
bryceRAOF, got it, thanks.00:04
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tjaaltonbryce: I'm thinking about defaulting to sna now, ickle recommended it too07:36
tjaaltonso robert ancell uploaded weston 1.0.3 already..07:54
tjaaltondouble work07:54
brycetjaalton, do we have sna on in edgers?08:35
tjaaltonbryce: dunno08:37
tjaaltonbut people have tested it with good results08:37
tjaaltondoesn't look like it's enabled there08:40
bryceone lesson I learned with exa and uxa is that before we switch to a new tech you only hear from people for whom the tech works great.  Those who have problems with it will just ignore it...08:42
brycetjaalton, I suppose we could switch it on for a week and evaluate the fallback via bug reports08:43
bryce(assuming apport is still catching crashes and freezes for us)08:43
tjaaltonit's been rather quiet :)08:43
tjaalton10 bugs on raring..08:44
tjaaltonagainst our packages08:44
tjaaltonwhich is like 1/4 of the bugs against quantal at this point08:44
bryceyeah.  of course we haven't updated many packages...08:44
bryceanyway, I have raring systems at hand, I'll do some sleuthing tomorrow and make sure it's still working.08:44
tjaaltonI've tried it on sandybridge, heard good results on i915 & i94508:45
brycefor sna...  even if we go ahead and do a 1 week eval, I think I'd still like to see it guinea pigged on edgers for a bit, maybe even a call for testing08:45
tjaaltonedgers pulls all kinds of crap08:46
tjaaltonrather do it on another ppa08:46
bryceyeah that'd be fine.08:47
bryceor even just have folks manually switch it on in their xorg.conf?08:48
bryce"Copy this file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  If that leads to any graphics problems, delete the file and let us know."08:48
brycegive it a week... if we hear nothing serious then flip it on for everyone for a week08:49
tjaaltonhuh, reading the forums really makes you sad :)08:52
tjaaltonubuntuforums this time08:56
brycesheesh: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTI3MTI08:58
tjaaltonthat was amusing to read, again08:58
tjaaltontseliot: hey, wanted to ask if nvidia-current will go away and instead just use -NNN in the future?09:23
tseliottjaalton: yes, it's exactly as you say09:27
tjaaltontseliot: right, what I had suspected :)09:27
tseliotI'll work on transitional packages today09:27
tjaaltonpinged #ubuntu-release about the -173 update to quantal, noticed it's been on the queue since nov 22nd :/09:27
tseliotah, thanks09:28
tjaaltontseliot: also, during your holidays I uploaded the nvidia-96 update, it's now verification-done so should hit precise soon09:35
tseliottjaalton: ah, good, I'll sync my git repository then09:36
tjaaltonhope it's the last upload ;)09:37
tseliothehe, right09:37
tjaaltonwill the nvidia-experimental-* packages stay?09:40
tjaaltonguess they're obsoleted by this change09:43
tseliottjaalton: they should be there only in precise09:48
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mlankhorstbryce: oh my ;P11:14
mlankhorstmy personal favorite is the tf2 post currently, he didn't even try and copied that verbatim11:15
Sarvatttjaalton: June 29th, 2012: SNA is now on by default on intel. 14:25
Sarvattits been on by default for a long time now and the only complaints since have been when I accidentally made UXA the default one upload :P14:26
tjaaltonSarvatt: --enable-sna is not the same as --with-default-accel=sna14:28
tjaaltonoh you mean edgers?14:28
tjaaltonthe changelog lies about it then14:28
Sarvattdh_auto_configure -- --enable-sna --enable-uxa --with-default-accel=sna --with-builderstring="$(SOURCE_NAME) $(SOURCE_VERSION) ($(BUILDER))"14:28
tjaaltonbasically doesn't mention that14:28
tjaaltonand I trusted the changelog, boo :)14:29
Sarvattoh the hook got screwed up14:29
tjaaltonanyway, I'll create a wikipage for people to report success on14:29
Sarvattchangelog part, i updated the man page last upload and screwed it up :)14:29
tjaalton16:21 < cjwatson> This will be painful14:29
tjaalton16:22 < cjwatson> hate you all14:30
tjaaltoncolin doesn't like the pain the renamed stack causes on the installer14:30
mlankhorstwait a minute14:30
Sarvatteveryone hates the renamed stack, not like we had a choice :)14:31
mlankhorstguess I'll file a bug for the mesa -dev issue and get it sru'd14:39
mlankhorsthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/1098215 ?15:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 1098215 in mesa (Ubuntu Precise) "installing libqt4-opengl-dev uninstalls renamed stack" [Critical,In progress]15:15
mlankhorstwill do some more testing before I upload the fix15:15
tjaaltonyep, looks good15:17
tjaaltondon't forget to subscribe ubuntu-sru once done uploading15:17
mlankhorsthm I think I'll leave out libgbm-dev, I think the api on that one might change and nothing rdepends on it anyway15:19
tjaaltoncomments welcome16:08
tjaaltonor edits :)16:09
tjaaltondinner ->16:09
mlankhorstsounds good16:09
tjaaltonupdated the wiki-page again16:47
tjaaltonI'd like to send the email to ubuntu-devel@ today16:50
tjaaltonthen again, the wiki can be edited later :)16:51
tjaaltonSarvatt: mind proofreading the page?16:56
tjaaltonactually, I'll wait and let bryce comment on it too16:57
tjaaltonbryce: so I wrote the wiki page, and email ready to be sent16:58
Sarvatttjaalton: sure thing, one sec, testing this bcmwl package out17:00
Sarvatttjaalton: looks good to me, is SNA backend needed?17:21
Sarvattin the results column17:21
SarvattI guess thats one way to make sure people verify they are actually using SNA17:22
tjaaltonyeah :)17:23
bjsniderwouldn't xorg.0.log say so?17:24
tjaaltonalthough it comes from the same output, so..17:24
tjaaltonthat's where it's from17:24
tjaaltondropped the backend bit17:27
brycetjaalton, reading18:26
brycetjaalton, looks good!  I made a few minor copy edits.  Also, I put the xorg.conf as an actual attached file.18:46
bryceI suspect people are going to be more comfortable copying an entire file into place, than with editing xorg.conf's.  And most Intel users won't have a file to conflict.18:46
tjaaltonbryce: ah, good point. and thanks!18:47
tjaaltonthe first version just cat'd the file in place, but that seemed a bit risky :)18:47
bryceright, now to retest on my own hw.  :-)18:47
tjaaltonSarvatt: fix your lp id there :)18:47
brycetjaalton, ah, I assumed those were yours!  sorry18:48
tjaaltonoh, hehe18:48
tjaaltonyeah I'll test it on X61 too once I'm done with vag-com & XP..18:50
tjaaltonbryce: i'm reformatting it a bit, done editing?18:59
bryceyep, go for it19:00
tjaaltonadded example output for uname/lspci19:04
tjaaltonok, I'll send the email and post to the forum19:05
brycetjaalton, awesome19:05
tjaaltonjust happened to read this earlier too :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=210341419:07
tjaaltonlet's see how long until it's on phoronix frontpage19:10
jcristautjaalton: 'lspci -nn -s 0:2.0'19:10
jcristau(all intel hw has the gfx at that slot afaik)19:10
tjaaltonjcristau: ahh..19:11
jcristausaves some grepping19:11
tjaaltonand the chance of running it on a hybrid laptop19:11
tjaaltondidn't know how to best handle such case19:11
tjaaltonif it's always on 0:2:0 then that would solve it19:12
brycetjaalton, there's also xpci, although I can't guarantee it's going to work properly on the newest gfx cards19:12
tjaaltonImportError: No module named taskhelm19:13
tjaaltonon quantal19:13
brycetjaalton, yeah, need to fix that.  should already work on raring though19:13
shadeslayertjaalton: silly question, but could this http://wstaw.org/m/2013/01/10/plasma-desktopS17003.png be caused by enabling SNA?19:36
* shadeslayer didn't see this earlier19:37
shadeslayer( 2 arrows in the taskbar, the one at the bottom is bogus )19:37
tjaaltonshadeslayer: no idea, try without to be sure19:37
shadeslayeryeah will do that to be 100% sure19:38
tjaaltonraring has a new pixman too19:41
shadeslayerno idea what that is19:43
shadeslayerI also don't have proper instructions to reproduce the bug, so will get back if I notice it with UXA19:43
shadeslayerah okay19:44
shadeslayercan reproduce it in UXA as well19:44
tjaaltonok, check what version of libpixman-1-0 you have19:44
tjaaltonnot that then19:46
tjaaltonsame in quantal19:46
shadeslayeryep, haven't upgraded in a bit19:46
tjaaltonthere's a new intel driver too, uploaded earlier this week19:47
shadeslayeryeah, I guess I'll leave it to upgrade tonight19:48
tjaaltonadded a new first step to the page, upgrade to current raring19:48
tjaaltonfirst corruption bug with sna :)21:57
* bryce installs chromium22:13
brycehuh, repro'd22:17
tjaaltonwhat hw?22:18
bryce2a42, same gfx as echidnaman22:19
bryceDell Latitude 1322:20
tjaaltonok, I'll try on snb22:21
Sarvattnot happening on snb or ivb here22:22
tjaaltonnot here eitehr22:23
tjaaltonshadeslayer: which hw did you have?22:23
shadeslayer2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0116] (rev 09)22:24
tjaaltonah, so it's not the same bug22:24
bryceposted my screenshot @ #109833422:24
RAOFTo Phoronix's great surprise, sna isn't a flawless beacon of speed and stability? ☺22:24
tjaaltonwell, not on every hw incarnation ;)22:24
tjaaltonit seems22:24
bryceRAOF, I'm sure after we switch to it, they'll post an article lambasting us22:25
shadeslayeroh oh22:27
brycehmm, seems to be peculiar to reddit; other sites don't exhibit the behavior.  doesn't seem to affect firefox22:27
shadeslayertjaalton: bug 1098334 has been reproduced by JT22:27
shadeslayerone sec22:27
ubottubug 1098334 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Font corruption in Chromium tab bar using Intel SNA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109833422:27
shadeslayerah he reported it @_@22:27
tjaaltonright :)22:27
shadeslayercannot reproduce on gooogle-chrome btw22:28
shadeslayerthe proprietary one22:28
shadeslayerbut could easily be because of hw differences22:28
tjaaltonok, so this one is not a critical one then22:28
tjaaltonprobably happens only on gen422:29
tjaaltonor the ones using "Broadwater/Crestline" backend22:30
bryceyeah I set it to medium22:43
bryceit's a pretty common chipset, although a tad old22:44
jcristauhey don't call my laptop old.  it's just 4 years old. :)22:46
tjaaltonah, gm45 is actually newer than 96522:50
tjaaltonsomehow mixed it with 94522:53
mlankhorstis it just me or is https://launchpad.net/builders private now?23:55

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