
jasoncwarnermorning all! robert_ancell TheMuso RAOF last few days in AU :)00:17
RAOFjasoncwarner: Good morning!00:18
Sweetshark 01:21:11 up 7 days, 14:50,  9 users,  load average: 39.61, 16.86, 11.6500:21
Sweetshark 01:21:11 up 7 days, 14:50,  9 users,  load average: 39.61, 16.86, 11.6500:21
Sweetshark 01:21:11 up 7 days, 14:50,  9 users,  load average: 39.61, 16.86, 11.6500:21
Sweetshark 01:21:11 up 7 days, 14:50,  9 users,  load average: 39.61, 16.86, 11.6500:21
Sweetsharkas you can see, my machine actually is doing something against the cool winter.00:22
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner: good morning btw. note to self: This really mean I should go to bed.00:23
jasoncwarnerget to bed!00:23
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner: is that an order?00:23
* bryce waves to jasoncwarner 00:25
jasoncwarnerhey bryce !00:26
jasoncwarnerSweetshark: yes ;)00:26
Sweetsharkalrighty ;)00:27
brycenight Sweetshark00:27
TheMusojasoncwarner: I hope your last days in Au aren't too hot.00:28
jasoncwarnerTheMuso shouldn't be. was 41 on monday, but been cooler since.00:28
TheMusoTwas still 34 in Sydney at midnight on Wednesday morning, I hope that never happens again.00:28
jasoncwarnerTheMuso 47 last friday, though!00:28
TheMusojasoncwarner: Ouch.00:28
sarnoldouch. my sympathies.00:30
brycejasoncwarner, coincidentally it was 47 here in Oregon the other night too ;-)00:32
jasoncwarnerbryce lol. I'd take that 47, though!00:32
sarnoldbryce: it got that warm? :)00:41
robrujasoncwarner, hello!00:51
robruoh, I've missed him ;-)00:52
robruwell, I'm heading to the gym. back later00:54
bryceheh:  http://www.smh.com.au/environment/weather/temperatures-off-the-charts-as-australia-turns-deep-purple-20130108-2ce33.html01:58
bryceso hot in australia that the weather guys had to add new colors to their thermometers01:58
chrisccoulson_wow, those temperatures are crazy01:59
sarnoldI think I'd be a rapidly-evaporating puddle02:00
duflubryce: Not the whole country. It's now cool over here :)02:03
RAOFAnd down here, too.02:04
RAOFAlthough we're still on fire.02:04
dufluRAOF: You ok where you are?02:04
RAOFOh, absolutely.02:05
dufluAside from the whole state being on fire02:05
RAOFIt's nowhere near Hobart, and even if it were, we're not in a particularly likely area to get incinerated.02:05
dufluRAOF: Suburbia?02:05
RAOFWest Hobart, yeah.02:05
RAOFWe don't have suburbia like Perth has suburbia ☺02:06
RAOFIncidentally, we're heading to Perth at the beginning of Feb; we should catch up.02:07
dufluI've found it interesting that the  eastern Australia finds 40 degrees hot or unusual. And high-40s unprecedented.02:07
dufluRAOF: Yes, I am here, still. Sounds good02:08
RAOFduflu: That's because Perth is adjacent to the Vents of Hell :P02:08
dufluNo wonder I keep getting burnt02:10
jasoncwarnerduflu RAOF I saw these and laughed. http://www.jokeoverflow.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/australia-500x487.jpg and http://www.australianblogs.com.au/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Australia-Danger-map.jpg02:12
duflujasoncwarner: Heh, yes so accurate too02:14
TheMusoOnce that hot air mass over central Aus is discipated, things should improve overall.02:30
TheMusoBut I believe that will be a while, since it aint going anywhere.02:30
smspillazdesrt: hmm, the only thing I'm doing is defining an interface in a shared library and that's it02:59
smspillazI can quickly double check if I missed something02:59
smspillazduflu: RAOF I assume you have all seen this: http://i.imgur.com/4GO07.jpg03:01
duflusmspillaz: Don't know what you're talking about. The window is open and I have a cool breeze03:04
smspillazits nicer now03:08
smspillazI was working in a kitchen a few days ago and it was fun going from the freezer back into the boiler rooms03:09
smspillazhair on fire, hair frozen03:09
smspillazduflu: BTW, kinda annoying news, the "solution" that khronos gave me (after mesa said NOTOURBUG) was that they were going to break the header file anyways and that we should include gl2.h locally in our source tree03:26
smspillazwhich I think is /insane/, but there's not a whole lot I can really do03:27
smspillazI guess the cast really is the best option at this point :(03:27
* smspillaz thinks its a little stupid when someone tells you that their header files never change, so they won't add versioning macros, yet they later make changes to their header files03:28
duflusmspillaz: Well, it almost makes sense. GL(ES) is a well-defined API for which you should be able to use a single header forever unless you need new features. But yeah the cast is better03:30
smspillazduflu: right, it just seems as though their logic contradicts itself03:30
smspillazthey changed their header in a non backwards-compatiable way, and then said that they wont add versioning info to their header because they don't change their header03:31
duflusmspillaz: Look at it this way: ALL driver vendors have to share the same header file. So all drivers have to work with that header at a binary level (at which point constness of parameters is irrelevant)03:31
smspillazof course, the binary level is fine03:32
duflusmspillaz: And yes you're right. They messed up03:32
smspillazI'm talking about the fact that they've gone and broken client code03:32
dufluThey messed up badly considering that existing GL definitions should never change03:32
smspillazwhat annoys me is that they won't admit they messed up -.-03:32
* duflu wonders if there's another calling syntax compatible with the single and double-const versions. 03:33
smspillazthere's very little reason why they had to make that change. All adding the double-const does is ensures that the driver gets a nonwritable char *, but the driver can just cast it away anyways ..03:34
smspillazperhaps const char * const * is not compatible with const char **03:35
smspillazbut again ... I don't think that's a good reason to change it post-facto03:35
smspillaz*sigh* oh well03:35
duflusmspillaz: Yes "const char **" means the first level of indirection is writable (like when you want to return a "const char *" by parameter). The more correct syntax for an input-only parameter representing a sparse 2D array of chars is the double-const version. But I don't think there's a syntax compatible with both so they should never change it03:40
dufluHmm, this is basic C I should be able to give a definite answer on :S03:41
smspillazduflu: well, I figure that its difficult to give answers on stuff you don't come across much in practise03:46
smspillazI don't come across the const char * const * variant much either03:47
dufluI mean, passing a char* to a "const char *" is normal and compatible but it looks like you lose that flexibility at a second level03:47
tsimpsonchar* const* is a "pointer to a const pointer to char", const char** "a pointer to a pointer to a const char"03:47
tsimpsonpointers themselves can be const too03:47
* smspillaz likes the go syntax for this kind of thing03:47
smspillaza const * Int03:48
smspillaz"a is a const pointer to an Int"03:49
smspillazannoying to read if you're used to C though03:49
tsimpsonconst binds to the left if there is anything to the left of it, else to the right03:50
duflutsimpson: Thanks, yes we know03:50
tsimpsonthen it's easy enough to read03:51
RAOFchar * const * const :)03:52
duflutsimpson: The problem is: How to define a variable that can be passed (without casting) to both a "const char **" and "const char * const *"03:52
tsimpsonduflu: const char** can be converted to const char* const* automatically03:56
smspillaztsimpson: but int (const char **) can't be converted to int (const char * const *) :(03:57
smspillaztsimpson: which is what we're complaining about at the moment. Khronos (the vendor of the OpenGL|ES API) changed the header file that they ship to all of the graphics driver vendors to change a function signature from void (uint, size_t, int, const char **) to void (uint, size_t, int, const char * const *)03:59
smspillazits not that big a deal but annoying nonetheless :)04:00
tsimpsonsmspillaz: is that one of those ones where you need to "request" a function pointer by name? (I don't play with OpenGL much)04:03
duflusmspillaz: Yeah actually it works (just tested). A parameter compatible with both function versions can be defined as either "const char **x" or "const char *x[n]" (same thing)04:04
dufluSo it's likely a relatively safe API change. Not sure how compiz broke it04:05
smspillazduflu: function pointers04:05
smspillazthe parameter itself is compatible04:05
smspillazthe pointer to the function is not04:05
duflusmspillaz: Ah yep04:05
smspillaztsimpson: not necessarily, although what we were doing was taking a pointer to glShaderSource as defined in the header file as a convenience04:05
smspillazbecause in desktop mode its not core functionality so you have to use GetProcAddress04:06
smspillazand having #ifdefs everywhere is annoying04:06
smspillazdesrt: so this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1515714/ hangs04:06
desrtsmspillaz: you're using G_DEFINE_INTERFACE incorrectly04:20
desrtthe last argument is the pre-requisite type04:20
desrtprobably you want G_TYPE_OBJECT there04:20
desrtin effect, you are declaring an interface type dependent on itself -- that's why you crash on re-entering the get_type() function... the lock is already taken04:20
smspillazdesrt: ah, I knew it04:22
smspillazdesrt: thanks04:23
smspillaz(this always happens when I try and brave it out and not copy-paste the boilerplate code :))04:24
pittiGood morning05:22
pittiLaney: FYI, I committed doko's Ubuntu glib changes to the Debian exp svn, so if you update to the new version we can just sync again05:47
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didrocksgood morning06:51
pittibonjour didrocks, comment vas-tu?07:14
didrockspitti: je vais bien, et toi, tu te sens un peu plus en forme qu'hier?07:15
pittioui, je me sens beaucoup mieux07:16
didrocksah, super :)07:16
pittiwoke up at 6 again07:16
didrocksstill have issues to woke up at 7 here :) between 7h20 and 7h40 to start working :)07:20
didrocksbut finished at 8h50PM yesterday evening, so I'm not shy about starting 40 minutes afterwards :p07:20
pittididrocks: as-tu domier bien la nuit derniére?07:22
didrockspitti: oui oui, encore juste réveillé à 5h, mais j'ai pu me rendormir de suite. Par contre, ça fait 3 nuits de suite que je me réveille d'un coup, je sais pas pourquoi…07:22
pittiERROR: connecting to Launchpad failed: unclosed token: line 13661, column 607:23
pitti^ current retracer failure07:23
pittiwhat the hell is that supposed to mean?07:23
didrockseven not a file associated with the line? :)07:24
* pitti removes the .launchpadlib caches07:24
didrocksor is it in the data that launchpad is sending to you? :)07:24
didrockspitti: I finally had to workaround this multi-process doesn't work on launchpadlib07:24
pittilooks like a LP errormesasge07:24
didrockslike setting a launchpad cache dir per process07:25
pittiurgh, ~/.launchpadlib is 20 GB07:25
pittihah, that did it07:25
pittiI wonder if one could disable caching altogether07:27
pittithe retracer won't ever look at the same bug twice anyway07:27
didrockswell, if you set the cache dir to none, it will use ~/.launchpadlib, so I didn't see that option07:29
pittione could probably use mkdtemp and set the cache dir to that07:30
didrocksyeah, but you are still creating them07:31
pittithat's fine for one run07:31
pittiI just don't want them to pile up over time07:31
didrocksyeah, that should do it07:32
tjaaltonwhere's ancell?07:45
jokerdinohey guys, we are working on a unity configuration tool. is there any procedure to get it into universe section?07:48
jokerdinoi asked a MOTU a week ago and he said it has to be approved by desktop devs.07:48
jokerdinoso, here am i.07:49
didrocksjokerdino: hum, it doens't need to be improve by desktop devs, any MOTU can sponsor it :)07:57
jokerdinodidrocks: i was told since it is a unity tool, desktop devs need to verify if it breaks unity or something.07:57
jokerdinoalso, is there any branding issues if we name it Unity settings hub?07:58
didrocksjokerdino: ah, I would prefer something that doesn't make it official07:58
didrockslike myunity was clearly not official07:59
didrocksunity tweak tool? :)07:59
didrocksnot sure if it was taken07:59
jokerdinoso, we can use unity tweak tool?07:59
jokerdinoi was of the opinion only ubuntu brand cant be used.07:59
jokerdinobut i wasnt sure about using unity in the name07:59
didrocksubuntu tweak tool was never official08:00
didrocksunity tweak tool sounds less "official" to me than "unity settings" TBH :)08:00
pittido you base this on an existing tool such as myunity? in that case, you could just reintroduce "myunity"08:00
jokerdinopitti: it wasn't. we wrote it from scratch using python and gsettings08:00
jokerdinomyunity was basic and shell commands08:01
jokerdino*basic = Gambas08:01
jokerdinodidrocks: the name is actually "unity settings hub".08:01
jokerdinobut i hear your point.08:01
didrocksyeah, I'm afraid will type "unity settings" and think this is the official supported options08:02
jokerdinookay :)08:02
didrocksunity tweak tool, (if not already taken) sounds good to me, but that's just IMHO :)08:02
jokerdinowe can't work on making it official, can we?08:02
pittiI thought not having too many settings was a design decision08:03
didrocksjokerdino: well, we prefer to add the settings we officially support in gnome-control-center08:03
didrocksthe settings we exposed through gsettings that are not in g-c-c are not officially supported08:03
pittialso, each new setting leads to combinatorial explosion in testing and bug fixing08:03
jokerdinoah, that makes sense.08:04
didrocksyeah, look at ccsm and how you can break everything in less than 20s :)08:04
jokerdinohaha, that is a fair point.08:04
didrocksbut it's good that for geeks, there are those kinds of tools, just try to hilight that those combinations may lead to issue08:05
didrocks(and a revert to default would even be awesome btw ;))08:05
jokerdinook, once we finalize on a new name, i'll get in touch again.08:05
tjaaltonbtw, why does unity reset (some of) the settings on package update? like focus-follows-mouse seems to revert to the default everytime here08:05
didrockssure, do not hesitate!08:05
didrockstjaalton: this is a bug, smspillaz knows more than I about it08:05
jokerdinodidrocks: heh, we have a restore defaults button on every tab.08:06
tjaaltondidrocks: ah, good08:06
didrocksjokerdino: excellent!08:06
didrockstjaalton: no, we don't hate you *that* much :)08:06
tjaaltondidrocks: *phew*.. :)08:06
jokerdinook, i'll disturb you guys later on ;-)08:07
didrocksno worry, thanks jokerdino! :)08:07
tjaaltonbtw, there was an interesting suggestion to improve it on the "global menu bug", to add what gnome-shell apparently has, which is a 20ms(?) timeout to change the focus if the cursor is not moved08:07
didrockstjaalton: maybe talk with JohnLea about it?08:08
tjaalton"dwell timeout"08:08
tjaaltondidrocks: ok I will08:08
didrockshe will be back this Thursday or next Monday, I don't remember :)08:08
didrocksbut one of the two08:09
jokerdinodidrocks: one last tiny thing. assuming unity-tweak-tool name is fine, can we just update the display name while sticking to the current package name?08:16
jokerdinothe package name is currently ush.08:16
didrocksjokerdino: not sure a lot of people will find "ush", but as long as the description of them is unity tweak tool (in debian/control), I don't see any issue :)08:17
didrocksjokerdino: but TBH, I would personnaly recommend renaming the package before entering the archive08:17
seb128hey desktopers08:18
jokerdinodidrocks: that's a fair point. i think we'll proceed to renaming it.08:19
didrockssalut seb128!08:19
* jokerdino researches on unity branding.08:19
seb128lut didrocks ;-)08:19
pittibonjour seb12808:43
seb128pitti, salut, ca va bien ?08:43
pittiseb128: oui, merci! et toi?08:43
seb128pitti, je vais bien merci !08:44
pittiseb128: packgin for next week already?08:45
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:55
ricotzchrisccoulson, hi09:04
Laneypitti: great!09:05
Laney:foo build-deps work on Debian?09:05
pittiI thought Debian would have all the multi-arch stuff now?09:06
pittihmm, no Build-Depends.*:any in current sid main _Sources09:07
seb128pitti, not yet, will do the packing tomorrow09:07
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?09:07
LaneyI remember that they were in the specification but not implemented yet - not sure where that stands ATM09:07
pittiLaney: meh, seems you are right; sid's dpkg doesn't parse that yet09:08
* pitti reverts that part09:09
pittidang, there is our delta09:09
seb128chrisccoulson, my firefox is back in french \o/09:09
Laneybetter to check with cjw or infinity09:10
pittien effet! mon firefox parle allemagne à nouveau09:10
seb128pitti, ;-)09:10
chrisccoulsonhi ricotz09:15
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, pitti, how are you?09:15
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, that's good about firefox :)09:15
pittihey chrisccoulson09:15
chrisccoulsonpitti, oh, you were affected by bug  1094376 too? i'm glad it works again :)09:20
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1094376 in firefox (Ubuntu Raring) "Language pack isn't used" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109437609:20
pittichrisccoulson: apparently, yes; the menu was in English09:20
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pittichrisccoulson: hm, firefox now hangs itself when I try to click an "Attach file.." button11:17
pittioh, it just takes effing long11:17
chrisccoulsonpitti, any particular site?11:20
seb128pitti, works fine here ... or I'm not clicking on the same buttons, I tried the "Add an attachment" on the new bug forms and on an existing bug11:29
pittiseb128: thanks for trying; probably something local then11:29
pittinautilus is also dog slow for me, presumably something in between ubuntuone, gvfs, and my local fs11:30
seb128could be yeah11:30
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ritzseb128 afternoon, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/1031034 :)12:04
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1031034 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Precise) "Breaks with smart card auth with pkcs11" [High,Triaged]12:04
ritzDo I need to do anything else ?12:04
ritzsru , and debdiff12:04
seb128ritz, hey, no need to do anything else, that looks good, thanks for the work on it12:05
ritzseb128, thank you :)12:06
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1096954 in unity (Ubuntu Precise) " Enabling Xinerama causes Unity Panel/Dash to become all black" [Medium,Confirmed]12:26
ritzanyone good with unity-2d here ?12:26
seb128ritz, try #ubuntu-unity rather12:35
ritzseb128 thank you :)12:36
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qenghoHas anyone seen "quilt refresh" create invalid patches?14:55
qenghoSomething's screwy.14:55
xnoxyes, if your original tarball isn't actually original, or files have been modified before quilt add was done on them.14:56
qenghoHmm, neither of those here, xnox.14:56
xnoxqengho: in that case define "invalid" =)14:57
qenghoWill do. ...14:57
qenghoxnox, ah, it was me.  Nevermind.  Updating the path with s! src/!a/src/! (note the missing space) made valid patches for updating, but on emitting refreshed, it doubled-up all blocks.15:06
qenghoI pre-processed wrongly.15:06
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
seb128is anyone here running precise on real hardware which has multimedia keys on the keyboard?15:41
seb128https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/1034090 needs verification15:41
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1034090 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Precise) "Hotkeys not functional after upgrade to quantal's xorg (new xinput version)" [High,Fix committed]15:41
xclaesseseb128, speaking about verifying bugs, how can I test your devhelp upload? I don't see how to enable proposed archive, software-properties-gtk crash at startup. and lp is missing a link to -common .deb15:44
seb128xclaesse, mkdir test; cd test; wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devhelp/3.6.1-0ubuntu0.1/+build/4024122/+files/devhelp_3.6.1-0ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devhelp/3.6.1-0ubuntu0.1/+build/4024122/+files/libdevhelp-3-1_3.6.1-0ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devhelp/3.6.1-0ubuntu0.1/+build/4024125/+files/devhelp-common_3.6.1-0ubuntu0.1_all.deb; sudo dpkg -i *.d15:45
seb128xclaesse, the arch-independant binaries (like -common) are built on i386, which is a bit confusing ... you need to go to the i386 build page on launchpad to find those15:46
xclaesseseb128, ah ok good to know15:46
seb128xclaesse, what's the issue with software-properties-gtk? can you pastebin the python stacktrace?15:46
xclaesseI've told to report the bug when the crash window appear, but it does not seems to do anything... anyway: http://pastebin.com/mLGbejSs15:48
seb128urg, yet another UnicodeDecodeError...15:49
xclaesseseb128, FYI devhelp works perfectly :)15:49
seb128xclaesse, excellents, thanks for testing ... can you comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devhelp/+bug/1079694 ?15:50
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1079694 in devhelp (Ubuntu Quantal) "3.6.1 stable update, fix ctrl-C copy" [Low,Fix committed]15:50
didrocksseb128: I won't be the only one to get it today \O/15:51
seb128didrocks, the UnicodeDecodeError?15:52
didrocksyep, but I got one on UTAH15:52
seb128xclaesse, do you have davmail installed?15:52
xclaesseN: Impossible de trouver le paquet davmail15:53
seb128xclaesse, can you run15:54
seb128"for F in /var/lib/apt/lists/*Packages; do iconv -f utf-8 -t ucs-2le $F > /dev/null || echo $F; done"15:54
xclaesseseb128, done, software-properties-gtk still crash15:55
seb128xclaesse, did it print any output?15:55
seb128the issue is likely similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/105374915:56
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1053749 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu Raring) "UnicodeDecodeError from broken package descriptions" [High,Fix released]15:56
seb128e.g one package has datas in invalid encoding15:56
seb128xclaesse, does that command prints anything? "grep-available -r . | iconv -f utf-8 -t ucs-2le 1> /dev/null"15:56
xclaesse$ grep-available -r . | iconv -f utf-8 -t ucs-2le 1> /dev/null15:57
xclaesseiconv: séquence d'échappement non permise à la position 167755015:57
seb128xclaesse, sorry I was talking to somebody16:03
seb128xclaesse, grep-available -r . | head -c  1677550| tail -n 616:04
xclaessePackage: eid-mw16:04
xclaessePriority: optional16:04
xclaesseSection: libs16:04
xclaesseInstalled-Size: 267616:04
xclaesseoh, eid... that's the belgian electronic id card app16:04
xclaessethat package is not from archive, I've installed it manually from gov website16:05
seb128xclaesse, well, in any case that's the issue ... you can probably edit /var/lib/dpkg/status look for eid-mw and clean the nonutf chars16:05
seb128xclaesse, ah, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/1053749/comments/2116:06
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1053749 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu Raring) "UnicodeDecodeError from broken package descriptions" [High,Fix released]16:06
xclaesseMaintainer: Frank Mari\EBn <frank.marien@fedict.be>16:06
xclaessethere is the problem :)16:07
seb128xclaesse, edit /var/lib/dpkg/status and maybe /var/lib/dpkg/available  as well16:07
seb128somebody should contact whoever is doing the packaging to tell them that the encoding is broken16:07
xclaesseseb128, ok file edited, and now it works16:07
seb128still a bug in software-properties for not handling it though16:07
seb128xclaesse, great16:08
xclaesseseb128, thanks!16:08
seb128yw ;-)16:08
mdeslaursmspillaz: thank you thank you thank you for fixing my pet-peeve compiz bug! (LP: #1037164)16:46
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1037164 in compiz (Ubuntu Quantal) "Clicking on semi-maximized windows in a different workspace fails to switch to the correct workspace" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103716416:46
* mdeslaur hugs smspillaz16:49
* smspillaz hugs mdeslaur 16:51
mdeslaursmspillaz: remind me, didn't I promise you a bottle of scotch or something if you did?16:54
matt_keysI'm having problems with a Marvell 88E8001 GbE NIC on desktop 12.10 amd6416:56
matt_keyscan anyone assist me in troubleshooting it?16:56
cyphermoxoops, and I was typing16:58
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* didrocks waves good evening18:04
attenteanyone else running into issues with archive.ubuntu.com?19:03
attentelibcupsimage2 and libcups2-dev in particular19:04
kenvandineattente, not me19:22
attentehuh.. thanks kenvandine19:27
robruattente, what kind of issues? I haven't had any issues but I also haven't had a printer in 2 months.19:28
attentekenvandine, robru, ah sorry, i just forgot to update my pbuilder environment19:29
jbicharobert_ancell: could you take a look at bug 1095092 since I believe you were the last to touch it?22:19
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1095092 in libgsf (Ubuntu) "Sync libgsf 1.14.25-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109509222:19
robert_ancelljbicha, sure22:19
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
TheMusorobert_ancell: Any reason why the accessible description is not translatable?23:28
TheMusoOh sorry, it is.23:29
TheMusoDIdn't see that both source files deal with it.23:29
TheMusoDon't mind me.23:29

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