator?03:54
kslaterseems to be dropping now that I dropped that indicator03:54
tompaHow can I download the software "MyUnity" ?03:55
pbwizkidsudo apt-get install myunity03:55
tompadoesn't work :/03:55
pbwizkidwhat version you on03:55
tompasays "E: Unable to locate package myunity"03:56
wbfbye everyone03:56
pbwizkidmay have been taken out of repos03:56
pbwizkidgoogle for the repo and add it or use ubuntu tweak i personaly find it better03:57
SuperMiguelso after i install ubuntu 12.04 using the alternate disc how do i install a window manager? the default one?03:57
tompapbwizkid can you shrink the unity bar with ubunu tweak?03:57
pbwizkidyes, you can only go down to 32 pix vut thats all you can do with myunity03:58
pbwizkidubuntu tweak will do all myunity will plus some other usefull tools03:58
dr_willisSuperMiguel:  the alternaive cd installs a normal desktop same as the desktop cd does i belive.. Unless it has some other minimal options. :)03:59
dr_willisSuperMiguel:  or just install the ubuntu-desktop package04:00
ActionParsnipSuperMiguel: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop    will install a default Ubuntu UI04:00
SuperMigueldr_willis: should i update to 12.10 before i do that?04:00
SuperMiguelActionParsnip: dr_willis i installed 12.04 because i needed raid04:00
dr_willisSuperMiguel:  if its a clean install. i would have suggested installing 12.10 directly04:01
SuperMigueldr_willis: 12.10 doesn't have an alternate disc04:01
dr_willisSuperMiguel:  and why do you need the alternative disk>04:02
SuperMiguelfake raid04:02
dr_willisYou sure the 12.10 desktop cd cant do that?  I avoid raid. ;)04:02
ActionParsnipSuperMiguel: I'd stick with Precise, it is LTS supported04:03
SuperMiguelPrecise is 12.0404:03
tompapbwizkid can't download download ubuntu tweak neither... (by typing "sudo apt-get install ubuntu tweak")04:03
dr_willisits not 'ubuntu tweak' its one word with a -  tink.,04:04
dr_willis!info ubuntu-tweak04:04
ubottuPackage ubuntu-tweak does not exist in quantal04:04
dr_willisand it has its own homepage. ;)04:04
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warfarhi there04:12
warfaris there any command that can put a list of all my folders into a single text file?04:13
ActionParsnipits in a PPA04:13
dr_williswarfar:  bash command line redirection basics...    'ls > listing.txt'04:14
warfarok ill try that04:15
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SuperMiguelso after installing ubuntu-desktop i rebooted  i get the ubuntu logo and then screen goes black04:15
warfarhow do i cd into a directory with spaces?04:16
ActionParsnipSuperMiguel: what video chip do you use?04:16
warfarnvm got it04:16
SuperMiguelActionParsnip: Intel04:16
ActionParsnipSuperMiguel: try adding the boot option:  nomodeset04:17
SuperMiguelhow do i do that what do i press?04:18
charlycodeSuperMiguel : Ya habias tenido instalado ubuntu en tu desktop, o es la primera vez?04:18
dr_willis!nomodeset | SuperMiguel04:19
SuperMiguello tenia installado, pero doing un reinstall04:19
ubottuSuperMiguel: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:19
csmith1994how does one use the iphone 5 with ubuntu? if it's at all possible04:20
csmith1994just got one today04:20
dr_willisuse in what way. ;)04:21
charlycodeSuperMiguel: Lo reinstalastes con pendrive o cd-rom o con que? para ver si la imagen no estaba dañada,04:21
bazhangcharlycode, english here04:21
rohitkavHi Team, I got EeePc, with Ubuntu 12.04, I wanted to install LXDE04:22
dr_willisrohitkav:  lubuntu-desktop package is lxde04:22
bazhangrohitkav, lubuntu-desktop package will do that04:22
rohitkavif install it using Software package manager does that works or should I download and install04:23
dr_willisdownload from where? :)04:23
dr_willisThe package manager tools are there for a reason.04:23
rohitkavsoftware package manager04:23
bazhang!purelxde | rohitkav04:23
ubotturohitkav: If you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »04:23
dr_willisit downloads it for you04:23
rohitkavbut it won't remove the unity environment right dr_willis04:24
dr_willisrohitkav:  of course not. ;) you dident tell it to remove anything04:24
rohitkavI was going through a youtube video wherein he talks about using software package manger04:24
dr_willistheres no real need to remove unity04:24
rohitkavto install lxde04:24
dr_willisall the package manager tools do the same job.04:25
dr_willisThey are front ends to the apt system04:25
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)04:25
rohitkavoh, will it not affect the performance having unity and using lxde04:25
rohitkavor is it good to have only lxde04:25
dr_willisunity wont be running at the same time.. so no.04:25
SuperMiguelcharlycode: did that and now it gets stock at the ubuntu logo screen (one with 5 dots under it)04:26
rohitkavusage of space? any issue04:26
dr_willisUnless you are just obsessive with having drive space. ;)04:26
rohitkavno right dr_willis04:26
dr_willislubuntu-desktopp may take up another 300mb..  thats trivial these days04:26
rohitkavhmm but that seam bit issue for me right now :D04:27
rohitkavI got 160gb though04:27
rohitkavget 100 gb for ubuntu while installing 12.0404:27
dr_willisI got a 128gb ssd with my Ubuntu system with several desktops.04:28
rohitkavbut this environment however its good, but seamed too sluggish04:28
dr_willisthe OS is the smallest space user on my systems. ;P04:28
afk9125ubuntu sucks, INSTALL GENTOO04:28
rohitkavI am ok with ubuntu afk912504:28
dr_willisI will pass on troll reccomendations thank you..04:28
bazhangafk9125, wrong channel04:29
dr_willis!info gentoo04:29
ubottugentoo (source: gentoo): fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19.13-2 (quantal), package size 755 kB, installed size 1906 kB04:29
dr_willisjust to confuse people more. ;)04:29
rohitkavI have used almost many distributions afk9125 , and at present situation ubuntu is best, and it depends on your personal choice04:29
dr_willisthe troll has left the channel rohitkav04:30
rohitkavyes dr_willis04:30
ActionParsnippeople going on about gentoo in this day and age04:31
rohitkavso as you said I can just get that lxde envi and get it working than downloading again and installing isn't dr_jesus04:31
rohitkavoops dr_willis04:31
rohitkav:D ActionParsnip04:31
dr_willisrohitkav:  you can install several dozen (well about half a dozen) desktop enviroments on your base Ubuntu install. and select the one to use at the Login screen.04:31
dr_willisTry them all out see what you like. Theres no need to hurry up and uninstall stuff unless your hd space is critically low04:32
sebsebsebhi  LadySoph04:32
dr_willisKDE,lxde,xfce, Enlightment, and then thers other stranger window managers, and alternative interfaces. ;)04:32
rohitkavhmm ok.. with LXDE since I used it, enlightment is good, xfce is ok, kde i am not so fond though, but is nice :) I wish we get something so simple and elegant and less CPU usage from upcoming release :) dr_willis04:34
animebsdhey guys!04:35
RagnaRok__Anyone been having problems with the "indicator-weather", i've noticed it doesn't refresh the temperature anymore..04:35
animebsdIve got a odd question.   how do i get the system tab back on gnome classic on ubuntu 12.10?  its annoying to see it in the apps04:36
sinistradI'm trying to get raid1 working after a re-install. It was working before, but now /dev/sdxx isn't seen by mdadm, but fdisk -l shows it.04:38
gusteruhello to all !04:39
gusteruanyone can help me to install yacc ?04:39
darkhalo117Wish I could help haha04:40
DaxterHey is there a way to get GRUB2 to boot OSes located on a external HDD hooked via USB 3.0?04:41
dr_willisDaxter:  it may depend on the usb3 controller  and if its a external card or not.04:41
dr_willisI  think i can boot my usb3 drives same as any other hd.04:42
DaxterIt's internal to the MB. Early NEC controller I presume, the board is circa 201004:42
dr_willisother pc has a addon usb3 card. it cant boot from them04:42
csmith1994this is gonna be awkward but my computer froze up before and i missed if anyone responded to me. can anyone tell me how to get an iphone 5 working with rhythmbox?04:44
csmith1994is anyone even actually there?04:46
animebsdIve got a odd question.   how do i get the system tab back on gnome classic on ubuntu 12.10?  its annoying to see it in the apps04:46
ActionParsnipcsmith1994: none at all04:47
ActionParsnipanimebsd: install gnome-panel, log off and log in to the new session04:47
hot2trotfor some reason, my wifi doesn't show up in the tray, even though I have wifi, and I don't even know where to start to fix it04:48
ActionParsniphot2trot: is nm-applet running?04:48
animebsdi did that,  im already in gnome classic with the panel and all. but the top panel has the system settings under applications tab.  i want it under its own tab on the panel. just like it used to be before they added unity04:49
hot2trotActionParsnip:  yes sir04:49
xanguaanimebsd: get a time machine and live in the past, there is no go back to gnome204:49
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ActionParsnipanimebsd: if you like the Gnome2 smell, use XFCE04:51
ActionParsnipanimebsd: there are unofficial forks but they are not supported here04:51
Guest58726how r u ?04:51
animebsddoes xubuntu have all the hardware support ubuntu does?   i have a brand spankin new toshiba that only has drivers for windows 8(lame os) and conveniently ubuntu had em all  its touch screen and all04:52
HacymHI there04:53
DaxterDoes anyone have a solution for my question? dr_willis, a little more explanation on your answer?04:53
Hacymanimebsd -- I'm not sure to the answer of that, but in my experience plain Ubuntu seems to work with more hardware than Xubuntu. For example, Xubuntu does not support the backlighting on my laptop's keyboard but Ubuntu does.04:53
aeon-ltdanimebsd: yes/no, modules are all across linux. so you can load any you need. are they there by default ? maybe in some versions04:54
ActionParsnipanimebsd: its only the desktop that is different, the underlying OS is 100% identical04:54
animebsdBlehhh i just miss the old gnome lol.  unity is way differant.  perhaps i can get used to it or some other enviroments04:54
ActionParsnipanimebsd: only the DE, WM and default apps are different, but you can run any Gnome app in XFCE you wish (or KDE etc)04:55
ActionParsnipanimebsd: Unity doesn't replace Gnome04:55
ActionParsnipanimebsd: Unity is a shell for Gnome, Gnome is still running04:55
Hacymanimebsd, installing a traditional gnome intereface is fairly simple.04:55
animebsdive already done that i was just wondering about the system tab on the top panel04:56
symaxianWhat would be the fastest / most productive flowchart editor?04:56
HacymI'm having an issue with my WOL. It's simply not working for some reason... I've edited my ethtool setting for it and it appears to be activated within my bios... I have port 9 forwarded to the machine I am trying to wake. Any ideas on what I might be missing?04:58
sinistradI'm trying to get raid1 working after a re-install. It was working before, but now /dev/sdxx isn't seen by mdadm, but fdisk -l shows it. Here is some info: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1508512/04:59
BONG_IT_why my nameserver inside my Etc/resolv.conf has been erase when i restart my computer05:01
dr_willisI belive the top of resolv.conf mentions its managed by some service. (i forget the name)05:02
afk9125INSTALL GENTOO05:03
ActionParsnipBONG_IT_: the file is generated by network manager05:05
BONG_IT_how can i edit the network manager05:07
BONG_IT_for me to able to hardcode it05:07
ActionParsnipBONG_IT_: use the app in the tray, or you can use the config files05:07
dr_williswhat are you wanting to change exactly?05:08
luis_Hey!, i have a little problem with conky in ubuntu studio, how can i do to make conky start automatically?05:08
sinistradBONG_IT_: Or you can try ifconfig or iwconfig. Be careful with those, as they can make a mess of your network config if you aren't careful05:09
dr_willisluis_:  conky faq/docs mention making a script in ~/.config/autostart (or autorun) to launch it after a 20 sec delay05:09
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HacymI'm having an issue with my WOL. It's simply not working for some reason... I've edited my ethtool setting for it and it appears to be activated within my bios... I have port 9 forwarded to the machine I am trying to wake. Any ideas on what I might be missing?05:11
UnderControlHiya, I've booted a Ubuntu 12.10 Live disc and after booting from that I get checked into a busybox prompt. Is there anything to do to start unity?05:13
UnderControlI get the error "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"05:14
dr_willissounds like either the image was bad, or the burn was bad.. or its having other issues05:16
UnderControldr_willis Oh okay. Thanks for that.05:16
mail323How can I disable the firewall and enable SSH access in ubuntu? I' ve done the apt-get install openssh-server, service ufw disable, service ssh enable but now I can only ssh from the local machine and not from any other05:19
Hacymmail323 do you have port 22 forwarded on your router05:20
mail323Hacym: Yes but I can't ssh even from within the lan, only from the ubuntu machine itself05:20
dr_willismail323:  sudo iptables --list will show if any rules are still rnning for the firewall05:21
dr_willistheres no rules by default.05:21
mail323dr_willis: It doesn't show any rules05:22
HacymI'm having an issue with my WOL. It's simply not working for some reason... I've edited my ethtool setting for it and it appears to be activated within my bios... I have port 9 forwarded to the machine I am trying to wake. Any ideas on what I might be missing?05:22
mail323Hacym: See if there's any option in the BIOS like "EUP"  or "low power mode" .... does the NIC light stay on when you shut down the machine?05:23
linds6630can someone tell me where the option for alt+right click to resize windows? i know it's in dconf-editor somewhere, i just can't find it05:23
mail323Is there any command I can use to search and list the found software packages? aptitude is horrible05:23
linds6630apt-cache search?05:25
MACMINDhey ubuntu folks05:25
ActionParsnipmail323: you can also grep the output of apt-cache :)05:25
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dr_willisYou really shouldent be using aptitude on ubuntu thse days either.05:25
linds6630ah i found it!05:25
MACMINDstall man is our god05:26
MACMINDthats the only thing we have in common05:26
luis_excuse me, can you tell me how ican do it step by step?, im new in linux and maybe there are some tecnical words  that i ignore......05:26
mail323dr_willis: Well someone should just make it so the logical command apt-get search works!05:26
MACMINDoh and the need to eat05:26
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MACMINDyes, step 1) boot  the computer05:26
MACMINDstep 2 ) restart05:26
dr_willisits apt-cache search pattern05:26
MACMINDstep 3) watch redtube05:27
mail323Anyways how can I enable SSH from external systems?05:28
luis_that evil!05:28
luis_thats evil!05:29
dr_willismail323:  Not really.05:31
luis_so, back to my issue, dr willis, excuse me, can you tell me how ican do it step by step?, im new in linux and maybe there are some tecnical words  that i ignore......05:32
mail323dr_willis: Thanks for that clarification. I wasn't aware ubuntu was not designed for network usage.05:33
luis_and plese, noone talk me about porn, jejej05:33
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dr_willismail323:  I install the ssh service on my pcs and they all work fine.05:34
wajeembaHello all, I'm trying to understand the dd command better- I need to move the contents of one partition to another. What will happen if the partition I'm copying to is larger than the one copied from? Will that space be lost outside the filesystem, or will it become free space? OR, would I be able to recover the space using a cfdisk maximize command?05:34
BONG_IT_i have a problem with my apoache what does it mean i cant load videos PHP Deprecated:  Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/mcrypt.ini on line 1 in Unknown on line 0 PHP Deprecated:  Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/pdo.ini on line 1 in Unknown on line 0 PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/mcrypt.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20090605:35
BONG_IT_ i have a problem with my apoache what does it mean i cant load videos http://paste.ubuntu.com/1508550/05:35
dr_williswajeemba:  it will work. but to use all the space. you will need to resize the filesystem with gparted (or other tools)05:35
dr_williswajeemba:  going to a smaller partion.. is trickier. ;)05:35
wajeembadr_willis: I only have command line running atm- I'm assuming an equivalent resizing command can be done using cfdisk?05:36
Haematomawhat is the path directory for similar to /usr/bin for individual users? I think its inside the home directory, but can't remember05:37
raphzthenamehey all, does anyone have 12.04 lts installed on a mbp?05:38
dr_williswajeemba:   should be doable.05:38
ActionParsnipHaematoma: you can add any folder to PATH as you wish :)05:38
dr_willisyou can make a  'bin' directory in your home. and it will get added to your default path on login05:38
dr_willisluis_:  no need to PM me.. what are you refering to?05:39
lauratikadoes any onw knows when will be the next LTS release of ubuntu?05:39
raphzthenamei'd like to install 12.04, but if it's not doable or feasible then i'm open to suggestions05:39
luis_im talking about the conky stuff05:40
luis_excuse me, but im new in this world of ubuntu05:40
luis_how can i create the document to start automatically the conky?#05:41
dr_willisluis_:  you make a script in ~/.config/autorun you mean? (or was it autostart?)05:41
dr_willisthe conky faq i think gives an example. 3 lines ->   #!/bin/bash   sleep 30    conky &05:42
luis_yes, but where i find that document or file?05:42
dr_willisyou make it...05:42
dr_willisin your .config/autowhatever/ directory05:42
raphzthenameanyone at all?05:43
dr_willisYou might want to spend an hr or so reading up on bash basics and text editing of config files - because configuring conky is going to be a challange if  making a simple script is confuseing to you.05:43
luis_oh!, in that folder i may create the script!05:43
dr_willisluis_:  yes. its a directory of scripts/.desktop files and stuf fthats get ran onlogin05:44
lauratikaraphzthename where you want to install it?05:44
barismetinDoes anyone know if there is a port of broadcom sta wireless driver for 3.8.0-rc2?05:44
luis_give me a moemnt, ill come back.....05:44
dr_willisraphzthename:  i dont think anyone knows what a 'mbp' is.05:44
raphzthenameoh i'm sorry, i'm trying to install 12.04 on a macbook pro05:44
dr_willisTHeres mostlikely a forum thread or 100 on installing on macbooks. I dont own one. so no idea05:45
dr_willisaskubuntu.com may also have pointers to guides and things to look out for05:45
lauratikai install ubuntu in a macpro before05:45
lauratikano prob at all05:45
ActionParsnipbarismetin: we can't support 3rd party kernels here05:45
raphzthenameyeah i've seen a few for lower versions. was wondering if anyone knows if 12.04 would be okay05:46
barismetinraphzthename: I saw people using 12.04 (and 12.10) on macbook pro's. I don't know if they had any particular issue though.05:46
lauratikaraphzthename: no issues at all...05:46
JC_Yanghi, all. I need help change the console resolution of ubuntu server, I google and get this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1467946#5, is this still the solution for ubuntu server 12.04? There is no menu.lst in my /boot/grub/ directory, do I have to create one?05:46
lauratikawhat is your ram?05:46
raphzthenamei read in a few places that it runs really hot, so i was hoping y'all would have insight on how i might adjust the fans, etc. once it's installed05:47
raphzthenameor if someone wants to help me through the process, that'd be great too05:47
raphzthenamei tried to install debian a while back and it wouldn't take on my machine05:47
barismetinJC_Yang: try /boot/grub/grub.cfg05:47
luis_ok, im in the folder yet, now, what i have to do to make the  script, and what i i have to write in that?05:48
raphzthename@lauratika i have 8gb ram05:48
barismetindoes anyone know if there is 3.8 port for bcmwl wireless driver?05:48
dr_willisthe conky faq i think gives an example. 3 lines ->   #!/bin/bash   sleep 30    conky &05:49
dr_willisluis_:  if you really want to learn to use conky. a read of its docs/website/faq/guides will be needed.05:49
JC_Yangbarismetin: do you mean the solution in the post is no longer valid? any more specific instructions?05:49
luis_mm, ok05:50
barismetinJC_Yang: I didn't follow the link, I just read that you're having trouble finding menu.lst.05:50
ActionParsnipJC_Yang: you change it in /etc/default/grub   which will then go into grub.cfg when update-grub gets ran05:50
lauratikaraphzthename: i installed on mac with 2gb an run pretty good... it wasnt 12.04 though but im pretty sure it will make no difference}05:50
lauratikaunless someone knows otherwise05:51
barismetinmenu.lst is generally linked to grub configuration anyway. (I'm a new ubuntu user but that's the case for many distibutions)05:51
raphzthenamethanks @lauratika, i'll give it a spin05:51
StepNjumpI was wondering if somebody would know if there is any way with Ubuntu to EASILY assign a key on my keyboard to simulate a left click on my mouse? I have arthritis and I'm dying everytime I click on my mouse... I would appreciate it a lot if someone could kindly help me. Thank you05:51
eduardo_tem  br  ai ?05:51
luis_but    #!/bin/bash   sleep 30    conky       is a so kind of command to force the conky to start?05:51
dr_willismenu.lst is not used by grub205:52
dr_willisluis_:  it bash scripting basics..  first line defines it being a script. #!/bin/bash     sleep does just that.. waits 30 sec.. then it runs conky.05:52
dr_willisluis_:  a simple 3 line file....  you then make it  executable via chmod +x whateveritsnameis.sh05:53
ActionParsnipStepNjump: http://superuser.com/questions/114564/linux-emulate-mouse-clicks-with-keyboard05:53
StepNjumpThank you a milion ActionParsnip!!!05:54
nullby7ewhy telinit/init not works05:56
dr_willisnullby7e:  what are you trying to do exactly?05:56
nullby7ei want to boot at runlevel3 multi-user mode05:56
nullby7erunlevel 305:56
ActionParsnipnullby7e: add the boot option:  text05:56
nullby7eno-graphic mode05:56
dr_willisubuntu dosent really use runlevels05:57
nullby7eActionParsnip: ok05:57
dr_willisif you want to not have lightdm start. use the 'text' option. or disable the lightdm service05:57
nullby7edr_willis: understand05:57
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode05:57
JC_YangI'ver check grub.cfg, and it seems that the boot option has been append "vga=824", but it still doesn't work. why? I'm using it in a virtualbox VM, is there anything affect it?05:57
ActionParsnipJC_Yang: if its in a virtualbox, aren't you single booting it?05:58
HacymIs Wake on Lan listening automatically turned on in Ubuntu Server or is there something I need to do to make it listen on port 7 or 9?05:59
JC_Yangyes, I single boot it06:00
=== sanweidaying is now known as sanweiying
Ben64Hacym: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WakeOnLan06:01
iBurleyIs there anyplace where I can difinitavely find out wheither open source or propriatary video card drivers will give me better performance?06:02
iBurleyOr is that something I have to just test out?06:02
dr_willisiBurley:  i cant recall ever seeing any benchmarks  where open sourced beat closed. but that was a year+ ago i last looked at them06:02
dr_willisSome of the Hardware blog sites may have benchmarks.06:03
iBurleyAlright. I'm using this steam for Linux beta and I get real pathetic fps compared to my Windows partition, I think I'm gonna try the closed driver06:03
ActionParsnipJC_Yang: so, why do you need to see grub?06:05
dr_willisiBurley:  for games.. i belive you defainatly want the closed drivers.06:05
iBurleyalright, good to know, and is there anything doing the switch can swrew up that can't be undone by switching back to open?06:06
dr_willisI always install nvidia-current first thing on my new installs.06:06
dr_willisthe addaditional-drivers tool makes  it rather easy to change back and forth06:07
iBurleyalright, cool. I'll have to try it out. Thanks for the help.06:07
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:14
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Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>   :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>   :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>   :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
aaasubuntu server looses network connection periodically (once every few hours?) for about 10 seconds... if I ping computer B from A (ubuntu server) I get occasional latency (jumps to ~990ms) sometimes.  If I ping computer B from C I don't get the same latency.  it doesn't seem to be load related, as it seems to happen even under low load (but not certain).  Any ideas?06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>    :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>   :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>   :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>  :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>   :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>   :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>   :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>  :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
somsipTr3nT: stop now please06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>   :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>  :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>   :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U, DJones!06:16
somsip!ops | Tr3nT06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>    :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
serp_mooooaaaaar paste mooooooaaaaarrr06:16
ubottuTr3nT: please see above06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>     :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT> :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:16
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT> :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:17
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:17
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:17
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT> :5900     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:17
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:17
Tr3nT<ritalin[Guy]> <Tr3nT>     vnc4:VULNERABLE06:17
mesqukaTr3nT: Stop please06:17
collinjsimpsonwell aren't we busy today06:17
mesqukaWhat was all that about with Tr3nt?06:17
=== leohxj90 is now known as leohxj
aaashaha..ill repeat..ubuntu server looses network connection periodically (once every few hours?) for about 10 seconds... if I ping computer B from A (ubuntu server) I get occasional latency (jumps to ~990ms) sometimes.  If I ping computer B from C I don't get the same latency.  it doesn't seem to be load related, as it seems to happen even under low load (but not certain).  Any ideas?06:19
aeon-ltdaaas: is this wireless?06:20
aaasaeon-ltd no wired06:20
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ActionParsnipaaas: when the link drops, run:  dmesg | tail     you may get clues06:20
aaasActionParsnip didn't see anything, but i'll check again06:21
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faryshtaHow can I use power management settings for fglrx driver on ubuntu 12.10?06:23
faryshtaand how can I set the xorg radeon driver to low power profile?06:25
nullby7ewhy after rebuilding a new custom kernel, then when i boot to old kernel after logging into X there is no desktop screen, only i see picture background?06:25
chenshaojufaryshta: do u read? http://askubuntu.com/questions/203232/radeon-hd-2000-3000-4000-on-12-10-quantal-fglrx-legacy-12-6-unsupported-wh06:26
dr_willisnullby7e:  i would guess the drivers are somehow confused and its not having 3d support/drivers so compiz/unity is failing to load competly06:27
nullby7ehmm you are right06:27
raphzthenameso i'm going through the ubuntu install for my macbook pro and i'm hitting a wall06:27
raphzthenamei'm installed rEFIT and am able to access it just fine when booting up06:28
raphzthenamethe problem is that rEFIT does not recognize the ubuntu liveCD, so there's no way to install 12.0406:28
mesqukahold option down while booting your mac06:30
mesqukathat should give you a list of drives to boot from06:30
=== JC_Yang_ is now known as JC_Yang
raphzthenameit only gives me refit and recovery06:31
raphzthenameif i choose refit, there's no option to boot the cd06:31
raphzthenameor i'm sorry, if i hold down option i have OSX or recovery options06:32
raphzthenameif i hold down c, it goes to refit06:32
theoshello! can upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04 mess up the system? like, delete config files or program data/settings?06:35
dr_willisupgrades can fail. WHen in doubt make backups06:36
JC_Yangthe author of this post claim correct configuration of console resolution, but what does the code 915 mean? do I have to set another value if I need other resolution?06:36
dr_willis915 is like a vga mode.06:36
JC_Yangaccording to wiki, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VESA_BIOS_Extensions#Linux_video_mode_numbers. no mode code is greater than 90006:38
=== no_name is now known as hyp
=== hyp is now known as no_name
SailingmasterI've got a macbook pro, and I'm considering setting up a Ubuntu partition on my machine.  I've got a problem though.06:40
Mcgiwerhello all06:40
dr_willisseems its macbook day  today.06:40
raphzthenameah, it shouldn't be this hard... i'm able to boot ubuntu from a usb stick now. it gets to the usb -> little stick figure man symbol then goes to a black screen with a blinking underscore06:41
SailingmasterI'm trying to install from a USB stick, as I've replaced my optical drive with a SSD.  And when I select the option to try without installing, all I get is a black screen.  And the machine goes completely unresponsive06:41
raphzthenamedoesn't do anything but stay on that screen :(06:41
Sailingmasteryep, me too06:41
SailingmasterI've read about setting nomodeset, but I don't have options to do that in the boot screen06:41
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raphzthenameis your rEFIT able to recognize a liveCD?06:42
raphzthenamei tried that a few times but no go06:42
SailingmasterNo optical drive.  USB stick is my only option.  I really don't want to have to go buy an external drive if I don't have to.06:42
blimhi, how do i stop the the black screen saver in 12.04?06:43
McgiwerI require urgent support06:43
raphzthenameUSB should work as it's a viable option. just have to figure out why it's not working06:43
SailingmasterAgreed.  But it's not working for me...  So here I am.06:43
raphzthenameditto :/06:43
SailingmasterAnyone have an idea we can try?06:44
teolicyHi. I'm trying to boot a quetzal server x64 USB stick. After getting the boot menu, choosing "Install Ubuntu Server" makes the machine reboot. Perhaps I didn't think of good search terms, but I was unable to find a good online resource on the matter. I've tried all the F6 options. Further instructions?06:44
dr_willisblim:  tryed the nomodset option yet?06:44
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:44
blimno, how I do that?06:45
teolicy(Looks like my condition is similar to Sailingmaster's…)06:45
McgiwerI have an serious problem with my Ubuntu 1206:45
blimin  terminal = bash: !nomodeset: event not found06:47
dr_willisits not a bash command.. read the url  the bot gave...06:47
SailingmasterI would love to try nomodeset, but my boot screen does not list any function key abilities, nor does it respond to any function keys...  Is Quetzal's boot screen supposed to show these?06:47
JC_Yangfollow the post, it work now. I've change the console resolution. Thank you06:48
dr_willise = edit06:48
dr_willisUnless you got  a system that dosent like usb keyaord in grub.. and wants a ps2 keyboard06:48
teolicydr_willis: After having tried the F6 options (and removing 'quiet' and 'splash' manually) without luck booting, any further ideas?06:48
dr_willisyou tryed 'nomodeset verbose'  instead of quiet splash?06:48
nullby7edr_willis: why system not recogniez custom builded headers i mean make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image kernel_headers or ubuntu uses and some other parameters?06:49
dr_willisnullby7e:  no idea really. I havent had to mess with the kernel in ages.06:50
teolicydr_willis: No, didn't add verbose. I'll try that. Thanks!06:51
teolicygah; as I was going to IRC from my other machine, I ran memtest out of boredom… I came back to a red screen… :(06:53
PyroNoobI'm pretty new to IRC.06:57
BONG_IT_how can hardcode details in resolv.conf07:00
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naughxHello ^.^07:03
=== naughx is now known as Naughx
one_what r u doing there??07:03
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NaughxLooking around :D07:04
one_what for??07:04
NaughxNothing, just curious...07:04
Mcgiwerhello? looking for support here....07:04
one_mmmmmmmmmmm,.,.,.,i think this is a quite chanel.,.,07:05
NaughxLets talk louder! XD07:05
Naughx@Mcgiwer, what is your problem? Maybe we could help you ^_^07:06
McgiwerMy Luks partition (with system and all data) got damaged and I would like to recover the data from it... the problem is that this kind of partition is encrypted and normal recovery is impossible07:08
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Naughxdo you remember your key?07:09
Mcgiwerthat's not the point... it stopped to be visible as Luks partition and it's visible as unknown one07:11
NaughxYes, because it's encrypted, it cannot detect the file system, you have to decrypt it.07:11
goddardi have another hard drive on my laptop can I use it to do some kind of raid?\07:11
billy_ran_awayCan anyone help with an lvm problem?07:13
thorgoddard: you can use software raid07:13
McgiwerI had backuped some of the data on an PenDrive (Usb stick), but it seem that this ubuntu (12) has caused that it has been damaged in hardware way >.<07:13
billy_ran_awayI can't remove an inactive unmounted LV… http://cl.ly/M0vd07:14
invariantIs anyone of you using ZFS on Linux?07:14
ShirakawasunaHey, so I want to do lvm + software raid on my media pc. Do I need a separate /boot partition that's not part of the LVM group thing?07:15
Mcgiwerand no, I can't do any kind of raid when I have data on this disk... doing raid may damage them07:15
invariantIs it the best thing since sliced bread or do you think it isn't all that great?07:15
dr_willisinvariant:  really havent heard much about it.. :)07:17
ubottuFor information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS07:17
invariantdr_willis, I had seen that already. That's just marketing talk without the stories of actual users.07:17
Naughx@Mcgiwer... You could try to backup your full partition with dd >.<07:18
NaughxAnd mess with it after...07:19
dr_willisinvariant:  thats the extent of what ive seen mentioned about zfs here.07:19
Mcgiwer@Naughx: what would that give? I will remain in the same point as I'm now07:19
invariantI recently saw a video on Windows 8 storage spaces and that seems to be exactly what I need.07:19
* Mcgiwer is away: Walking my dog out07:19
invariantSome people from Nexenta said that was a joke basically.07:19
invariantI don't like much else about Windows 8, but that sure looked slick and easy.07:20
NaughxWindows is evil... :P07:23
invariantThat attitude won't bring in users, though. Especially not corporations.07:24
invariantIn fact, corporations like to exert complete control over what users can do.07:24
NaughxPretty much like governments...07:25
donkeyrhubarbfascist ones anyway07:26
invariantdonkeyrhubarb, are there any other?07:26
donkeyrhubarbaye.. smaller countries of lesser known feats than big first world poster children of crony capitalism.. but i digress07:27
goddardthor: what is software raid07:27
goddardthor: is that worth the speed improvements?07:27
=== MasterOf1isaster is now known as MasterOfDisaster
troopi just wonder, how can we setup standby settings? in windows if i play +20min video, system sleeps automatically when video is finished. can i do this in ubuntu?07:28
dr_willisI see way to many people with problems with Raid in here. ;) but this is where people come when they have problems with raid.. and other things...07:28
faryshtachenshaoju, thanks, thats for installing fglrx, I want to configure it to low power management.07:28
dr_willistroop:   theres some disable screensaver while playing videos tweaks ive seen mentioned at omgubuntu and webupd8 blog sites.. but never really used them,.07:29
faryshtaHow can I configure fglrx driver to low power management?07:29
invariantdonkeyrhubarb, capitalism has its good sides. The problems start when capitalism has selected a winner and thus all competition has no chance anymore.07:29
donkeyrhubarbdoesn't vlc have support for that.. you mention playing video07:29
invariantIdeally there would be something like capitalism in which there is a reset of the game every 50 years or so.07:30
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invariantEnough time to make a buck, but also some ability for others to catchup again.07:30
thorgoddard: software raid is not something I'd use on a daily basis, if you want performance improvements, I'd suggest rather getting an SSD07:30
donkeyrhubarbif you support mises or old-school austrian theories, maybe.. this isn't the case and we all know it07:31
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:31
donkeyrhubarbty ben07:31
ShirakawasunaHey, since the topic is raid I'll re-ask (normally wouldn't ask this quickly): I want to do RAID1 + LVM, but am getting conflicting information on whether I need to separate /boot out into its own partition that's not in the lvm group. Any thoughts / information?07:32
invariantThe above is  why Storage Spaces are a good idea.07:32
Shirakawasunaideally I want to just sync to my back up drive, verify its integrity, then wipe 4 identical disks, RAID1 on two so there's 2 sync'd disks, then LVM over the whole thing.07:32
invariantNobody wants to care about all these details.07:32
Shirakawasunathen rsync everything from the backup to the single LVM volume07:33
invariantLet some storage programmer care about it once and then let the rest use it.07:33
donkeyrhubarbfaryshta: if you're just watching movies when you go to sleep or something, most players have options to go to sleep after the video is done07:33
faryshtadonkeyrhubarb, wut?07:33
donkeyrhubarbare you only playing video and trying to make the system power down afterward?07:34
faryshtadonkeyrhubarb, fglrx is a graphic card driver, my question is not related to video players07:34
invariantfaryshta, I don't think you can.07:35
invariantfaryshta, it happens automatically.07:35
invariantfaryshta, a large part of the driver is involved in powermanagement.07:35
KondorHow does one style directory listings via css &  javascript in apache07:38
donkeyrhubarbi know what it is.. i also know that aside from triggerring powerdown events from media players or screen savers, there isn't much else to configure for dimming screens or killing power to a display. forgive me if i made the assumption that your question was related to media streams07:38
Fieldywhat would be a good / proper place to put commands I'd like done just after networking setup? my own firewall commands07:42
mesqukaRight guys, I'm trying to pass some time, what's going on right now?07:43
roguewriterHey y'all07:48
mesqukahi rouge07:48
roguewriterAnyone got a minute to help a girl out?07:49
IkillcypjerHi guys I have deleted off ubuntu from my hard disk as there is windows in my other hard disk now i dont have a wndows cd or anything my usb also has been wipe and I cant boot to windows all i get it grub rescue07:49
IkillcypjerCan someone help me out07:50
icerootIkillcypjer: you need a windows-cd to repair to restore the windows-bootloader07:51
IkillcypjerI cant i dont have it any idea how do i restore from grub ?07:51
icerootIkillcypjer: no07:52
roguewriterYou cant.07:52
IkillcypjerOmg :(07:52
IkillcypjerSo i cant even boot up ??07:52
elferyou can't?07:52
icerootIkillcypjer: create a new partition, install grub there to that this partition can start grub and boot windows07:52
elferi thought there was a way07:52
icerootIkillcypjer: but the best way is to use a windows-cd07:52
elferwhen you install windows it pwns ur system07:52
IkillcypjerI cant do anything07:53
icerootIkillcypjer: also ask in ##windows if there are other tools to restore the windows-bootloader07:53
KondorIkillcypjer: what version of windows07:53
IkillcypjerWhen i on my computer07:53
IkillcypjerIt goes to grub resuce07:53
somsipIkillcypjer: what version of windows?07:53
IkillcypjerWindows 707:53
IkillcypjerGuys help me please :(07:53
icerootIkillcypjer: also ask in ##windows if there are other tools to restore the windows-bootloader07:53
elfericeroot said ##windows07:53
IkillcypjerMum to kill me07:53
donkeyrhubarbgoogle free windows 7 boot recovery?07:54
somsipIkillcypjer: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187388407:54
KondorIkillcypjer: http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7768001/Windows_8_Professional_X86-X64_English_AIO___Activator07:54
somsip!illegal | Kondor07:54
ubottuKondor: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o07:54
iceroot!warez | Kondor07:54
elferlol i would watch out for keygens and warez07:55
=== arij is now known as Guest57774
IkillcypjerIt goes to grub resuce straight07:56
icerootIkillcypjer: also ask in ##windows if there are other tools to restore the windows-bootloader07:56
icerootIkillcypjer: please stop it here because windows is offtopic here07:56
elferpm me ikillcypjer07:56
donkeyrhubarbwhich you can get around using usb sticks.. please google more07:56
elferlets chat secretly07:56
IkillcypjerIt is not wndows issue it is an grub issue07:56
IkillcypjerWhy dont you understand07:56
IkillcypjerI boot my laptop it glo07:56
IkillcypjerGoes to grub07:56
icerootIkillcypjer: its a windows-issue because you want to restore the windows-bootloader which can only be done with windows07:57
elferdidn't someone mention grub rescue earlier?07:57
icerootIkillcypjer: restore the windows-bootloader, it will overwrite grub07:57
KondorSounds like your master boot record is --fucked--07:57
elferwindows installations tend to pwn drives07:57
icerootIkillcypjer: and now stop it here please and ask in ##windows07:57
IkillcypjerI want to make grub rescue boot up windows07:57
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:57
iceroot!language | Kondor07:57
MuphridIkillcypjer: Can you try this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RY43243ioQ07:57
ubottuKondor: please see above07:57
somsipIkillcypjer: istructions were ion the link I gave you before.07:57
cfhowlettIkillcypjer: grub RESCUE boot windows?07:57
elferwas ubottu talking to me?07:57
roguewriterSimple question. How do you access the boot options in grub 2.00?07:58
IkillcypjerThat cause i dont have a cd or usb07:58
Fieldywhat would be a good / proper place to put commands I'd like done just after networking setup? particularly my own firewall commands, so it would need to be after the existing firewall rules being applied (or better yet replacing them)07:58
IkillcypjerOr anything now to repair all i want to do is boot up windows via grubresuce07:58
IkillcypjerCause my ubuntu is gone07:58
elferhow many partitions do you have?07:58
elferjust windows now?07:59
elferand winbackup?07:59
cfhowlettIkillcypjer: then you don't need grub.  Use the windows restore boot tools and be done07:59
Ikillcypjer2 yes dev/sha107:59
IkillcypjerIs windows07:59
beliveyourdreamhey all .. i've installed some packaged with dpkg --install and one of them didn't get it's exec file to PATH .. should i add it to /etc/environment or there is a more elegant solution ?07:59
raphzthenameso i'm still trying to get this installation to work... i was able to get into the ubuntu boot menu by pressing f6 when the man and the keyboard show up07:59
IkillcypjerOther is clean harddisk07:59
raphzthenameselected the "try it without installing option"07:59
goddardits not worth doing a raid if I have 2 drives that are exactly the same?07:59
raphzthenameand this results in the black screen with the blinking underscore again08:00
IkillcypjerIm.using my smart phone it is hard to type08:00
=== TheRainbowDusk is now known as TheRainbowDawn
raphzthenamei've been staring at this screen for a while and it doesn't seem like it's doing anything08:00
cfhowlettraphzthename: "awhile"?  means how long?08:00
elferi dont fux with grub and windows, strict linux lately08:00
IkillcypjerHow do I boot up Windows 7 from grub rescue08:00
elferi should probably play with it tho08:00
raphzthenameit's been about 5 minutes now. should it take much longer than that to "try it now" from a usb?08:01
KondorIkillcypjer: In you google search enter intitle:"index of windows" filetype:iso08:01
Ikillcypjer:( my mum is going to kill me08:01
raphzthenameusb drive*08:01
Muphridraphzthename: if you press ctrl+alt+f1 maybe you will have a log of whats happening08:01
donkeyrhubarbnot worth it.. google can asnwer his question anyway08:01
cfhowlettraphzthename: nope.  too long.08:01
IkillcypjerI donr have a workong pc08:01
roguewriterAnyone? How do I get to the boot options from the grub 2.00 boot screen?08:01
elfersomeone mentioned something about MBR?08:01
raphzthenamectrl + alt + f1 doesn't do anything08:01
IkillcypjerI dont have a windows cd08:01
cfhowlettraphzthename: is this a USB?  and did you verify the ISO via md5sum?08:01
icerootroguewriter: just press "e" on a line you want to boot08:01
raphzthenameyes, it's a usb drive08:01
IkillcypjerOr anything to repair boot record08:01
raphzthenamelet me double check the ISO08:02
IkillcypjerAll i have is a grub resuce08:02
IkillcypjerWhy dont you under stand08:02
elfercan you boot a live linux cd? then maybe copy the windows backup, restore onto a disc?08:02
cfhowlettIkillcypjer: assuming you have a legal copy of windows, download the iso from digitalriver.com, make usb and boot windows. then fix.08:02
IkillcypjerCant i dont have it08:02
elfer<Ikillcypjer> Why dont you under stand08:02
elferlol brb08:02
roguewriterWhat happened to the function keys?08:02
raphzthenamewhere do you find the md5 info?08:02
beliveyourdreamanyone ??08:02
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:02
icerootIkillcypjer: could you pleaee stop your windows-stuff here? you have to restore the mbr with /fixmbr using windows tools, so stop flooding this channel please and go to ##windows because you need windows-tools to fix your issue08:03
cfhowlettraphzthename: md5sum info is on the download page.08:03
icerootIkillcypjer: you need to overwrite grub with the windowes-mbr08:03
icerootIkillcypjer: stop it now08:03
IkillcypjerI press my powerbutton08:03
IkillcypjerAnd it goes straight to grubresuce08:03
cfhowlettIkillcypjer: wrong channel.  period point blank.08:03
IkillcypjerGrub resuce08:03
icerootIkillcypjer: you need to overwrite grub with the windows-mbr08:03
Hanmac_hay is it possible to turn an installed ubuntu system into an install image? (currnently i have a system as VM and i want to turn it into an install system so i can install it in on real machines)08:04
icerootIkillcypjer: we dont support windows here so go to ##windows08:04
IkillcypjerAnd how do i do that when i cant boot smartass08:04
cfhowlettHanmac_: remastersys08:04
iceroot!ops | Ikillcypjer08:04
raphzthenamedidn't find the md5 on the download page anywhere. this is for 12.04 btw08:04
ubottuIkillcypjer: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U, DJones!08:04
cfhowlettraphzthename: wait one08:04
IkillcypjerIt is stuck in grub rescue08:04
raphzthenameah, found ubuntuhashes that lists them08:04
donkeyrhubarbusb stick.. hello08:04
cfhowlettraphzthename: good.08:05
elfermd5sum file08:05
IkillcypjerI cant do anything without a cd or anything08:05
IkillcypjerMy usb is clean08:05
donkeyrhubarbyeah, would be a shame if people using netbooks had that problem too08:05
bkerensa!rules | Ikillcypjer08:05
ubottuIkillcypjer: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:05
hilariousdoes anyone know if there's any kind of programs that automatically connect to the internet that run in a standard installation of ubuntu ?08:05
cfhowletthilarious: you have to authorize internet connections08:06
elferhey linds08:06
elferseeee ^08:06
IkillcypjerCan you guys help me08:07
cfhowlettIkillcypjer: nope.  we can't.  go to windows.08:07
donkeyrhubarbthey did08:07
bkerensa!justask | Ikillcypjer08:07
elferyes i agree, they did.08:07
ubottuIkillcypjer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:07
roguewriterIkill, you overwrote your mbr while playing with ubuntu, you need windows tools to fix it.08:07
icerootIkillcypjer: how often should we tell you the solution?08:07
IkillcypjerGrub rescue08:07
bkerensacfhowlett: Please be mindful of the IRC Guidelines08:07
xiaoyNo way to upgrade FF version on old jauty 9.04? PPA repos seems down for jaunty... no other ways?08:07
icerootIkillcypjer: arent the 10 times we did not enough?08:07
IkillcypjerCan i boot up to windows08:08
iceroot!eol | xiaoy08:08
ubottuxiaoy: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:08
cfhowlettbkerensa: OK.  *takes deep cleansing breath* ...08:08
IkillcypjerIceroot you dont undsrstand ny issue08:08
icerootIkillcypjer: i understand your issue08:08
elferyes we do08:08
bazhangIkillcypjer, thats enough08:08
cfhowlettxiaoy: end of life.  consider upgrading.08:08
icerootIkillcypjer: and because i know how to fix it i was telling it to you 10 times08:08
bkerensaIkillcypjer: please I have asked you already in PM. Last warning08:08
elferyou have windows and it wont boot, and an ubuntu grub screen on bootup? lol08:08
donkeyrhubarbno but you can get on here which means you can google windows 7 free boot recovery or.. like this channel has mentioned, go to #windows08:08
elferme too, PM ME Foo08:08
elferor else08:08
icerootand i dont get why the ops are not using the kick-trigger....08:09
bazhangelfer, lets move on08:09
xiaoyiceroot, yep i knew that, but this machine is too old to run updated version (even newer with low res DE)08:09
icerootxiaoy: what is your hardware?08:09
raphzthenameokay, i'm redownloading the iso and i'll run the md5 checksum afterwards08:09
icerootxiaoy: lubuntu should always be fine in my opinion08:09
IkillcypjerOk i will ask in Windows08:09
elferso how about them new linux kernel rootkits08:09
cfhowlettXiaoqian: xubuntu?  lubuntu?  bot designed for old, low spec macines08:09
xiaoyceleron m, 500mb ram08:09
icerootIkillcypjer: thank you08:09
cfhowlettraphzthename: good luck.08:09
raphzthenamedumb question: on ubuntuhash, there are image names for ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64+mac.iso08:09
hilariousi have a perl script that connects to an outside server a couple of times per minute and under xp it would fail to connect about 10% of the time. now that i have it running under ubuntu it fails like 1/3 of the time08:09
icerootxiaoy: i am using lubuntu on a 630mhz celeron, 512mb 4gb hdd (eeepc 701) fine08:10
cfhowlettraphzthename: and the question?08:10
raphzthenamei'm downloading on osx right now and the download is ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso08:10
xiaoyiceroot, ok thanks08:10
raphzthenameshould i be looking for the +mac version somewhere?08:10
cfhowlettraphzthename: let me look08:10
icerootraphzthename: the names (i386, amd64, armel, mac) are for specific architectures08:10
elfer*looks away*08:10
donkeyrhubarboh good grief08:10
icerootraphzthename: newer mac systems are using amd64 as there architecture, older macs aure using ppc08:11
icerootraphzthename: so on a newer mac amd64-mac should be fine08:11
raphzthenameyes, but when i'm download the file, it is missing the +mac suffix08:11
raphzthenamei was wondering if these are two different images08:11
icerootxiaoy: i would suggest to give it a try, its not good to use 9.04 anymore because you dont get bug fixes and also no secuerity fixes08:11
raphzthenameand perhaps i'm grabbing the wrong one08:11
icerootraphzthename: i dont know why there is a special amd64-mac image but maybe ubottu has some infos08:12
iceroot!mac | raphzthename08:12
ubotturaphzthename: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages08:12
roguewriterOkay, so there are no boot options for grub 2.00...  and here I thought that ubuntu was getting more user friendly...  :-(08:12
xiaoyiceroot, already tryied: hangs using multiple tabs in FF08:12
bazhang!bootoptions > roguewriter08:12
ubotturoguewriter, please see my private message08:12
cfhowlettxiaoy: agree with iceroot.  I'd be surprised if xubuntu/lubuntu did not run on your machine08:12
xiaoyiceroot, it's not just the DE that makes things running faster08:13
xiaoycfhowlett, they run, and all seems fine untill you do heavy work08:13
icerootxiaoy: also a lighter browser like chromium which is the default on lubuntu08:13
xiaoyiceroot, well i can give it a try08:13
xiaoyfor chromium, no wey to get latest version on 9.0408:14
roguewriterSorry, using emacs to edit boot setups when all I want is the nomodeset command just seems petty.08:14
invariantWhat are the correct permissions of .gvfs?08:15
raphzthenameyes, i've gone through the documentation. i have a macbook 5.3 (mid 2009) and am using this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation08:15
linociscois there any AutoCAD like application?08:15
invariantlinocisco, qcad08:15
raphzthenameper the instructions, i have installed rEFIT and it is successfully recognized upon boot08:15
Muphridlinocisco: librecad for 2d08:16
linociscois there any AutoCAD like application more powerful than FreeCAD?08:16
bazhanglinocisco, apt-cache search package08:16
invariantlinocisco, there are also commercial ones.08:16
linociscono. I need free one08:16
cfhowlettraphzthename: great job.08:16
Muphridlinocisco: gcad3d has high reputation afaik08:16
Muphridfor 3d08:16
cfhowlettlinocisco: see http://www.osalt.com/autocad08:17
Hanmac_cfhowlett thanks for pointing me to that program08:17
cfhowlettHanmac_: hope it does everything you need...08:18
invariantThe problem with all of these suggestions is that linocisco probably just wants to hear the best solution like some other program on Windows is (I don't think AutoCad is the best).08:18
cfhowlettlinocisco: good luck08:18
invariantAt the same time probably not a lot of people are experts at these programs.08:18
Muphridlinocisco: check brl-cad too08:18
linociscois it better than FreeCAD?08:19
invariantlinocisco, I am afraid there is no substitute for your own judgement.08:19
bazhanglinocisco, dont poll here. try them out and decide for yourself08:20
linociscoinvariant, thanks anyway bro.08:20
linociscohow about GIS software. I found only QGIS08:20
roguewriterI think that raphz and I are having similar problems. I'm on a mac as well. We have no options for nomodeset in grub.08:20
cfhowlettlinocisco: search for "open source CAD" yields multiple hits ...08:20
invariantlinocisco, you could also write an article on the wiki if you figured out which one is best.08:20
invariantI think such questions should have easy to Google answers.08:20
linociscoinvariant, generic solution08:20
cfhowlettlinocisco: also "open source gis"  http://www.opensource.gis.org08:21
IkillcypjerHow nice if you guys really08:21
linociscoinvariant, I have been redirected to virus sites or doggone sites and lost08:21
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linociscocfhowlett, thanks08:21
invariantcfhowlett, yes, but just because something is found, doesn't mean it works.08:21
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cfhowlettlinocisco: try before you buy08:21
invariantcfhowlett, for example, GNU released a format reader for dwg files.08:21
cfhowlettinvariant: true.  suggested were requested and offered08:21
DaemonicApathyAt least virus sites are normally reduced to amusing wastes of time on Ubuntu...08:22
Hanmac_cfhowlett i currently testing it ... i thoguht it works ... its only funny that you make an image of a VM while you are inside the VM :D08:22
invariantcfhowlett, except, it crashed on my inputs.08:22
cfhowlettHanmac_: "we must go deeper" ...08:22
invariantDaemonicApathy, this is not true anymore.08:22
Hanmac_"images all the way down" :D08:22
DaemonicApathyinvariant, would you mind a brief PM?08:23
invariantDaemonicApathy, no08:23
faryshtaHow can I configure fglrx driver to low power management?08:26
roguewriterOkay, silly question number 2, anyone know where I can get an ubuntu 10 image for mac so all the guides and screenshots actually correspond correctly?08:26
cfhowlettroguewriter:10.04 is still available and live08:27
invariantfaryshta, asking the question twice doesn't change the answer.08:27
bazhangroguewriter, 10.04 is the only one still supported08:27
bazhanginvariant, lose the attitude08:27
iobughi all08:27
raphzthenameokay, the md5 sum checks out08:27
cfhowlettiobug: greetings08:27
roguewriterThen why am I trying to install quetzal08:27
cfhowlettraphzthename: so one possible fault eliminated08:28
raphzthenamenow i'm going to recreate the bootable usb using this guide:08:28
faryshtainvariant, maybe another person have a different answer08:28
invariantfaryshta, that would then be the wrong answer.08:28
roguewriterRaphz, that's what I'm using.  I keep getting a black screen, and I have no boot options.08:29
iobugany idea how to run command on startup? rc.local not use tty and the program not run (sorry for my bad english)08:29
iobugin the inittab also not running08:29
Kartagisany idea how I can integrate Dropbox context menu with dolphin?08:31
somsipiobug: what is the command you want to run?08:32
iobugdophin is a part of KDE, may be a look in kde.org can help you08:32
iobugsomsip: sox, to record08:32
iobugand require terminal08:32
roguewriterI dont know what to try. The guides dont match up with what i have on my screen.08:32
somsipiobug: what command did you use in rc.local?08:32
iobugsox again08:33
donkeyrhubarbroguewriter: they won't, there's around 2 years difference in the installer screens vs the guides08:33
somsipiobug: is this a server or just a standalone program? Why do you need it running at boot?08:33
iobugI want to record all sound when the system is started up08:34
iobugand record the voice of all pressentations08:34
somsipiobug: it looks like something that needs userspace to me, so you'd need to start it as a user, but I don't really know and have never heard of it before08:34
MangoBoyHi vlc have lost its window frames.. all other windows have them ? Does anyone have an idea?08:35
somsipMangoBoy: do you mean it's gone ful screen?08:35
iobugmy be will run a sound server + client, but I want just to record file, not streaming...08:35
somsipiobug: does it run okay as a user?08:36
roguewriterThanks to those of you who tried to help.  I hoped that someone here would know how to get ubuntu to work on a mac.  I guess it cant.08:36
iobughmm with su <user> -c ?08:36
cfhowlettroguewriter: ask the mactel folks.  they have a forum and might have a irc user08:36
MangoBoysomsip, yes how stupid i am..08:36
donkeyrhubarbit does work.. wuite well08:37
somsipMangoBoy: that's okay. Have you sorted it?08:37
* MangoBoy bluches08:37
MangoBoyIts not first time :\08:37
cfhowlettmattronix: greetings08:37
somsipiobug: looks like it doesn't work that way. You may need to research more to see if it can do what you want08:37
somsipMangoBoy: being stupid is healthy. Not recognising it is the dangerous thing08:38
mattronixhas anyone played with the raspberry pi08:38
mattronixi got mine yesterday and i am in love with it :P08:38
bazhangmattronix, with ubuntu?08:38
iobugsomsip: thank you, I will try to run as user :)08:38
mattronixdebian squeeze08:38
somsipiobug: np08:38
mattronixis the arm version of ubuntu out yet?08:38
bazhangmattronix, try the #raspberrypi channel08:38
mattronixi want to try arm version of ubuntu on it08:39
bazhangmattronix, you can see in #ubuntu-arm08:39
raphzthenameconverting the .iso to .dmg seemed to go okay. would someone mind looking over the terminal output just to be sure everything is in order? http://imgur.com/a/ihwke08:39
MangoBoysomsip, yes but it's to muche sometimes.. Its like i have mold in my brain.. maybe i should not have linux :)08:40
somsipMangoBoy: allow yourself to learn. It takes time. It's okay. We're OT.08:42
iobugsome days ago I seen a presentation of ubuntu for mobile phones. /have a anybody with u-phone to share model and impressions08:42
ubottuiobug:: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone08:42
MangoBoysomsip, Thanks.08:43
iobugubottu: thaks08:43
raphzthenameWOOT! nomodeset seems to make it work08:43
raphzthenameon the ubuntu desktop :D08:43
kpanyone with citadel experience08:45
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bazhangkp, ask the full question08:46
raphzthenamepros and cons of keeping osx for dual-boot versus just single booting ubuntu?08:46
impicompiz freaking out after last update...?08:46
kpi need help in citadel and ldap connectivity i have it connected but when i login through different users it displays same names08:46
raphzthenamei won't be using osx for any reason, but for compatibility's sake is it better to dual-boot?08:47
impicompiz 30% cpu.08:47
impiubuntu, why oh why oh why....08:47
sexxxyhey peeps08:47
sexxxycan someone help me with nat?08:47
kpanyone ??08:48
kpi need help in citadel and ldap connectivity i have it connected but when i login through different users it displays same names08:48
cfhowlettraphzthename: if you truly won't use OSX, just delete it and have an ubuntu only machine ...08:48
raphzthenamesounds good to me08:49
DaemonicApathyraphzthename: Might want to save a system image in case, though, since you seem to have at least one doubt.08:49
raphzthenamei have another macbook for work that has osx, so having a ubuntu only machine would be great08:50
=== MangoBoy is now known as jirido
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kpanyone ??08:59
kpi need help in citadel and ldap connectivity i have it connected but when i login through different users it displays same names08:59
jiridoI gona start updating from 11.04 to 12.04, and wonder if there is some way to get a list of by me installed programs that i can use to install them again after i have updated?08:59
skp1:all your programs will still be installed09:00
vltHello. Is there a tool that tells me which process is causing heavy block I/O load?09:00
Muphridi think hes doing a clean install09:00
cfhowlettMuphrid: certainly HOPE so ...09:01
kpok if no one knows abt citadel if we talk abt simple mail server connectivity with ldap then what can be the iissue09:01
jiridoyes but im on lubuntu and the guys in #lubuntu thought it best to fresh install.. and as i have some small issues i thought it could be good!09:02
cfhowlettderjan: greetings09:02
jiridoskp1, i have messed a little from before and thought it will take shorter time to reinstall then starting sorting out this small things anyway09:04
skp1i dunno of a way to keep a persistant list of your installed programs other than writing them down.09:05
skp1alot of people in here recommend fresh installs but i've never had a problem with upgrading.09:05
Muphridskp1: I dont know of a better way, but most programs are in /usr/bin and they have the same name as the package09:05
MuphridI'd just make an automatic list of them09:06
elferoccupy them09:06
raphzthenamehmm, after choosing this boot option: http://i.imgur.com/Evm60.jpg it attempts to boot and then i get these errors: http://i.imgur.com/ZrVQM.jpg09:06
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code09:06
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator09:07
bazhang /msg the bot elfer trieuxd09:07
bazhangelfer, ?09:07
elferokay thanks09:08
elferthanks but no thanks09:08
bazhangelfer, take chit chat elsewhere09:08
kpanyone wild guess on my problem :(09:08
bazhang!ot | elfer09:08
ubottuelfer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:08
jiridoMuphrid, can one somehow get a list just from them one have installed by choice and not all the dependences09:09
elferokay then bye09:09
Muphridjirido: /usr/bin does not contain dependencies, only executable binaries. it does, however, contain binaries which have a different name from the package09:10
jiridoyes so it cant be used to feed apt09:10
skp1jirido: i found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26136609:11
jiridoSucha list i mean / skp1 ok09:11
skp1JIRIDO: HERE THIS IS EVEN BETTER https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CEkQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcpuug.org%2Findex.php%3Ftopic%3D219.0&ei=huLrUJ_SLIrF2QXg7oAo&usg=AFQjCNFJXHroAUUFUT0BXn7wcMPDBhBi-w&sig2=M1NxtVQSuueJJTKhGUupCg&bvm=bv.1357316858,d.b2I09:11
Muphridskp1: never heard of that, looks good indeed :)09:12
skp1just googled it.09:12
fantushello, i just installed ubuntu 12.04 lts on my laptop, placed 20gb for root, 8for swap and 80for home...now my question is, when i want to reinstsall ubuntu which is atm in sda1, will my data(/home) in sda6 be safe?09:12
skp1fantus: as long as you dont erase it during the install.09:13
rkhshmi modified a C program to dump core and as expected i see a SEGV (core dump) but i cannot find the core file in the CWD09:13
rkhshmwhy is that"?09:13
ServerSagefantus: But, you should always back stuff up before reinstalling.  :)09:13
* Mcgiwer is back (gone 01:54:26)09:14
cfhowlettfantus: most likely yes ... but backup anyway09:14
jiridoskp1, Muphrid Good. nice!09:14
fantusok thanks, another question...when i click "home" folder on desktop(gui), i see only FIle System partition...and because i created that "/home" i thought it will be showed up like in windows like (c,d,e) but instead they are both in very same partition. is that normal?09:14
ServerSagerkhshm: Sounds like a total non-ubuntu question, but you may find your answer here:  http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/sysctl/kernel.txt09:15
fantusi mean, inside file system there is my home folder, with those 80gb size. thats normal or?09:15
cfhowlettfantus: normal09:15
ServerSagerkhshm: I'll save you the long read, take a look in /var/cache/abrt or /var/crash09:15
cfhowlettfantus: home does NOT contain the system folders e.g. C: in windows09:15
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fantuscfhowlett : confused me, since i see only File System partition(e.g. C in windows ), but inside it i got that "home" folder with 80gb size.09:16
Noskcajwhy when you install two DE's do some programs appear twice, e.g. lubuntu and xubuntu give two copies of task manager09:16
fantuswhy it didnt created a new one, like a new partition?09:16
jiridoI also have an other Q. I have got pain in my hand from using the mouse and would like to use a joystick i found instead.. Is there some program or driver or way to get that ?09:17
Hanmac_fantus under linux the dirs could be on totaly different places ... like on my pc /boot is on a software raid1, then i have an lvm on a software raid5+ and on the lvm there are three logical partions for / and /home and swap09:17
cfhowlettfantus: why would it need a new partition?  /home contains all /user files... not just YOUR /home09:17
cfhowlettjirido: dont' now of such, but I like the giant trackball option ...09:18
raphzthenameinstallation finished, but after choosing this boot option on startup: http://i.imgur.com/Evm60.jpg, it attempts to boot and then i get these errors: http://i.imgur.com/ZrVQM.jpg09:19
raphzthenameany idea how i might get past this?09:19
fantusso im basically free to put folders like, movies, music inside that home folder, and during re-installation they will be safe,  as long as i pick sda1 (root one) to be reinstalled, and leave this one alone(sda6) ?\09:19
fantusit wasnt like this in 9.0409:19
jiridocfhowlett, I think it would be nice.. Al my arm gets tired from holding the fingers up al of the time09:19
fantusthats what confused me09:19
cfhowlettfantus: correct.  also, do not format the /home09:19
cfhowlettfantus: things do change.09:20
Muphridraphzthename: have you tried this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143413209:20
cfhowlettjirido: giant trackball?  yes.  seems to be a ready remedy for some carpal tunnel issues.09:20
Hanmac_fantus: when you reinstall your ubuntu/linux look for the right install option (maybe Upgrade or expert)09:20
fantusyy ok09:20
faryshtaHow can I configure fglrx driver to low power management?09:21
cfhowlettfantus: hanmac is correct.  AUTO installing ubuntu will wipe your special options.09:21
raphzthename@muphrid will try that now, thanks09:21
fantusaha so i do it manually09:21
ServerSagefantus: And, of course, backup backup backup.  Can't be said enough.09:22
NirvashCan I post here?09:22
NirvashFuck my life. How does one get "unquieted" in a channel?09:22
ubottunirvana: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com09:22
cfhowlettnirvana: this is ubuntu support09:23
raphzthenamenomodeset to the rescue again! now can someone explain why that worked and what the heck i should do now?09:23
ServerSageNirvash: No need to be so nasty.  :)09:23
Hanmac_fantus: the install cd may notice that an ubuntu is insalled before and select upgrade as default (but i dont know it so reading the installation options is a good  idea)09:23
NirvashServerSage: Well, I'm pissed because I was banned for using "Jew" in a colloquial sense. However, the asshole who used "retard" colloquially is chatting away.09:23
NirvashDrives me crazy...09:23
Hanmac_Nirvash i can read you so it seems that you are allready unquiet ?09:24
fantusok thanks Hanmac_09:24
ubottuNirvash:: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:24
jiridoI dont have a giant trackball and am not entirely sure what it is but i have a extreme 3d pro joystick i found in electric dump at the dump that has a litle joystick for the tumb on top of the big and 4 buttons also on top and the shooter and sidebuttons :)09:24
ServerSageNirvash: Dude, chill.  Breath deep.  And just use polite language.09:24
NirvashI am using polite language.09:24
NirvashI explained the position and quoted the terms that may have offended people. Get off my back.09:24
amanSharmaI tried to install patched b43 drivers without any research as described here http://askubuntu.com/questions/63648/how-do-i-install-this-patched-b43-driver.  and now my wifi is not working please help me make it work again https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Samsung_N150#Broadcom_BCM4313_.28Samsung_N150-Plus.2909:25
NirvashNow who is having a problem with what today?09:25
Muphridraphzthename: what exactly happened with nomodeset?09:25
ServerSageNirvash: I'm not sure anyway was *on your back*.  :P  So much anger.  Hehe.09:26
raphzthename@muphrid got past the pramin flush timeouts and booted into ubuntu just fine. brand new to linux though, so where should i go from here?09:26
NirvashWell, I hate IRC because it feels like everyone is just constantly dogging people. 3 people said "watch your mouth" up there when it didn't need to be said. I just want to DoS the channel that quieted me... HATE that people can still censor others.09:27
Hanmac_amanSharma: did you install the linux-headers-generic and the dkms package?09:27
Muphrid!manual | raphzthename09:27
ubotturaphzthename: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:27
amanSharmaHanmac_ no09:27
ServerSageNirvash: It did kind of need to be said.  Your first two sentences in the channel were pretty vulgar.  Just sayin.09:27
raphzthenamethanks for all of the help y'all!09:28
auronandaceNirvash: perhaps you should start with stating your ubuntu issue09:28
invariantNirvash, #ubuntu is just a corporate channel.09:28
NirvashHow were they vulgar? Explain it concisely and I'll listen to your argument.09:28
invariantNirvash, it's not a democracy. It's more like fascism, like all corporations.09:28
ServerSageNirvash: XXXX my life. How does one get "unquieted" in a channel?09:28
Hanmac_amanSharma install them and then build the driver again (without the header and dkms package the modules cant be put inside the linux-image)09:28
Bhaki82Nirvash: You sound like an idiot... DoS the channel? Hah09:28
ServerSageNirvash: I'm not sure what your definition of vulgar is, but that is THE definition.09:29
invariantBhaki82, DoSsing the channel would be easy for most people.09:29
ServerSageNirvash: If you want to just complain and moan, go elsewhere.  This is #ubuntu where people ask questions about ubuntu and get help with ubuntu.  Not complain because somebody slighted them.09:29
somsip!attitude | invariant09:29
ubottuinvariant: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:29
Tm_TNirvash and others, please move the offtopic discussion elsewhere09:29
Bhaki82invariant: Whatever you say09:29
ubottusomsip: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:30
kpi need help in citadel and ldap connectivity i have it connected but when i login through different users it displays same names09:30
kpi m here please see my config here http://pastebin.com/Mi1FqELD09:30
amanSharmaHanmac_: Have you read messages I sent you?09:31
Junioryello ;)09:33
Juniorfor a radio streaming server what is your recommandation?09:33
faryshtaHow can I configure fglrx driver to low power management?09:33
donkeyrhubarbanything that uses ogg09:34
Juniorshoutcast is a posibily?09:34
cfhowlettJunior: http://www.ivankristianto.com/os/ubuntu/howto-radio-streaming-server-in-ubuntu-using-icecast2/201/09:34
Juniorok, thank you cfhowlett09:34
Hanmac_faryshta you may could try the #ati channel ...09:35
cfhowlettJunior: best of luck.09:35
ServerSagefaryshta: I'm not sure the ATI drive in linux supports it.  Probably best to ask in the ati channel.09:35
NirvashAnyone tested Ubuntu 13 yet?09:35
Muphridfaryshta: isnt there an option in the catalyst control center?09:35
auronandace!13.04 | Nirvash09:36
ubottuNirvash: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+109:36
ikoniaNirvash: it doesn't exist yet09:36
Nirvashikonia: You can get a beta right now.09:36
Nirvashauronandace: -_- 13.0409:36
Nirvashubottu: Just curious if anyone had. No one else is having any good discussion here are they? lol09:36
ubottuNirvash: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:36
Nirvashubottu: Alright lol09:37
faryshtaHanmac_, ServerSage will try that channel09:37
ikoniaNirvash: its not in beta state09:37
faryshtaMuphrid, I never knew of the existance of that center, let me google it09:37
Nirvashikonia: I'll find a link, but you can use it right now; promise.09:38
ikoniaNirvash: I do'nt want a link09:38
Nirvashikonia: T_T no love?09:38
ikoniaNirvash: if you want to use something that's not completed, go for it09:38
ServerSageNirvash: It doesn't go beta until end of March, it's barely alpha, and totally not supported here.09:38
Muphridfaryshta: it is installed along with fglrx09:40
NirvashServerSage/ikonia: I'm finding the link now09:40
ServerSageNirvash: Why?  I don't want it.09:40
donkeyrhubarbit is.. but beating a dead horse holds some enjoyment it would seem09:41
ikoniaNirvash: I don't want a link09:41
NirvashServerSage|ikonia: It's a developer preview, but it's live now.09:41
ikoniaNirvash: developer preview is NOT a beta09:41
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NirvashEh, that's why I corrected myself right there... if you read that ;)09:42
ikoniaNirvash: and I'm aware development releases are availalbe.09:42
sexxxycan someone help me to get nat to change a source IP address?09:42
Muphridit is cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live btw09:42
ikoniasexxxy: what do you mean09:42
* cfhowlett can't stop watching ... like slow motion train wrick09:42
sexxxyikonia, exactly that09:42
Nirvashikonia: /rage?09:42
ikoniasexxxy: in what respect change it09:42
ikoniaNirvash: not at all no09:42
auronandaceNirvash: if you just want to chat there is always #ubuntu-offtopic09:43
Hanmac_i heard that they maybe drop gnome-classic ... does someone have more information?09:43
Robbilieyes thats a nice channel :D09:43
Nirvashauronandace: I'm good. Someone list a problem and I'll do my best to help.09:44
MuphridHanmac_: gnome-panel is dropped from gnome 3.8, in raring09:44
Hanmac_oO oh no...09:44
Muphridthat means gnome is dropping it though09:45
Robbilieare you talking bout gnome shell in ubu?09:45
Bhaki82Hanmac_: If you like the classic Gnome, you might look at moving to XFCE in the long term09:45
donkeyrhubarbor lxde09:45
Hanmac_i tryed XFCE (was installed with my ubuntu studio, but there was some freaking bugs that i dont want, cant remember i think there was something ugly with the panels)09:47
wdpworks fine over here.09:47
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impithat worked for the compiz slowness09:48
kpok if no one knows abt citadel if we talk abt simple mail server connectivity with ldap then what can be the iissue09:49
kpi m here please see my config here http://pastebin.com/Mi1FqELD09:50
kpi need help in citadel and ldap connectivity i have it connected but when i login through different users it displays same names09:50
KrisWoodHello everyone!09:51
KrisWoodI'm trying to install wifi on my grandma's ubuntu 10.04 laptop. The only internet access I have is through my phone acting as a wifi hotspot. When I attempt to install the driver for the wifi card (Broadcom B43 wireless driver) via the Hardware Drivers wizard it attempts to download it from the repository. That of course is impossible. How may I download the driver on my other PC so I can copy it over to the ubuntu one via USB?09:54
ServerSagekp: Why not ask your question in #ldap?09:55
faryshtaMuphrid, found it, worked09:56
vitalikohello all! I just installed 12.10 64bit ubuntu (several tries, now my sdd cant be recognized). Now my question is...my mouse sensitivity is really high even with everything turned down, can someone help be lower it even more?09:56
kpserversage: i am. Ok lets add one more09:57
Hanmac_KrisWood: on the wifi pc you need the "bcmwl-kernel-source" package and its depences like dkms and linux-header-generic09:57
KrisWoodHanmac_ I just found the deb here: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/b43-fwcutter/09:58
KrisWoodat least that's the one it's trying to download on the laptop09:58
Hanmac_hm no the fwcutter is for different stuff ... you need the kernel/dkms package10:00
Hanmac_(as far as i understand)10:00
KrisWoodnow to hope the ubuntu laptop will see my phone as a usb disk drive hehe10:01
KrisWoodI'm sure it'll ask for those, too. I'm just trying to give it the package it's asking for10:01
Hanmac_Kriswood there should be no problem ... i stick my handy last time on my laptop, activate the Tethering option and on ubuntu an new cable device appears (without installing extra packages)10:05
KrisWoodHanmac_: good idea, I'll try that, too10:06
Hanmac_i mean my mobilephone (in germany we have the english-looking word "handy" for that)10:07
vitalikoHanmac_ any idea how to lower the sens below the gui thresh hold?10:10
vitalikomouse sensitivity that is10:10
FrannaCan someone help me with an installation error10:12
vitalikodefinitely not me, im new10:13
cfhowlett!details: Franna:10:13
Frannaok I am trying to install Asterisk on a 64Bit server. It gives me the following error message "Failed to fetch http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openais/libsaevt3_1.1.4-4_amd64.deb  Hash Sum mismatch"10:14
KrisWoodHanmac_: Your idea worked perfectly, it installed the driver with no problems! The device still appears inactive though, rebooting now.10:15
FrannaI cleared the /var/lib/apt/lists10:15
Frannaexec apt-get clean and apt-get update10:15
Frannaalso deleted the file out of the cache10:16
Kartagisany idea how I can integrate Dropbox context menu with dolphin?10:16
riqdiizhi all where can I get gta cheat codes?10:16
ClockworkAntHi Ubuntu support. I've added my google accounts to "Online accounts" however it doesnt appear in thunderbird. Am I missing a connector app or something? Same issue with contacts10:17
KrisWoodHanmac_: ...and I now have wifi on the laptop! Maybe I can convince grandma not to put windows on it now that it works hehe :)10:17
Hanmac_maybe you could fool her that is this windows new look :D10:18
KrisWoodShe may be 92 years old, but she knows the difference between windows and ubuntu hehe10:19
KrisWoodok it's 2am here I'm off to bed. Have a good night and thanks for the help!!!10:19
Hanmac_an oldschool hacker right? :D10:19
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KrisWoodNo, just blessed with many tech-savvy children and grandchildren that explain things to her :)10:21
lansdhii, im having a problem compiling a kernel in ubuntu 12.0410:21
lansdvmlinux.o Segmentation fault make[1]: *** [vmlinux.o] Error 139 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/xx/src/linux-3.2.0' make: *** [debian/stamp/build/kernel] Error 210:21
lansdanyone knows how can i fix it?10:22
KrisWoodlansd: Is there more to the error?10:23
Ben64lansd: why are  you compiling a kernel?10:24
lansdKrisWood: noup10:24
lansdBen64: i need more dvb adapters10:24
Ben64doesn't it let you have 10 already?10:25
meetwant quick opinions.. ubuntu 12.04 vs 12.10?10:25
meetwhich should i opt for10:25
Ben6412.04 is LTS, so you don't need to upgrade for 2-5 years10:26
gacdo you want new stuff, or do you want to be able to run it for 3 years with "no changes"?10:26
meetgac i like the new stuff10:26
gac12.10 then10:26
KrisWoodok good night for real, sleep well everyone!10:26
gacand then upgrade every 6 months for new things10:26
domie"no changes" meaning "stuff doesn't break ever"10:26
meetgac but does that mean i have to completely reinstall everything and lose everything old?10:26
gacsorted :)10:26
gacmeet: no, you can upgrade without reinstalling10:27
Ben64meet: you can upgrade 12.10 -> 13.04 -> 13.10 -> 14.0410:27
Ben64but stuff may break in between10:27
gacdomie: i wouldn't go that far, as things still do change (i.e. security fixes) which can cause breakage, but there's no "major" changes10:27
cfhowlettmeet: it means you get to experience bleeding edge tech and heartache every 6 months ...10:27
meetBen64 so i cannot update 12.04?10:27
gacmeet: yeah, you can10:27
Ben6412.04 goes straight to 14.0410:27
gacby default it will, but if you change a setting you can go from the LTS cycle to the normal cycle10:28
cfhowlettmeet: 12.04 is LTS.  You can choose to install ONLY LTS which means update manager will ignore 12.10, 13.04, etc.  Next LTS release is 14.04.10:28
meetoh.. but i am using 12.04 now from 11.10 and lot of problem have come up10:28
meetearlier it was smooth and perfect and all devices worked perfectly.. but now my mouse and graphics are a little bit buggy10:29
gaccfhowlett: wrong, you can change at any time so that you can install a regular version10:29
gacmeet: http://www.noobslab.com/2012/10/upgrade-ubuntu-1204-precise-to-ubuntu.html10:29
meeta click is not recognized often or pointer blinks etc10:29
domiegac, true, not really that far, but still, 12.10 is more unstable than 12.04, at least for me10:29
Ben64you're likely to have the same problems or more on 12.1010:29
Ben64LTS versions are considered to be more stable10:30
meetben64 but if 11.10 was working perfectly fine why did this problems crop up?10:30
cfhowlettmeet: consider your uses.  If you REALLY need latest/greatest shiny stuff, the go for 12.10.  If you would rather have a "stable" version with long term support, then LTS.10:30
VictorCLLinux tresipunt-opencms 2.6.38-16-generic #67-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 6 18:00:43 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux10:30
VictorCLis that a 32bit or 64bit ubuntu vesion?10:30
Ben64meet: could be unity, could be graphics drivers, could be anything10:31
cfhowlettmeet: updates do have unintended consequences at times ...10:31
amanSharmaAfter following instructions from https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Broadcom_wireless#Wi-Fi_card_does_not_work_or_show_up_after_kernel_upgrade_.28brcmsmac.29 , http://askubuntu.com/questions/63648/how-do-i-install-this-patched-b43-driver this is what I got  http://pastebin.com/TdvyAU2T Please help me get my wireless working10:31
meetok should i go for the wubi installation or dual boot10:32
meeti have win7 along with ubuntu now10:32
meeton wubi10:32
Ben64dual boot is better10:32
domiewubi is just awesomesauce in my opinion10:33
cfhowlettmeet: wubi is intended for ubuntu testing, not long-term installation.10:33
meetok. just need some tips..10:33
meeti have been using wubi based installation for nearly an year now.. i have a separate drive for that even if its not needed..10:34
meeti have setup my ubuntu perfectly as i want.. but still since has it been quite buggy.. i intend to do a complete new install of 12.10.. so what steps should i take to prevent any boot related problems10:35
cfhowlettmeet: perform an md5sum check of your downloaded iso, have your windows install disk closeby in case you need to restore your mbr, backup everything important, don't drink and compute ...10:36
usr13meet: Just tell it to write grub to MBR, (master boot record of the hard drive).10:37
meetcfhowlett i put the iso on a usb using unetbootin and it worked well.. so is it good?10:37
meetusr13 did not get it?10:37
cfhowlettmeet: is good10:37
meetduring installation will it ask me?10:37
usr13meet: Get what?10:37
usr13meet: Yes10:38
usr13How big is your HD?10:38
meetbut i want to have the windows boot loader10:38
usr13meet: Good luck with that.10:38
TomyLaptopusing pulseaudio, i'm trying to get sound on another user10:38
meetthe grub one adds quite a lot of options i don't want those10:38
usr13meet: What options?10:38
TomyLaptopthat works so far, but only while no sound is playing on my main user10:39
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TomyLaptopis that normal? are there any workarounds?10:39
cfhowlettmeet: see, NOW things get interesting.  easybcd is a windows program that "should" allow you to do this but ... YMMV10:39
domiemeet, if you are still doing a wubi installation, then just backup the current folder where you have it installed, uninstall it, and install the new one10:39
meetusr13 like all the previous linux kernel versions or something.. and then a win7 option10:39
usr13meet: Uninstall previous linux kernels and those options will go away.10:39
meetusr13 : how to do that? :-|10:40
usr13meet: But what do you care, you will normally only use one option anyway.10:40
meeti don't want any clutter10:40
usr13meet: So uninstall any kernels that you do not use, leave only one.10:40
meetcfhowlett: easybcd ... should i just load the mbr for win7?10:41
cfhowlettmeet: errr, you MIGHT wish to keep one extra kernel.  New kernels have been known to break things10:41
hangingclownsis there a way to allow all localhost connections with ufw?10:42
cfhowlettmeet: ubuntu's default bootloader is grub.  You said "no grub".  the only way to boot ubuntu with the windows bootloader is via easybcd ... or so I understand10:42
wildc4rdI keep getting an install fail on my netbook, ubuntu12.10 from a USB stick, it stops 2 thirds of the way from completion of system installation, any thoughts?10:42
cfhowlettwildc4rd: did you verify that you're booting a good iso?10:42
Zeu5_hi there10:43
TomyLaptopiso? on a usb stick?10:43
usr13meet: I recommend 10.04-LTS10:43
cfhowlettZeu5_: greetings10:43
cfhowlettTomyLaptop: of course10:43
meetusr13: why?10:43
Zeu5_i was given instructions on how to set nopasswd for sudo service php5-fpm restart10:43
usr13meet: And trust me,  allow the grub boot loader to be written to MBR.10:43
cfhowlettTomyLaptop: unetbootin uses the iso to make the bootstick10:43
wildc4rdcfhowlett, it does the same thing with 2 downloads of ubuntu as well as a debian install10:43
usr13!lts | meet10:43
ubottumeet: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)10:43
TomyLaptopoh, nm then10:44
aFeijogood morning10:44
Zeu5_i am not sure how to find the full path to the command service10:44
domiehas anyone tried wubi and normal install on the same machine and noticed any performance differences?10:44
aFeijoI have this error in my new ubuntu server which I installed dovecot with mysql: Unsuported dictionary type mysql. I already installed dovecot-mysql package, what else do I need?10:44
usr13domie: Performance is not the issue.10:44
meetdomie: i tried. not much difference10:44
cfhowlettwildc4rd: OK, that suggests that you're trying to install something beyond your hardware capabilities10:44
cfhowlettaFeijo: greetings10:45
usr13domie: wubi is a pseudo system.10:45
meetusr13: why 10.04?10:45
usr13meet: 12.04  Sorry if I said 10.04, that was a typo.10:45
wildc4rdcfhowlett, it was running on there before though10:45
meetusr13: i currently have 12.04 using wubi10:46
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cfhowlettwildc4rd: what version of ubuntu are you trying to install?10:46
meetbut it is  quite buggy.. makes m e switch over to win7 immediately within 10 min!!10:46
wildc4rdcfhowlett, I was doing a clean install of 12.10 as it had been upgraded through several versoins over the last 3 or 4 years10:46
sherlockhi am having a lot of trouble with ubunutu 12.1010:46
cfhowlettwildc4rd: on a netbook?10:46
domieusr13, i was just wondering if there are advantages to a normal install that would make me switch from my wubi install10:47
wildc4rdcfhowlett, yes10:47
Zeu5_sorry, so how do i find the full path to service? as in sudo service php5-fpm restart10:47
usr13domie: Yes10:47
sherlockhi get system error everytime i boot10:47
sherlockhapport crashes10:47
TomyLobo(pulseaudio) i'm trying to get sound on another user. that works so far, but only while no sound is playing on my main user. is that normal? are there any workarounds?10:47
cfhowlettwildc4rd: have you tried xubuntu or lubuntu?  Both are designed for low spec machines which I THINK is what a netbook is ...10:47
sherlockhlast time xorg crashed too10:47
sherlockhand the machine has become slower10:47
meet_usr13: i currently have 12.04 using wubi...but it is  quite buggy.. makes m e switch over to win7 immediately within 10 min!!10:48
sherlockhi dont mind the crashes10:48
usr13meet_: I don't doubt it. wubi is just a pseudo system.10:48
sherlockhbut the performance has dropped below 12.0410:48
meet_so will dual boot help?10:48
wildc4rdcfhowlett, I tried xubuntu last night, and DSL yesterday at some point. Thinking about it, it may be a hardware fault...10:48
sherlockhany suggestion10:48
usr13meet_: yes10:49
cfhowlettmeet: consider: wubi creates an ubuntu "image" that is subject to all the breakages that plague windows.10:49
troybi hi.i write a program in assembly which read a file turn back numbers of Words, Sentenses and Paragraph.i want to chang it to just tell the number of words...when i cut each part of it it make so many errors ...how delete the parts which tell how many sentence and paragraph exists?  http://pastebin.com/nwcNZb7x10:49
TomyLobotroybi try #asm10:49
cfhowlettwildc4rd: especially if things WERE working and now aren't ...10:49
meet_while uninsstalling wubi.. i just remove it from windows like any other program right? usr1310:49
Zeu5_cfhowlett: hi there, would you mind helping me out? i only have a quick question10:49
cfhowlettZeu5_: ask in channel.  I'll help if I can ...10:50
aFeijoasm?? omg10:50
Zeu5_sorry, so how do i find the full path to service? as in sudo service php5-fpm restart10:50
troybiTomyLobo: no answer at ther :( can you helo me plz.in this room people are more friendly than there10:50
usr13Zeu5_: which service10:50
TomyLobotroybi it's off-topic here10:50
meet_usr13: one quick question. if i am ready to upgrade frequently, 12.04 or 12.10 ?10:51
Zeu5_sudo service php5-fpm restart10:51
cfhowlettmeet: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#Uninstallation10:51
meet_usr13: which is better?10:51
Zeu5_usr13: i mean sudo service php5-fpm restart10:51
TomyLobotroybi and i'll also consider this dichotomy: either they're inactive or they're unfriendly. which is the case?10:51
Zeu5_usr13: i need the full path as indicated in this answer http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/59843/2947310:52
usr13meet_: I've given my recomendation, take it or leave it.  (I personally  use xubuntu.  I find xfce to be a very nice Window Manager.)10:52
ianm_is it possible to get a wacom to *not* move the mouse cursor (but continue to send XInput) ?10:52
usr13meet_: LTS10:52
sherlockhanyone know how to use my cpu at maximum performance10:52
TomyLoboactually that probably isnt a dichotomy, but they're mutually exclusive nonetheless10:52
cfhowlettmeet_: LTS10:52
meet_thanks cfhowlett and usr13. have a good day10:53
cfhowlettmeet_: have fun, be safe10:53
TomyLobotroybi a way to get more literate answers is to sound more literate yourself10:53
troybiTomyLobo: no no ...thats not about litrate...at there there is silence10:54
TomyLobotroybi no abbreviations invented since 1980, proper spacing (after punctuation, NOT before), proper spelling10:55
usr13Zeu5_: which  is a tool that helps you locate a command, (it gives full path to it).10:55
sherlockhanyone know how to use my cpu at maximum performance10:56
Zeu5_okay usr13 i go try now10:56
cfhowlettsherlockh: not really an ubuntu issue.  sorry10:56
usr13Zeu5_: For instance, if you give command:  which service  It will return  /usr/sbin/service (which is the full path for service).10:57
cfhowlettusr13: which *command* will give path10:57
sherlockhcfhowlett: which issue is it then?10:57
VictorCLsherlockh,  if you open some 20 tabs on firefox it will use 100% of cpu10:57
cfhowlettsherlockh: hardware.10:58
sherlockhVictorCL: i am talking about having nothing open and using sfce10:58
wildc4rdcfhowlett, for the record, ubuntu runs perfectly from the USB stick still, just fails on the install10:58
Zeu5_usr13: i got /usr/bin/service as well. thank you. :) :)10:58
sherlockhi red somewhere that linux rationalises the cpu usage and doesnt use the maximum10:58
sherlockhis this true10:58
cfhowlettwildc4rd: you have a nice puzzle to figure out then.  I'd look at your hardware ...10:59
sherlockhi have decent enough laptop10:59
sherlockhitsw a dell inspiron 142010:59
usr13sherlockh: What you read probably tries to explain that a Linux system makes effecient use of hardware resources.10:59
amanSharmaBroadcom  BCM4313 wireless lan controller doesn't support monitor mode ,does it?11:01
amanSharmaEven after patch11:01
nicekiwiwhat login manager does ubuntu use?11:01
usr13amanSharma: What is monitor mode?11:01
amanSharmausr13: google it fool11:02
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.11:02
usr13amanSharma: "gootle it fool"?11:02
ubottuamanSharma:: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:02
usr13amanSharma: Are you serious?11:02
amanSharmaCome on I am asking for help not advice11:02
sgtkilljoynicekiwi: lightdm?11:02
Muphridnicekiwi: lightdm since 11.10 and gdm before if thats what youre asking11:03
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usr13amanSharma: If you tell us what it is you are trying to do, maybe we can help you.11:04
amanSharmausr13: I mean I can't patch its drivers ?11:04
usr13amanSharma: Is wireshark what you are looking for?11:04
usr13amanSharma: To do what ______________?11:05
amanSharmausr13: reaver is what I am looking11:05
amanSharmausr13: wireshark works well11:05
amanSharmausr13: wep key decryption11:05
Zeu5_usr13: everythng works now.11:05
Zeu5_usr13: thank you and if i were religious, i would say bless ya soul!!11:06
usr13amanSharma: You are wanting to hack a wep key?11:06
ubottuA hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy11:06
usr13Zeu5_: I am.  Thank you.11:06
amanSharmairc: or may be not11:06
Zeu5_usr13: i have to go now. good bye, good samaritan!!11:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:06
nicekiwisgtkilljoy, thnkx11:06
usr13Zeu5_: NP11:06
amanSharmausr13: but at least I should know for knowledge if it is possible to patch sta drivers for this controller to enable mon mode or not?11:07
usr13amanSharma: To find out specific information about a particular package, ask the maintainers.11:08
aFeijoI have this error in my new ubuntu server which I installed dovecot with mysql: Unsuported dictionary type mysql. I already installed dovecot-mysql package, what else do I need?11:08
amanSharmausr13:Why did you waste my time then?11:08
usr13amanSharma: I did not waste your time.11:09
amanSharmausr13: then what do you think you did?11:09
ubottuamanSharma:: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:09
amanSharmacfhowleft: What's your problem dude?11:09
usr13amanSharma: I think I gave you infomation.11:09
MonkeyDustamanSharma  start from the beginning: what are you doing and what went wrong -- in one line11:10
cfhowlettaFeijo: might want to also ask this in #ubuntu-server11:10
amanSharmahelpless voluteers11:10
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usr13MonkeyDust: It's ok. He's just wasting time.  :)11:10
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abgeekif you are a linux fan then like this website www.geeknepal.com11:15
Ben64abgeek: don't advertise in here11:16
VictorCLis there an easy tutorial to install oracle db server on ubuntu 11.04 ???11:16
Ben64VictorCL: 11.04 is no longer supported11:17
usr13VictorCL: 11.04 is EOL as of October 28, 201211:18
cfhowlettVictorCL: see link.  Also, 11.04 is end of life.  Upgrading soon?  http://www.techienote.com/2011/09/oracle-database-11g-r2-on-ubuntu-11-04.html11:18
VictorCLso there is no way to install it?11:18
abgeekis there any software like connectify for ubuntu ?11:18
cfhowlettVictorCL: did you see the link?  http://www.techienote.com/2011/09/oracle-database-11g-r2-on-ubuntu-11-04.html11:18
VictorCLcfhowlett, I am checking it11:19
VictorCLI was trying to follow this one11:19
VictorCLbut then on step 5 I get: E: Unable to locate package oracle-xe-universal11:19
abgeek is there any software like connectify for ubuntu11:19
Ben64probably because 11.04 is eol11:19
cfhowlettabgeek: http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oGdVatAOxQNm4AN0NXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1cjMybTF2BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA1NNRTEzN18yMTM-/SIG=12dj9fcbe/EXP=1357672749/**http%3a//www.linuxine.com/story/connectify-linux-equivalent11:20
abgeek is there any software like connectify for ubuntu11:21
usr13VictorCL: Upgrade to Ubuntu 11.10   Or re-install with 12.04-LTS11:21
VictorCLI dont want unity :/11:22
Ben64abgeek: stop repeating...11:22
usr13VictorCL: xubuntu11:22
Ben64VictorCL: or gnome-fallback11:22
cfhowlettVictorCL: xfce, lxde are just 2 of the many alternatives11:22
abgeekthats not working Ben6411:22
VictorCLok will check11:22
abgeekthere is only problem..no solution11:22
cfhowlettabgeek: see http://pritambaral.com/2012/05/connectify-for-linux-wireless-hotspot/11:24
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wildc4rdcfhowlett, after all that it was my memory stick I think, another DL of 12.10 on a different stick and it has worked perfectly. Thanks anyway!11:30
cfhowlettwildc4rd: simple problem, simple solution.  best of luck.11:32
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lucianhello. i'm trying to start mongod through service and it fails to do so. it says "started" and gives me a pid, but it's a new one every time. stopping it fails with "unknown instance" and there is no process running. this happens with both the ubuntu and 10gen repos, on 12.1011:36
lucianalso, this didn't use to happen with previous versions of ubuntu11:36
lucianis this likely to be a bug in upstart?11:36
Starcraftmazterhi there11:36
Starcraftmazterim attempting to use the 12.10 livecd, and it blackscreens when starting up11:37
ubottuStarcraftmazter:: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:37
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Starcraftmazterit stops at an exception emask...etc, eventually says identify packet device11:40
Starcraftmazteri think its my bluray drive11:40
jjgalvez__do I need to be logged in when deja dup does a scheduled backup of my home folder?11:41
cfhowlettjjgalvez__: I would think not since dd can run an unattended dup ...11:42
jjgalvez__cfhowlett: that's what I was hopping, because I didn't want to leave the computer logged in all night long just because I have a daily backup scheduled11:43
cfhowlettjjgalvez__: I've never used DD, but I have read about it.  Good luck.11:45
Ben64jjgalvez__: you log out of ubuntu at night?11:46
MonkeyDustjjgalvez__  i have a daily backup with rsync in crontab, you don't need to be logged in to do it that way - i'm not familiar with deja dup11:46
jjgalvez__MonkeyDust: Thanks that was going to be my next question11:47
MonkeyDustjjgalvez__  if I want to backup (at 4am), I just keep my PC switched on11:48
jjgalvez__Ben64: I normally turn the computer off, but now that I am setting up daily backups I am going to leave it on, so I was just going to log off. Do you not see any advantage to doing that?11:48
jjgalvez__MonkeyDust: is that when daily Crontab jobs are run?11:49
MonkeyDustjjgalvez__  yes11:49
jjgalvez__MonkeyDust: cool good to know11:49
Ben64jjgalvez__: nope, no advantage to keeping it on but logged out11:49
monkeyjuicemaybe setup backup on shutdown11:50
coviCan someone tell me what might go wrong with my color setup? http://oi48.tinypic.com/1zvpudd.jpg11:50
MonkeyDustjjgalvez__  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1509327/11:50
jjgalvez__MonkeyDust: which log is that from?11:51
grishwhat should i do with my ubuntu :D11:51
TomyLobouse it11:52
grishi am11:52
jjgalvez__BRB need to take my kid to school11:52
grishhmm, i need some cool customizations11:52
bonogrish: contribute11:52
visionsmileubuntu for android...11:52
TomyLobolisten to bono11:52
grishbono: i'm a noob though11:52
TomyLoboa lot of people do11:52
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MonkeyDustjjgalvez__  rsync -a [source] [destination] && echo "Nightly Backup Successful: $(date)" >> ~/Documents/last_backup11:53
ubottuvisionsmile:: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone11:57
MonkeyDustgrish  if you're a beginner, don't start with customizations, it will drive you mad and you'll think it's a bad system - first get used to the ubuntu basics11:59
blezMonkeyDust customizations on gnome 3 are hard.12:00
blezit took me 2-3 hours just to figure out how to make my ubuntu blue12:00
blamigrish: canonical has definitely better UX engineers than gnome community. Just trust them :) Polished UI is one of main reasons why I use Ubuntu.12:00
ovidiu-florinhow can I pass a command line argument to an alias?12:02
keshavi am from india12:02
keshavi am a new user of ubuntu12:02
keshavcan you help me with something12:03
keshavi have an issue with my usb internet stick12:03
keshaviball 3.5g12:03
atlef!ask | keshav12:03
ubottukeshav: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:03
jjgalvez__MonkeyDust: Ok I get it, thanks12:04
keshav:D okay! as I said i am a new user12:04
MonkeyDustovidiu-florin  there a re plenty tutorials and examples, here's one: http://www.mediacollege.com/linux/command/alias.html12:04
MonkeyDustjjgalvez__  see what the command does? it's in my crontab12:05
keshav!ask my ubuntu 12.10 can not detect usb stick iball 3.5g i need help thanks12:05
ubottukeshav: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:05
jjgalvez__MonkeyDust: yep thanks12:05
keshavis there any other channel where people chat?12:05
MonkeyDustkeshav  #ubuntu-ot or #defocus12:06
ubottukeshav: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:06
keshavand helps of course12:06
keshavoh! :-o12:07
keshavi need help with ubuntu!12:07
TomyLobokeshav http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#beprecise12:11
keshavI am not a programmer man!12:13
keshavI am an ordinary guy who came across ubuntu12:14
keshavI liked it.12:14
TomyLoboso read the link i sent you12:14
TomyLoboit is about asking questions precisely12:14
TomyLobowhich you did not do, so far12:14
cfhowlettkeshav: ASK YOUR QUESTION!12:14
MonkeyDustkeshav  maybe you need usb-modeswitch12:14
keshavTrouble in detecting usb stick or modem which is iball 3.5g with ubuntu 12.1012:15
keshav+ was never ever detected using a live environment with 32 gb pen drive12:15
jjgalvez__I just read https://live.gnome.org/DejaDup/HowItWorks#Scheduling and it looks like Deja Dup does not use Cron to schedule backups, so I guess I am going to have to stay logged in if I want to use it to run my backups.12:15
MonkeyDustkeshav  in a terminal, type       sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch12:15
icerootjjgalvez__: yes12:16
icerootjjgalvez__: but you can also start it from the shell and then use cron12:16
jjgalvez__iceroot: so turn off its daily backup setting and just set up a cron to do it?12:17
keshavMonkeyDust,  usb-modeswitch is already the newest version.12:17
MonkeyDustkeshav  is this useful? http://askubuntu.com/questions/95932/how-do-i-configure-universal-usb-modems-e-g-iball-3-5g-connect12:19
keshavdidnt work, i have it installed12:19
keshavdesktop sharing?12:20
keshavwould you like to help me by that?12:20
OerHekskeshav, after configure your usb modem, did you puill it out and pluged back in again ?12:22
keshavi didnt configure it at all12:22
keshavcause it wasnt detected12:22
OerHeksoh you didn't tried that solution... or did you not read that url at all?12:23
keshavi did12:24
keshavi read it and did what it says12:24
icerootjjgalvez__: thats what i would do if i want it to be scheduled via cron12:24
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jjgalvez__iceroot: thanks for the advice, I'll have to give both a try and see what works best for me12:25
keshavits showing some problems with modeswitch_dispatcher now!12:25
wormMy Ubuntu 12.10 got some problem on startup. After the blank brown screen, it got black, and only the Power LED is on, the disk drive is not working. When I try Advanced -> Recovery mode, it can load till the selection menu. When I choose resume normal boot, the last line I can see is Starting mDNS/DNS-SD daemon [OK], Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.sbin.rsyslogd, Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox.12:26
the_dark_knightHi, which package do I have to install to get "drizzle_client.h". When installing gearmand with libdrizzle I get an error saying - "libtest/drizzled.cc:65:43: fatal error: libdrizzle-1.0/drizzle_client.h: No such file or directory" . I am referring - https://bugs.launchpad.net/gearmand/+bug/80073412:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 800734 in gearmand (Ubuntu) "gearmand 0.22 no longer recognises --libdrizzle-mysql or --libdrizzle_user arguments" [Undecided,New]12:26
wormThe system just stopped there. I don't know what's happened.12:26
bonojjgalvez__: rdiff-backup is worth a try also ..12:27
keshavk i think i better get back to windows, I can't work with ubuntu! :-[ i loved it though its friggin awesome12:28
MonkeyDustkeshav  try some other way to connect ubuntu12:28
keshavit has shown me a error report for usb_modeswitch_dispatch12:29
keshavwhich i do not understand12:29
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MonkeyDustkeshav  try something easier and more normal to connect12:29
keshavwell, that would be _expensive_ :-"[12:30
ixio2is there anyway to limit incoming traffic on a specific port? preferably that can be setup using a webui or gui?12:30
abgeekwhich is the best book for studying ubuntu/linux hacks ?12:30
ixio2my router cant do this before u ask :P12:30
keshavI will be back in 10-15 minutes, may be12:30
keshavty 4 help! :-}12:30
Mahmoudcan i use overlay scrollbars outside of ubuntu?12:30
Ben64ixio2: you might want to look into "tc"12:31
abgeek which is the best book for studying ubuntu/linux hacks ?12:31
bekksabgeek: A box called "book", without any cables. :)12:32
wormMy Ubuntu 12.10 (installed via wubi) can't start up. It stucked after loaded modem-manager and started bluetooth, mDNS daemon. What can I do to fix that?12:32
ixio2thanks ben, do you know if theres a gui interface to this ?12:32
MonkeyDustabgeek  i have "ubuntu linux toolbox", a real paper book12:33
abgeekcan you provide me MonkeyDust12:33
abgeekin pdf format12:33
MonkeyDustabgeek  no, it's a paper book12:33
ixio2this isnt the place for "warez"12:33
Ben64ixio2: dunno, maybe12:34
MonkeyDustabgeek  http://www.ebooks-space.com/ebook/200/Ubuntu-Linux-Toolbox:-more-1000-Commands-for-Ubuntu-and-Debian-Power-Users.html12:35
abgeekMonkey : i got that book in web :)12:35
abgeekmonkey ??12:36
visionsmilehow about it?12:37
Left_Turnhey how can i locate usr directory12:38
Ben64cd /usr12:38
overjoyedpulpwhy do you need to find the usr directory Left_Turn?12:38
Left_Turnis there a way to do this without the terminal so i can see it12:39
overjoyedpulpin nautilus12:39
Left_Turni need to find some folders in it overjpy12:39
TomyLobohow would i make a script that logs in to one user from another12:39
Left_Turnoh do i need to download nautilus12:39
TomyLobosetuid comes to my mind but that'd give everyone access12:39
bekksLeft_Turn: No, it is installed by default when using Ubuntu.12:39
bonoLeft_Turn: find /usr -type d "some_folders"12:39
Left_Turnok thnx let me try12:40
bonoLeft_Turn: sorry, it's find /usr -type d -name "some_folders"12:41
Left_Turnthanks bono12:41
wormMy Ubuntu can't startup. It stucked right after the blank brown screen shown after chose Ubuntu from Grub. I tried to run in Recovery mode, and it brought me to the selection menu and I choose "Resume normal boot". Then my computer stucked at Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox. Anyone can help?12:43
visionsmilehey.l`m chinse.can you hlep me?12:43
keshavwhich version were you using?12:44
ubottuvisionsmile:: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:44
wormUbuntu 12.10 installed via wubi. Just Ubuntu with everything default.12:44
keshavis there Marathi too? cfhowlett12:44
cfhowlettkeshav: marathi?  what is that?12:45
visionsmilehey!l`m li12:45
keshavIts a nineteenth most spoken language in the world12:45
wormkeshav: I don't think that he need that one.12:45
cfhowlettvisionsmile: this is ubuntu support.  What is your question?12:45
cfhowlettgribouille: greerings12:46
ubottuvisionsmile: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India12:46
ubottukeshav:: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India12:46
gribouillesome flash videos flicker when I watch them in fulll-screen mode. any idea?12:46
visionsmileoh!you are right12:46
keshavha! oops12:46
cfhowlettgribouille: don't use flash.  Use youtube's HTML5 mode12:47
gribouillecfhowlett, I don't use inly youtube12:47
ivotklHello everyone. =)12:47
cfhowlettivotkl: greetings12:47
MonkeyDustworm  don't use wubi, it's meant for testing ubuntu, better install wubi on its own partition, outside windows12:48
MonkeyDustworm  don't use wubi, it's meant for testing ubuntu, better install ubuntu on its own partition, outside windows <- correction12:48
cfhowlettworm: if you're unsure you want ubuntu, test it in wubi or in virtualbox.  for long term installation, consider dualbooting12:48
ivotklI'm trying to have Teamviewer start with system boot, so I can control computer without the need for anyone to be physically at home. Any ideas?12:48
ivotkl(Loading the process, etc.)12:48
wormMonkeyDust: Actually I am not the one who installed that system... It is my classmate and he just read some guidelines or suggestions and finished installation via wubi. He don't want to re-install the system D: Any other solutions?12:49
DavstHi, I'm having issues with getting audio from my Spdif -> HDMI device in 12.10 Sound was working, but after using flash-aid and rebooting all sound is gone12:49
tctHi, I can't upload files anymore in Ubuntu Server 10.04, after upgrading to libapache2-mod-php5 version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.1812:49
ivotklI've tried adding it to rc.local but it won't work.12:49
visionsmiledo you kown moyan?12:50
DavstAnyone have any idea how i can restore the audio?12:50
MonkeyDustworm  what i'm saying is: wubi is not a real installation12:50
tctCan't someone help me debug the problem?12:50
gribouillecfhowlett, how do I use html 5 with youtube?12:50
ivotklDavst: how many audio drivers have you installed in total? Is there anyway you can choose between audio outputs on system options? I usually have 2, but I disabled the HDMI one as I do not need it.12:51
wormMonkeyDust: But my question is that the system can't boot. Anyone can help me to debug that? I tried Recovery mode and it bring me to the recovery menu.12:52
ivotkltct: Sorry, I know nothing about servers yet.12:52
tctivotkl: Thank you12:52
ivotkltct: NP.12:52
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Davstivotkl, pulseaudio manager at top lets me choose between analogue and SPDIF (I have a GF9800GT that lets spdif piggyback to HDMI) the analogue seems to work. but the SPDIF is dead now12:53
MonkeyDustworm  start here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide12:56
iseerHey when i boot in normal mode i get stuck on a black screen with a backlight, but when i boot into recovery mode and then select boot normally it works fine. can anybody help me find out what is wrong please?12:56
ubottuiseer:: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:57
iseeri tried that and it didnt work but i recently installed fresh and i will try it again12:57
DavstHi, I'm having issues with getting audio from my Spdif -> HDMI device in 12.10 Sound was working, but after installing proprietary drivers, using flash-aid and rebooting all sound is gone using digital output, only analogue works, anyone know what might be the issue?12:58
_alpha_if I enable ufw on my ubuntu server (remotely via. ssh), will I immediately get kicked out, since presumably ssh is blocked until I open it?13:00
r4yIf I  use a live usb flash of ubuntu and do sudo touch /forcefsck will Ubuntu check a ahrd drive that is connected?, and if not how can I get it to check storage?, I mean like a hard drive that is used like a flash drive, and when I say check I mean the short check because the long check is insanely long and didn't help me when I tried it.13:01
Pici_alpha_: typically there are no rules until you add them.13:01
r4yInstead when I want to fix bad sectors I use DBAN and spinrite then reinstall13:01
_alpha_so it doesn't block anything by default?13:02
bono_alpha_: do a "sudo ufw allow ssh" before "sudo ufw enable"13:02
bono_alpha_: afaik yes13:02
_alpha_that makes sense, ok13:03
r4yI mean the long test when using fsck is insane, sorry to interupt you guys. I want to leave here some. I would like an answer but I will understand if you guys are not sure or some how confuse me, lol13:03
r4yI meant I need to leave here soon13:04
bekksr4y: So whats your actuall support issue?13:04
iseerwhen i booted with nomodeset it worked, but said something about no vga device found, but i know for a fact i have a gtx630M and there was also some rgb static like strip at the top of the screen13:04
r4yIt's too long for me to get into13:04
fredrikelinderHi all. I'm having a weird problem on Ubuntu 12.04 TLS and it started a few days ago: not always, but often, whenever I press a key on my keyboard and waits the latest pressed key gets repeated indefinitely (until I C-c), disabling KeyRepeat in System Settings stops this repetition. In addition, when I switch windows using Alt-Tab I have to Esc to actually choose the desired window. Since being annoyed by Win for these kind of pro13:05
bekksr4y: Thats prett generic. Whats "it" and do you mean by "get into"?13:05
r4yI think either my motherboard or bios on my other motherboard is partially currupted and I am going to use this computer to fix the bad sectors on 3 of my hard drives13:05
Davstguess I'll just have to try reinstalling ubuntu from start and hoping for the best. problem with everything being cinfigurable is that noone has any idea how to fix it13:05
coviHi all. Can someone tell me what might go wrong with my color setup? http://oi48.tinypic.com/1zvpudd.jpg13:06
Davstat least in windows shit works most of the time13:06
bekksr4y: Thats what fsck is designed to do.13:06
DavstHi, I'm having issues with getting audio from my Spdif -> HDMI device in 12.10 Sound was working, but after installing proprietary drivers, using flash-aid and rebooting all sound is gone using digital output, only analogue works, anyone know what might be the issue? Or do I have to reinstall ubuntu from scratch to get the audio back?13:07
r4yI completely gave up on my other computer until I get a message back from mach speed about if I should flash bios. I gave them a lot of info of my assumptions for which I am not too sure about but I tried about as hard as I could to narrow down the culprid13:07
ivotklDavst: Then I'm lost there, sorry. Are you sure SPDIF is not damaged or needs an additional driver not installed yet?13:07
Davstivotkl, worked fine before reboot13:07
r4yI told you I tried fsck and it didn't work out for me so I don't use fsck13:07
iseerok im confused now, i just logged out after booting in with nomodeset and i am stuck at a pink screen can anybody help?13:07
Davstivotkl, I'm sure if i install windows it'll be back working again13:08
r4yI now only use dban and spinrite13:08
bekksr4y: "didnt work out" is too generic.13:08
bekks!details | r4y13:08
ubottur4y: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:08
r4yWell I am not going that route13:08
zagibuspinrite and fsck are quite different things13:09
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r4yI would rather not. What about the quick test for storage devices?13:09
r4yI know that of coarse13:09
r4yIs there a quick version of this command touch /forcefsck for storage devices I mean?, sorry13:11
r4yI guess I should of manned it13:11
w00d0ng50내 위치: 대한민국의 김해시13:11
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko13:12
r4yWell, one step at a time and there isn't of well. Bye13:12
BluesKajHey all13:12
r4yI meant if there isn't13:12
r4ybye all13:12
fredrikelinderresend: Hi all. I'm having a weird problem on Ubuntu 12.04 TLS and it started a few days ago: not always, but often, whenever I press a key on my keyboard and waits the latest pressed key gets repeated indefinitely (until I C-c), disabling KeyRepeat in System Settings stops this repetition. In addition, when I switch windows using Alt-Tab I have to Esc to actually choose the desired window. Since being annoyed by Win for these kin13:13
ivotklDavst: I found your problem: You're using Windows. (just kidding, hehe)13:16
iseerI am stuck at a pink screen after logging out, after i used nomodeset to boot, does anybody know what could be wrong and how to fix it?13:16
Davstivotkl, yeah the only problem i had in windows before is that it worked.13:17
Davstivotkl, unfortunately deluge daemon is pure fucking shit in windows13:17
MonkeyDustDavst  language13:17
jecanDamn, its been years since i used irc13:18
tasslehoffafter a fresh, encrypted install of 12.10 boot doesn't get past "starting CUPS". it says that fsck on /boot has corrected errors on every boot. known issue?13:19
tasslehoffthis is on a lenovo t530 with ssd, btw13:20
bekkstasslehoff: Use a live CD to run fsck -f on the filesystem that is mounted as /boot13:20
tasslehoffbekks: ok.13:21
memandHey guys, I'm when I log in on my system it takes a really long time from me having pressed enter until the desktop actually loads (I just see the ubuntu background (not even my own)) so I'm thinking there must be some startup program that takes a loong time to load, is there anything I can do about that?13:21
DavstMonkeyDust, sorry, just sick of linux mysterious errors that can't be solved heh13:21
kanhaangela_1: ubuntu 12.1013:21
r4yWhat a minute, does touch /forcefsck only check the file system?13:23
r4yI meant wait a minute13:23
Left_Turnis the unity launcher visible on the desktop screen?13:23
wormMonkeyDust: Read, and that did not help.13:23
r4yI really wasn't trying to be rude earlier, it's just todays been a pretty bad day for me13:24
claudiu_memand, you can uncheck what you don't use from startup aplications, and disable visual effects from appearance13:24
memandLeft_Turn: If you are talking to me: No nothing, just the ubuntu background (it does not even load my personal background) I can't even launch a terminal13:24
bekksr4y: There is no automatic check of smartctl, etc. but only for fsck, which can be enforced by sudo touch /forcefsck13:25
Left_Turnoh sorry memand i was asking as im rather new13:25
MonkeyDustworm  wubi is a very limited test-installation13:25
Left_Turnasking the chan i mean13:25
memandLeft_Turn: np :)13:25
bekksr4y: If you need further investigation, use smartctl to actually run SMART tests on your hardddrive(s).13:25
wormMonkeyDust: So do I need to re-install the whole Ubuntu to a new partition?13:25
MonkeyDustworm  yes, that's my advice13:26
r4yis smartctl for monitoring?13:27
MonkeyDustworm  partitioning is the hardest part in the process, the installation itself takes about 15-20 minutes13:27
Slingr4y: and for doing smart tests, etc13:27
Ladillero_=[ Hello ]=_13:27
Slingsee its manpage13:27
memandclaudiu_: I can try that, but there really is not a lot of stuff starting up13:27
claudiu_memand: you changed something recently?13:27
r4yso if this motherboard has smart I do that then?13:27
wormMonkeyDust: But I am not sure if that is compatible for a rookie. And is there anyway to create a back-up of the operating system?13:28
Ladillero_=[ I just installed Ubuntu 12.10 alongside Windows 8 and the grub does not work, Windows 8 runs as if it was the only OS ]=_13:28
r4yoops, I suck at typing, so if this motherboard has smart I can do that then?13:28
MonkeyDustworm  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How_can_I_make_a_backup_of_my_Wubi_install.3F13:28
Ladillero_=[ I just installed Ubuntu 12.10 alongside Windows 8 and the grub does not work, Windows 8 runs as if it was the only OS ]=_13:29
wormMonkeyDust: I see and that is only the thing I can do if he still use wubi. However as you suggest us not to use wubi, that become a problem. Any way to back-up the system if it is installed into a hard drive?13:29
wormA partition, sorry13:30
memandclaudiu_: It's a pretty fresh install, so I'm still changing things all the time :/ but off the top of my head I can't think of anything I have changed that should affect the startup time that much, we are talking like 20 secs of nothing13:30
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MonkeyDustworm  i'm out of ideas for wubi, maybe someone else can help13:30
Left_Turnso say i know where a non .txt file is located.. how do i open it in a .txt editor13:30
Cohancc_someone could to help me please?¿13:30
atlef!uefi | Ladillero13:31
ubottuLadillero: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:31
Cohancc_i have som kind of problems getting Samba13:31
Cohancc_on my server13:31
Ladillero_=[ Thank you ubottu ]=_13:31
r4yI looked in the motherboard manual and couldn't find smart13:31
r4yMy other computer has smart I think though, but as I have said it is failing13:32
sw!details | Cohancc_13:32
ubottuCohancc_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:32
bekksr4y: Every computer has SMART, since thats a feature or the harddisk.13:32
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tasslehoffbekks: no errors, but on start it says "can't open /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root". that's not good.13:32
cache_zai need to copy a directory (which has non default permissions) from one location to another and apply default directory/file permissions recursively on the destination directory, is this possible?13:33
r4ygreat, but does it need to be truned on in bios?, perhaps that depends on the motherboard and bios version13:33
claudiu_memand: install StartUp-Manager from software center and you can change the wait time13:33
memandclaudiu_: Nice, I just found a possible problem in the start-up section. I have replaced the ubuntu screensaver with xscreensaver and it starts up the xscreensaver daemon at login, but xscreensaver has been kind of laggy lately, could that have anything to do with it?13:35
r4ySo does sudo touch /forcefsck only check the filesytem, as in not what's stored in the home folder but just the filesystem?13:36
r4yWhy is that take less time then the fsck commands I had tried?13:37
OrpheonI have a problem with an SD card and a SD-to-USB adapter: Nothing happens when I put it in, it appears in /dev as sdf and also appears in Disk Utility. Trying to format it or doing anything with it gives an error about the device not existing13:37
Orpheonsudo fdisk -l doesn't mention it at all13:38
claudiu_memand: disable the screensavers because you don't need it when you are working :), but I don't think this is the problem...13:38
Orpheonand this: sudo tail -c 0 -f /var/log/syslog13:38
Orpheongives this:13:38
Magus_hey guys, would anyone be able to help me with some mdadm?13:39
Orpheonany help?13:39
Magus_but yeah, having some mdadm trouble and it'd mean the world to me for a bit of help with it >_<13:40
MonkeyDustMagus_  ubuntu server?13:40
memandclaudiu_: Hmm, then I have no clue. Btw, I'm on 12.04 so there is no startup-manager anymore. Is there a good alternative?13:40
MonkeyDustMagus_  try in #ubuntu-server13:41
Magus_thanks :)13:41
r4yhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fsck Use as profanity, lol13:41
Orpheonno help?13:41
claudiu_memand: I'm still on the old 10.04, the 12.04 makes my laptop a little slower. With this in 10 sec I can do everything. 12.04 is a little heavy on resources.13:43
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claudiu_Orpheon: have you tried an other usb slot?13:45
memandclaudiu_: Agreed, unity is a resource hog. I have actually been thinking about downgrading... But eh, I just got this install fairly customized13:45
Orpheonclaudiu_, yes, I have. No difference13:47
claudiu_Orpheon: maybe is not mounted13:47
Orpheontrying to mount it manually results in the same problem13:47
Orpheonbesides, formatting shouldn't require mounting13:48
Ladillero_=[ http://paste.ubuntu.com/1509560/ ]=_13:48
claudiu_I know13:48
MonkeyDustOrpheon  if it's not mounted, it's not available, so cannot be formatted13:49
Ladillero_=[ ubottu http://paste.ubuntu.com/1509560/ ]=_13:49
OrpheonMonkeyDust, I know, my problem is why it's not available. The light is on, connecting it gives off signals in /var/log/syslog, none of which seems to be an error or termination13:50
memandclaudiu_: I have removed some start up programs now, so I'm just gonna try a reboot and see what happens13:50
claudiu_Orpheon: have you tried to reboot with the card connected?13:52
Orpheonclaudiu_, yes13:52
claudiu_Orpheon: This is what I found: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/99574313:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 995743 in Linux "197b:2394 Internal SD card reader is not working on Dell XPS 17 L502X" [Medium,Confirmed]13:53
memandclaudiu_: still 20 secs+ from i press enter with my code untill anything happens13:54
mrsrikanthhey guys. need some help. i use ubuntu 12.10. everything was fine today until the system stopped playing audio. is there some way to debug this?13:54
Riley88what graphics /hardware do u have13:54
claudiu_memand: it's a pretty good time with 12.04 :)13:54
memandclaudiu_: lol, maybe I should just revert13:55
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RedemptionI live by the rule of only ever useing the LTS version and playing with everything thing else on a VM13:55
r4ySorry, but I didn't know about journaling file systems, I will make note of smartctl, which I think I've used before, I was using for monitoring, and I am , did have fear of using fsck, which is why I used spinrite to remedy things so my time is well spent which had good results, but I am sorry about if it seemed like I was arguing about it. I should just go, sorry and TY13:55
Riley88i have to use 12.10 my new asus has issues on 12.0413:56
Redemptiontouchpad issues?13:56
memandRedemption: generally I do too, but 20 seconds to log me in seems a bit ridiculous13:56
devnull_hello everyone13:56
Redemptionthere is a fix for that13:56
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Redemptioni have done it to a couple of my company laptops13:57
Riley88i tried editing synaptics but i kept breakinx13:57
devnull_so im giving up on getting my beats audio subwoofer working ... but can anyone tell me the method with 12.10 to launch a second x server for gaming13:57
Riley8812.10 is fine though13:57
Redemptionya if it works then dont fix it lol13:57
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Riley88my only thing with 12.10 is the kernel it drains my battery like nothing else even after doing all the battery tweeks13:59
devnull_interesting .. i have great battery life with 12.10 ... i just turn my screen off of ultrabright14:00
RedemptionI know when i was doing testing on it mine was fine as well14:00
Redemptionnow on 12.04 if i install fglrx driver my battery really drains14:00
Riley88well on windows7 i get around 4hrs 40 of video playback on 12.10 i get around 3hrs 35 minutes14:01
Riley88it cuts it by almost an hr14:01
devnull_might be because of compiz14:01
Redemptionhave you check all your power settings or run top to see if anything is eating up cpu that shouldnt be14:01
devnull_have you adjusted the power management settings ?14:01
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Riley88yea ive used powertop14:02
Riley88and when i have my laptop on battery its in powersave mode14:02
Redemptionthats my problem with fglrx drivers it keeps my cpu up at around 40 to 50 percent while idle and it drains the battery like crazy14:02
Riley88im on intel14:02
Redemptionso you may look into that14:02
claudiu_Riley88: use another display manager like lxde :) and see what happens14:02
devnull_Redemption, in catalyst adjust the power settings14:02
Riley88tried its about the same i have openbox installed14:02
Redemptioni woul install htop14:02
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Redemptionand monitor it for a while14:02
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devnull_catalyst might be set to keep your gpu on performance14:03
gepatinohi guys, I cannot send files/connect/whatever to a bluetooth device, always get "Unable to find service record" (using 12.04). Any ideas? Couldn't find anything concrete on the web so far14:03
Redemptionno i changed it from all that but over all performance and battery drain was bad just not install fglrx works better14:04
MonkeyDustgepatino  install/use blueman14:04
CongI messed up my rubbish bin. I deleted the two folders trash-1000 and trash-900 I think. It's telling me .Trash-1000 does not exist, but it does exist.14:04
gepatinoMonkeyDust, is it in the repos? I only find bluemon14:04
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MonkeyDust!info blueman | gepatino14:05
ubottugepatino: blueman (source: blueman): A Graphical bluetooth manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.23-0ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 540 kB, installed size 2525 kB14:05
devnull_now if i could just get some better performance out of team fortress 2 i would be happy14:05
Onii-sanyo, if anyone is free, I was wondering if anyone skilled with VPSes could enlighten me on how to connect with Remote Desktop to it. Does Ubuntu require something enabled for it?14:06
Ladillero_=[ Can anyone help me ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1509560/ ]=_14:06
memanddevnull_: what graphics card do you have?14:06
brendan_Onii-san: on a vps typically, there's not GUI14:06
brendan_especially on a *nix one14:06
MonkeyDustLadillero  what do you want to do?14:06
devnull_Radeon HD 7520G14:06
devnull_trinity chip  apu14:07
Riley88how is that radion card14:07
Riley88i almost got a gateway that had it14:07
Onii-sanEven on an Ubuntu 12.04 one, brendan_? I'm on the ssh.14:07
Ladillero_=[ MonkeyDust I installed Ubuntu 12.10 alongside Windows 8, I can't see the grub on the start ]=_14:07
devnull_it is pretty nice14:07
brendan_Onii-san: ssh is your remote desktop :)14:07
memanddevnull_: then I don't know what the issue is, sorry14:07
devnull_no problem14:07
Ladillero_=[ I tried to disable the secure boot on the bios and it did not help ]=_14:07
brendan_you don't want to run a gui on a vps most times for performance reasons14:07
Riley88i chose my asus because it had a much better battery lol14:07
Onii-sanI thought Ubuntu took pride in both command line and gui interfaces. o_o14:08
brendan_you want those resources required to run the GUI to be available14:08
devnull_memand ... i think i just need to have a second X server without composite ... that is what i used to do in the past14:08
brendan_for your visitors, Onii-san14:08
brendan_i mean, you could probably install the packages for a gui for the vps, but depending on the specs of it, it may slow its response down14:08
_alpha_vps = virtual private server, so it uses the server version of ubuntu (which has no gui)14:08
brendan_by default, _alpha_14:08
MonkeyDustLadillero  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:09
Ladillero_=[ MonkeyDust ok, I'll start it right now ]=_14:10
Ronalds_MHi, everybody14:10
testerHello, I have found a very complex bug and found conditions where part of the bug disappears. However, if I delete my dconf profile so that everything is reset, the bug behaviour changes, so I need to send my .config/dconf folder to the developers. Does it contain private information too (as my name) ?14:10
brendan_Onii-san: bottom line is.. no gui is installed on the vps by default, you could install one if you desire. Its not recommended because its a waste of resources that take away from your system14:10
devnull_plus i wish i could adjust the VRAM my card uses since it is shared and can go up to like 2gb but it only uses 500mb14:10
MonkeyDustLadillero  and don't use =[ in your comments, please14:10
Ronalds_M<tester> ubuntu has tools for reporting bugs14:11
gepatinoMonkeyDust, using bluman the option to send files is shaded, but when trying to use the DUN device (the only thing I care about) I get this message: "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken."14:11
gepatinoI've checked the phone configs, and couldn't find anything security related14:11
eXcAliBuRI am trying to get add-apt-repository to work, it's coming back with command not found, I have installed python-software-properties, any ideas? On ubuntu server 12.1014:11
Ronalds_MWhy in standart Ubuntu 12.10 global menu can't be made visible always?14:11
Onii-sanbrendan_, do you have any tutorial links on how I'd go about installing said GUI? I'm using a pretty good VPS and hardly using it for anything, so it has a lot of left over resources.14:12
testerRonald_M, because of design decisions14:12
Onii-sanAnd my friend wants a GUI interface.14:12
devnull_Ronalds_M, global menu ?14:12
brendan_do you want gnome, kde, or something14:12
Riley88Ladillero i acutally had to wipe windows completly and install 12.1014:12
Ronalds_Mtester, maybe there is way to make it visible always, I can't find on google14:12
Riley88im on uefi to14:12
devnull_Ronalds_M, what do you mean by global menu ?  launcher ?14:13
dreamhostHello, I'm trying to install ubuntu via pxeboot but I've an error saying it cannot find the drive. Here's the initrd : append initrd=<%= @initrd %> interface=auto url=<%= foreman_url("provision")%> ramdisk_size=10800 root=/dev/ram/0 rw auto=true hostname=unassigned-hostname. What root= value should I specify for a vmware guest please ?14:13
Riley88but i reinstalled win7 then duel booted ubuntu and it was fine14:13
testerRonalds_M, sure if you change the source code and recompile it14:13
LadilleroRiley88 I don't want to get to that point14:13
Riley88 but now i just have ubuntu i dont like windows lol14:13
Ronalds_Mdevnull it's what contains menus, and it's in unity left side up there14:14
Ronalds_MI wan't to see menus always14:14
atlefhow is the support for wireless headsets in *buntu14:14
Riley88ladillero have u tried 12.0414:14
LadilleroRiley88 no, not yet... Should I ?14:14
Riley88pretty good atlef14:14
Riley88what headset is it atlef14:15
devnull_yea i couldn't tell you ... might need to mess with gconf14:15
atlefRiley88, logitech f54014:15
testerRonalds_M, I was wrong, check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3fQuTfLZBo14:15
Riley88i have the giant ps3 bluetooth headset and it works really good14:15
Riley88it should be fine does it have its own dongle14:15
Ronalds_Mtester, thats ubuntu 12.04 I have 12.1014:15
atlefRiley88, i think so14:16
Ronalds_Mthis possibility is not aveable in 12.1014:16
brendan_Onii-san: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-classic-gnome-desktop-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise.html http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1972327 http://rbgeek.wordpress.com/2012/05/16/how-to-install-gnome-classic-on-ubuntu-12-04-lts%E2%80%8F/ http://rbgeek.wordpress.com/2012/06/25/how-to-install-vnc-server-on-ubuntu-server-12-04/14:16
brendan_i just googled, ubuntu 12.04 server gui14:16
Ronalds_MIf anybody considers upgrading xubuntu 12.04 with nvidia drivers to 12.10, I would consider it twice14:17
devnull_ah ... i need opengl 3 support .. maybe that is why my performance is off14:17
Fieldywhat would be a good / proper place to put commands I'd like done just after networking setup? particularly my own firewall commands, so it would need to be after the existing firewall rules being applied (or better yet replacing them)14:17
Riley88and thats why im buying intel lol14:17
Riley88from now on14:18
Ronalds_Mintel integrated cards has great support14:18
Pbwizkidi agree14:18
devnull_fieldy ... if-up ?14:18
Riley88yea my old laptop had ati 4200 and it was terrible14:18
mks1209hi all, can someone help me with this... http://paste.ubuntu.com/1509640/14:18
Pbwizkidi have always been a big fan of AMD but not so much anymore14:18
Fieldydevnull_: i'm new at ubuntu, is that a command or a file somewhere?14:18
Riley88i always had issues14:18
devnull_Ronalds_M, nvidia just released a driver fix to increase performance by 40%14:19
Pbwizkidi am running a 4200 right now it it works fine just cant do any gameing or anything like that on it14:19
testerRonalds_M, they have changed the settings, wait a moment14:19
devnull_Fieldy, check /etc/network/14:19
nOStahlhi guys, I have a thinkpad r51 here that refuses to connect to wifi network, it tries to connect but then asks for password again. dmesg shows ipw2100 Cn't get TKIP countermeasures: crypt not set!  on the last line of Dmesg14:19
Fieldydevnull_: thanks!14:19
nOStahlany ideas i can check?14:19
Riley88well the radion driver was fine but it always over heated when i used the open source driver14:19
Ronalds_Mmaybe, but I lost all nvidia drivers+jockey-gtk + ability to install them14:20
Pbwizkidi have no problem with open source14:20
devnull_nvidia does a much better job with drivers than ati14:20
Ronalds_Mso xubuntu upgrading is no need with nvidia14:20
Fieldydevnull_: fully agree14:20
Pbwizkidnot on thier tegra stuff they dont14:20
gepatinomks1209, have you tried to run that as root? seems to be related to user rights, if it works with root, try assigning the user to dialup, network, serial, groups14:20
devnull_look at me i have to install an upstream kernel to use my radeon more efficiently14:20
testerhas nobody an idea, if dconf settings file contains personal information?14:21
mks1209gepatino, thanks, but how do i run it as root14:21
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Pbwizkidbut other than tegra nvidia is takeing the market on it back and running with it14:21
mks1209gepatino, i did add user mks to dialout14:21
devnull_steam on linux baby14:21
gepatinomks1209, use sudo to start the python interpreter: 'sudo python' then you'll have a python instance as root14:22
mks1209gepatino, thanks14:22
devnull_cool 3.7 kernel has more Radeon fixes :)14:22
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MonkeyDustdevnull_  mind: 3.7 is not supported in this channel14:23
drifterwho cares Monkey14:23
LadilleroRiley88 Did you try everything before formatting and installng 7 and Ubuntu ?14:23
hje841Does any one know how to set up a serial connection in C++ to a Huawei E173 USB modem?14:23
devnull_doesn't matter to me14:23
Picihje841: Thats more on-topic for ##c++ than here.14:24
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)14:24
t2mknSetting a custom Gtk-2.0 theme for a specific application seems to be not working on Ubuntu 12.04. can some one help14:24
hje841Pici, I've just been there and they say it's off-topic14:24
t2mknGTK2_RC_FILES=/home/mahesh/.themes/MediterraneanDark/gtk-2.0/gtkrc gvim -f14:24
Riley88yea ladillero14:25
devnull_hje841, do you know how to interact with any serial port with c++ .... go ask them that first ... maybe they can give you some links14:25
Riley88the only time i got grub2 to show up was after i wiped widows and reinstalled it14:25
hje841devnull_, gotcha14:25
LadilleroRiley88 I never had problems with W7, only drivers14:26
esteevenUbuntu 12.10 Unity < I have a problem with recover after suspend. I have graphics but no USB. I am using the standard kernel. Any ideas? Using 3.5.0-21-generic. It's an Intel box (USB, audio etc) and my graphics are NVIDIA using the radeon drivers.14:26
LadilleroI guess W8 is the one to blame lol14:26
Riley88did your come with 7 or 814:26
Riley88mine came with 7 but still had uefi14:27
devnull_why would you use radeon drivers for a Nvidia card ?14:27
ivotklSee you, I'm offi.14:27
BluesKajesteeven, radeon isn't nvidia , it's ati14:27
testerRonalds_M, not possible, you would have to change the source :-(14:28
devnull_esteeven ... it is possible that could be part of the problem ... suspend is an iffy thing when it comes to graphics some times14:28
esteevenduh. I meant nouveau. :)14:28
testerRonalds_M, someone has done this for ubuntu 12.04 unity (you have to install the ppa though)14:29
devnull_yea .. im gonna see how 3.8 performs for Radeon14:30
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Congmy rubbish bin is still not accepting delete requestion on usb14:31
devnull_cong ?14:31
devnull_though i suppose i shouldn't be losing graphics performance for not using 64bit ?14:32
CongRubbish bin's design is messed up. Why can't it be more like windows.14:32
devnull_cong in what way ?14:32
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CongDeleting something from the usb should delete it right off the usb. And deleting something from the hdd should put it in the rubbish bin.14:33
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devnull_cong ... and this is a problem ?14:33
MonkeyDustCong  the usb key has a hidden Trash-1000 folder, delete that14:34
Congno that's not it.14:34
devnull_cong ... what monkey said14:34
the_dark_knightHi, how do I mark events to my calendar - cal?14:34
Fieldydevnull_: thanks a lot, placing it in if-up.d was exactly what I was looking for14:34
CongI deleted the .Trash-xxxx folders and it won't delete subsequent files now.14:34
devnull_fieldy ... no problem ... there are a lot of things like that in linux that launch scripts .. always check in /etc14:35
Fieldysure. I've been using linux for at least 15 years (I quit counting), i just was not sure precisely where in this distro14:35
devnull_cong ... unmount it and remount it and see if it helps14:35
Congdevnull_, tried it.14:35
KsMUgh, I hated that nautilus just moves stuff on the usb rather than deleting it14:36
devnull_fieldy i hear ya ... i am on 15 years now as well ... used so many distros i forget as well :)14:36
Riley88man u name it ive tried it14:37
devnull_yea ... those were the days14:38
Riley88and for somereason i always find my self back on ubuntu14:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:38
Riley88im like the worst distro hoper ever14:38
devnull_so sorry bazhang ... we won't talk about linux anymore14:38
bazhanglets get back on topic Riley8814:38
bazhangdevnull_, wrong place for chit chat14:38
devnull_no prob :)14:39
CongMaybe If I take a screen capture you'll understand. What's there for lubuntu for that?14:40
CongI could use import, but I may have forgotten how to use that.14:40
atlefCong, prtscrn button on keyboard14:41
LinSveIs there an op here?14:41
devnull_im sure there could be ... what do you need14:42
bazhangLinSve, #ubuntu-ops14:42
Congatlef, I don't think that's working.14:42
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Congwhat's the name of that screnn capturing program in Ubuntu?14:43
devnull_do you have unity ?14:43
devnull_type screen into dash14:43
Congdevnull_, I'm using lubuntu.14:43
KsMisn't screen a terminal multiplexer14:43
atlefCong, press it once open a photo/image editor, new image and paste14:43
bazhangCong, screen capture? theres more than one14:43
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devnull_ksm ... if you type screen in dash it will provide you with matches to the word screen ... such as screenshot14:44
bazhang!info scrot | Cong14:44
Congatlef, how do I do that in mtpaint, it's all I have I think.14:44
ubottuCong: scrot (source: scrot): command line screen capture utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-13 (quantal), package size 15 kB, installed size 72 kB14:44
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DJonesCong: You should just be able to press the printscreen button, from memory, that should open scrot14:44
KsMI think of dash as .. dash, the minimal bourne-compatible shell14:45
CongDJones, lubuntu is lightweight. it doesn't make many of the stuff in a full ubuntu desktop.14:45
devnull_i forgot about all the different shells14:45
bouliDunno if i am in the right channel :)14:47
DJonesCong: I'm a few minutes away from finishing a fresh lubuntu install, I'll try it when I finish, I thought the printscreen key would take a screenshot14:47
bouliI wanted to find out more about  Ubuntu from those that use it14:47
designbybeckGreetings all, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a Power Mac. It has 4 2TB drives. Do I do anything special to install Ubuntu? I have put rFEIt on there and I was able to boot off a disk and into Ubuntu. Just didn't know if it was safe to at a Ubuntu Partition or not?14:47
designbybeckbouli: ask away14:48
bouliWell, i have been a Windows user for years now.  But i have always been interested in trying Ubuntu, or Linux in General.  But my concern is, i like gaming lol :P14:48
bouliNow i have heard of wine14:49
bouliand stuff, but i am worried about drivers and such14:49
Pbwizkidsteam on linux14:49
designbybeckMost, for now just dual boot bouli14:49
devnull_bouli ... what games ? i just installed steam14:49
designbybeckyou can also try plays on linux bouli14:49
bouliGames like League of Legends :D14:49
bouliDual booting sounds interesting. never considered that :/14:49
designbybeckyes also what Pbwizkid said... Steam now runs native on Ubuntu with more games coming14:49
devnull_bouli .. you can check to see if there is a linux version ... if not check the winehq to see if it is supported14:49
Pbwizkidplay on linux is basically wine but more aimed and gameing14:49
designbybeckAnd did everyone see the new Steam box just annouced it runs Linux14:50
designbybeckas well as the New LEGO Mindstorm14:50
bouliAhh, cool!14:50
designbybeckok where was it14:50
DJonesCong: That surprised me, it doesn't take a screenshot by default14:50
bouliWell, it doesn't seem like Linux is far away from gaming that everyone made me beleive lo14:50
phill_I have a confusing Ubuntu issue...14:50
bouliGuess i have to try out Ubuntu! :D14:50
CongDJones, me, not surprised.14:50
Pbwizkidgameing has always been on linux just takes al ittle more work14:50
devnull_bouli ... no it is a lot better now than before ... like a lot better14:51
designbybeckbouli: best is to not listen to people that say "can't" and instead just go make it happen! ;)14:51
Pbwizkidall id software games have a had a linux installer14:51
phill_I want to change my users uid from 1000. I get an error from "usermod phill -u 61025"14:51
phill_usermod: user ptaylor is currently logged in14:51
phill_but I'm the only user and I can't log in as root14:51
phill_because it's disabled.14:51
boulinice! :D14:51
boulithanks guys!14:51
bouliMuch appreciated! :D14:51
bazhangphill_, use sudo14:51
devnull_brb ... testing 3.7.114:51
bazhangphill_, there is NO reason to log in as root14:52
designbybeckAnyone know about my PowerMac question?14:52
phill_bazhang: thast's not the problem14:52
Congshould I get shutter? I donno it looks super heavyweight.14:52
phill_I can't use sudo because it means I AM LOGGED IN14:52
devnull_phill why are you trying to change your userid ?14:52
designbybeckCong:  Shutter is great, but I haven't tried it on lower end machines14:52
Third3yeHas anybody noticed any issues relating to "rar" and "nautilus"?14:52
devnull_you could always boot into a root console i suppose14:52
MonkeyDustCong  shutter isn't light, but you can edit screenshots with it14:52
devnull_Third3ye, not lately14:52
phill_devnull_: because I'm using the same account across NFS and want to match up the permissions correctly14:52
designbybeckHey MonkeyDust did you see my post about installing Ubuntu on a Power Mac with  4 2TB harddrives?14:53
devnull_phill_, im sure bazhang  will have to correct way to do it ... but i think you can boot into a root terminal and do it14:53
Third3yeI left it overnight to archive a collection of folders filled with media -- when I woke up it was consuming large amount of CPU and ram, which left Unity inoperable, forcing me to reboot via terminal14:53
MonkeyDustdesignbybeck  i'm not familiar with Mac, sorry14:53
designbybeckIt has rEFIt on there and can boot a ubuntu disk.... just didn't know if it was safe to do a refit partition14:53
designbybeckah ok, no prob, thanks14:53
bazhangsudo -i for a root shell devnull_14:53
DJonesCong: Actually, just checking, the printscreen key does take a screenshot and saves in /home it just doesn't give me any indication that it has done it without looking in the /home folder14:54
Third3yeIs there a log for nautilus?14:54
CongDJones, bingo!14:54
devnull_bazhang, doesn't that still keep your user active14:55
Third3yeI did an integrity check of the archived file now (a rar file) and everything seems to be in order14:55
bazhangdevnull_, I've not been paying attention to his issue, my apologies14:55
Third3yeSo it finished and continued to use a lot of CPU and ram14:55
devnull_no prob ... he can't change the user ID because his user is logged in / active14:56
CongAnd I was about to get gnome-screenshot.14:56
devnull_thats why i was suggesting booting into maybe a low runlevel and doing it14:56
devnull_but brb14:57
just_trying_outhow to apt-get offline ?14:57
bazhang!offline | just_trying_out14:57
ubottujust_trying_out: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD14:57
poqDo I need XXX-dev packages to develop with some lib or it is enough to install XXX-dev?14:58
Robbiliejust_trying_out, or do you mean without software center?14:58
poqDo I need XXX-dbg package to develop with XXX or I it is enough to install XXX-dev?14:59
KI4ROAnyone know how to turn on the voice over feature in an IPOD thru UBUNTU?14:59
Third3yeDoes Unity try to restart apps that was open before you reboot?14:59
phill_does anyone know the easiest way to get into a root console with no other users logged in at all?15:00
phill_(aka without using sudo)?15:00
Congwho wants too see? http://i48.tinypic.com/2guy7he.png15:00
devnull_alright .. booted right into 3.7.1 with no problem :)15:00
llutzphill_: enable root account, login as root, do your changes, lock root again15:00
jhutchins_wkphill_: By default you can't do that on ubuntu.15:01
ikoniaphill_: why would you do that ?15:01
just_trying_outbazhang: not that......simple apt-get update being offline......like this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Offline/Repository15:01
ikoniaphill_: you can just use sudo inline with the ubuntu security framework15:01
just_trying_outRobbilie: ^^15:01
Congllutz do sudo -s # then type in your passwd15:01
devnull_lets try tf2 now15:01
Congwrong person15:02
llutzCong: read what he tries to do and then answer again15:02
phill_ikonia: because i need to run usermod on the only non root account on the box. usermod CANNOT WORK IF YOU USE IT VIA SUDO AND ARE CHANGING YOUR ACCOUNT15:03
phill_why do people keep asking?15:03
bazhangphill_, lose caps15:03
llutzphill_: btw it is a bad idea to mess with the only account on the system. if something breaks, you won't have any user to login. so temporary activating the root-account is imho an idea15:03
devnull_phill .... reboot and go to grub menu and see if there is an option to drop to boot to root console maybe15:03
phill_llutz: thanks15:04
Congdid anyone look at my pic? http://i48.tinypic.com/2guy7he.png15:04
llutzphill_: or if you prefer, create a 2nd account, add him to sudo-group and use that to do your changes15:04
jhutchins_wkphill_: What are you trying to change about your account?15:04
Third3yeOh and can anyone suggest an alternative process manager that doesn't lock up?15:04
phill_jhutchins_wk: uid, so I can align file permissions on nfs with another account on the network15:05
devnull_phill ... or you can change it all manually15:05
Third3yePreferably one with analytical data and several aspects around a process, like files in ram?15:05
phill_it's fine, i've enabled the root account..15:05
phill_off I go..15:05
Third3yeA GUI app... preferably, but I'm not to shy to use CLI :P15:06
devnull_well tf2 plays better with opengl3 with the upstream kernel15:09
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MonkeyDustwhat's tf2 ?15:09
devnull_team fortress 2 through steam for linux15:10
secutor@Third3ye did you try htop?15:10
just_trying_out!logs > just_trying_out15:12
ubottujust_trying_out, please see my private message15:12
tompa_Is there no support for Evernote in linux?15:13
jamie90234Are maverick repos shut down? Apt-get update gives me 404's for every source15:13
secutortompa_, i use EverPad for Evernote on ubuntu15:13
tompa_what is everpad? Does it sync with evernote?15:14
jamie90234No info on  maverick repos?15:14
devnull_tompa ... look it up ... google is your friend15:14
MonkeyDustjamie90234  yes, maverick is !eol, no longer available or supported15:17
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CongWikipedia is my friend. I hate google, because it only give more of what I might want to see; not of what I am searching for.15:18
nougadhi, is there a apache2-mpm-worker-dbgsym package for precise? I already added ddebs.ubuntu.com to sources list - but found no dbgsym for that package. symbols-packages-v2.sh /usr/sbin/apache2 gives no output15:18
jamie90234MonkeyDust thanks, is there any backports repos? Im coming for a debian background...15:18
devnull_yes ... googles relative search algorithm15:18
MonkeyDustjamie90234  not that i'm aware of, better upgrade to 12.xx15:19
Third3yeApp... alternative... process management... preferably GUI...!15:19
jamie90234dist-upgrade I guess?15:19
tompa_Is there something wrong with the repos atm? I can't download ubuntu tweak or everpad... just gets "E: Unable to locate package everpad/ubuntu-tweak"15:19
tompa_Ubuntu 12.10 *15:20
Pbwizkidyou need to go add the repos for those15:20
MonkeyDustjamie90234  fresh install is the fastest and easiest way - backup first15:20
tompa_how do i add repos?15:20
jamie90234MonkeyDust thanks15:20
Congyou don't need a sources for tweak though15:21
Pbwizkidgoogle the software repos and it will give you the commands15:21
Pbwizkidyes you do15:22
CongI think it's in universe15:22
ranjanhi all, can anybody help me in troubleshooting unattended upgrades15:22
Pbwizkidi think it was at one time15:22
Pbwizkidjust google how to insta ubuntu tweak on 12.1015:23
Pbwizkidthat should get you everything you need15:23
Pbwizkidand as well with everpad15:23
phill_llutz: That worked thanks15:23
llutzphill_: did you check if sudo still works before locking root-account again? you should :)15:25
tompa_    "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nvbn-rm/ppa",   "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install everpad"15:26
tompa_Gives me :15:26
tompa_    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nvbn-rm/ppa15:26
tompa_    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install everpad15:26
phill_yeah it's fine, just need to relock the root account15:26
tompa_ups, W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/myunity/ppa/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found15:26
tompa_W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/myunity/ppa/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found15:26
tompa_W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/myunity/ppa/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found15:26
tompa_E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.15:26
llutz!pastebin | tompa_15:26
ubottutompa_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:26
sauron-I'd like to send a list of files via find to a command, so something like $ <command> find ./ -name ... etc. The command takes params like file1.ext file2.ext15:28
secutorfind ./ -name file -exec <command> {} +15:29
phill_grep condition * | xargs find . -name  ??15:29
secutorwhere {} will be substituted by the filename15:29
bonosauron-: <command> $(find ./ -name ...)15:29
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phill_sauron-: man xargs15:29
sauron-i need to make sure it isnt a loop, need to send the entire list as the param15:30
sauron-so think bono's cmd works like that?15:30
bonosauron-: phill_'s solution is better15:30
dr_willisbash has a command legenth limit. so a loop may be required15:30
tompa_This is what i get after adding repo and trying to install everpad: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1509771/15:30
* NoFace hi ppl15:31
bonosauron-: find . -name ... -print0 | xargs -0 command15:31
sauron-thanks, going to experiment15:32
devnull_and now time to try 3.8-rc2 to see if my fingerprint reader will work15:32
Pbwizkidtompa_ its not working cuz your trying to add for my unity and its no longer there for 12.10 those binares dont exist15:35
medflyI had trouble installing anki. I uninstalled anything qt4 related (as per google advice). this deleted vlc and lyx. I installed anki, successfully. now I can't install vlc and lyx. (lyx : Depends: lyx-common (= 2.0.0~rc3-1) but 2.0.0-1~natty1 is to be installed). I am using ubuntu 11.04 x64.15:35
medflyI don't understand wht is wrong15:36
EaglemanANy idea why my screen freezes after a few minutes, forcing me to restart the ssh connection?15:36
albercubaany experienced network admin here?15:37
albercubai need to ask one question15:37
bazhangalbercuba, related to ubuntu?15:38
EaglemanAlbastos #networking15:38
albercubawell related to linux15:38
Pumpkin-_either 1.) ask it if it is ubuntu related, or 2.) ##networking if it isn't.15:38
albercubaaa thanks eagleman15:38
bazhangalbercuba, ##networking15:38
LardinHello !15:38
Eaglemanwhy 2x #?15:38
bazhangits unofficial Eagleman15:39
bazhangask #freenode for more15:39
albercubathanks thanks15:39
LardinBazhang whats that ?15:39
dr_williscause its cooler.. ;-)15:39
LardinIm new so..15:39
tyler_dI installed and was playing around with xfce, I have now moved back to gnome, however the panel indicator has multiples of icons for bluetooth, as well is missing the sound aplet all-together, I'm running 12.10 any help in getting the sound back and removing the duplicates would be great please15:39
angshow can I see if I have ftdi_sio driver?15:40
bazhangtyler_d, removing all of xubuntu? or only the applets15:40
Cong## because it's server owned.15:40
bazhangCong, thats not correct15:40
LardinIrc Got a nice history...Anonymous started here15:40
CongI guessed.15:40
tyler_dbazhang: i'm unsure why the aplets from xfce show in gnome... I would like to simply remove the aplets within gnome, not remove xfce15:40
bazhanglets get back on topic of ubuntu support please15:41
medflyuhhh there's more to IRC than a bunch of people who used it for ocmmunication15:41
LardinI know medfly..15:41
dr_willisits not ##offtopic? ;-)15:41
CongThis bin isn't letting me remove the usb's contents that are in the bin sort of...15:42
medflyis it useless to try to ask overly specific questions about why apt has version conflicts of dependencies (apparently) here?15:42
dr_willisCong: try removeing them as root?15:42
dr_willismedfly: conflucting ppas or repos most likely15:43
medflyI see15:43
medflydr_willis: is there a way to reset those to default? I think I have way too much junk15:43
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html15:44
medflythank you15:44
bazhang!ot | Lardin15:45
ubottuLardin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:45
Lardinot ?15:45
CongHe's a spammer.15:45
LardinWat is that15:45
bazhangLardin, offtopic yes15:45
medfly11.04 is not mentioned on that weird thing, although things before and after are15:45
LardinOh im sry..15:45
tompa_Pbwizkid i tried to download myunity yesterday (without luck), but now im not doing anything that is about my unity...15:45
tompa_Just typing "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nvbn-rm/ppa", "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install everpad"15:45
daincredibleholgi have some trouble with appamor15:46
medflyI guess it's just not supported any more15:47
daincredibleholgoh, medfly, but why is it still enable in ubuntu server 12.10?15:47
medflydaincredibleholg: not talking about your proble, sorry15:48
daincredibleholgah, ok, my fault, sorry ;)15:48
devnull_yea no 3.8 for me15:48
mks1209is there something wrong with the linux download of skype15:49
daincredibleholgso, ok, I am trying to put bind in a chroot (/var/lib/named)15:49
medflydr_willis: I've removed source code and the conflicts stopped, strangely15:49
daincredibleholgso i also adjusted the appamor setting15:49
medflymks1209: I have been using Skype for a while successfully, but probably so long it's an out-dated version. I heard the new one is annoying.15:49
bazhangmks1209, its in partner15:49
ANubmks1209: there's nothing wrong...except sending files crashes the skype15:49
daincredibleholgand have the permission "/var/lib/named/** r," set15:50
bazhang!info skype partner | mks120915:50
mks1209i cant install, it says wrong architecture15:50
ubottumks1209: skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)15:50
tom___Hi, I have some issues in installing evolution 3.6.2 in ubuntu 12.0415:50
bazhangmks1209, you're on PPC?15:50
daincredibleholgbut if I try starting bind, I get kernel: [1728006.024064] type=1400 audit(1357659430.235:40): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" parent=12589 profile="/usr/sbin/named" name="/var/lib/named/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gn15:50
daincredibleholgu/openssl-1.0.0/engines/libgost.so" pid=12590 comm="named" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=118 ouid=015:50
daincredibleholgany ideas?15:50
tom___can some one help me in this regard15:50
mks1209bazhang, yes15:50
medflytom___: you need to tell us what you are sturggling with15:50
saxxfelice anno a tutti15:51
bazhang!it | saxx15:51
ubottusaxx: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:51
tom___medfly: http://pastebin.com/aZkQQXKR15:51
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angshow can I install ftdi_sio module on ubuntu 12.10?15:52
tom___There are some dependency issue which i'm not able to resolve, http://pastebin.com/aZkQQXKR15:52
mks1209bazhang, what is skype partner15:52
bazhangmks1209, partner is a software repo, they dont have PPC there though15:52
mks1209bazhang, thanks ... i am really new to ubuntu ... what is PPC?15:53
bazhangmks1209, PowerPC Mac15:54
tangobravohaving an interesting issue... i cant see what directory i am in15:54
tangobravoit doesnt show after username15:54
magik_Is it just me or the more I use Ubuntu the more I can't stand using Windows of any version?15:54
mks1209i'm on an HP15:54
tangobravoand pwd just shows "$"15:54
bazhangso install it from partner mks120915:55
albercubatango type pwd15:55
mks1209bazhang, no item found in store under canonical partner15:55
domiemagik_, i feel the same way, but only for programming, i just don't feel right doing stuff in windows15:56
LinSvenmagik_ I agree with out 100% on that. Been using Ubuntu in School all day. Just got home and turned on my computer with Windows 7 on it. Blah! 30 day trial for mIRC.15:56
tangobravoalbercuba i did15:56
bazhangmks1209, did you first apt-get update?15:56
tangobravoit shows $15:56
mks1209bazhang, second day on skpye sir/madam15:56
tangobravoi dont even have a username15:56
tangobravojust displays "$"15:56
dr_willisxchat exists for windows  LinSven15:56
mks1209i mean ubuntu15:56
tangobravoat the begining of the command line15:56
tangobravoxchat for windows is no longer free15:57
IdleOnehexchat is15:57
domiepidgin is also an IRC client, crossplatform too15:57
tangobravoyea thats what i use15:57
magik_Well one thing that bothers me about Windows the most is they are just constanty trying to get all your personal information.15:57
dr_willistheres free versions of xchat for windows15:57
mks1209bazhang, do i need to update ubuntu15:57
tangobravothis is frustrating15:57
mikodoCompiz and Xubuntu 12.04. I get a flicker when changing between web-sites/apps. Does this happen in Ubuntu 12.04/10?15:58
tangobravocant see my current working directory15:58
tangobravoall i get is "$"15:58
tangobravopwd only shows that too15:58
ANububuntu 12.04, second xserver (startx -- :2) works, however second xsession gets all glitchy and kind of messed up.....any ideas how to resolve.....?15:59
bazhangmks1209, you need to add the partner repository15:59
magik_tangobravo, Are you on 12.10?15:59
bazhang!partner | mks120915:59
ubottumks1209: Canonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »15:59
tangobravomagic_ 12.04 lts server15:59
tom___any idea on this gnome-doc-utils15:59
tangobravomagik_, *15:59
dr_willistangobravo:  echo $SHELL  shows?15:59
LinSvenIs there a way to install Ubuntu on my Windows 7 computer? I need to move over my files etc to Ubuntu. Then I want to get rid of Windows and use all the HDD for Ubuntu.15:59
tom___evolution 3.6.2 installation in 12.0416:00
magik_tangobravo, Well I was going to suggest going to Ctrl Alt F1 switching to your tty and then trying pwd16:00
dr_willistangobravo:  odd.. try running  'bash'16:00
tangobravomagik_, this is a server16:00
dr_willistangobravo:  a vps?16:00
magik_tangobravo, no gui? ah ok im lost then lol16:00
tangobravodr_willis, nah16:01
mks1209ubottu, did that ... nuthin seemed to happen16:01
ANububuntu 12.04, second xserver (startx -- :2) works, however second xsession gets all glitchy and kind of messed up.....any ideas how to resolve.....?16:01
ubottumks1209: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:01
dr_willistangobravo:  odd.. try running  'bash'16:01
tangobravooh dr_willis: bash worked16:01
tangobravothanks so much16:01
tangobravodunno how i got out of bash shell16:01
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ANubtangobravo: type 'exit'16:02
LinSventangobravo type exit16:02
padhutangobravo: then, which shell you want?16:02
padhumks1209: It is bot, guide or direct you in this channel to go right way16:02
tangobravodr_willis go it thanks tho ANub, LinSven, padhu16:03
BoreeasWhat's the reason for only being able to have 4 partitions on a harddrive?16:03
drifteri replaced ubuntu with earphones16:03
tangobravoBoreeas, u can have 4 partitions on a hard drive16:04
mks1209did the add-apt sucessfully16:04
tangobravou can have more infact16:04
MonkeyDustBoreeas  create more in an extended partition16:04
mikodoBoreeas, Ya, what is up with that?16:04
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mikodoBoreeas, Primary, that is ..16:04
dr_willis4 primary partitions16:05
tangobravooh primary yea16:05
B34visi am the great cornholio i meed tp for my bunghole16:05
ANububuntu 12.04, second xserver (startx -- :2) works, however second xsession gets all glitchy and kind of messed up.....any ideas how to resolve.....?16:05
hsnmckhello, I'm using xubuntu 12.10 and I would like to be able to transfer mp3 files from my pc to my iphone 4, how can I do that without itunes? thanks16:06
tonsofpcsYoltA: I am not interested in whatever you are hocking16:07
daincredibleholghsnmck, try rhythmbox16:07
magik_hsnmck, I know you can get them off your iphone but I don't think you can put them on your iphone yet,  You can try gtkpod16:07
ubottuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee16:07
YolarPAwesome guy.16:08
LinSvenI *think* I heard today you can have as many partitions as you like with Linux if you use GPT. That 4 partition thing has to do with some old MicroSoft way of doing things. I have no idea what GPT is though haha.16:08
MonkeyDustjsec  no scripts pls16:08
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LinSvenoh dr_willis good that you told me that. I am about to install Ubuntu and thought it might be a good thing.16:08
daincredibleholgLinSeven, this has nothing to do with M$. You can only have 4 primary partitions. If you want more, you need one extended partitions and put as many logical partitions in it, as you want.16:09
bekkss/as many/up to 15/16:09
LinSvendaincredibleholg OK but what is this GPT thing that dr_willis gave a ! for?16:09
daincredibleholgno plan16:10
LinSvenI am only asking because they talked about it in school today.16:10
daincredibleholgjust create a extended partition and piut the logical ones in it16:10
daincredibleholgthe only M$ restriction (was?), that Windows can only boot from primary partition16:11
magik_I'm running my Ubuntu 12.10 using ext4 I shouldn't have to defragment it right?  I've read stuff about it before but some people say you should some people say you don't have to and some people say you can but don't need to...lol16:11
LinSvenYou don't need to defragment Ubuntu?16:12
LinSven+3 for using it then.16:12
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magik_LinSven, I've heard you don't have to if your using the ext4 filesystem16:12
LinSvenIs that the default?16:13
magik_LinSven, did you do a full install?16:13
LinSvenOn my school computer we first did something called LFS then we installed Ubuntu. Part of my class.16:13
LinSvenI need to install Ubuntu here at home though.16:13
magik_LinSven, I would suggest the USB install make sure you do a full install.  If your going to do a dual boot is a good idea to make your partitions with windows before you install16:14
LinSvenmagik_ you know what. I think I am going to do that right now. I can put all my docs and stuff in the cloud.16:15
LinSvenI'll be back in a while with a clean install of Ubuntu :)16:16
magik_LinSven, Can I suggest a youtube video that explains how to make the correct partitions or you already got that part down?16:16
LinSvenmagik_ I'll watch a video or two but I am not a "power user". Just a student that got cought up in this.16:17
magik_Ok http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HANcetKsqc16:17
LinSvenThank you.16:17
magik_Your welcome16:17
PeacerikHello. Is there anyone here that has managed to use bridged networking with DHCP behind a router? I'm having some problem unfortunately.16:19
newphreakHello there, does ubuntu server use the same kernels etc as the desktop builds?16:20
newphreakand, if you do a minimal setup, how much will be installed as a default base?16:20
newphreak(using the ubuntu server cd and going the minimal route)16:21
teapotHey, does anyone know of a list of commands for XChat?16:22
bazhangteapot, such as?16:22
teapotSuch as how to add servers to the server list, and how to connect to different servers16:23
bazhangteapot, thats in the preferences16:23
teapotah, cool16:23
usr13teapot: There is more-than-likely a "Help" option.16:23
bazhangteapot, also /join #xchat16:23
teapotAh, okay16:23
teapotI clicked on the link in the "Help" menu and it brought me to a wiki which directed me here16:24
* teapot shrugs16:24
teapotSorry man16:24
usr13teapot: sorry, I use irssi16:26
teapotI love irssi, haha16:26
teapotif my internet connection didn't suck I'd ssh back to my redhat box16:26
bazhangteapot, xchat menu network list16:26
bazhangedit from there16:27
usr13teapot: There is http://www.irssi.org/documentation  Something similiar more-than-likely exists for xchat16:27
teapotYep, doing so right now.16:27
teapotThanks for your help16:27
teapotI'll definitely look into it, usr1316:28
teapotThanks again, hazbang16:28
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shipwashI have a few questions about running ubuntu persistently from a usb drive16:31
shipwashone, is PenDriveLinux + an iso the right way to do it?16:32
dr_willisi use tools from the pendrive site. they have several16:33
shipwashI'm using this one: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/16:33
shipwashseems pretty straightforward, I just wanted to check16:33
KaRmAlinux-image-3.5.0-21-generic is that newest 64 bit kernel ?16:34
shipwashokay, so if I use that pendrive tool, will the Home directory be persistent?16:36
designbybeckI got  Ubuntu installed on the MacPro, and it saw the wifi and i installed first round of updates no prob. But after reboot, now I can't connect to wifi or anything.16:38
_Rocky_installed a new ttf font by copying it into /usr/share/fonts and /usr/local/share/fonts. The font shows up in gnome-tweak-tool.But it doesn't show up in gnome-terminal profile preferences. Thank you for ideas.16:38
_Rocky_I am running ubuntu 12.04 with the 3.2.0-23-generic kernel16:40
designbybeckAnd what is the differnce between fglrx vs fflrx-updates? Which one do I need to install??16:40
_Rocky_I am using gnome-shell btw16:40
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blami_Rocky_: only fixed size fonts are available in terminal16:41
_Rocky_designbybeck: http://askubuntu.com/questions/6670716:42
joint2khello. i dont have uefi, or secure boot. I did a clean install of windows 8 - and now when i boot up ubuntu 11.10, 12.04, or 12.10 - the installer doesnt see any partitions at all. it just comes up blank. gparted sees them fine. anybody know anything about this. its a lot of info on google about it, but no straight answers.  why is windows 8 trying to hijack my hd?16:42
joint2ki even did a kill disk on my hd... and ubuntu still wont detect it16:42
designbybeckThank you _Rocky_16:42
_Rocky_blami: Thank you. But, the same font works on gnome-terminal running on Debian Squeeze16:43
_Rocky_blami: any ideas?16:43
joint2kand i know it works.. because before i ever put windows 8 on there. i used to dual boot win 7 and ubuntu16:43
joint2kafter the kill disk.. it seems the only option i have left is to wait for fedora 18, which allegidly has this new bootloader signed with microsoft keys16:46
designbybeck_Rocky_: my first question might not let me do your answer16:46
joint2kor buy a new hd16:46
designbybeckdo you have to be online?16:46
_Rocky_designbybeck: you mean do you have to be online to install fglrx?16:47
designbybeck_Rocky_:  because if i try to select that fglrx, and click apply, it just goes back to the open source drivers16:47
designbybecki didn't know if the proprietary drivers were sitting there waiting offline _Rocky_16:47
_Rocky_If you are installing through the additional drivers, you will have to be online16:47
_Rocky_since it will be downloading the drivers16:48
vfvrzvevrvzrhi, how to take a file from a phone via bluetooth plz16:48
Robbilievfvrzvevrvzr, might suggest blueman16:48
KaRmAhow can I change the default kernel via command line ?16:49
dr_willisive found its easier to send from the phone. not pull from the pc.16:49
vfvrzvevrvzrhi Robbiiie, ty for answer, I've apps from jde BLuedevil, must be like blueman hi, how to take a file from a phone via bluetooth plzbut what to do after?16:49
rasp_piehi there! What's the problem when I cannot delete a folder (sudo rmdir srv)? It really looks strange, when I do a ls -lah, the folder shows up as "d????????? ? ?    ?       ?            ? srv"16:49
_Rocky_KaRmA: do you want to build a kernel or do you already have several kernels installed and you want to boot into oneby default?16:50
designbybeckwell then back to my first question _Rocky_ New clean install on MacPro, Wifi worked when i installed, and did first updates just fine on wifi, but after reoobt I don't see wifi anymore, no networking16:50
rasp_pieError message is "rmdir: failed to remove `srv': Device or resource busy"16:50
KaRmA_Rocky_, second option16:50
dr_willisrasp_pie:  ?? in names and stuff shows fs curruption.16:50
_Rocky_you would have to change grub config16:50
rasp_piedr_willis: oh, that does not sound good. What chances do I have to fix it?16:51
KaRmA_Rocky_, so just change the line in /boot/grub/grub.cfg16:51
dr_willisrasp_pie: fsck from a live cd and see.16:52
rasp_pieyeah well, it's a productive server, running on xen... any other options that do not include reboot?16:52
dr_willisnever used xen. so no idea16:53
KaRmA_Rocky_, k rebooting wish me luck16:53
dr_willisyou  dont fsck a mounted fs nirmally16:53
_Rocky_KaRmA: Don't change grub.cfg. Since it will change back when you ubdate-grub16:53
rasp_pieok. but do you have any idea how to check a mounted file system?16:54
KaRmA_Rocky_, I already did update-grub and it appeared to use the kernel I specified16:54
rasp_pielike what fsck would do16:54
_Rocky_KaRmA: set GRUB_DEFAULT=<index> to set the default boot in /etc/default/grub16:54
KaRmA_Rocky_, ok you were right it used the old kernel, what gives ?16:54
dr_willisrasp_pie:  if its mounted read only it might work16:54
KaRmA_Rocky_, ahh ok thanks16:55
rasp_piedr_willis: nope, it's the root file system16:55
rasp_pieso it has to be rw16:55
dr_willisyou DONT fs a in use rw fs. ;-)16:55
KaRmA_Rocky_, then do update-grub ?16:55
dr_willisdont fsck that is.. :-P16:56
_Rocky_KaRmA: yes16:56
VictorCLis there an easy way to install php oci8 extention?16:56
rasp_pieOk. Then I just create a new folder. That one used to be only a mount point anyway so that should work16:56
KaRmA_Rocky_, that worked thanks!!!16:57
rasp_piedr_willis: thanks anyway16:58
rgummadavellineed help16:58
dr_williswe need details...16:59
chilukWhat are people doing to run Ubuntu as a KVM guest now that Unity is 3d only and runs like crap under KVM as a result?17:00
MonkeyDustchiluk  please rephrase that as a decent question17:01
chilukunfortunately I'm using VMs as victims in order to debug graphics bugs... so ditching a window manager altogether is not an option.17:01
chilukMonkeyDust,  What are people doing to run Ubuntu as a KVM guest now that Unity is 3d only and runs really slow under KVM as a result?17:02
sgtkilljoychiluk: dont use unity ??17:02
mz`install gnome3 ? run KDE ? use a real DM/WM ?17:02
chilukthat's what I was afraid you guys would say.. Unfortunately I'm debugging some issues with Unity.17:03
sgtkilljoy<< recommends cinnamon17:03
datruthhow can I find out what is loading my iptables rules?17:03
impizai have installed ubuntu software-center in linuxmint17:03
vect0rHas anyone had any luck getting opengl 3d accel to work running Ubuntu in VMWare Workstation 9?17:03
mz`datruth: syslog maybe17:04
impizayo sgtkilljoy17:04
impizabut i cant see any commercial app in there why17:04
mz`impiza: you maybe missed some sources17:04
MonkeyDustimpiza  mint is not supported in this channel17:04
impizamz` what kind of source17:04
impizai know17:04
impizabut i am asking help with ubuntu software-center17:05
vfvrzvevrvzrhi I don't know how to activate bluetooth with kde plz?*17:05
AndChat330644Hey guys this is probably a dumb one but if I wanted to manage a switch with ubuntu17:05
mz`APT sources17:05
AndChat330644What do I use17:05
datruththere was a simple firewall I had on ubuntu that I had to install17:06
nullby7eafter a recompile of custom kernel, when i try to start X there is no desktop and icons in the screen, only background wallpaper17:06
datruthanyone know of what firewall it could have been?17:06
nullby7ealso when i boot with default kernel it's the same17:07
MonkeyDustdatruth  there's gufw17:07
alnhaviris there a way for me to disable password login after I've already installed Ubuntu? I want to boot straight to my desktop17:07
robertzaccourHow do you add and remove icons to the home lens on the dash?17:07
vfvrzvevrvzrhow to use bluetooth17:08
MonkeyDustalnhavir  system settings > user accounts > unlock17:08
chilukAndChat330644 web browser?  telnet?  ssh?17:08
datruthMonkeyDust: firehol is what I was looking for17:08
robertzaccouralnhavir: yes, in user account settings17:08
AndChat330644Chiluk Web browser17:10
chilukAndChat330644,  Firefox exists in Ubuntu...17:10
chilukyou might want to start there.17:10
chilukor are you having issues with java.17:10
chilukif java's your pain.. I pitty you.17:11
AndChat330644Chiluk what i don't know is what tool to use. My switch is very old.17:11
alnhavirMonkeyDust: robertzaccour: I'm in those settings now, but can only change my name, account type, language and password. What am I missing?17:11
nullby7eafter a recompile of custom kernel, when i try to start X there is no desktop and icons in the screen, only background wallpaper, also when i boot with default kernel it's the same?17:11
chilukAndChat330644, If I were you I'd probably start with a quick download of it's manual.17:11
robertzaccouralnhavir: turn automatic login on17:12
chilukand see what interfaces it supports17:12
usr13alnhavir: You are missing the auto-login option.  (I think you are in the wrong set of menus.)17:12
chilukyou might even want to try company support for that switch17:12
MonkeyDustalnhavir  unlock, then switch Automatic Login on/off, which you like17:12
robertzaccouralnhavir: just search for login and it should come up17:12
robertzaccourclick it, then select automatic login on17:12
chiluk AndChat330644 really there's not much Ubuntu related that we can advise on related to your random switch17:12
chilukAndChat330644, usually they have either a web interface a telnet interface, or an ssh interface or some combination of the above.17:12
chilukAndChat330644, you can always try nmap to try to discover what IPs are on your network ... or check your dhcp server logs to see if the switch grabbed an IP17:13
chilukAndChat330644, am I helping at all?17:13
chilukAndChat330644, your question felt a bit open ended.17:14
robertzaccourIs there a way to add and remove application icons from the Unity dash home lens?17:14
alnhavirrobertzaccour: MonkeyDust: usr13 : Here's a screenshot of my User Accounts tab. Am I looking at the incorrect screen? http://i.imgur.com/2ne26.png17:14
usr13alnhavir:  http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/03/automatically-login-to-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/17:14
robertzaccouralnhavir: On mine right below password is the automatic login switch.17:15
MonkeyDustalnhavir  yeah, an option is missing there, no idea what might cause it17:15
robertzaccouralnhavir: at the top right click on lock and unlock it first17:16
robertzaccouralnhavir: It may be faster to just back up your home folder and do a reinstall and select login automatically during the setup maybe?17:17
robertzaccouronly takes about 15 minutes to install Ubuntu17:17
alnhavirrobertzaccour: MonkeyDust: Hm.. just installed today. The only thing I've done differently this time is enabled full disk encryption17:17
MonkeyDustalnhavir  i'm not familiar with encryption, but that may be it17:18
MonkeyDustalnhavir  makes sense: te decrypt/access the disk, you need a password17:19
alnhavirMonkeyDust: I'm not sure. The disk encryption is a different password that's entered at boot.17:19
=== MartinS is now known as Guest51217
alnhavirMonkeyDust: but then again, it's the only thing I've changed.17:20
MonkeyDustalnhavir  guess the decryption password is stored somewhere, a keyring or so, and you need a password to access that keyring17:21
alnhavirMonkeyDust: Hm.. This set-up (full disk encryption and automatic login) is an option on the install disk, which makes me think it should be possible to change this. I guess I'll just have to reinstall with that enabled.17:24
alnhavirMonkeyDust: It just sucks to enter two passwords to log in now (something I didn't foresee being this annoying)17:24
alnhavirMonkeyDust: thanks for your help!17:24
KI4ROAnyone know how to turn on the voice over feature in an IPOD thru UBUNTU?17:25
usr13alnhavir: Did you look at  http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/03/automatically-login-to-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/  ?17:25
usr13alnhavir: Is this a laptop or desktop?17:26
alnhavirusr13: ah I missed that. will give it a shot17:26
alnhavirusr13: laptop, but its the same image, isnt it?17:27
robertzaccourThe music lens doesn't display or filter my music at all. Could this because I already have it organized in folders?17:27
usr13alnhavir: Just wondering why you were so security concious.17:27
monk12hey all, i'd like to get GPT/UEFI boot working... just curious before i'd setup linux with 4 partitions: /boot partition, /, /home, and linux-swap... i read i have to create a EFI partition at beginning of the drive ... would be become the /boot partition or is that separate?17:28
robertzaccouractually the music lens does display my music, but it doesn't filter it17:28
robertzaccouras in rock, country, etc17:28
robertzaccouris the music lens broken?17:28
alnhavirusr13: Gotcha. Well when it's as simple as checking a box on the newest installer, I figured why not? I have an SSD and still boot in <15 sec.17:29
usr13alnhavir: I have my laptop set to just boot to text mode, no login, I have to login and initiate the GUI as well, but if someone gets my laptop, they'll be pretty lost, so... I guess it's kinda worth it.  I can type in a password and give a command or two, doesn't bother me.17:29
monk12im at the screen at the instlal where i'll prob change the old hard drive so the /boot partition instead of 'ext4' becomes 'efi boot' partition... and then 'Device for Boot Loader installation:' would be set to that same 'efi boot' partition too?17:29
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robertzaccourman the Unity dash isn't ready for regular everyday use yet17:30
dr_willisone lens not working right is not a sign the dash is not ready..17:31
monk12also how does it become a GPT partition?17:31
alnhavirusr13: True. But FDE seems even more convenient then? Just prompted for a password at boot? The only inconvenient part is when you're like me and accidentally create two login screens when you implement17:31
usr13.... live and learn ....17:31
alnhavirusr13: :) will give your link a shot now. Thanks17:32
usr13 robertzaccour  xfce is17:32
KI4ROAnyone know how to turn on the voice over feature in an IPOD thru UBUNTU?17:32
jenniewhy at each boot I have to mount each partition ? I dont want to mount again and again17:32
usr13alnhavir: I dono if it will work for you, just found it, thought it might be useful/interesting.17:32
dr_willisjennie: make a fstab entry for them17:33
dr_willis!fstab | jennie17:33
ubottujennie: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:33
VictorCLwhy do I get permission denied with this commnd17:33
Third3yeAn activity/process manager... anybody got a good one to suggest?17:33
VictorCLsudo echo /opt/oracle/instantclient > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/oracle-instantclient17:33
PiciVictorCL: sudo does not pass IO redirection operators. You're looking for echo /opt/oracle/instantclient | sudo tee /etc/ld.so.conf.d/oracle-instantclient17:34
llutzVictorCL: echo /opt/oracle/instantclient |sudo tee -a  /etc/ld.so.conf.d/oracle-instantclient17:34
dr_willisbecause the echo has sudo rights. not the > redirection. You need to use somthing like the 'sudo tee' command17:34
PiciVictorCL: use -a if you want the equivalent of >>17:34
iseerWhen i boot normally i get stuck at a black screen (backlight on), however when i go through recovery mode and boot normally i can get in perfectly fine, can anybody help me?17:34
VictorCLok thanks Pici17:34
VictorCLand llutz17:35
dr_willis!nomodeset | iseer17:35
ubottuiseer: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:35
iseerdr_willis: i have already attempted that but it is of no assistance as i can only get in and once i log out i get a pink screen and if i close my laptop screen i get another black screen with no backlight17:35
VictorCLecho extension=oci8.so >> /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini      .. permission denied17:37
VictorCLwhere do I put the sudo there?17:37
bipuli want to know is there any application in ubuntu whear i can see system,cpu temperature, network, disk usage,memory and many more on right side my screen something like this http://d.stavrovski.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/hackler-clean-2012.png17:37
PiciVictorCL: replace >> with sudo tee -a17:37
dr_williscloseing lid -> apci/powerdemon type issue.. not the same as booting up17:38
VictorCLok thanks17:38
cousteauok, so what's IBus and who decided it was good idea that it, being the default input method, should interpret ´+c as ç rather than ć ?17:38
iseeralso willis, when i boot with nomodeset it says no discrete vga device detected but i know i have a discrete gpu17:38
dchernivbipul, conky17:40
Third3yeHave any highly recommended repos?17:40
dcherniv!info conky17:41
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.0-2 (quantal), package size 3 kB, installed size 42 kB17:41
bipuldcherniv, Thank you very much :)17:41
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asgard20032how to know which version of ubuntu i got installed?17:44
ansuzwrite into console "cat /etc/*-release"17:46
=== micjan02 is now known as janisozaur
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »17:47
asgard20032Thanks guy17:47
pinkpelicanHello, I need help.17:50
pinkpelicanI want to use dd to overwrite a USB stick, but can't remember how to locate partitions, usb locations, etc.17:51
Third3yepinkpelican, use fdisk or cfdisk to find out17:51
pinkpelicanThank you.17:52
pinkpelicanIs there any way to create a live usb from Ubuntu JeOS 8.04?17:52
Soelenhey ho, I have a problem! I couldnt write on my harddisk anymore, so I tired to restart, hanging on boot screen, got an "ubuntu swapper not tainted" error, on grub I changed to an old kernel and now it booted like it should have17:53
SoelenI never got this before, what is going on? Is my ugh, standard kernel broken?17:54
Third3yeSoelen, google dat sh*t17:55
Soelenbut I did, I dont get a straight answer17:56
MonkeyDust!google | Third3ye17:56
ubottuThird3ye: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.17:56
Third3yegoogle-fu? copy-paste errors?17:57
Third3yeYeah alright... one sec :P17:57
user82hi. i have the problem that with hdmi i get no real black color on my screen (might be the typical 16-235 black value issue?). can i change that somehow?17:57
Third3yeSoelen, try uploading the syslog (/var/log/syslog.X) to pastebin -- the X stands for the number of times since you booted since then, starting from 0. Say you've booted three times, it's syslog.218:00
llutzThird3ye: the X stands for the number the logfile has been rotated by logrotate, which isn't necessarily every reboot18:01
Third3yeMy bad -- I just assumed ^18:02
Third3yepinkpelican, just use dd to write the iso. Like this -> sudo dd if=windows7.iso of=/dev/sdX18:02
Soelenso what exactly do I need to pastebin, sylog or syslog.1?18:02
Third3yeSoelen, after reading a bit it depends... was the computer on for a _really_ long time? Apparently it rotates based on file size and when it's run... can anyone shed some light to this? I'm fairly new to logrotate18:05
Third3yeSoelen, you can do this cat syslog.0 |grep "ubuntu swapper not tainted" -- or exactly what the error was18:06
xibalbais there a way to re-nice a bunch of processes en-mass? i have 5 sshd proccesses id like to renice to 2018:07
SoelenThird3ye: not in syslog nor syslog.1 is tainted appearing18:07
Third3yeSoelen, how about dmesg?18:08
Third3yethough I think dmesg is omitted to the syslog..18:08
Third3yeSoelen, or kern.log18:08
pinkpelicanThird3ye I'm running from Windows 7 right now. I want to make a live usb of ubuntu (as small as possible) and then use the usb to overwrite a hard disk on another computer. I know what command overwrites, but not which comman lists and and which choses partitions or disks to overwrite.18:09
pinkpelicanWait, just lists.18:09
jrib  xibalba did you check the man page for renice?18:09
pinkpelicanYou chose in the overwrite command.18:09
DX099hello, how much time generally put nex firefox versio to get into official repos ?18:09
Third3yepinkpelican, you're doing this from a windows 7 installation?18:10
UmBsublimeis it possible that the ubuntu site has a broken link because when you try to download ubuntu 12.10 64-bit you actualy download the 12.04 64 bit .iso file18:10
pinkpelicanI'm building the usb from a windows installation.18:11
SoelenThird3ye: not in dmesg, dmesg.1, kern.log nor kern.log.18:11
pinkpelicanI'm using Ubuntu (smallest possible version) to overwrite a disk.18:11
pinkpelicanI have LiLi USB Creator.18:12
MonkeyDustpinkpelican  better ask in ##windows, i guess18:13
BluesKajUmBsublime, http://releases.ubuntu.com/quantal/18:13
SoelenThird3ye: also not in boot, boot.log, damn, boot.long sounded very promising18:13
pinkpelicanI created a live usb of Ubuntu JeOS, but it's not letting me run JeOS without installing, and it's treating the install as from CD instead of USB.18:13
MonkeyDustpinkpelican  and JeOS is not supported here18:14
pinkpelicanIe I can't install JeOS from live usb.18:14
UmBsublimeBlueKaj, thank you18:14
pinkpelicanWhich Ubuntu version is the smallest that allows for running live without installing, from either CD or USB?18:14
MonkeyDust!mini | pinkpelican18:15
ubottupinkpelican: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:15
WXZI've got two monitors setup and there's 4 workspaces on one, and 6 spaces on the other. Which is amazing, but I have no way to move windows between workspaces.18:15
llutzmini.iso is NOT a lice-cd18:15
Third3yepinkpelican, try http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ as well18:15
DX099pinkpelican, boot some linux live and then, try "dd if=my_iso out=/dev/sdx[and NO NUMBER HERE]"18:16
UmBsublime BlueKaj, there is no intel 64-bit release for 12.10?18:16
Third3yeSoelen, try booting the bad kernel again and see if it comes up with any other errors... something marked "critical", "fatal", etc...18:16
pinkpelicanThank you.18:17
=== SolarisB1y is now known as SolarisBoy
WXZhow do you move windows across desktops in a multi-desktop setup?18:18
UmBsublimedrag to edge of screen18:18
Third3yeUmBsublime, I used the amd64 on my Core2 64bit -- and the kernel is running x86_64 :)18:19
WXZUmBsublime: doesn't work18:19
WXZUmBsublime: it's not a spanning desktop, it's a multi-desktop18:19
tompa_For some reason i must have changed some settings yesterday since i get errors from MyUnity when I'm trying to install Ubuntu tweaks, skype, everpad...18:19
tompa_What should i do to fix that?18:20
UmBsublimei know it works for me though18:20
UmBsublimety thirdeye do you think i will get same results with i7 2600k?18:20
acovrigafter the install, I would like to switch mail from local only to internet host, how do I do that?18:21
MonkeyDusttompa_  ppa's are not supported and i guess myUnity is no longer maintained or developped18:21
WXZUmBsublime: really? You have like two different desktops?18:21
UmBsublimeWXY, i have 4 actualy18:22
Third3yeUmBsublime, I should think so -- if I'm not mistaken the livecd runs a similar version to the kernel, at least the architecture, that you will be installing18:22
tompa_monkeydust but i was trying to install myunity yesterday and are still getting errors from it even if it doesnt have anything to do with skype for example... :S18:22
Third3yeSo if it doesn't boot you'll at least know :)18:22
acovrigthat was odd18:22
MonkeyDusttompa_  skype? it says myUnity in the pastebin18:23
tompa_monkeydust yea exactly :/ 2 secounds i give u full pastebin18:23
UmBsublimehas any1 got ubuntuOne to work under windows 7 64-bit??18:23
nOStahlhey guys, my ethernet and wifi are eth2 and eth3   what happened during this fresh install that would cause that?18:24
nOStahlit also is not letting wifi connect, just times out and asks for password again but the password is correct.18:24
nOStahldmesg talks about it not finding the password18:24
nOStahlthinkpad r51 laptop is what I'm setting up on18:24
tangobravonOStahl, i am not sure what the issue is... they are suppose to be eth 2 and 318:24
nibblerhi. if i run bcache with dm-crypt, which layer should be lower?18:24
tangobravowas it labeled something different before?18:25
nOStahlshould be eth0 and wlan018:25
tangobravooh yea u are right18:25
tangobravomy fault18:25
nOStahlon every other install i've done18:25
tangobravoi have a server with multiple nics18:25
tangobravoyou can change it in the udev rules file18:25
nOStahlis there a way I can uninstall the adapter and reinstall it18:26
tompa_monkeydust http://paste.ubuntu.com/1510180/18:26
tangobravo /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules is where you would change it...18:26
tangobravoin terms of uninstalling and reinstalling i dont think that'd make a difference18:26
tangobravois this a new install nOStahl ?18:27
tompa_monkeydust in row 1 and 16 you can see im trying to install everpad and get errors from myunity...18:27
tangobravolook in the udev rules do u see wlan0 in there anywhere?18:27
MonkeyDusttompa_  i can just repeat what i just said: with ppas, you're on your own, use it at your own risk - and myUnity is no longer maintained, ie, no longer exists18:27
nOStahlthe laptop had a bios password so I couldn't select boot device, so I installed ubuntu on another thinkpad r51 and then swapped the hd back into it18:27
tangobravowell that could be an issue18:27
tangobravowhat kind of laptop is it?18:28
tangobravothe one with a bios password18:28
nOStahlthinkpad r5118:28
tompa_monkeydust uhm i barley know what ppa is so if i have by misstake changed something how do i get back to default?18:28
DX099nOStahl, since you could change the HDD ? couldn't you go as far as resetting BIOS ?18:28
nOStahlI don't feel like making the serial adapter and soldering to the mono to reset it hehe18:28
tangobravoDX099 no... the bios password isnt related to the hard drive18:28
MonkeyDusttompa_  better contact the maintainer(s) of the ppas, they should know what to do18:29
tangobravoit's part of the mobo18:29
nOStahlk in that udev rules.d I see 4 adapters18:29
nOStahlthe first two were prob from the original machine installation18:29
tangobravowhich are?18:29
tompa_monkey hmm :/ okey thank you for answering!18:29
nOStahleth0 is the ethernet and eth1 uses the ipw2200 driver.18:29
tangobravodo u know if the MAC addresses for the one in your current machine are?18:29
DX099tangobravo, no but as he/she got physic access so machine and could go as far as swapping HDDs, why no got the easiest way (IMO) and hard-reset the BIOS ?18:30
nOStahlif I delete this udev rules file will it recreate it upon bootup18:30
tangobravoi dunno18:30
nOStahlI think it does18:31
tangobravoDX099 resetting a bios password is not easy18:31
tangobravoat least not on a laptop18:31
nOStahlfor these think pads you have to order a chip if I remember right18:31
nOStahland do some soldering18:31
tangobravoif you dont know the original you gotta solder an rs232 connector and connect a chip to a couple pin outs on the board18:31
DX099isn't it just some battery to remove somewhere ?18:32
tangobravoit's an ATMEL EEPROM chip18:32
tangobravono DX09918:32
tangobravothose days have been long gone18:32
ActionParsnipTangobravo: replace the bios battery with mains power disconnected will do it if you leave it out a good while18:32
tangobravothere is an actual ROM on the board small amount of storage (kinda like a flash memory if you will) that is encrypted that stores that info18:32
tangobravonot sure ActionParsnip if that'd do it on the thinkpads18:33
nOStahlthere is a chip on these mobo's that holds the data18:33
nOStahlits not able to be done with any power tricks :)18:33
tangobravoyea even my dell laptop cant be done that way18:33
tangobravosomeone invented some tool i heard but i never used it18:34
DX099ActionParsnip, isn't there also some : remove the battery, plug out the laptop, push the power button for X seconds" another trick to reset BIOS settings ?18:34
tangobravoit's software based18:34
ActionParsnipTangobravo: worth a shot.  Quick and dirty18:34
ActionParsnipDx099: I'd try it18:34
tangobravoActionParsnip, i remember a power on and off trick would work with a boot password18:35
ActionParsnipDx099 : leave it out a good half hour18:35
tangobravoi dunno if it'll work tho for the supervisor password (which is what you need to do for the boot order)18:35
tangobravothe supervisor password is different than a boot password18:35
tangobravothis is how'd you do it for the boot password though    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HRjUK1IB8418:36
ActionParsnipNot 100% here either.  Worth a punt18:36
tangobravohis best bet would be to find the backdoor password for his system18:36
nOStahlk removed that udev rule and rebooted18:37
tangobravonot all machines have one tho18:37
ActionParsnipCould research it while the power drains18:37
tangobravonOStahl, did you back it up?18:37
nOStahland it re-created it properly with the right names and such for this device18:37
tangobravogood lol18:37
tangobravooh that's good18:37
nOStahldidn't need too though, i've deleted that file on a virtual machine before to fix an issue it had18:37
tangobravodidnt know if it'd recreate it or not18:37
nOStahlwhen switching to a new host box18:38
nOStahlstill no affect anyways, won't connect18:38
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ActionParsnipHere's a question,  why is there answers.launchpad.net as well as ask.ubuntu.com ? Canonical runs launchpad, but ask.ubuntu.com is mentioned during installation. Why is there 2?18:41
PiciActionParsnip: They might both seek to solve user questions, but they are not the same thing and also keep in mind that launchpad is used for far more than just Ubuntu.18:42
DX099as for BIOS thingy, I once came across those: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1510218/ Never used it though...18:42
ActionParsnipPici: true. Just makes more sense in my eyes to have a centralized support forum18:43
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest88292
monk12K, so after installing linux (trying to get UEFI working with linux), I got a black screen ... i partitioned (5 partitions): 'efi boot' (<256MB and has boot flag), /boot, /, /home, linux swap ... On the Ubuntu partition screen, i picked /boot partition for "Device for Bootloader Installation:" ... did i goof anywhere? the DVD has 64bit Ubuntu 12.10 on it and my BIOS is set to boot [Both, UEFI FIRST]18:45
monk12i never explicitly set the disk to be GPT in GParted. maybe that it, but not sure how to set Partitioning Table to GPT as never saw the option18:45
ActionParsnipMonk12: which video chip do you use?18:46
pinkpelicanSilly question, how do I find the terminal in Ubuntu 12.04?18:46
monk12video card in my laptop is Nvideo Optimus.18:46
monk12standard 12.10 install worked on it on another mSATA i installed Ubuntu 12.10 on last week18:46
ActionParsnipPinkpelican: I use ctrl + alt + t18:47
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pinkpelicanThank you.18:47
kunjipinkpelican: click the ubuntu logo and start typing terminal, the launcher should turn up, also I think ctrl+alt+t is a default shortcut18:47
magik_pinkpelican, you can use what ActionParsnip said or if you want a shell terminal type ctrl + alt + f1 then when you want to go back to gui type ctrl + alt + f718:47
ActionParsnipMonk12: optimus will cause issues.  Try the boot option: nomodeset18:48
cgalatiI need some help with server recommendations if someone has some time to talk18:48
nOStahlcgalati: shoot18:48
MonkeyDustcgalati  there's also #ubutu-server18:48
MonkeyDustcgalati  there's also #ubuntu-server18:48
cgalatiOk, i will switch thx!18:49
pinkpelicanWhat command lists partitions/usb with fdisk?18:49
DX099pinkpelican, `sudo fdisk -l`18:50
MonkeyDustpinkpelican  type sudo fdisk /dev/blah and then m18:50
monk12ActionParsnip: k thanks so much i see that as a bug. maybe i did install it correctly :)18:51
monk12buy since instlaled off DVD with no updates (since wireless was down), i got crappy old drivers.18:51
pinkpelicanDoes sudo fdisk -l show the whole drive, ie hda1 instead of sda1?18:51
MonkeyDustpinkpelican  type it and see18:52
pinkpelicanIs there a way to list the choices for hard disks?18:53
MonkeyDustpinkpelican  what choices do you mean?18:55
pinkpelicanMy only partition is called sda1 instead of just sda, so if I want to shred -vfz -n 10 /dev/hda/ how do I confirm hda is the location of my disk?18:56
Third3yeHow do i set the main display?18:56
MonkeyDustpinkpelican  hda is the disk, hda1 is the partition18:56
drifter_voll süß meine katze apportiert wieder kleine bällchen18:57
ms30boa noite18:57
drifter_jeden tag  :)18:57
pinkpelicanThank you18:57
Pici!de | drifter_18:57
ubottudrifter_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:57
monk12ActionParsnip: darn, dont think thats it... dont even get to Ubuntu boot menu so i can set that nomodeset option.18:57
monk12if i put the BIOS in 'UEFI Only' it keeps asking me to pick what drive to boot from... maybe i didnt' setup the drive correctly...18:58
mostromwhat is better: default driver for ATI gpu, or dedicated?18:58
DX099hey, how much time generally put new firefox version to get into official repositories  ?18:58
monk12i created a 150MB 'EFI Boot' partition at beg of drive... but how do i know the drive is GPT which i guess it needs?18:58
monk12I didn't see any option in Ubuntu's partitioning area or GParted to set the drive with the GPT Partitioning Scheme18:59
pinkpelicanIs there a way to see progress of dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda?19:01
MonkeyDustpinkpelican  watch " dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda"19:01
MonkeyDustpinkpelican  watch "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda"19:01
PiciMonkeyDust: er, I don't think that will work19:02
pinkpelicanThank you.19:02
DX099pinkpelican, you could have added "bs=512", but your command also do the job.19:02
Picipinkpelican: you'd need to send it a USR1 signal to have it print out its progress. use kill -USR1 with the pid of your dd process.19:03
pinkpelicanI thought bs=512 set the size of the overwrite19:03
pinkpelicanI don't know what a pid is.19:03
Picipinkpelican: using `watch` will just run the command again every 2 seconds.19:03
Picipinkpelican: either look it up via `ps aux | grep dd` or see `pidof dd`19:04
pinkpelicandd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda kill -USR119:04
MonkeyDustPici  pinkpelican I use watch to see copy progress, wasn't aware of the USR1 thingy19:04
pinkpelicanIs that how I'd type it out?19:04
MonkeyDustpinkpelican  why not simpy use fdisk to deelete the partition?19:06
demonioI'm installing ubunt but i had a problem with some keys19:06
joe_VitelHello. I'm looking for a way to duplicate data from one folder to another (the other will be a nfs mount). Basically, I'd like to use folder A, have it duplicated and replicated in the background via use of mountpoint/folder B. Any ideas?19:06
pinkpelicanMonkeyDust because I'm paranoid.19:06
Picipinkpelican: the manpage for dd explains exactly how to do it.19:06
pinkpelicanPici could I get a link to the mainpage?19:07
DX099pinkpelican, `man dd` and more generally for most of programs on linux `man my_awesome_program`19:08
Picipinkpelican: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man1/dd.1.html   The relevant section starts with "Sending a USR1 signal to a running"19:08
demonioCan anyone help me?19:08
pinkpelicanOh manpage.19:08
pinkpelicanDemonio, what's your problem?19:08
MonkeyDustpinkpelican  sudo fdisk /dev/blah and then p followed by d19:08
demonioI'm installing ubuntu and some keys don't work19:09
Bartsonhi all, how can i display --help in two parts19:09
KI4ROAnyone know how to turn on the voice over feature in an IPOD thru UBUNTU?19:09
DX099demonio, what's your keyboard ?19:09
Bartsonuser us logitech19:09
Bartsonust us logitech19:09
Gehaktbal_hi...anyone knows why i get the following warning when issuing "svn update" on kubuntu?19:09
Gehaktbal_WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /home/joost/.cache/keyring-fHK92b/pkcs11: Bestand of map bestaat niet19:09
violinisthiho, anyone know how to get amd radeon drivers, similar way like nvidia? i go to their website, or apt-get?19:09
PiciBartson: pipe it through less19:10
DX099Bartson, which keys won't work ?19:10
Bartsonroger :D19:10
Bartsonevery key is working19:10
demonioIs a logitech DX09919:10
Bartsonbut when i type in terminal groups --help it scrolls to the end19:10
Bartsonis it possible to break it into parts?19:10
Bartsonso that i can see the whole help file19:11
DX099Bartson, it is intended to do so. You want to `groups --help | less`19:11
DX099pipe the output of the command to the less program19:12
PiciBartson: Or use the manpage, as it typically has more in-depth information19:12
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/19:13
Bartsonok, because i`m really new i`m using the --help a lot :D19:13
DX099also, Shitf+PgUP/PgDown allows you to scroll into a terminal with no mouse, though what you'll be able to recover depends on the terminal's buffer size.19:13
ukbeast_hello anyone using wine?19:13
Piciukbeast_: The folks in the offical wine help channel over at #winehq are.19:14
DX099demonio, logitech US, and which keys won't work (sorry, got confused myself)19:14
Bartsonthank you DX09919:16
DX099you're welcome19:17
mikehaas763Good Morning, when I boot my ubuntu server 12.10 VM I get a grub rescue prompt. Any idea how I can fix it or do you need to know more info?19:21
kyle__Should do-release-upgrade work if you're using an apt-proxy like apt-cacher-ng?19:23
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mikehaas763 Good Morning, when I boot my ubuntu server 12.10 VM I get a grub rescue prompt. Any idea how I can fix it or do you need to know more info?19:26
gsanthi everyone19:27
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gsantHas anyone installed Ubuntu on pcs with Win 8 preloaded secure boot UEFI ?19:27
pinkpelicanAnother silly question, how do I gain root without gksudo?19:27
gsantpinkpelican: sudo19:29
pinkpelicanRight, I can use sudo to do a command but after that job is complete I ....19:30
pinkpelicanNevermind that will do.19:30
magik_pinkpelican, you can su also19:30
Picipinkpelican: you can use sudo -i to get an interactive sudo session.19:30
xutwoohhello everyone! we got people in here today?19:31
pinkpelicanIt's telling me it doesn't recognize operand pid=19:31
pinkpelicanHi xutwooh how are you?19:31
xutwoohpinkpelican: <3 hi to you19:32
pinkpelicanI'm okay but I'm terrible at computers :D19:32
Picipinkpelican: did you miss the ampersand betwen the end of dd and pid?19:32
xutwoohpinkpelican: me too! thats why we come here! to find someone much smarter to learn from :) never get upset!19:32
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mikehaas763 Good Morning, when I boot my ubuntu server 12.10 VM I get a grub rescue prompt. Any idea how I can fix it or do you need to know more info?19:35
hattorihanzoHey, I have a fresh 12.04.1 fully updated server19:36
demonioI had a problem... my ubuntu 12.10 block itself when i typing home19:36
hattorihanzoand for some reason i dont see anything in my /var/log/syslog | messages19:36
hattorihanzoanybody have an idea of whats going on19:37
mick870621345a little bit19:37
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mick870621345Just looking for some Help with Gobi 100019:37
xutwoohanyone know of a chat channel where people are activally chatting?19:39
jribxutwooh: #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus?19:40
xutwoohjrib: nobodys in defocus just as a headsup =] but thanks19:40
jamescarrhey, any idea why running this: sudo -u elasticsearch -s "ulimit -Sn" would give me " /bin/bash: ulimit -Sn: command not found19:40
jamescarrwhen ulimit alone works19:40
louisdkHow do I extract .part files in with a Linux command?19:40
jribjamescarr: try without the quotes maybe19:41
kslaterhey all19:42
kslaterI'm going to ask this question again today, because I *know* someone knows the answer19:42
kslaterWhere / how is mounting of usb external devices controlled?19:43
pinkpelicanWhich OS is best?!19:43
kslaterUbuntu 12.04.1 LTS19:43
jamescarrpinkpelican:  GNU Hurd19:43
kslaterPlan 919:43
xangua!ot | pinkpelican jamescarr19:43
ubottupinkpelican jamescarr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:43
jribkslater: why do you ask?19:44
toxboikslater: afaik, it's upstart19:44
xutwoohpinkpelican: depends your linux level, ubuntu is for easier transition from windows OS to linux19:44
xutwoohif your smart or know alot of computers, arch linux gentoo are for high levelers19:45
pinkpelicanMy comp sci lv is zilch.19:45
kslaterbecause I have an internal drive with 2 partitions that show up as USB devices. I need them to be put back in the right place on boot.19:45
jribkslater: what does it mean to "show up as USB devices"?19:45
kslaterActually, scratch that. They aren't / don't show up as USB devices19:45
jriband what is "the right place on boot"?19:45
kslaterthat's my backup drive19:45
kslaterthe right place is one of them mounts at /media/extra and the other at /media/extra/source19:46
toxboikslater: you need to make a fstab entry19:46
kslaterbut they are internal partitions of my main drive. fstab is the right place.19:46
jribkslater: if you want them to mount automatically at boot, you should create an fstab entry as toxboi points out (see ubottu)19:46
kslaterbut what about the 2T external drive?19:46
jrib!fstab | kslater19:46
ubottukslater: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions19:46
jribkslater: what about the 2T external drive?19:47
kslaterso that needs to be mounted where it's expected as well19:47
gsanthi everyone19:47
kslater/media/seagate2t and not /media/usbN19:47
gsanthas anyone installed Ubuntu on those preinstalled Win 8 with UEFI and boot secure ?19:48
kslaterbut it's not always present as this machine in question is a laptop with a docking station. Which is where the 2T drive is connected.19:48
jaybuttsLAN works on my wifi adapter, I am using dhcp and internet works on other devices using those settings however internet doesn't work over my wifi adapter only lan while internet works fine over eth0 wired connection, anyone have an idea?19:48
jribkslater: ok, you can use fstab for that too if you want it to be automatically mounted when you boot.  But you should add a parameter for boot to not fail if it fails to mount (because it isn't plugged in for example).  Alternatively, just give it the label "seagate2t" and it will get mounted to /media/seagate2t by nautilus when you click on it in nautilus19:48
gsanti just bought a sony vaio that cames with Win 8 preloaded ..and the Bios was replaced by UEFI;19:49
xutwoohkslater: if your putting a linux operating system on a usb flashdrive look up the program UNETBOOTIN that should help if thats what your asking19:49
atlef!uefi | gsant19:49
ubottugsant: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:49
kslaternot a USB flashdrive. 2T USB flashdrive? That would be interesting I guess.19:50
toxboikslater: in your case, a UUID would be a nice option. Using device name /dev/sdxx is not a good idea as it may change in presence of a extra device. Eg. a USD disk.19:50
kslaterthis is just external space19:50
kslatertoxboi: I was justs noticing that from fstab19:50
jribuuid should be used anyway, /dev/sdX isn't guaranteed to stay the same19:51
toxboi^ second that19:51
gsantok thank you i will try taht19:51
kslaterwhere are drives labeled?19:52
jrib!label | kslater19:52
jaybuttsanyone know why my wifi interface works fine on lan but not internet and I am using identical dhcp settings as other devices, wired connection to same router works fine on this machine19:52
ubottukslater: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.19:52
kslaterif it's in the properties page, it's not obvious19:52
kslatergparted, of course19:52
kslater!udid | kslater19:53
atlef!uuid | kslater19:53
ubottukslater: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)19:53
kslateruuid - D'Oh,19:54
melkorI have a strange issue where sometimes my sounds stop working. When I go to sound settings there are new options compared to when the sounds worked.19:54
melkorIs there anyway I can restart my sounds?19:54
atlef!sound | melkor19:54
ubottumelkor: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:54
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melkorWow ubottu your link sucks. the very first link, replacing ALSA with OSS, it says it isn't supported? What is the point of that link?19:56
gusteruanyone can help me to install byacc ?19:57
gusteruanyone can help me to install byacc ??19:58
melkorThis channel used to be much better about support. I wonder if it is due to the size of the project?19:58
melkorgusteru: if there isn't a package for byacc then you probably won't find support here.19:58
melkorgusteru: do they have their own page/wiki/channel ?19:59
wodimhi, how do i switch to unity 2d using ubuntu 12.1019:59
gusteruroot@irc:~# apt-get install byacc19:59
gusteruReading package lists... Done19:59
gusteruBuilding dependency tree... Done19:59
gusteruE: Unable to locate package byacc19:59
CerealGuyhey i want to upgrade my php5 to a newer version as in the repos, how is this possible?19:59
melkorCerealGuy: does php have a ppa?20:00
CerealGuyhmm i dont really know, just found something with nginx, but the php5.3 repo is empty :/20:00
melkorCerealGuy: I have no clue what that means.20:00
carifI just read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto to learn how to sbuild, but I still have a very basic question. What does the logical volume management provide? A fast way to make an initial copy of the chroot before a build?20:01
jaybuttsbetter to compile your php from source for a server20:01
tompa_How do i change my Quantal repo to Precises?20:03
melkortompa_: you want to update from precise repo's instead of Quantal?20:03
jromeroHello everyone. I just installed Ubuntu 12.10 on my desktop and I'm having trouble setting up my second monitor. It is currently mirrored, but when I uncheck the box and appy changes, I get an error message saying that I have to switch my settings to 2D at startup. How can I change those settings? (Intel P4 HT, 3GB RAM)20:04
Violentmouse[awaisnt php 5.3 empty because they are on 5.4.0 now ?20:04
tompa_melkor yeah quantal seems to not support anything :S not skype or ubuntu tweak or everpad20:04
melkortompa_: I don't think precise supports those either.20:04
melkortompa_: I think I had to add a repo to use ubuntu tweak, but that was awhile ago and I could be mistaken.20:05
tompa_melkor would you mind take a short look at my post on ubuntu forums? See if you see my problem?20:06
PadeenI'm having trouble with starting ubuntu 12.10 live boot20:06
dkodineed help in installing wireless drivers in dell 5520.20:07
kslatermelkor: I just added tweak the other night, you're correct, it's from a ppa, at least for precise it is.20:07
PadeenI use a Acer Aspire 5750G, nomodeset checked and vga=771 added to the bootcommand20:07
PadeenBasically the last lines I see are Stopping system V something20:08
Padeenand then stopping20:08
kslaterdkodi: do you know what wireless driver you need for the Dell 5520?20:08
Padeenand than it halts just like that20:08
kslaterand if it's supported in Linux?20:08
melkortompa_: That is strange, how did you get the myunity ppa in there?20:08
pinkpelicanHow can I view the progress of shred -vfz -n 10 /dev/hda20:09
tompa_melkor no idea... i barley know what ppa and repos is haha 2 days fresh ubuntu user :(20:09
dkodiKlaster: I need to install Broadcom wireless drivers20:09
gusteruthere is no solution eventually to install flex and yacc?20:09
jribgusteru: aren't they in the repositories?20:10
Padeenits about ubuntu 12.10 64 bit20:10
KaRmAI am having alot of trouble with my new ftp server I setup, like random disconnects etc. the internet line on the server is stable however. I am new to managing an ftp server and not sure what to do. I seem to get disconnected after a file transfer (random amount of time after very short though) I changed the timeout settings in the config file no help.20:10
dkodiKlaster: 08:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:4365] (rev 01)20:10
PadeenUbuntu 12.10 run from disc halts with 2 last lines telling stopping20:13
melkortompa_: actually the errors you showed wouldn't nescessarily cause the program to not install. apt will skip repos that don't work.20:13
melkortompa_: what happens if you just run apt-get install everpad20:14
melkortompa_: with sudo of course.20:14
kunjiI'm having some trouble with my wireless, I got a new router, so I was worried it was that, but I can't seem to make it fail at all using windows on the same hardware.  With linux when I put heavy load on the wireless with 2 different wireless adapters (one a rosewill pcie, and one some builtin realtek) the connection mostly stops working, but it remains connected and the download finishes (e.g. a 1080p youtube video), but I cannot ping the20:16
rustler770apache 400 Forbidden You do not have permissin to access / on this server, any answers?20:16
magik_Padeen, have you tried installing from a USB?20:17
kunjiDisconnecting and connecting again to the router makes it work again.. until it fails again, also I can't find any evidence of the failure, i.e. logs or the like to indicate a problem.20:17
melkorrustler770: looks like it is working great.20:17
kunjirustler770:  Hmm, well, do you have those permissions?  Also does the user apache is running under have those permissions?20:18
rustler770melkor used sudo to run20:18
tompa_melkor hmm strange seems to work now... thought i had connect to some special program storage to install it. Only problem is ubuntu tweak which it didnt find20:18
tompa_melkor at least if it should be named "ubuntu-tweak"20:19
rustler770should have root permissions20:19
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rustler770"Allow from all"20:21
xutwoohanyone have any alias commands that they use alot or find useful that you can share?20:21
kunjirustler770:  Isn't that where you're allowing connections from?  But isn't the issue here maybe that apache doesn't have permissions, and apache should not be running as root (I think at least), it should have it's own user.  I would explain more but I need to get to class right now, hopefully someone else can help out.  Also if anyone has any ideas about that wireless question I had, I'm just going to leave this running so I'll see any rep20:23
melkortompa_: So you added the ubuntu-tweak ppa?20:24
tompa_yea i still get errors when im updating what ever ppa im using (like i said, barley know what it means) but managed to install ubuntu tweak now20:28
kpshi guys help "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"20:28
tompa_melkor can i take that myunity errors away?20:29
bekkskps: Pastebin the complete output you get please.20:29
glitch__looks like my question is going to be easy20:29
melkortompa_: unless that is the repo for ubuntu-tweak.20:29
glitch__trying to write a script to move files in to self named folders20:30
kpsbekks: here it is http://pastebin.ca/230050820:30
bekkskps: The error occurs in line 12 already.20:31
melkortompa_: there is a correct way to add and remove ppa's, I don't know it. But you could edit your sources.list20:32
ActionParsniptompa_: use the add-apt-repository command, or software centre20:32
kpsbekks: yes i am not able to install slapd complete...... actually i ran dpkg-reconfigure slapd but ctrl+c in btw then removed the package after that this problem occured20:33
jaybuttsfor i in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*; do sed -i '/ppa/d' $i ; done20:33
glitch__may i but in20:33
ActionParsnipglitch__: why not :)20:34
glitch__easyst way is to  remake your sources list and  re add each  extra repo20:34
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TheOnlyJoeyOhai, anyone experience with Crossfire on Ubuntu 12.10? i can enable crossfire in the gui, but after reboot (it asks me to reboot) it get's disabled again. using 2 identical Ati Radeon HD 5770 cards20:34
glitch__give me 4 min  and ill the the base  source list20:34
TheOnlyJoeyit works on "the operating system that shall not be called"20:35
melkorActionParsnip: it almost seems like the ubuntu-tweak ppa repo is down.20:35
kpssome suggested in posts for removing or clearing /var/lib/dpkg/info/slapd.* nothing helps20:35
melkorTheOnlyJoey: which driver are you using?20:35
KI4ROAnyone know how to turn on the voice over feature in an IPOD thru UBUNTU?20:35
TheOnlyJoeymelkor: i tried the FGLRX, from the repository, the FGLRX-Update and the latest from edgers, all same result20:36
melkorTheOnlyJoey: if you check ##ati they could point you to the features list and you can see if crossfire is supported on their driver.20:36
glitch__quick question are you on quantal20:37
TheOnlyJoeymelkor: ah check, thanks, will bother them their then :)20:37
ActionParsnipmelkor: then comment it out, or remove it. Are you sure it supports your release?20:37
ActionParsnipglitch__: ;)20:38
ActionParsnipmelkor: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc20:38
blacklineLet's say you uninstalled something that you obviously shouldn't  using apt-get remove that deleted several dependencies that where not meant to erase. Is there any convenient way of reinstalling those without having to install them one on one? I'm still in terminal, have the list showing all that's been erased.20:38
ActionParsnipblackline: you may have the debs in your apt cache but they will need reinstalling again20:39
melkorActionParsnip: I was asking for tompa_ who seems to have vanished.20:39
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blacklineActionParsnip, Ok, of course. No problem to reinstall but how would be the proper way to use them from the cache?20:40
blacklineActionParsnip, I havnt ran any commands in terminal after the mistake, so I'm just where I messed up.20:40
ActionParsnipblackline: just run the install command, if the version in the repos is the same as in the cache, then the cache will be used and not redownloaded20:41
glitch__orignal sources file for quintal http://pastebin.com/xuCX0Rst20:41
kpnobody replied :(20:42
blacklineActionParsnip, but can I find a list of all that was erased last time easly for reinstall. It was A LOT that went away.20:42
ActionParsnipblackline: you can read /var/log/dpkg.log   to see what was removed. Scroll to the bottom and read up20:42
blacklineActionParsnip, it was something like that I was looking for. Thanks alot!20:42
RJ3000 20:45
tjt7aHelllo everyone; anyone know about using PXE with ubuntu?20:45
brightsparkblackline, you can put all the packages on one line to reinstall if you want to avoid handling each individually, like so: sudo apt-get install packageone packagetwo packagethree etc.20:45
glitch__ok is any one good with scripting20:46
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melkorglitch__: your question didn't make too much sense before.20:46
melkorglitch__: what would you expect the script to do.20:47
glitch__i working on my video collection and the avi's i have need to be put in to folders  that have the same name as the file so that any meta data can be stored with it20:48
melkorglitch__: better. So you need to treat the file name as a string and create a directory with a modified version?20:49
glitch__melkor: yes20:50
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KI4ROAnyone know how to turn on the voice over feature in an IPOD thru UBUNTU?20:51
glitch__melkor: im good at adjusting existing scripts but when i try to  do some thing any more complex than find on my own  stuff gets deleated20:51
wbfHello! can someone help me with the belkin f5d5050 in ubuntu 12.10?20:54
wbfBesame spammed me20:55
wbfhe gave me a bad link20:55
wbfthat almost gave me a virus20:55
tangobravowhat was the link? private message it to me20:55
ActionParsnipwbf: what wifi chip does it use?20:56
wbfActionParsnip: It's a WIRED f5d505020:56
ActionParsnipwbf: run:   sudo lshw -C network    what is teh Ethernet controller chip20:57
xatr0zwbf: im afraid i cannot really help you but did you see this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/63089920:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 630899 in linux (Ubuntu) "Belkin USB to Ethernet adapter not working since Lucid upgrade." [Undecided,Invalid]20:57
wbfActionParsnip, Lshw: command not found20:57
xatr0zseems to be the same wlancard, but you should check the id with the lsusb command20:57
ActionParsnipwbf: lower case L20:58
xatr0zdid you try ndiswrapper (using windows wireless drivers) ?20:58
yeahbuddyHello i think Ubuntu looks and performs well but I miss the overview of your running applications, you get in gnome 3. Does someone know what I'm looking for? :D20:58
ActionParsnipwbf: Linux is case sensitive. If it was Lshw, I would have given it as such20:58
brightsparkwbf, you must use the correct capitalisation for commands (usually all miniscule)20:58
melkoryeahbuddy: gnome 3?20:58
wbfActionParsnip, command not found.. still..20:58
melkoryeahbuddy: or gnome-shell?20:59
ActionParsnipwbf: in uppercase it would be:  SUDO LSHW -C NETWORK20:59
wbfActionParsnip, Running this on an ARM box, but there's no lshw for arm..20:59
ActionParsnipwbf: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc20:59
blimhi, can anyone help plz, I have installed doom3 but I cant find oss for sound20:59
wbfActionParsnip, quantal20:59
ActionParsnipwbf: ok, run:  lsusb    what is the line which identifies the device?21:00
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yeahbuddymelkor its pretty much just the gnome dash i want or something similar (good organization options there)21:00
Snablersgreetings. i tried installing Ubuntu last night on my primary workstation and after installation, when the UI/Desktop loaded, my video card's (AMD Radeon HD6870) temperature shot up to over 90 C, the fan screaming to keep it cool. Concerned, I immediately tried installing AMD's proprietary driver, which installed OK, but after the post-install reboot, the system doesn't boot at all. I plan on reinstalling, but only after I get som21:00
digitalmetisI just installed ubuntu 12.10. I'm using firefox, and I went to youtube, and it asked me to install youtube. I did, but where do I go from here?21:01
ActionParsnipyeahbuddy: try the gnome-panel package and log in to the new session21:01
wbfActionParsnip, Belkin components f5d5050 1000Mbps ethernet21:01
wbfActionParsnip, 100*21:01
ActionParsnipwbf: what is the 8 character hex id?21:01
wbfActionParsnip, 050d:012121:02
senoHi guys21:02
yeahbuddyactionparsnip is it already integrated in ubuntu 12.10? or do i need to download and configure it to work?21:02
tangobravoanyone know of a surround sound card that works with Ubuntu 12.04?21:02
ActionParsnipwbf: great, let me search21:02
yeahbuddyactionparsnip integrate as an login option*21:02
ActionParsnipyeahbuddy: no, it will be an option when you install gnome panel21:03
huttalaIs there anyone that has a AMD APU and have successfully gotten xserv to work ?21:03
ActionParsnipwbf: if you run:   lsmod | grep pegasus      do you see the module name in red?21:03
huttalaI've installed drivers from ATI and everything seems ok, but it tells me that I don't have any screen when I try to boot up xserv21:04
wbfActionParsnip, nothing listed21:05
roscotCiao a tutti21:05
Snablershuttala, i'm also having AMD graphics issues, although mine is a discreet card. after installing the AMD proprietary drivers, all I get on boot is a blank screen with a flashing underscore character.21:05
ActionParsnipwbf: if you run:   lsmod | grep bcm203x     do you get an output?21:06
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huttalaSnablers, I get directly to terminal21:06
melkorhuttala what is xserv?21:06
wbfActionParsnip,  Nothing21:06
huttalaAnd I've connected an external screen as well21:06
ActionParsnipwbf: ok, try:   sudo modprobe bcm203x21:07
ActionParsnipwbf: any output?21:07
huttalaThen the splash screen shows, but it just loads for hours21:07
brightsparkroscot, you may want #ubuntu-it21:07
wbfActionParsnip, No21:07
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ActionParsnipwbf: ok, is the wired connection now running?21:08
blimare you guys running 12.10 and installing amd drivers by any chance, because I had problems then I went back to 12.04 and all is good now21:08
wbfActionParsnip, No21:08
huttalablim, I'm using 12.04 64-bit21:08
ActionParsnipwbf: ok, run:  sudo modprobe -r bcm203x21:09
ActionParsnipwbf: then follow this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/6031921:09
ActionParsnipwbf: personally, I'd just buy a new one which is known to work. The one you have seems to need ndiswrapper21:09
bobweaverThat is it I am re-writing these libs No one should have to go through this21:10
Snablersblim, yes21:10
blimIm just saying because 12.10 does not support amd drivers21:10
ActionParsnipblim: depends on the amd chip used21:11
Snablersblim, ok, i guess i'll try going back to 12.04 :/21:11
alexxxxxaHello! I can't use my TV as a monitor. I connected it via VGA cable. It doesnt display.ž21:11
ActionParsnipblim: the xorg in 12.10 hates 2xxx 3xxx and 4xxx ati gpus21:11
ActionParsnipSnablers: ^21:11
blimwell my 6950 didnt work ether21:11
m477df command will show me unmounted drive?21:12
ActionParsnipblim: Snablers there is a PPA to work around it, may help21:12
ActionParsnipm477: you don't mount drives21:12
blimI tryed to get help here on the matter and got shouted at XD21:12
SnablersActionParsnip: sorry, what is a PPA? i'm not familiar with that term.21:12
ActionParsnipblim: m477: https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx21:12
ActionParsnipSnablers: its a 3rd party source for packages21:13
m477ActionParsnip: I mean external hard disk21:13
m477what is it21:13
blimIm good but thanks, things are working great for me now. just trying to get the sound working in doom. Ive got the alsa oss installed and tryed all the start commands but no luck21:14
ActionParsnipm477: it still has a partition on it, even if it takes 100% of the drive space21:14
Snablersi guess i should stick with 12.04 for now. the last thing i need right now is for my card to overheat and die.21:14
ActionParsnipm477: if you run:  sudo fdisk -l    you will see the drives and partitions visible to the kernel.21:15
blimhave you tryed amdoverdrive?21:15
m477ActionParsnip: ok thanks21:15
ActionParsnipm477: I believe you need to have them mounted to see the free space (gparted may be able to show you the used / free space)21:15
Snablersno, does that not require the drivers to be installed first?21:15
blimubuntu software center21:15
pabst^Is there somewhere other than the Ubuntu website (another mirror maybe?) to download the Ubuntu Desktop 12.10 Install? Every time I try to download from the ubuntu website it is timing out21:16
medflyhi. I am having trouble booting ubuntu normally. it is new and sudden. I am using recovery mode right now. I can't see any error. it just gets stuck halfway through boot21:16
m477ActionParsnip: no, the thing is that I have broken disk and I want to make sure if it is visible in anyway21:16
medflyI don't know how to find out why booting is stuck21:17
BluesKajpabst^, have you tried the torrent option21:17
ActionParsnipm477: you could try manually mounting it21:18
ActionParsnippabst^: I use the cdimage site21:18
BluesKajpabst^, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads21:19
ActionParsnippabst^: cdimage.ubuntu.com21:19
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P21:19
ubottuQuantal can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/quantal/desktop/ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/quantal/server/ubuntu-12.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696921:19
m477ActionParsnip: I think I cant if fdisk -l dosnt see it21:19
ActionParsnipm477: yeah thats gonna be an issue21:19
m477indeed :>21:20
ActionParsnipm477: if you run:  sudo dmesg clear    then unplug and replug it in, then run: dmesg        do you see any rreaction?21:20
m477let me check21:20
wbfHello! can someone help me with the belkin f5d5050 in ubuntu 12.10?21:20
wbfNot you this time, action21:21
SonikkuAmericawbf: What pray tell is that?21:21
wbfSonikkuAmerica, a usb 10/100 internet21:21
BluesKajwbf , rt2870 driver?21:21
wbfBluesKaj, where is that driver?21:22
WXZok, I can't find many references on this. but I've got the amd catalyst driver, how do I move windows between desktops (not xinerama, it's not a spanning desktop, it's a multi-desktop)?21:22
m477ActionParsnip: what kind of reaction do you mean? sudo fdisk -l still doesnt show it21:22
ActionParsnipwbf: did ndiswrapper not work?21:22
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ActionParsnipm477: just any text output by the dmesg command21:22
wbfActionParsnip, -_-. It's ARM. Arm has no ndiswrapper21:23
m477ActionParsnip: should I care in anyway about output of these commands?21:23
m477ActionParsnip: yea a lot of lines21:23
wooHey ActionParsnip21:23
Travis-42I am able to login to my ubuntu server locally, but when I try to ssh to it, I get permission denied after entering my password. Where might I have misconfigured it? (And I'm sure I'm entering the right password)21:23
m477ActionParsnip: do you wanna see?21:23
ActionParsnipwbf: then you may have to accommodate your ARM CPU by buying super linux friendly hardware, or compile ndiswrapper21:23
ActionParsnipm477: sure, use a pastebin21:24
wooTravis-42: both ubuntu boxes?21:24
wbfActionParsnip, I think I found the solution to my problem.21:24
Travis-42Travis-42: I've tried sshing in from an ubuntu box and from a mac, I don't think that's the problem21:24
Travis-42err, @woo21:25
wooTravis-42: did you add the rsa key and configure the mac firewalls.  I had issues with ssh -X with mac21:25
m477ActionParsnip: here you go: http://pastebin.com/dBEkjSvV21:25
blacklineFor some reason I uninstalled the Archive Manager first installed with Ubuntu 12.10. I've reinstalled it and wonder if someone know how to get the "right click - Extract" function in the desktop environment back? It didn't return after reinstalling.21:26
medflyhow can I start X normally from command line?21:26
Travis-42woo: I was having trouble with the rsa key, so I changed it back to try allowing password logins21:26
SonikkuAmericamedfly: sudo startx21:26
medflySonikkuAmerica: it says no screens found.21:27
Dexx1_anyone use XBMC ? I just installed it and its so laggy and mouse does not work..any ideas?21:27
medflyI was hoping it is just the wrong command :-)21:27
wooTravis-42: did you try to mv ssh_config to .ssh_config and make a new ssh_config file?  Sometimes it does't like diffrent mac addresses on the same IP address21:27
ServerSageDexx1_: What's your hardware?21:27
b33m@Dexx1 go with plex21:27
SonikkuAmericamedfly: Ok, do you have a window manager installed?21:27
b33mit's a fork off XBMC and much nicer21:27
medflySonikkuAmerica: yes. I just had trouble booting up (it got stuck). I booted from recovery mode, then asked it to resume normally.21:27
medflySonikkuAmerica: it resulted in something without X.21:28
medflythis might be normal, though21:28
Travis-42woo: how do I make it generate a new file?21:28
wooTravis-42: touch > ssh_config21:28
SonikkuAmericamedfly: And after rebooting it, what happened?21:28
medflySonikkuAmerica: should I try to reboot it again? I haven't made any changes.21:29
Travis-42woo: ah, you mean just a blank one. ok I'll try this21:29
medflyI will give it a shot21:29
Dexx1_ServerSage: hm.. 2.6ghz / 1gb ram / 64mb video memory21:29
wbfwhere is the pegasus driver for ubuntu?21:29
Dexx1_b33m: whell I installed XMBCUbuntu21:29
ServerSageDexx1_: It's probably the 64mb of video killing you.21:29
b33mway too little video memory21:30
wooTravis-42: touch ssh_config * sry21:30
jhutchins_wkwbf: Why does it matter where the drivers are?  They're in library paths depending on where they come from.  What are you really asking?21:30
wbfjhutchins_wk, Asking where to download21:30
wbfjhutchins_wk, I need them for ubuntu on my UG802 and it's based on armhf21:30
jhutchins_wkwbf: You don't download packages for ubuntu, you use the package manager to install them.21:31
WXZok, I can't find many references on this. but I've got the amd catalyst driver, how do I move windows between desktops (not xinerama, it's not a spanning desktop, it's a multi-desktop)?21:31
jhutchins_wkwbf: Yeah, I caught that earlier, but thanks for clarifying.21:31
wbfjhutchins_wk, as of NOW my box HAS no Internet..... So where in the world do I download the RAW files FROM?21:31
jhutchins_wkwbf: Do you have apt-file?21:31
wbfjhutchins_wk, my other box*21:31
raven_i need a tool that shows me the duration of all mp3 files in a dir21:31
wooWooo Hooo for new nvidia drivers :)21:31
raven_any ideas?21:32
jhutchins_wkwbf: There are some tools that let you do that easily - what does your connected system run?21:32
ActionParsnipraven_: mencoder can tell you. You will need a litte bash loop if mencoder doesn't allow globbing21:32
ServerSageraven_: mencoder, mp3info both can do it.21:32
medflySonikkuAmerica: it is still causing the same problems. stuck. if I press power button it even shuts itself down "cleanly".21:32
wbfjhutchins_wk, ubuntu 12.1021:32
jhutchins_wkwbf: The wifi drivers are all in the kernel package I believe.  Firmware may not be included.21:33
AlphaShow can i put proxy on ubuntu 12.10 lts ?21:33
tim-cthi all21:33
ActionParsnipAlphaS: 12.10 isn't LTS21:33
wbfjhutchins_wk, Man I'm using a CUSTOM kernel....21:33
AlphaSActionParsnip 12.10 then21:33
AlphaScan u please help me ?21:33
jhutchins_wkwbf: Still, it should have the modules included in the source, it's just a matter of including them in the build.21:33
wbfjhutchins_wk, -_- but the kernel is already installed21:33
m477ActionParsnip: did you see the link?21:34
jhutchins_wkwbf: Did you build it or download it?21:34
ServerSagewbf: You have a customer kernel and want support from #ubuntu?  Recompile the kernel to include what you need.21:34
ServerSagewbf: *custom21:34
wbfjhutchins_wk, Download21:34
=== bearovercloud_ is now known as bearovercloud
ActionParsnipraven_: http://superuser.com/questions/231950/export-total-length-of-mp3-files-in-a-folder21:34
N1ghtCrawlerIf I change in the configfile for phpmyadmin that is installed via APT. will the changes persist updates?21:34
medflyI am having trouble starting X. it says "no screens found". I haven't made any big changes lately.21:34
tim-ctI am looking for some help... Network run well for about 15 mins then drops connections for about a minute. DHCP is stopped...Any ideas21:34
wbfjhutchins_wk, and I also cannot change it cause it's an android. I cannot reflash it now, cause it runs ubuntu now....21:34
wbfjhutchins_wk, I might as well go somewhere else for help....21:35
jhutchins_wkwbf: The wifi drivers _should_ have been included then.21:35
wbfjhutchins_wk, they were but they DON'T WORK21:35
AlphaSi would like to know how can i put proxy on ubuntu 12.1021:35
ActionParsnipAlphaS: there is a21:35
AlphaScan anyone help me ?21:35
Travis-42woo: found the problem, misconfiguration in the sshd_config -- hadn't fully reenabled password logins.21:35
pabst^BluesKaj, ActionParsnip: Thank you both.21:35
wooTravis-42: grats21:35
ActionParsnipAlphaS: look in system settings, for apt-get you will need to use /etc/apt/apt.conf   if memory serves21:36
raven_ActionParsnip, tnx21:36
AlphaSi have apt-get21:36
wbfjhutchins_wk, Trying to be as nice as possible but you give me no help. might as well buy another linux box...21:36
wbfjhutchins_wk, as in buy a laptop and install linux21:36
wooTravis-42: did it work?21:36
ActionParsnipraven_: could change filename.mp3   to   *.mp3    may work21:37
guntbert!attitude | wbf21:37
ubottuwbf: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:37
AlphaSActionParsnip can you help me ?21:37
wbfBye then.21:38
jhutchins_wkwbf: I really couldn't give a crap what you do.  Nobody here has any obligation to help you.  You're getting answers that apply to stock Ubuntu.  That's not what you have, and it's not our fault the answers don't apply.  I would suggest you go to the source of your custom code for support.  There's no way the people here are going to know answers for it except by random chance.21:38
ActionParsnipAlphaS: i just did, look in settings. It's all I know. I don't use a proxy21:38
guntbertjhutchins_wk: too late :) (and too angry too :-))21:39
jhutchins_wkguntbert: Ah well.  Let the idiot blunder his own way.21:39
lakkhigh all21:39
medflyOK. I have had some success with renaming my xorg.conf file21:40
WXZok, I can't find many references on this. but I've got the amd catalyst driver, how do I move windows between desktops (not xinerama, it's not a spanning desktop, it's a multi-desktop)?21:41
SonikkuAmericamedfly: Any luck with that?21:42
jhutchins_wkWXZ: That would depend not on the hardware but on the window manager you're running (Gnome? Unity?)21:42
WXZjhutchins_wk: Gnome21:42
ubottuSeveral Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak21:43
jhutchins_wkWXZ: Are the displays the same size?21:43
ActionParsnipAlphaS: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-configure-ubuntu-desktop-to-use-your-proxy-server.html21:43
Dexx1_ServerSage: I had windows xp home edition running before and ran HD videos on VLC just fine21:43
WXZjhutchins_wk: they're the same resolution21:43
jhutchins_wkWXZ: Does click-and-drag not work?21:44
WXZjhutchins_wk: no, it does if I enable xinerama, but then I get a spanning desktop21:44
jhutchins_wkI can't move a window if it's full screen.21:44
ActionParsnipDexx1_: its a completely different OS with completely differet support21:44
WXZjhutchins_wk: multi-desktop (yes I haven't heard of it before) is like two different desktops, each one has it's own panel apps and workspaces21:45
Dexx1_ActionParsnip: are there anything out there that will help me make this machine a media server that is similar to xbmc?21:45
jhutchins_wkWXZ: So you want the system to treat the two desktops as different workspaces like they would be on a multi-desktop single-display?21:45
medflySonikkuAmerica: yes! on the advice of a friend, I hav renamed my xorg.conf file. startx worked (well, it was displaying the right things). rebooted and now t he computer is normal21:45
medflySonikkuAmerica: thanks a lot for your help!21:45
WXZjhutchins_wk: yes, that would be great21:46
b0bbYboyis there anyway I can recover files from rm -rf???? I'm on a flash drive live USB and I deleted a folder on my SSD21:46
ActionParsnipDexx1_: boxee, plex21:46
jhutchins_wkWXZ: My guess would be you need a second instance of X running and outputing to the second display.  I don't think Gnome has any way to do that but that could be my ignorance.21:46
SonikkuAmericamedfly: You're welcome, glad it worked! (Your friend was right... if all else fails graphics wise, purge your xorg.conf)21:46
jhutchins_wkWXZ: You might find some answers by looking for info on "multi-seat" linux.21:47
WXZjhutchins_wk: I think a second instance of X is already running somehow, I don't know, AMD is some proprietary stuff21:47
ActionParsnipDexx1_: if your hardware isn't up to the job, or fully capable under Linux then you won't get playback, no matter what app21:47
ActionParsnipDexx1_: xbmc is far from light21:47
WXZjhutchins_wk: ok thanks, I'll try that one21:47
Dexx1_ActionParsnip: whats the lightest-weight alternative?21:47
ActionParsnipDexx1_: I use vlc and use the web ui which I control from my android phone :)21:47
chilukDexx1_,  you might consider mythtv21:47
ztguHi, I am having problems with sleep on my linux laptop. (suspend to ram). Is there anyone who know how to fix this problem?21:48
chilukalso not very light21:48
ActionParsnipDexx1_: probably the vlc web thing21:48
m477ActionParsnip: you didnt answer me, should I understand that you wont help me anymore? (anyway thanks)21:48
ActionParsnipm477: keep your hair on, i missed the text. that's all. Nice attitude you have there21:48
ActionParsnipm477: what is the issue21:49
blacklineI'll rephrase my question. If I want option to Extract zip/rar packages directly by right click in desktop enviroment, how do I proceed, what do I need. I don't have that for the moment.21:49
m477ActionParsnip: did you see the link which I pasted?21:49
b0bbYboyis there anyway I can recover files from rm -rf???? I'm on a flash drive live USB and I deleted a folder on my SSD21:50
jhutchins_wkm477: You have to understand that we're all just fellow users.  Real Life sometimes interferes with conversations here.21:50
nimrod10what is the replacement for rc.local in ubuntu 12.04 ? I've tried using /etc/init/local.conf as an upstart replacement but still no luck21:51
nimrod10the lines from rc.local or /etc/init/local.conf seem to be ignored21:51
TheLordOfTimenimrod10, what're you trying to run?21:51
ActionParsnipm477: no, like I said..I missed the text21:52
TheLordOfTime(in those)21:52
nimrod10TheLordOfTime, a few powertop suggested commands21:52
m477ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/dBEkjSvV21:52
TheLordOfTimenimrod10, and what makes you believe that they're not running21:52
jhutchins_wkm477: I'll look at your pastebin and see if I can figure out what you're trying to do.21:52
jhutchins_wkActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/dBEkjSvV21:52
jhutchins_wkGaah.  Full dmesg dump.21:53
nimrod10TheLordOfTime, for example I'm running   echo '1' > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save   but  a   cat  /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save  shows 0 after a reboot21:53
m477jhutchins_wk: my external disk seems to be broken, and I am trying to establish the issue21:53
jhutchins_wkm477: Sometime you should go through one of those and figure out what each line is telling you, but what are you trying to fix?21:53
jhutchins_wkm477: USB?21:53
David_NHello. I am deploying Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a dedicated server (Intel Core2Quad 2.+Ghz. 8GB PC2-5400 DDR2. 2x 500GB+ SATA in RAID1. 5000GB transfer allowance /month.), should I use the 32-bit or 64-bit version?21:53
SonikkuAmericaztgu: How old is the laptop?21:54
jhutchins_wkm477: So something like dmesg |grep -i USB would be useful.21:54
bekksDavid_N: 64bit.21:54
m477jhutchins_wk: I did the following instruction: run:  sudo dmesg clear    then unplug and replug it in, then run: dmesg21:54
David_Nbekks: Thanks, I remember asking a year or so ago and people said "Use 32-bit on a server.", can't remember why.21:54
ztguSonikkuAmerica: It was released two months ago or something like that21:54
nimrod10anyone knows what is the upstart alternative to the old  rc.local ?21:54
ActionParsnipm477: is it an encrypted partition?21:54
jhutchins_wkm477: So relelvant messages should be at the end of dmesg.21:54
ActionParsnipnimrod10: rc.local still gets used21:55
David_NIs ufw enabled by default?21:55
m477ActionParsnip: it isnt, I tihnk21:55
nimrod10ActionParsnip,  hmm , I have a few powertop commands in it that don't seem to happen21:55
jhutchins_wkm477: The pastebin doesn't show that happening.21:55
ActionParsnipm477: I have no experience of it. Too many headaches21:55
ActionParsnipm477: the last 2 entries are useful21:55
SonikkuAmericaztgu: So what happens if you try to suspend21:56
jhutchins_wkActionParsnip: I don't think they're the drive.21:56
m477jhutchins_wk: what happening?21:56
m477ActionParsnip: which ones21:56
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ActionParsnipnimrod10: if you add the command:   echo "test" | tee /home/yourname/Desktop/text.txt > /dev/null        above the exit 0 line and reboot, does the file get created?21:56
ActionParsnipm477: both21:56
ActionParsnipnimrod10: obviously change the username to your user's21:57
m477jhutchins_wk: output of the dmesg |grep -i USB  http://pastebin.com/iC2NC3ay21:57
ztguSonikkuAmerica: The suspend it successful, like I can see in the log, but on resume my screen stays black. I can turn the system off with ctrl + alt + del..21:57
nimrod10ActionParsnip, that is the next thing I've just done, each file rc.local & /etc/init/local.conf shall touch a file in /var/tmp . See you after a reboot21:57
Dexx1_ActionParsnip: I think it's a driver/OpenGL issue21:57
Dexx1_just not sure how to fix it21:57
m477ActionParsnip: sorry I dont follow about which entries, you are talking about21:57
jhutchins_wkm477: No storage devices there.21:58
=== nimrod10 is now known as nimrod_afk
jhutchins_wkm477: I thought you said you did a clear?  What was the command you used again?21:58
ActionParsnipm477: in the pastebin, scroll to the bottom and read21:58
SonikkuAmericaztgu: So in other words it never wakes up after you press a key or move the mouse.21:59
jhutchins_wkActionParsnip: There's no evidence of a storage device being connected.  That would preceed any encryption messages.21:59
jhutchins_wkm477: Was the device connected at boot?21:59
memandbesame: why are you spamming?22:00
m477jhutchins_wk: yes, but why does it matter if it is USB22:00
SanJeronimoil y a quelqu'un par montmartre??22:00
ztguSonikkuAmerica: The system wakes up, but not my screen, I can perform restart and shutdown shortcuts, so it's obviously awake.22:00
ActionParsnip!fr | SanJeronimo22:01
ubottuSanJeronimo: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:01
m477ActionParsnip: jhutchins_wk basically  even bios doesnt see it, if I plug via SATA22:01
memandif there are any mods in here I think that besame is a spam bot22:01
ActionParsnipm477: sounds like a bad IDE22:01
SanJeronimothank you22:02
=== SanJeronimo is now known as MontMartre
SonikkuAmericaztgu: Sounds like a graphics card problem to me, but I can't put my finger on it...22:02
m477ActionParsnip: IDE, how is it connected  with that22:02
ztguSonikkuAmerica: Why graphics card problem?22:02
ActionParsnipm477: the ide on the drive isn't reporting the drive make and model if it isn't picking up in BIOS22:03
jhutchins_wkm477: hang on a sec, phone.22:03
m477jhutchins_wk: np, take ur time22:04
=== nimrod_afk is now known as nimrod10
SonikkuAmericaztgu: It sounds like you can interact with your computer but you can't get anything on the screen...22:05
m477ActionParsnip: do you know maybe, what does it mean, what can be broken?22:05
m477in this situation22:05
ActionParsnipm477: drives fail, it happens22:05
jhutchins_wkm477: So is this an external drive with esata and usb connectors?22:05
nimrod10TheLordOfTime, ActionParsnip, both commands in  rc.local and /etc/init/local.conf create a file. So both must be working then ... Very strange that the other powertop related commands don't run ( appear to not run anyway )22:06
ztguMy system is able to resume from suspend only after I've let it hibernate.22:06
ztguWhen I do a fresh boot and suspend the system just after the desktop started, resuming will result in a black screen and I had to power off the computer (see pm-suspend-kde-fail.log).22:06
ztguWhen I do a fresh boot, hibernate the system just after the desktop started, resume, and do the suspend then, the system resumes without a problem (see pm-suspend-kde-success.log).22:06
ztguDoes somebody know what could be done by hibernate that is needed for a successful resume after suspend but is not done by suspend alone? How does hibernate affect my system?22:06
m477jhutchins_wk: no, I have external tray22:06
FloodBot1ztgu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:06
jhutchins_wkm477: How sure are we that the drive has power?22:07
m477jhutchins_wk: I mean hdd tray, SATA -> USB22:07
jhutchins_wkThing about ssds is they don't spin up.22:07
m477jhutchins_wk: I was plugging other SSD which was working22:08
nimrod10ztgu, what graphics card do you have on your system ?22:09
jhutchins_wkm477: I'm afraid that from what we can suggest in the way of troubleshooting, there's only one possible conclusion: dead drive.22:09
ztgunimrod10: I have a radeon HD 7730M gpu, and an A10 cpu with integrated gpu,22:10
nimrod10ztgu, have you installed the proprietary ATI drivers ?22:10
ztgunimrod10: I am using the opensource drivers, I control my video cards with vga_switcheroo to change and turn off cards.22:12
nimrod10ztgu, I was thingking it might be from the proprietary graphics drivers , but since you don't have those I can only direct you to look into /var/log/syslog and /var/log/X.0.log for more info22:13
=== Vobine is now known as Psychoholic
kslaterstupid Unity. Won't let me change my desktop background image? That can't be..22:13
m477jhutchins_wk: I thought so, does it mean that I lost the data, or you can't tell that basing on that what you know22:14
=== oxideJ is now known as oxideJunction
raphytaffywhat IDE is everyone using to program in c/c++?22:16
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator22:16
Gehaktbal_iam using qtcreator22:16
jeffghi folks.  i've got several 12.04 LTS systems, 32-bit, that seem to gain inet6 SLAAC addresses and then forget about them (i.e. stop responding on them) after a few days' time.  does that sound familiar to anybody?22:16
ActionParsnipkslater: sure it will22:17
WXZcan anyone tell me if I have multiple xorg servers (or root windows) running if I post my xorg.conf?22:17
fragyHello. I have  a laptop Asus K53SC with hybrid graphics. Until recently, optirun ran fine, but now I get: [ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: [XORG] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the display subsystem for the NVIDIA. I've tried all solutions I could find, but no luck. Help please?22:17
kslaterUsing Settings->Appearance?22:17
jeffgthe systems are at two different sites.  at one site the router advertisements come from a cisco router, at the other they come from a pfSense router.  so i'm reasonably confident that the advertisements are not at fault.22:17
goddardDo we call Ubuntu systems PC's?22:18
kslaterI call mine my laptop. :-)22:18
raphytaffyso i'm able to see my WIndows PC when i browse networks, but when i double-click it, i get an "Unable to mount location: Failed to retrieve share list from server" error22:19
raphytaffyany ideas on how to get past this?22:19
goddardI think it is funny how everyone has this division they say Mac or PC22:19
goddardwhen the Mac is a PC22:19
goddardits damned confusing22:20
nimrod10goddard, all of them are PCs22:20
goddardwe need a new name Ubuntu now haha22:20
nimrod10it is just marketing carp ...22:20
k1lgoddard: that topic would suit better in the offtopic channel22:20
goddardI'm an Ubuntu22:20
ActionParsnipgoddard: could say 'IBM compatible' :)22:20
jhutchins_wkgoddard: I think everybody pretty much understands the difference between a mac and a pc when the terms are used together.22:20
=== nimrod10 is now known as nimrod_afk
jhutchins_wkThere are any number of terms that are more specific.22:21
ActionParsnipas long as the language achieves it's goal, its fine22:22
jhutchins_wkraphytaffy: Is the linux box a member of the same workgroup?  How did you share the folder?  Are you sure you did?  Does it extpect a username/password?22:22
kslaterActionParsnip: I have a dual monitor setup. Maybe that's the problem?22:23
xslin a ubuntu host i have the firewall loggin working ok and going to syslog or to whatever log i want... but wen i get the lxcontainers up ... the firewall logs randomly on each container and stops loggin on the host22:23
xslanyone knows why this happens, or a way to prevent this?22:24
jeffgto get pedantic about it, a PC has an intel 8080 cpu clocked at 4.77MHz and a Macintosh has a motorola 68000 cpu clocked at 8MHz.22:24
raphytaffy@jhutchins_wk how can i be sure that the linux box is a member of the same workgroup? i was just using the browse network option under network and it sees all of my PCs under my workgroup, so i just assumed they were in the same workgroup22:24
jeffgsorry, s/8080/8088/22:24
=== Wug is now known as Wug[Hyperspace]
raphytaffy@jhutchins_wk i shared the folders from my win7 pc. it's definitely shared as i can access it via other devices on the same network. it may expect my windows username/password22:25
kslaterdo I have to do something to 'apply' my change of the wallpaper?22:26
ActionParsnipkslater: right click desktop -> change wallpaper22:27
kslaterright click desktop, no context menu displayed.22:27
melkorIs there a way to restart my sounds. When I boot up it works great. After some change, unplugging the hdmi cable while sipping coffee with the computer suspended my sounds stop working.22:28
ActionParsnipkslater: system settings -> appearence22:28
alex20032should i install the boot loader at /dev/sda or /dev/sda1 ??22:28
kslateryeah, tried that too22:28
kslaterallows me to select, but I would expect the background to change and it doesn't.22:29
melkorI added the sipping coffee part because when I uplugged the hdmi cable while the computer was suspended it the sounds came back when the computer resumed.22:29
xslno one can help me plz :(22:30
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xsli searched all over the place and i have no idea on the cause of the problem22:30
melkorxsl: what is lxcontainers?22:30
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:31
=== nimrod_afk is now known as nimrod10
ruchirany software like idm for linux22:32
xslaww it was nice to have this give you the definition :)22:32
ActionParsnipkslater: isn't there a new way to do it now, not used my lappy in ages tbh22:32
jhutchins_wkxsl: They're only there if someone builds them.22:33
ActionParsnipkslater: can you set it from within fspot etc?22:33
ActionParsnipkslater: shotwell etc?22:33
jhutchins_wkmelkor: Have you tried restarting alsa?22:33
kslatergood question, let me give it a whirl22:33
tqrstwhy does ubuntu ship with a version of awk that doesn't support null delimiters? echo "a\0b" | awk -F'\0' '{ print "\n"$2"/"$1;}' works fine with gawk and prints "b/a", but mawk (ubuntu) prints "/a".22:33
kslatereven Nautilus maybe?22:34
xslhave no idea on how to build it jhutchins_wk . otherwise i could write something like "user space control package for Linux Containers, a virtual system similar to chroot. http://lxc.sourceforge.net"22:34
melkorjhutchins_wk: there isn't an alsa service, there is alsa-store and alsa-restore22:34
kslaterwhoa, system is severly overtaxed right now22:34
kslaterWhen I clicked on my home folder the background changed.22:35
bekkstqrst: Ubuntu supports gawk as well22:35
kslaterheavy iowait. I'm going to walk away and let my rsync backup complete.22:35
thalibwhere can i get the ubuntu tv22:36
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out and !UbuntuTV22:36
Akull monaco edhe ktu ma zi koka22:36
monacoAkull: ehhh po tybe :P22:36
ActionParsnipthalib: isn't there a ppa for it22:36
melkorjhutchins_wk: I've tried the pulseaudio and that doesn't get my sounds back.22:37
thalibno i mean the ubuntu tv featured in the ubuntu page22:37
ActionParsnipthalib: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/how-to-install-ubuntu-tv-right-now-via-ppa22:37
blimhi, I cant get the sound to work in doom3. Ive tryed everything I can find online but I get "sound subsystem disabled" with "pasuspender ./doom.x86". any idea?22:37
thalibwhat is PPA22:38
=== Vobine is now known as Psychoholic
ActionParsnipthalib: 3rd party source for packages, not sure if that ppa suppors the newer releases22:38
brightsparkthalib, a 3rd-party package source22:38
thalibi dont know much about ubuntu or linux22:39
thalibso want to get started22:39
kslaterdoes that even exist yet?22:39
thalibi have a vaio vpcf11j0e22:39
chazwordI have a 10.04 system with 45 drives arranged in 5 RAIDs.  Often, the RAIDs (via mdadm) will try to initalize before all the drives have initialized.  Obviously this causes the RAIDs to fail.  Is there a way to force assembling RAIDs to be the absolutely last thing that the system does?  update-rc.d to 99 still has RAID assembly coming before framebuffer initialization.22:39
thalibi dont know which linux distribution to use as i am in uni also22:39
kslaterseems like a decent amount of stuff needs to be in place unless it's just a fancy way to stream content from Amazon, etc.22:39
thalibshould i use mint or ubuntu22:39
jhutchins_wkWhat?  Ubuntu is promoting vaporware?  I'm SHOCKED I tell you, just SHOCKED.22:39
melkorodd my internet seems to cut out for 30s every so often.22:40
k1lthalib: this is a ubuntu channel, so ubuntu22:40
jhutchins_wkk1l: Wifi?22:40
k1ljhutchins_wk: ?22:40
kslaterthalib: mythbuntu22:40
thalibwhat is the difference between ubuntu and mint22:40
thalibwhat is mythbuntu22:40
ActionParsnipthalib: support for mint is separate to Ubuntu's22:41
ActionParsnipthalib: different default app set22:41
melkorthalib: mint is built on ubuntu and it has a bunch of artwork and packaging.22:41
jhutchins_wkthalib: Kinda like ford and chrysler.  More like if crysler bought it's parts from ford.22:41
thalibso if i want to play games or use word or excell like programs which one is better also for web surfing22:42
melkorLike Mazda and Ford light pick up trucks in the  90's.22:42
melkorThe ford was a mazda rebranded.22:42
jhutchins_wkmelkor: Yeah, except the parts aren't always the same.22:42
melkorthalib: get a live cd and try it out. The differences are aethetics.22:43
anli_Is there still a way of escaping unity and use gnome-session?22:43
thalibwhat is a live cd22:43
jhutchins_wkthalib: Also the support channels for Ubuntu are more active.22:43
ActionParsnipthalib: they are very similar, I recommend you try both22:43
melkorthalib: do you have a cd rom?22:44
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.22:44
k1lthalib: again: you ask in a ubuntu channel so the best answer is ubuntu :)22:44
xangua!nounity | anli_22:44
ubottuanli_: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:44
melkorthalib: it is pretty easy to  d/load the iso and burn it to a bootable cd.22:45
k1lanli_: since unity is based on gnome3 and ubuntu ships the gnome-shell in their repos there is always a choice for gnome-shell22:45
anli_wow, the lag when I write something in my vbox installed ubuntu is terrible22:45
thalibok cool i will try this tonight thanks guys u have helped me alot22:46
anli_Maybe I need to activate some graphics card acceleration?22:46
k1lanli_: on a vserver?22:47
chazwordSo, basically the question is how do I force an init script to be the ABSOLUTELY LAST thing that is run on boot.  updated-rc.d to 99 still has things coming after it.22:47
anli_k1l: virtualbox22:47
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ActionParsnipanli_: install xfce4 package in the virtual OS, log off and log in to the XFCE session, it'll be faster22:47
k1lanli_: the whole big dsktops dont run quick as a native install in the vbox.22:47
k1lanli_: but make sure to have the guest addidions installed22:48
jhutchins_wkchazword: rc.local should be the last thing init runs.22:48
jhutchins_wkchazword: Then again, it's not init any more.22:48
anli_Will the use of xfce4 something package intrude on my possibilities to use gnome-session?22:48
jhutchins_wkchazword: Why does it need to be last?22:48
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chazwordjhutchins_wk: It's 45 SATA drives initializing.  If it doesn't come last, then it tries to initialize the RAIDS before the drives are ready.22:49
chazwordso /etc/init.d/mdadm-raid needs to be the last thing to run.  With it as 99, it boots mostly correctly one out of 50 times.  With mdadm-raid turned off and then manually started, it works fine everytime.22:49
jhutchins_wkchazword: So you have to make it dependent on the previous step.22:50
k1lanli_: xfce is another Desktop22:50
ActionParsnipanli_: you can simply select the session you want at login22:50
jhutchins_wkchazword: Possibly with a wait if you know the interval.22:50
chazwordjhutchins_wk: I believe it is, but putting it into rc.local might be the way to go.22:50
ActionParsnipanli_: I alway s suggest XFCE or LXDE for virtualized OSes, they use fewer resources so are more responsive22:51
anli_xcfe is an alternative to gnome-session, I take it22:51
chazwordThere is no specific interval.  It's 5 RAID6s with 9 drives each.  Sometimes it comes up with 5 drives in each RAID, sometimes with 7, sometimes with just 5 drives in 1 RAID, and sometimes with 9 drives in all the RAIDs except for md0 which has 7.  If I manually start mdadm-raid after boot, everything is perfect22:51
jhutchins_wkanli_: A little deeper than that, but essentially.22:51
ActionParsnipanli_: its a desktop environment, it wil run instead of Gnome22:51
ReKeToN-DeL_SuRalguien español?22:51
k1lanli_: vbox is not compareable to a native install. you have to think about that it is much slower. so you have to reduce the expectations on that22:52
k1l!es | ReKeToN-DeL_SuR22:52
ubottuReKeToN-DeL_SuR: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:52
anli_hm, ok22:52
jhutchins_wkchazword: Right, so you figure out what starts the drives, you figure out how long they take to come up, and you invoke a delay between the first step and the second.22:52
anli_k1l: I like the low commitment of running virtually22:52
ReKeToN-DeL_SuRubottu gracias amigo ;)22:52
ubottuReKeToN-DeL_SuR: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:52
k1lanli_: think about using desktops for low hardware ressources like xfce or lxde22:53
ReKeToN-DeL_SuRostias es un bot?22:53
anli_Maybe I just need a cooler 3d card22:53
jhutchins_wkchazword: I suspect that whatever starts the drives doesn't really know whether they're ready when it exits, so you have to either wait or have a way of testing.22:53
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anli_gnome-sessions with all extras turned off is also ok, I think22:53
chazwordjhutchins_wk: Yeah, I'm putting it in rc.local with a wait 30 before it, I think that should do it, but I can always adjust the wait.22:53
k1lanli_: gnome-shell is still a 3d desktop that will use alot of power, though22:54
chazwordjhutchins_wk: Thanks for your help.  I've done all the other UNIXs and Linuxs, but Ubuntu is the newer one for me.  The init setup in 10.04 seemed to be a few different systems working together rather than anything fully cohesive, so it was a bit odd.22:54
anli_well, true22:54
chazwordThen again, this whole systme is a bit odd.  I recommend against backblaze hardware setups.22:54
bampersandHey guys. I'm wanting to map CAPS to CTRL-BACKSPACE any idea how I could do this? I googled mapping but most posts are asking for key->key not a sequence22:54
anli_I will now try to enable the 3d acc and 2d acc in vbox22:55
anli_Maybe thats not a terribly bad idea22:55
jhutchins_wkchazword: upstart, which replaces init, attepmts to make startup faster by running many of the steps in parallel instead of sequentially.  To do this, it has to have better information about what each scripts depends on.22:56
anli_Wow, no difference22:56
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anli_the xfce advice is growing on me22:58
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wabashHello, I'm looking at Ubuntu, from Fedora. I'd like to make the switch, but I have a few questions.22:59
wabashA) for the extra repositories (like the non-free, gstreamer codecs, that kind of stuff), does Ubuntu come with those set up? I.E., the keys and stuff all come with it?22:59
anli_Or why not fluxbox22:59
wabashB) How hard is it to take standard Ubuntu, and install KDE on it (if I decide I don't like unity)?22:59
ActionParsnipwabash: sure, just install ubuntu-restricted-extras and you are ready to rock23:02
ActionParsnipanli_: you could run just fluxbox, no desktop means the OS is lighter23:02
anli_trying ubuntu-restricted-extras then23:03
mladouxwabash: not too difficult.23:03
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wabashActionParsnip: Is this 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package available in the default repos? Are you saying that I can find it there, then install it, and then the additional repos will be available?23:04
Dexx1_Can someone help me install the driver for my video card? Its Intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset23:04
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Dexx1_I have XBMCbuntu installed but it now hangs at startup23:04
Dexx1_If it helps, details about the graphics card: http://paste.ubuntu.com/151115023:05
anli_ubuntu-restricted-extras was nothing about the performance problems, right?23:05
anli_Just a cool set of packages23:05
wabashanli_: No I think that was for me. I was wondering about codecs and such.23:06
anli_gdm or lightdm?23:06
anli_I installed it as well23:06
anli_lol :)23:06
anli_lightdm seems to be lighter23:06
kslaterwhat the heck is jdb2 and why is it such an IO pig?23:07
anli_Maybe I should always use a lighter ubuntu version when I run in a vbox, like kubuntu or something23:07
anli_lol @ io pig :)23:08
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ActionParsnipwabash: yes, just install the package and watch it run23:09
wabashActionParsnip: Nice thank you!23:09
wabashActionParsnip: I'd like to clarify...23:09
wabashActionParsnip: default repos are all ubuntu/free. Then to access the other repo, I install a package from default repo,a nd that package sets up the non-free repo?23:10
bobrikhi sll23:10
anli_wow, when I logout, the xserver is killed23:10
ActionParsnipwabash: free as in beer, yes. Some stuff (like the restricted extras) have non-free (as in speech) packages23:11
kslaterI wonder if this high amount of io by jbd2 is related to having installed zfs as a kernel module23:11
wabashActionParsnip: Yes, without mincing hairs.... :) I just meant in terms of setting that up. Compared to Fedora, which is a PITA23:11
ActionParsnipwabash: Ubuntu is made for newcomers to Ubuntu, so there is a LOT of hand holding23:12
emxthe letters on my display have a coloured surrounding instead of a grey gradient (anti-aliasing or something). can i change to grey gradient?23:13
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anli_Time for some serious lubuntu business23:14
ligerovHi there! Please, help me with ubuntu 12.04. USB devices don't work.23:14
NoskcajThe ubuntu forums say i'm not allowed to use "Noskcaj" as a username, any idea why?23:16
Noskcaj!ask | ligerov23:16
ubottuligerov: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:16
usr13ligerov: What kind of USB devices?23:17
sponglehi. would anybody be willing to help me compile a driver for my display, please? it's proving rather troublesome. it's for the dreaded sis mirage 323:18
jonjoI am having trouble mounting my nexus7 in ubuntu 12.04 anyone know how?23:18
andersonhi all friends23:18
ActionParsnipjonjo: i have a guide23:18
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jonjoActionParsnip: link?23:19
ActionParsnipjonjo: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-easily-mount-the-galaxy-nexus-on-ubuntu-11-10-via-unity23:19
Yoshimitsuhello friends23:20
usr13ligerov1: Thumb drives?23:20
ligerov1usr13: usb flash drive and wifi modem23:20
ligerov1usr13: yes23:21
ActionParsnipligerov1: do you mean 3G?23:21
ActionParsnipYoshimitsu: howdy23:21
usr13ligerov1: Open a terminal, type  tail -f /var/log/syslog  and hit enter.  Plug in one of your devices and see what messages or errors you get.23:22
ligerov1ActionParsnip: no, wifi usb adapter TP-Link23:22
jonjoActionParsnip: do I need root for that?23:23
ActionParsnipligerov1: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network     do you see the wifi interface?23:24
ztguWhat is the thing with /etc/fstab ??23:24
anli_Do people use "pidgin" any longer?23:25
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usr13anli_: Sure23:25
ligerov1ActionParsnip: I don't see23:26
anli_oh, ok23:26
ActionParsnipligerov1: ok, run:  lsusb    use the 8 character hex id to find guides23:26
anderson__felipe almeida23:27
jonjoActionParsnip: it does not work23:27
ligerov1ActionParsnip: 1d6b:0002 - it's23:27
jonjoI take that back...23:28
anderson__jonjo what your problem?23:28
anderson__what the program23:28
jonjo'I see nothing happen when I click the icon'23:28
jonjoit is mounted23:28
anderson__mounted modem 3G?23:29
jonjonexus7 over usb23:29
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anderson__no conect auto?23:30
spongleconfigure.ac:38: error: must install xorg-macros 1.8 or later before running autoconf/autogen (Anybody know what package provides this, please? I can't seem to find it anywhere)23:30
ActionParsnipjonjo: that guide is all I know, can you access it via nautilus from the mount point?23:30
ztguWhy does my system fail booting after editing the /etc/fstab? help please.23:31
jonjoam rsyncing a movie accross :)23:31
ActionParsnipanderson__: it uses some garbage shared storage, its a pain23:32
riderplusf**k those who say ubuntu is for stupid people! I'm tired of allegations23:32
jonjolol riderplus23:32
anderson__do you like install ubuntu phone in nexus smartphone?23:32
ActionParsnipztgu: because that file tells the OS how to mount the file systems23:32
codelurkerlooking for a new twitter client - hotot currently the best/most popular?23:32
ActionParsnipriderplus: constructive23:32
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ActionParsnipcodelurker: I use the web browser23:33
ActionParsnipcodelurker: or twidge in CLI23:33
codelurkeri have been using browser and turses (cli) but looking for a gui solution23:33
alexxxxkaguys, after updating, display won't work. I started under older kernel. It works perfectly. How do I save this kernel as default?23:33
jonjoriderplus: ubuntu is not for stupid people it is just an easier distro to use23:33
ActionParsnipcodelurker: polly is one i've seen around, there is no single best app23:33
jonjoalso depends what you use it for23:33
codelurkertrue, ill keep looking/testing23:34
riderplusjonjo: there are many trolls in #linux who think that "ubuntu makes people stupid"23:34
riderplusf**k them23:34
ztguActionParsnip: I wrote : proc/procproc defaults    0       0.   and also the to boot the UUID from my swap partition and my linux ext4 partition23:34
ActionParsnipriderplus: that's thier porogative, doesn't mean it's correct23:34
jonjoyou could give ubuntu to a stupid person and they could use it23:34
jonjodoes not make all ubuntu people stupid23:35
riderplusActionParsnip: I'm getting tired of geeks using debian and spitting on ubuntu23:35
ActionParsnipriderplus: let them, its meaningless23:35
alexxxxkaActionParsnip, please help. How to set older kernel (which is running now) as default?23:35
jonjoI use gentoo but dont spit on ubuntu23:35
ActionParsnipalexxxxka: you can set default kernel using /etc/default/grub file23:35
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riderplusjonjo: that's because you're not a dumbass23:35
brightsparkrider, ditch the cursing please23:36
brightsparkriderplus, ^23:36
jonjostill have ubuntu installed on a pc, serves its purpose for what I want23:36
ztguActionParsnip: What is wrong? everyone else has this sort of config.23:36
ActionParsnipztgu: I suggest you roll back the change23:36
ActionParsnipriderplus: why do you care what other people think about your choice of OS?23:37
riderplusActionParsnip: first they blame ubuntu, then gnome323:37
riderplusI'm just tired of argueing about nothing23:37
WanderingEnderIs this really the time we do the whole "ubuntu is for stupid people" thing again?23:37
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ActionParsnipriderplus: so you bring it here instead.....23:38
jonjoI use gentoo with gnome3, most people in gentoo hate gnome3, I like it23:38
riderplusI don't want that23:38
WanderingEnderSomeone asks you why you're using ubuntu, especially ubuntu server, give them a concrete reason. If they ignore it, kill them.23:38
ztguActionParsnip: If you see the post at the bottom, the long one by defensorfedei, That's what he does to fix suspend to ram problem I have. but When i do it my linux won't boot so I need to fix it in recovery mode. Idea?23:38
ActionParsnipjonjo: you are free to use what you wish :)23:38
riderplusWanderingEnder: =))23:38
jonjothats the beauty of linux23:39
ztguActionParsnip: Forgot the link:     http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/suspend-hibernation-resume-problems-with-ati-graphics-card-760878/23:39
riderplusubuntu is the best distro imho23:39
jonjowouldnt go that far ;)23:39
ActionParsnipriderplus: just use what you want and don't listen to anyone else...I did that a long time ago and everyone laughed, asking why I wasn't installing the new Windows XP23:39
riderplusbut ok haven't tried gentoo ;)23:39
jonjoriderplus: it has its purpose depends what you do23:40
ActionParsnipriderplus: that's fine too, you can have your opinion, milions will disagree and millions wil agree.23:40
dr_willisI disagree with that statement...23:40
riderpluslook, I'm reporting bugs on launchpad, I try to make myself useful. then you hear you're stupid 'cause you use ubuntu or crazy because you like gnome323:41
riderplusno comment23:41
ztguActionParsnip: I have the same config in my fstab, but my own UUID's of course23:41
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ztguI have no idea what the problem can be23:41
jribriderplus: let's get back to support please23:41
ActionParsnipriderplus: tell them who owns and run launchpad :)23:41
jonjoor just ignore them and leave the room?23:42
riderplusffs, it's #linux...23:42
WanderingEnderwhy leave the room when you can use ignore.23:42
WanderingEnderOr make them shut the heck up due to their stupidity in a grand and spectaular way.23:42
jribfeel free to discuss people's attitudes towards distro choices in #ubuntu-offtopic.  Keep in mind #ubuntu is for support questions only23:43
jonjowhat do you need #linux for? most distros provide all the support you need. using ubuntu I am sure the support in this room is all you need23:43
ActionParsnipjonjo: its distro ambiguous23:43
riderplus#linux is against ubuntu...every time I ask a question and say I'm using ubuntu they come with that freaking l33t attitude. but let's stop this, ok?23:43
ActionParsnipjonjo: also good for kernel issues23:44
dr_williscant say ive ever been in #linux in the years ive been on this server.23:44
jonjoI never have23:44
jribI really don't want to kick people because of this.23:44
ActionParsnipriderplus: well you won't see anyone in here doing that as we all use and support ubuntu (for the most part)23:44
riderplusthen I won't EVER join that freaking channel23:44
makutoI've been making a graphical editor that uses the console for input (with C++, SFML). When I execute the program by clicking the executable no console window comes up. How can I force it to open a console window? (Point me to the right IRC if this isn't the place)23:44
ActionParsnipriderplus: so asking US to stop it is pretty pointless....it's not us.23:45
jonjomakuto: just type the application in the terminal23:45
ActionParsnipmakuto: are you running it via a .desktop file?23:45
makutoActionParsnip: No23:45
dr_willismakuto:   You could always have the .desktop file launch a shell/terminal that runs the app.23:45
dr_willisor a scrit that does it.23:46
makutojonjo: I know, but it isn't very convenient23:46
dr_willisie:   xterm -e  commandname23:46
brightsparkmakuto, I'm not sure if this is still the case, but you used to be able to right-click and hit "Run in Terminal"23:46
riderplusI'm going to grab some beers and enjoy ubuntu...I bet those guys don't even know where "ubuntu" comes from...nighty night23:46
ActionParsnipmakuto: If you right click the file, is there an option to run in terminal?23:46
sponglecan i just ask, is this the best channel to even be asking for help in compiling a video driver?23:46
makutodr_willis: I don't know how to make .desktop files, but I will learn! That should fix my problem23:47
jonjoActionParsnip: should I be able to see the files transfered on my nexus while still connected?23:47
makutoAnd no, no option to run in term23:47
dr_willismakuto:  they are simple text files.23:47
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ActionParsnipmakuto: if you copy one from ~/.config/autostart    you can edit it to run what you wish. You can even copy it to /usr/share/applications and it will appear in Dash23:47
OrphisHi! I'm trying to resolve netbios name in my ubuntu (quantal). I've installed winbind and added wins to /etc/nsswitch.conf but it's still not working. Ideas?23:47
ActionParsnipjonjo: depends how you copy them23:47
brightsparkmakuto, do you have the correct permissions (755 or whatever) on the file?23:48
makutoActionParsnip & dr_willis: Yeah, that'll work, thanks!23:48
ActionParsnipjonjo: you won't see the files til you unmount the device23:48
jonjothere is another way? ;)23:48
jonjostill not showing up23:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:49
jonjooh wait23:50
jordi_how i  go to the spanish channel?23:51
jonjoI can not remount it23:51
jonjo#ubuntu-es ?23:51
jordi_i´m gonna try, thanks23:52
teslas_moustacheI'm trying to restore backups on a fresh 12.04 install and Deja Dup isn't doing it. It just asks for a password, encryption passphrase, password again, and says it was successful within about 30 seconds. So I'm trying to use Duplicity in CLI, but I'm having trouble with that as well.23:52
jonjohow did I guess :P23:52
Savage_CLwhat's the force close hotkey?23:53
teslas_moustacheI enter "duplicity --gio file:///media/LaCie /tmp/restore" and it returns "/home/chris/.cache/duplicity/a9f25ded84e82d510fd93976ed2e96ce' does not exist, or is not a directory"23:54
spongleok, am getting somewhere with this, but i am stuck right now locating package similar to xorg-macros - what's the ubuntu package name for this?23:54
teslas_moustachesorry. full output is "Specified archive directory '/home/chris/.cache/duplicity/a9f25ded84e82d510fd93976ed2e96ce' does not exist, or is not a directory"23:55
ActionParsnipteslas_moustache: does the folder (or file) exist?23:58
teslas_moustacheNo. and I suppose I can create a directory with that name but....well I guess there's only one way to find out.23:59
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