
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
bazhangascii spam; not seen that for a long while03:07
k1lits not that i have see this coming after the bot commands before :/03:08
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
ikonia@mark lorddelta #ubuntu-offtopic multiple "shit" usage after being asked not to, asked him to join #ubuntu-ops said "no thanks" so can stay banned09:26
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:26
=== IdleOne is now known as io
Pici@mark #ubuntu xcat poor attitude14:15
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:15
Tm_Tlhavelund: want to have an advice from old and (not so) wise?16:00
Tm_TI give it anyway, never forget and always remember to, to, what was that, well, what that thing does here?! ->16:04
Tm_Tah, yes, I need coffee after having eaten16:06
Tm_Thi lorddelta16:08
lorddeltaGreetings, I'm here to inquire as to the sentence/severity of my ban. It seems I received an auto-ban from #ubuntu-offtopic the other day for some mild language. Could anyone help me?16:09
Tm_Tlorddelta: as far as I know it was not any kind of autoban (and bans are not punishment) (:16:09
Tm_Tlorddelta: do you know why you were banned?16:10
lorddeltaTm_T: I have an idea but I'll not repeat the word here I suppose.16:10
Tm_Tlorddelta: were you requested to not use that word multiple times?16:11
lorddeltaTm_T: I don't recall being asked to stop; if I did it was during that conversation.16:11
lorddeltait was not*16:11
Tm_Tlorddelta: ikonia might have not been clear enough but you did respond to him about it16:13
lorddeltaI did message him this morning, I really shouldn't have been up (it was 5 in the morning), and I needed to get sleep.16:14
lorddeltaOh, I didn't get a message from ikonia?16:14
Tm_Tlorddelta: in the channel, within the conversation, you did (:16:14
Tm_Tand you did respond16:15
lorddeltaTm_T: I could I perhaps see the logs? I'm not sure if my software supports that at this time.16:15
Tm_Tlorddelta: it's not publicly logged channel, so one moment...16:16
Tm_Tlorddelta: the key point is for me that if you agree to play nice, I have no objections on letting you in (:16:19
Tm_Tlorddelta: you can do that?16:19
lorddeltaTm_T: I am sorry, I believe I can when my head is on straight. Fewer late hours, and I've added a filter in the software to help avert issues in future.16:20
Tm_Tit's allright16:21
lorddeltaIs balderdash ok?16:21
lorddeltaAs an acceptable word.16:21
Tm_TI don't see a point for using such words in the first place16:23
Tm_Tbut I believe the idea is to respect others, I don't think there can be a list of words that are ok and what are not16:23
lorddeltaI understand, would self-censoring be better then? i.e. replace with ***16:24
lorddeltaI don't mean as a license for saying whatever I want to16:25
Tm_Tyou shouldn't have need for such things in the first place (:16:25
Tm_Tlorddelta: your ban is lifted now, you may try joining the channel16:25
lorddeltaThe decisions I made last night were poor, but the mistake would have been less if I had the filter setup I'd imagine.16:25
lorddeltaTm_T: thanks.16:26
lhavelundTm_T: By all means!21:08
lhavelundAdvice is good21:08
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1751 users, 10 overflows, 1761 limit))22:33
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1704 users, 12 overflows, 1716 limit))22:34

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