
holsteinbilo: hello.. if you have a question for one of the volunteers, just ask .. otherwise, feel free and /join #xubuntu-offtopic :)03:20
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xubuntu069This has to be the ONE MILLIONTH time that I run into problems with ALSAMIXER07:28
xubuntu069all sounds has stopped for no apparent reason.07:28
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Ronalds_Mwhat the hell is wrong with xubuntu 12.10, after upgrade from 12.0413:06
Ronalds_Mjockey-gtk is missing13:06
Ronalds_Mwhen I install it, it doesn't starts13:06
knomeRonalds_M, mind the language.13:06
Ronalds_MI did almost clean upgrade13:07
Ronalds_Mdrivers are missing13:07
knomeRonalds_M, starting from 12.10, jockey is found under "software sources"13:07
Ronalds_Mand where is nvidia13:07
baizonRonalds_M: there isnt no jockey-gtk13:08
knomebaizon, ...as i just said13:08
baizonsorry knome was to slow reading :)13:08
baizonRonalds_M: same place as knome said :)13:08
knomenvidia-settings should be there when you've installed the drivers13:09
Ronalds_Mno settings for me13:09
Ronalds_Malso nvidia doesn't show in software sources13:09
Ronalds_Meverything seems to be slowed down cause of that13:10
Ronalds_Mnvidia-173-dev:  Depends: nvidia-173 (>= 173.14.35)13:11
Ronalds_Mtried to install driver at synaptic13:11
nantouif I need 56 minutes to copy 9GB of data from HDD to external HDD that means something is wrong with my 12.10, am I wrong?13:11
Ronalds_Mnvidia-173:  Depends: xorg-video-abi-11  but it is not installable or  xorg-video-abi-12  but it is not installable13:12
knomenantou, i'd rather look at your hdd's13:12
nantouknome, it cannot be the external one, can it? its only an EXT4 to store data13:12
baizonnantou: check the hard drives13:13
knomeRonalds_M, have you enabled the restricted repositories?13:13
baizonnantou: http://askubuntu.com/questions/59064/how-to-run-a-checkdisk13:14
Ronalds_MI'm currently download nvidia current13:16
Ronalds_MYou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.13:18
Ronalds_Mnvidia-173:  Depends: xorg-video-abi-11  but it is not installable or  xorg-video-abi-12  but it is not installable13:19
Ronalds_Mwhat the h?13:19
cousteauThe screensaver I installed is displaying debug messages on screen.  Is there a way to turn them off?13:25
cousteauI think there's an option for that in xscreensaver, -no-capture-stderr13:25
Ronalds_Mso I ended up installing xubuntu from scratch, I certainly doesn't support upgrading from 12.04 if anybody has nvidia drivers13:40
xubuntu610hi guys anyone one knows how to make dvd autoplay on 12.014:25
xubuntu610I have issue with DVD video ... cd audio autoplay but for DVD i need to open parole and click on "play disk"14:26
knomexubuntu610, menu -> settings manager -> removable drives and media -> tab multimedia14:28
xubuntu610knome this is the problem, the settings there are ok14:31
knomexubuntu610, what does the dvd command say?14:32
xubuntu610parole --device=%d14:32
xubuntu610also when I insert an audio disk I have 2 icons on the desktop, one "disk 680mb" and one "audio disk"14:35
crondIs it normal for a core2duo to peg 80c under load for an exteneded period in a laptop?14:48
TheSheeptry asking on ##hardware14:53
* cousteau thinks of "80c" as a hexadecimal temperature15:17
baizoncrond: i think so15:20
cousteauso this screensaver is displaying error or warning messages on screen.  How can I prevent that?15:21
baizoncousteau: have you tried -no-capture-stderr15:22
baizonor resetting the configuration15:22
cousteaubaizon, I Think that's what I need, but where am I supposed to use it?15:23
cousteauI don't feel like re-running xscreensaver manually each time I reboot; I guess I can set it somewhere15:24
baizonjust use in terminal xscreensaver -no-capture-stderr15:24
cousteaubaizon, I mean, that would involve running that command each time I run xscreensaver, right?15:28
cousteauor is that option magically set forever?  (kinda like the -c in `metacity -c`)15:29
cousteauyeah, ok then, is there a way to disable it?15:29
baizoncousteau: yes, set it in the .Xdefaults15:29
baizonmore here: http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/man1.html15:29
cousteauso there's no way to do it with xscreensaver-demo15:31
knomecousteau, just disable the screensaver that gives the error.15:32
cousteauit's just a warning message, not an error (or if it's an error it can avoid it)15:32
cousteauthe idea is to get that screensaver working15:32
cousteauwhich is the main reason why I installed it15:33
knomecousteau, then ask the screensaver creator15:33
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xubuntu336xubuntu c magnifik16:23
xubuntu336j'ai une grosse biloute, qui veut que je lui mette dans la bouche?!16:25
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:25
bazhangxubuntu336, thats offtopic, and not very nice16:25
xubuntu742I just installed Xubuntu on a USB stick with plugged out all mz hard drives. After finishing installation and reboot it doesn!t boot17:42
xubuntu742can someone help me17:42
T61_on_the_Fritzany sound card experts here?17:49
xubuntu614After I installed Xubuntu 12.04 on a 16GB usb stick it says : Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key17:59
xubuntu614Why is that for18:00
tjingboemis it normal that when i use the character " i push that key but also have to press the space bar  after that?  Where can i change this behavior?18:39
jcfptjingboem: by setting a different keyboard layout18:44
David-Atjingboem: you probably pressed the "umlaut diacritical/dead character" and not the "double quote". double quote is usually on a shift key18:47
xubuntu036I lost the mai top tray. How can I restore to factory settings?18:51
David-Axubuntu036, come back...18:56
tjingboemyes keyboard works now better, more to my liking - thanks19:06
xutwoohso whos here today or we all just hanging out19:30
davygrvyHaving problems with grub.  MBR not being picked-up at boot time.  I have to boot into the 12.04 installer cdrom, then jump to the harddisk.  I tried update-grub followed by grub-install, but no joy.  I'm lost19:58
moetunes!grub | davygrvy20:01
ubottudavygrvy: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:01
davygrvygrub2 docs are helping.  grub-install should have fixed my problem, but didn't20:22
davygrvyAREN'T, sorry20:22
PeyamWhy doesn't xubuntu recognize Ipod?21:16
PeyamI tried to install nautilus.. and something else21:16
Peyameven then i didn't work21:16
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:19
xubuntu686does anyone here use bblean?22:31
Unit193Last I knew, bbLean was windows only, but based on Blackbox.22:32
xubuntu686so it wont/doesnt work on linux?22:32
Unit193It's based off a Linux WM last I knew, take a look at openbox, it's pretty close.22:33

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