
oitofelixHello.  I'm using lubuntu 12.10 and I installed Tunapie 2 to listen to audio streams.  But unfortunately when I run Tunapie it just hangs when downloading the radio list.  Is there anyone successfully running Tunapie 2 right now?02:57
=== IdleOne is now known as io
delldimhi. I cant display 1920 1080 resolution. I have an acer 23" monitor. How do i make it display that resolution?11:51
delldimit says cant get gamma output11:52
user92223problem with bluetooth manager > file browser.  It wants to use "thunar" but I want to use pcmanfm. How to make it?11:58
user92223Error:Failed to launch "thunar"11:59
user92223"You can enter an alternate browser in service settings"11:59
user92223Where are the "service settings" so I can enter pcmanfm?11:59
delldimi also tried testing res dynamically:12:08
delldimxrandr --output LVDS --mode 1920x108012:08
delldimxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default12:08
delldimwarning: output LVDS not found; ignoring12:08
delldimthe same error occured using VGA112:08
delldimuser92223: do you use desktop ?12:10
user92223delldim,  yes, LXDE12:10
delldimok me too12:10
delldimi have an acer mon 23 "12:10
user92223<using Lenovo Thinkpad Laptop.  Must admit Lubuntu works great.12:11
user92223WiFi, SDcard, Video, Audio, Flash, Java, and bluetooth all work fine.  Just tweaking the bluetooth file browser.12:12
user92223ok awesome.  I'm using Lubuntu to browse files on my Android smart phone via bluetooth wireless.12:14
user92223I installed "Thunar".  Fixed the bluetooth problem.  Works now. :- )12:15
delldimso not using a desktop12:16
delldimi have a desktop dell dimension 920012:16
user92223sorry, I thought you meant desktop as in LXDE or KDE12:16
user92223delldim... monitor isn't working?12:17
delldimthe 1920 1080 diaply is not appearing as an option12:18
delldimxrandr output gives me:12:19
delldimxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default12:19
delldimScreen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 76812:19
delldimdefault connected 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm12:19
delldimand i do have a monitor and a nvidia card to display it cos it works in windows 7, centos, fedora, mint linux and os on12:20
delldimi use nvidia gt 630 :)12:20
user92223delldim. I found a tutorial how to fix it.   http://samuelmartin.wordpress.com/2012/05/29/enabling-resolutions-in-ubuntu-12-04-lubuntu-12-04/12:23
delldimlet me check12:23
user92223not sure if it works or not. worth a try.12:24
delldimhmm im not sure what to put in device - in the example it says hdmi but that doesnt appear on my output12:30
delldimit just says connected to default and i dont know what my default is12:31
delldimit doesnt say vga or hdmi on device12:31
delldimin my output12:31
user92223are you using hdmi?12:32
user92223i'd say enter whatever device you used before.12:32
delldimbut i am connected to a hdmi cable12:32
user92223should be hdmi then12:32
delldimif i remember correctly it says that when im using xrandr on my other linux distros12:33
delldimok i saved the xorg.conf file in the leafpad editor12:34
delldimso now i will restart to check then12:35
delldimill be back;)12:36
delldimim back12:44
user92223thank goodness.  For a moment I thought you had the black screen of death12:45
delldimi got a black screen probably cos i didnt enter the devices correctly12:45
delldimi did get the black screen12:45
delldimim on centos now lol12:45
delldimmy xrandr output from centos is:12:45
delldimScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 8192 x 819212:46
delldimDVI-I-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)12:46
delldimDVI-I-2 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 510mm12:46
delldimbut im not sure how to enter it into the device section12:46
user92223ah... looks like the device is DVI-I-212:47
delldimit is12:47
delldimi thought i had hdmi but apprantly not;912:47
delldimso do i just enter DVI-I-1 or DVI-I-2 ?12:48
user92223i would enter with DVI-I-2 exactly like that.12:49
user92223I also had another idea:  To install the Nvidia Proprietary driver in Preferences >> "additional drivers".  (if you are using Nvidia and can't get the default driver working).12:50
delldimthnx:) allright, and why not DVI-I-1 ?12:50
user92223trial and error really.12:50
delldimthnx i will install them too;)12:50
delldimyes trial and error;)12:50
delldimi had to reconfigure with mint linux too but it was another way to edit the xorg file and add resolution ;)12:51
delldimcentos and fedora went automatically12:51
delldimdid u fix your problem?12:52
user92223yes.  All working fine here.12:53
delldimgood for you12:53
delldimwhat other distros have you tested out?12:53
user92223Fedora, Puppy Linux, OpenBSD, Minix, Suse & others12:54
user92223I prefer Lubuntu for my pcs now.12:55
user92223actually I just deleted Windows Vista and installed Lubuntu.  Bought a PC with an unregistered Vista that expired in 4 days so i deleted it.12:57
delldimi see;)12:57
delldimim using windows 7 alongside lubuntu and centos12:57
delldimnext i will test out dragonflybsd and gentoo12:58
user92223ah..i have used dragonfly bsd a long time ago.  BSD is OK but lacks the packages that ubuntu has.13:00
delldimya iwant to try it cos its something appealing with a minimalistic Linux OS13:01
delldimyou learn more about how to configure your system13:02
user92223that's true, if you're up for a challenge :- )13:02
user92223i built openBSD from commandline into a desktop system that resembled puppy linux.  Took a while and learned a LOT about BSD.13:04
user92223Keep a lot of notes.  Still have my bsd notes lying around on my table.13:05
delldimmaybe when i try out dragonfly i will ask you about that too, im sure i will run into some problems along the way13:06
user92223no worries.13:07
user92223You will find that BSD lacks packages for example, gparted and no flashplayer. But there is a linux compatibility system to run linux apps if you know how.13:08
delldimhow to get past the black screen by the way when re editing the xorg.conf file?13:08
delldimoh thnx for that tip. For BSD cant you just download gparted manually and unpack it thne install it?13:10
user92223no, gparted doesnt exist for bsd.   It might work in compatibility mode but i never tried it.  You'll have to format disks using command line.13:11
delldimwow bsd is really minimalistic then;)13:11
user92223also bsd kernel lacks a video frame buffer.  But most people wouldn't need to use that though.13:12
delldimya:) bsd is for programmers and those who want to dive into the OS code and so on;)13:13
user92223don't think bsd supports nvidia proprietary drivers either.13:13
user92223or was that ati?  One or the other.13:13
delldimso how do i solve the video driver prpblem in case it doesnt boot at all?13:13
user92223may have to boot into text mode or possibly force a vesa boot.. If i can remember how..13:14
delldimya i tried netbsd the other day but i cant get passed the login after the first boot actually13:14
delldimi set the passwd and i know i typed it correctly13:15
delldimbut it just says incorrect and terminal refused it13:15
delldimi used the entire disk for it also13:15
delldimlogin is the name of the disk i assume and then the password which says incorrect13:16
user92223i think login is your username isn't it?13:16
delldimya but username is name of the disk which u get to enter13:17
delldimi dont get a dialog where it says enter username13:17
user92223hmm not sure.13:18
delldimlet me know if you try it and see what happens13:19
delldimand i install my distros directly to my hdd not using VM Ware13:20
delldimby the way how do i get passed the black screen?13:21
user92223just a moment i'm rebooting lubuntu on my other pc13:22
user92223delldim:  Do you have dual boot with grub menu?13:25
delldimcentos, win7 and lubuntu13:25
delldimi got win7 on a 2nd disk13:26
delldimand linux distros on my main hdd13:26
user92223there is a recovery mode but i'm not familiar with that.13:27
delldimya i saw that earlier13:27
user92223I know you can boot into text mode and re-edit your xorg.conf file on command line.13:27
delldimcan i edit from here13:28
user92223ok..that would be easiest then.13:28
user92223just use your other distro to access it.13:28
delldimusing dolhin to access the lubuntu distro13:28
delldimand some editor tool to edit the file13:29
user92223try "DVI-I-2" as the device perhaps.13:29
delldimbut im not sure how to actually access the lubuntu disk cos it doesnt show up using dolphin13:30
user92223what does "df -l"  say?13:32
delldimdev/sdb1             20158332   5023876  14929680  26% /13:33
delldimtmpfs                  1928100       524   1927576   1% /dev/shm13:33
delldim/dev/sr0                714028    714028         0 100% /media/Lubuntu 12.04 amd6413:33
delldimand last13:33
delldim/dev/sdb5             17300888   2728444  13693596  17% /media/disk13:33
user92223what's on /media/disk ?13:34
delldimeither lubuntu or centos im not sure13:35
user92223if it has /usr/share/lubuntu than that's it.13:35
delldimok i press media directory from dolphin disk utility13:37
delldimthen i got lubuntu 12.04 amd and when i press clicked here it was empty13:37
user92223ah well it's probably not mounted.13:38
delldimya can i mount it from here13:39
user92223need to find which partition contains lubuntu.  Try this:  sudo fdisk -l13:39
delldimya my sudo doesnt work in cent os so i have to use su13:40
delldimit says im not a sudoer ;)13:40
delldimthis is what i have:13:41
delldimDevice Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System13:41
delldim/dev/sdb1   *           1        2550    20480000   83  Linux13:41
delldim/dev/sdb2            2550        3634     8704000   82  Linux swap / Solaris13:41
delldim/dev/sdb3            3634        5822    17576961    5  Extended13:41
delldim/dev/sdb5            3634        5822    17576960   83  Linux13:41
user92223looks like /dev/sdb313:43
user92223since you already have /dev/sdb5 mounted on /media/disk and it's empty (you say).13:44
delldimya it was empy when i clicked on the lubuntu 12.04 directory13:44
user92223strange becuse it says /dev/sdb5 is 17% full.13:45
delldimahh it says cant enter folder13:45
user92223so it's either sdb3 or sdb513:45
delldimmedia/disk/Lubuntu 12.0413:46
user92223you would need to mount them and explore the directories.13:46
delldimya how do i mount them?13:46
user92223try this:   ls -a /media/disk/Lu*13:46
delldimok says no such file or directory13:47
delldimand cannot access it13:47
delldimls: cannot access /media/disk/Lu*: No such file or directory13:47
user92223is that Lubuntu or lubuntu (lower case?)13:48
delldimthe directory is titled Lubuntu 12.04 amd64 so Uppercase on L13:49
delldimin my sda disk i get this error message Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.13:52
delldimi dont know if that affects this13:52
delldimsda is where i have win713:53
user92223i'm thinking:  Mount sdb3 and see what's there.  Not sure why you can't access sdb5 on /media/disk/Lubuntu*13:55
delldimhow do i mount it?13:55
user92223mkdir /media/disk213:56
user92223mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb3 /media/disk213:56
user92223cd /media/disk213:57
delldimi got this error:13:57
delldimmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb3,13:57
delldim       missing codepage or helper program, or other error13:57
delldim       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try13:57
user92223ah. thought so.. change ext4 to whatever filesystem you have such as ext3 or whatever.13:57
delldimyes but i have ext413:58
user92223did you put a space between ext4 and /dev/sdb3 ?13:58
user92223and use your su command13:59
delldimyes i copied it13:59
delldimyes im in root13:59
delldimmount -t ext4 /dev/sdb3 /media/disk14:00
user92223actually:   /media/disk214:01
delldimmkdir worked14:01
delldimoh so how exactly do i do it?14:02
delldimmount -t ext4 /media/disk14:02
delldimmount -t ext4 /media/disk214:02
user92223mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb3 /media/disk214:03
user92223that "should" mount it.14:03
delldimUsage: mount -V                 : print version14:03
delldim       mount -h                 : print this help14:03
delldim       mount                    : list mounted filesystems14:03
delldimthen i got this14:03
delldimA device can be given by name, say /dev/hda1 or /dev/cdrom,14:04
delldimor by label, using  -L label  or by uuid, using  -U uuid .14:04
delldimOther options: [-nfFrsvw] [-o options] [-p passwdfd].14:04
user92223it's probably NOT sdb3 then..Looks like a blank extended partition.14:06
user92223Go back to sdb5.14:06
delldimok try the same only replacing it with sdb5 ?14:07
user92223first unmount it14:07
user92223umount /dev/sdb314:07
user92223then try again.14:07
delldimya except it was never mounted14:08
user92223mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb5 /media/disk214:08
delldimi got not mounted now when i tried to unmount using umount /dev/sdb314:08
user92223ok.  Mount it like i said above.14:09
delldimok nothign happened14:09
delldimjust a new # promtp14:09
delldimmeans it was mounted i guess14:09
user92223cd /media/disk214:09
user92223try to enter the filesystem now.14:10
delldimok im in disk2 now14:10
delldimi did an ls -l and the usual filesystem was listed, boot,usr and os on14:10
user92223ok..now you got to find your xorg config file.14:11
delldimusing locate?14:11
user92223know how to use a cli text editor?14:12
user92223or use your gui text editor.14:12
user92223leafpad usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.confd14:12
user92223(change leafpad to whatever editor you have)14:12
delldimi usually use nano14:13
delldimfor low level editing14:13
user92223nano usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.confd14:13
delldimfile is empty14:14
user92223was that the same file you edited before?14:14
user92223the file where you added hdmi as the default?14:15
delldimno it cant file the 10 monitor file14:16
delldimit only locates two xorg.conf.d files14:16
delldimu forgot the . in confd14:17
delldimbut i tried nano usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf.d aswell and still just an empty file14:17
delldimi did save the file cos i checked it before i rebooted14:18
user92223What files are listed here?    ls -a  /media/disk2/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d      ??14:18
user92223(don't add the ??)14:18
delldimthis is what i found using locate:14:19
delldim[root@localhost ~]# locate *.conf.d14:19
user92223err...you're looking into CentOS's filesystem.14:20
user92223you need to look into /media/disk/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d14:20
delldimso we mounted my current OS14:20
user92223show me what files are in that directory above.14:21
delldimin X11 is :14:22
delldimdrwxr-xr-x. 62 root root  4096 Apr 23  2012 locale14:22
delldimlrwxrwxrwx.  1 root root    16 Jan  9 22:36 rgb.txt -> /etc/X11/rgb.txt14:22
delldim-rw-r--r--.  1 root root 41495 Mar  2  2012 XErrorDB14:22
delldimdrwxr-xr-x. 10 root root  4096 Jan 10 12:21 xkb14:22
delldim-rw-r--r--.  1 root root  8305 Mar  7  2012 xman.help14:22
delldimdrwxr-xr-x.  2 root root  4096 Jan 10 13:34 xorg.conf.d14:22
user92223what's in xorg.conf.d  ?14:22
delldim[root@localhost xorg.conf.d]# ls -l14:22
delldimtotal 3214:22
delldim-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1099 Aug 29 02:14 10-evdev.conf14:22
delldim-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  349 Jan 10 13:34 10-monitor.conf14:22
delldim-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  590 Jun 14  2012 11-evdev-quirks.conf14:22
delldim-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  364 Jun 14  2012 11-evdev-trackpoint.conf14:22
delldim-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  956 Aug 31 02:03 50-synaptics.conf14:22
delldim-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  115 Jun 14  2012 50-vmmouse.conf14:22
delldim-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  842 Oct 16 07:51 50-wacom.conf14:22
delldim-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  590 Aug 31 02:02 51-synaptics-quirks.conf14:22
delldimahh there14:23
delldimi saw it14:23
user92223see 10-monitor.conf14:23
user92223Do this:14:23
delldimim in the file now14:23
delldimwith nano14:23
user92223nano /media/disk/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf14:23
delldimya im in already;)14:24
delldimi changed it to DVI-I-214:24
delldimin device14:24
user92223cool..don't forget to save ;- )14:24
delldimya it makes sence using DVI-I-2 cos it says connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 51014:26
user92223hope it works14:26
delldimit looks like its this that is used for connection14:26
delldimthnx ok i will reboot and let you know14:26
delldimand not recovery but the regualr one14:27
delldimi also have to edit the grub file to set nomodeset so i dont have to change in each time in the grub menu;)14:27
delldimotherwise i get a freeze and some color stripes14:27
delldimprobably to do with the hardware graphics card not supprting quite splash14:28
delldimstill black screen14:33
delldimu there;)14:35
user92223ok..that's no good.  I can only suggest restoring that file back to it's default.14:35
user92223however it was when you booted in last. (if you can remember).14:36
delldimwell there must be something i mistyped14:37
delldimi could try accesing it again14:37
user92223what was the device before you edited it.14:37
delldimmounting it14:37
delldimit was empty or said <put your device name here> i think14:37
user92223i think we created that file..so just delete it i'd say14:38
delldimya but its not there now14:38
delldimit found 0 files when i re entered the xorg.conf.d directory14:39
user92223cd /media/disk/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d14:39
user92223then delete 10-monitor.conf14:40
delldimyes except is empty in that directory14:40
user92223sure the /dev/sdb3 is mounted?14:41
user92223sorry sdb514:41
user92223when you reboot it probably unmounted sdb514:41
user92223you must be very frustrated by now ;- )14:42
user92223oh the joys of linux..14:42
user92223mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb5 /media/disk214:43
delldimok just checked again and its empty14:43
delldimso i need to remount it14:43
delldimmount -t ext4 /dev/sdb5 /media/disk214:43
delldim[root@localhost xorg.conf.d]# ls -l14:44
delldimtotal 014:44
delldim[root@localhost xorg.conf.d]14:44
delldimstill nothing14:44
delldimi mounted it when i was in xorg.conf.d dir14:44
user92223shouldn't matter.  Do this:14:45
user92223ls -a /media/disk/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d14:45
delldim[root@localhost xorg.conf.d]# ls -a14:46
delldim.  ..14:46
delldim[root@localhost xorg.conf.d]#14:46
delldimif i do the entire ls -a /media/disk/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d or la -l /media... i get no such file or directory14:47
delldimi have to manually cd to the directory14:47
user92223sorry i made a mistake. do this:14:47
delldimi have to use / to get to some dir and just cd on others14:47
user92223ls -a /media/disk2/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d14:48
delldimroot@localhost ~]# ls -a /media/disk2/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d14:48
delldim.   10-evdev.conf    11-evdev-quirks.conf      50-synaptics.conf  50-wacom.conf14:48
delldim..  10-monitor.conf  11-evdev-trackpoint.conf  50-vmmouse.conf    51-synaptics-quirks.conf14:48
delldimso that one worked14:48
delldimi also see the file there14:49
delldimbut how do i access it14:49
user92223rm s -a /media/disk/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf14:50
user92223sorry..don't do that.14:50
delldimok i didnt;)14:50
user92223correction:   rm  /media/disk/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf14:50
user92223That should delete the problem file.14:51
delldim[root@localhost ~]# rm  /media/disk/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf14:51
delldimrm: cannot remove `/media/disk/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf': No such file or directory14:51
user92223 rm  /media/disk2/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf14:51
user92223try that.14:51
delldimok that worked14:51
delldimi wrote yes14:52
user92223good. that file should be deleted and can reboot.14:52
user92223i would install the nvidia proprietary drivers after reboot.14:52
delldimi just dont understand what i mistyped14:52
delldimyes i will do that14:52
user92223me either..wierd..  Need an xorg expert14:52
delldimok so reeboting and installing additional drivers14:54
user92223All the best.  Hope it works this time.14:55
delldimwithout editing the xorg file right+14:55
delldimjust the drivers?14:55
user92223yeah...you can install nvidia proprietary from the menu (if your driver is available).14:55
delldimok back in lubuntu14:57
delldimso where do i find the drivers14:57
user92223menu > preferences > additional drivers14:58
delldimok thnx14:58
delldimdialog box appeared and it says no prop drivers are in use on this system15:00
user92223what's your nvidia card?15:00
delldimbelow are three options15:00
delldimgt 63015:00
user92223what options are displayed?15:00
delldimfirst is post release, second is beta and third is also betas15:00
delldimfirst beta is 304 second 31015:01
delldim310 is the latest probably15:01
user92223They're your drivers id say.15:02
delldimthe 310 ?15:02
user92223i'm just checking15:02
user92223but i'm guessing....Yes.15:02
delldimok so i select that one and activate driver by clicking radio button where it says driver is not activated?15:02
delldimok i chose 310 and its downloading15:03
delldimand installing15:04
delldimthats the one for windows 7 also15:04
delldimits their newest15:05
user92223well that would be it.15:05
user92223hopefully it will support all your resolutions.15:06
delldimok i need to restart15:06
delldimto get it to work;)15:07
delldimso back in a bit;)15:07
delldimit worked!15:09
delldimwell this was different;)15:09
delldima new lubuntu world15:09
user92223how's the resolutions?15:09
delldimdelldim@delldim-Dell-DXP061:~$ xrandr15:09
delldimScreen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 16384 x 1638415:09
delldimDVI-I-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)15:09
delldimDVI-I-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)15:09
delldimDVI-I-2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)15:09
delldimHDMI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)15:09
delldimDVI-I-3 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 51015:09
delldimso now that is fixed the things left are the mysterious netbsd15:10
delldimand testing dragonflybsd15:10
delldimyes it connected to a new DVi15:11
user92223so it's DVI-I-3.  Not HDMI-I-215:11
user92223the device.15:12
delldimi use dvi and not hdmi so i need to get a hold of a hdmi cable15:12
user92223that would explain why hdmi wasn't showing15:12
delldimbut i doubt there is a difference between them;)15:12
delldimdo i get sharper contrast with hdmi ?15:13
user92223don't know. never used hdmi.15:13
user92223I'm an old school vga guy.15:13
delldima little detail there15:14
delldimwell i have to say that i do get sharp contrast using my dvi15:15
delldimbut would be fun to test hdmi of course;)15:15
delldimto compare15:15
user92223yes.. My laptop has hdmi but my monitors are vga. ( i buy them cheap)15:15
delldimoh so how does that work when one got a hmdi laptop and hdmi cabel versus a hdmi cabel and vga laptop15:16
delldimi mean vga monitor15:16
delldimi thought u had to have the same vga to vga and hdmi to hdmi15:17
user92223you can get a hdmi to vga adapter. But my laptop has vga output also so I use that.15:17
delldimthe best result is a hdmi output from the monitor and a hdmi cable ?15:17
user92223yeah, i'd say so.15:18
user92223hdmi output from pc to hdmi monitor.15:19
user92223So that's a success story. Time for me to shutdown. Past midnight here.  Bye.15:19
delldimback now15:20
delldimi had to get food15:20
delldimok so see you later then15:20
delldimthanks for your help15:21
trammThis is getting strange, the translation site http://pootle.lxde.bsnet.se/ is down for ages already15:49
trammIs LXDE alive at all? http://wiki.lxde.org/en/How_to_translate_LXDE_components gives no other directions how to translate...15:49
holsteintramm: this is not an lxde channel.. its lubuntu, which uses LXDE15:49
holsteintramm: i find LXDE has issues like any other small un-funded community run project.. maybe not being able to pay bills, or secure URL's15:50
holsteintramm: lubuntu is alive.. LXDE is alive.. its open, and its an open community project, so LXDE is as alive as we make it15:51
trammholstein, thanks for replying, but I'm trying to translate Lubuntu and I have already asked in LXDE channels for weeks.15:51
holsteintramm: LXDE is not lubuntu15:51
holsteintramm: maybe this will help.. they are 2 different projects.. if you want to help with translation on lubuntu, this is a good start15:52
holsteinLXDE is a different project15:52
trammholstein, why do you keep repeating that?15:52
trammLubuntu translation page refers to LXDE translations15:52
holsteintramm: because you stated "i have been trying to translate for lubuntu and asking in LXDE support channels"15:52
trammholstein, I still don't get your point15:52
holsteintramm: LXDE support channels dont have anything to do with lubuntu15:53
holsteintramm: lubuntu just uses LXDE15:53
trammLubuntu uses LXDE and refers to LXDE translation instructions for translating Lubuntu15:53
holsteintramm: sure, but we dont share those development resources15:54
trammholstein, are you suggesting that Lubuntu uses LXDE but doesn't care about it?15:54
holsteintramm: if you want to translate for lubuntu, then this is the place.. otherwise asking at LXDE is not going to work15:54
holsteintramm: its not that they dont care about it,.. its a different project15:54
trammholstein, ok, let's do it this way... Yes, I want to translate Lubuntu very much! Help me!15:54
holsteintramm: ok.. stop asking in LXDE channels15:55
holsteintramm: /join #lubuntu-offtopic15:55
holsteinand ignore, or report the ones that are not working.. such as the LXDE specific ones15:56
holsteinhttp://wiki.lxde.org/en/Category:Translations is a nice list of upstream dev's15:57
greenwolfwas there a #lubuntu community meeting today in IRC?17:18
holsteingreenwolf: xubuntu17:20
greenwolfi see so it was xubuntu that was having the community meeting not lubuntu?17:28
greenwolfwell thanks for clearing that up form e17:28
holsteingreenwolf: i saw the xubuntu meeting.. and i didnt see a lubuntu meeting.. if there were a lubuntu meeting, i would expect it in #lubuntu-offtopic17:29
greenwolfi just got a copy of the log17:34
iorialub 12.04 gnome-mplayer works but clementine not. help plese. thnax19:09
holsteinioria: sure.. in what way? what doesnt work? and how?... launch from terminal and see if there is any helpful output..19:11
ioriaok ...19:12
ioriait's very long the output ..... :-(19:14
holsteinioria: usually i just read it and see if any of it makes sense, or a share it here with pastebin19:15
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:15
ioriaholstein : it complains about icons missing or something like that .... the mp3 file start but no sound19:17
holsteinioria: feel free and share/elaborate19:18
holsteinioria: or, just use another player19:19
ioriaholstein : i'm installing pastebinit19:21
holsteinioria: or, just share the URL of the pastebin19:22
holsteinyou dont need to install pastebinit, though you can if you'd like19:22
ioriaholstein : how to use pastebinit ? please19:22
holsteinioria: i dont.. i just past the URL19:23
holsteini go to http://paste.ubuntu.com/19:23
holsteini paste in what i want to share...19:24
holsteini press the "paste" button, and copy past the URL to the IRC19:24
ioriaholstein : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1517789/19:30
ioriain this way ?19:30
holsteinlooks good19:30
ioriayep.... so ? my pc is very old ...19:31
ioriapentium 3 e ram pc13319:31
holsteinioria: are you up to date with upgrades?19:32
ioriasure ... i installed yesterday19:32
holsteinioria: are you upgraded though?19:32
ioriawith netinstall from a mini iso19:32
holsteinioria: did you search for and apply upgrades?19:32
holsteinioria: sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? or something like that?19:33
ioriacome again, please ?19:33
ioriaoh.... yes19:33
holsteinwhere did you get clementine? the default repos?19:33
ioriasholud upgrade to 12.10 ?19:33
ioriaapt-get i add medibuntu repo19:34
holsteinioria: i wouldnt upgrade due to one piece of software.. with this little troubleshooting19:34
ioriai agree19:34
Unit193And if it is a P3, I'd bet not PAE.19:34
ioriawhen i touch the progressibe bar of clementine i heard something19:34
holsteini would use VLC on that hardware19:35
Unit193ioria: type   grep pae /proc/cpuinfo    and see if you have any output real quick.19:35
holsteinor cvlc19:35
ioriaflags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 mtrr pge mca cmov pse36 mmx fxsr sse up19:35
holsteini get clementine : Depends: libchromaprint0 (>= 0.2) but it is not going to be installed19:36
ioriawell... gnome-mplayer is good but i had to remove mplayer2 and add mplayer19:37
Unit193Wow.  So your hardware is actually compatible with the next version.19:37
ioriasure :------------------)19:37
ioriaand it's great ... do you want my lspci ?19:37
holsteinUnit193: can you install clementine in 12.04?19:37
Unit193holstein: The simulation works.19:38
holsteinUnit193: whats the sim flag again?19:39
Unit193holstein: -s19:39
holstein"that was easy"19:39
Unit193Never used clementine, and not on 12.04 either.  I'd check volume, and see if pulse is installed.19:41
holsteinUnit193: the sim worked for me too19:42
holsteinnow its working.. i think i had issue on my end...19:42
holsteini'll have to come back to it though.. im running late..19:43

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