
UberDuperAh crap. Reverted to the 310.14 driver and it still goes wonky if I disable / enable compositing.00:49
doctorpepperhi guys!!01:52
doctorpepper has anyone managed to install kde-4.9.97 on 12.04 ?01:53
UberDuperIt's 2013.. Why can't nvidia vsync on eat monitor independently!?01:58
UberDuperIs there any way to get kwin to automatically remember the location of app windows when they're closed and reopen them in the same location?02:00
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UberDuperAny of you know the magic sauce to get kubuntu to install in kvm?07:24
UberDuperOh I think I didn't give it enough ram.07:24
UberDuperYup. Whoops07:26
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jussianyone can recommend a basic alarm software? just something like on a phone or watch, set a time and it beeps/blinks at me...09:06
Tm_Tjussi: "at"09:07
jussiTm_T: want to give me a quick rundown how it works?09:08
Tm_Tjussi: sure, http://www.brunolinux.com/02-The_Terminal/The_at_Command.html09:08
hateballjussi: there's kalarm if you like a gui thing09:26
jussihateball: yeah, my apt-cache search revealed that - have you used it?09:27
hateballjussi: yep09:27
jussiok, Ill install it then :D09:27
hateballjussi: Well, tried it at least. I had to fix my broken nepomuk so that was a good exercise at least :p09:27
hateballjussi: since it relies on kde-pim working properly09:28
hateballI don't use anything local for that stuff so I hadnt bothered fixing it before09:28
jussihateball: I use kdepim on a daily basis, so it should work :D09:31
hateballjussi: :)09:33
surfni'm having problems formatting a usb flash drive09:36
surfncan anyone help?09:36
hateballsurfn: Are you using the disk utility in KDE?09:38
sbivolsurfn: how are you trying to format it?09:38
hateballsurfn: And what are the details of the problem?09:38
surfnok, so I've got a Sandisk 32gb USB drive09:38
surfnI'm using partition manager09:39
surfnwhen I try to delete the partition, it won't allow it09:39
hateballsurfn: Make sure it's not mounted09:39
surfnits not mounted.09:39
sbivolsurfn: try to create a new partition table and apply. then create your new partition09:40
surfnsbivol: it is not possible to click new until you have deleted the old partitiion09:40
surfnI ran an fsck and got an unusual result...09:41
sbivolsurfn: if it doesn't work, try „sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX count=10240”. replace X with your USB drive's letter09:41
sbivolsurfn: ...then retry in Partition Manager. If it still won't work, I suspect your flash drive is damaged/broken09:42
sbivolsurfn: fsck complains that the filesystem is invalid. you might want to „sudo mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdX1”09:44
surfnsbivol: I did the dd route09:44
surfnyeah, got invalid result09:44
sbivoldd basically zeroed your partition table so that you can start with a clean one. If PartMan still doesn't want to format it, the drive is probably broken09:46
hateballYou can run a check with badblocks as well I suppose09:47
surfnsbivol: I still can't get it to create a new table... there's errors.09:48
surfnhow can I run a check for bad blocks?09:48
surfnor check if there's just errors09:49
sbivolsurfn: man badblocks, as hateball suggested09:50
sbivol„man badblocks”, to be clear :)09:50
hateballI'd use destructive mode, just to test writes properly... since you dont have any data anyhow09:50
surfnhateball, how do you use destructive mode?09:54
surfnnm, -f is the answer09:55
hateballsurfn: Not really, -w is09:55
hateballPerhaps I should have phrased it differently09:56
surfni got it09:56
surfnrestarted badblocks test09:57
surfnhateball, should this be taking a while or is it that the superblock is fuct?10:06
hateballsurfn: a 32GB flashdrive will probably take a while10:08
hateballsurfn: -v should show progress iirc10:08
surfnok, I might head to bed for now, and check in the am...10:09
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svneohi, i'm getting WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /home/user/.cache/keyring-GT4vfX/pkcs11: No such file or directory  every time i "svn up"; how can i solve this warning?10:36
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Wizard!cn | Piao11:09
ubottuPiao: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:09
jussiPiao: /join #ubuntu-cn11:22
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svneohi, i'm getting WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /home/user/.cache/keyring-GT4vfX/pkcs11: No such file or directory  every time i "svn up"; how can i solve this warning?11:58
Tm_Tsvneo: by either telling to svn you don't use gnome-keyring or by using gnome-keyring I suppose12:00
Tm_Tsvneo: if you look ~/.subversion/config there's configuration line defining what keytools to use12:01
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doctorpepperhi guys !!!12:34
Wizardhi doctorpepper.12:40
doctorpeppercan anyone help me , i am trying  to upgrade to kde 4.9.97 on 12.04 , but i a issue with two packages see http://paste.ubuntu.com/1519723/12:44
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brun0hi all i removed accidentaly my window list of task bar when i clicked in something like "remove/cancel task manager"13:26
brun0how can i restore it ?13:26
brun0somebody ? :)13:27
kotTon_kaNdiyyou there bruno?13:30
brun0kotTon_kaNdiy, sorry ?13:31
kotTon_kaNdiyyou asked a question13:32
kotTon_kaNdiy<brun0> hi all i removed accidentaly my window list of task bar when i clicked in something like "remove/cancel task manager"13:32
kotTon_kaNdiyfigure it out yet?13:32
brun0kotTon_kaNdiy, yes. how can i restore it ? :)13:33
brun0kotTon_kaNdiy, can you help ?13:34
kotTon_kaNdiycouple ways13:35
kotTon_kaNdiyyou can right c lick on the desktop and add a new panel13:36
kotTon_kaNdiyfor the fastest and easiest way13:36
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brun0kotTon_kaNdiy, thanks :)13:44
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zoieTm_T: i haven't found anything interesting in ~/.subversion/config http://pastie.org/566806613:51
WizardYou can safely ignore gnome-keyring warnings while using command-line svn.13:52
Tm_Tzoie: # password-stores = gnome-keyring,kwallet13:53
Tm_Tremove hash, remove "gnome-keyring"13:53
WizardOn kubuntu, using kwallet is safer :)13:53
Tm_TWizard: and totally irrelevant for this support question (;13:54
zoiei'm still getting the gnome-keyring error13:54
zoieWARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /home/jad/.cache/keyring-GT4vfX/pkcs11: No such file or directory13:54
WizardTm_T: ok, ok :(13:55
zoieWizard: i'm getting this error but i don't want svn to use gnome-keyring13:56
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{-Dark-}hi all14:00
WizardHi {-Dark-}.14:00
{-Dark-}could someone help me about a boring problem with x11vnc server?14:01
{-Dark-}which is the best way to install x11vnc as service and have it always running in background?14:03
Wizard{-Dark-}: http://rbgeek.wordpress.com/2012/06/25/how-to-install-vnc-server-on-ubuntu-server-12-04/14:13
WizardFirst result from google, it even has sample init scripts and screenshots :P14:13
WizardWhatch out for gay Windows screenshots.14:14
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zoienow i'm getting"p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"14:21
WizardIs gnome-keyring installed?14:22
yofelas far as I know that doesn't break anything14:25
yofel(the gnome-keyring error)14:25
zoieWizard: i removed it14:26
zoieyofel: no but still14:26
yofelif you find out where that comes from tell me, I'll agree that it's slightly annoying14:28
Wizard{-Dark-}: Does it work? ;)14:31
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maco__i need help16:40
phoenix_firebrdneed a kde app like cpuz , also any tools for overclocking that you can recommend , i prefer to use a GUI based kde apps would be nice16:46
LucidGuyAny reason to go with Kubuntu or Ubuntu with kubuntu-desktop16:47
phoenix_firebrdLucidGuy: default settings that will be more like  the default kde desktop16:48
L3topIf I understand your question, if your intent is to run the kde environment, installing Ubuntu will just add a lot of unused clutter.16:48
L3topand you would be better off just going kubuntu16:48
shadeslayermaco__: ssup?16:48
LucidGuyL3top, just wondering, because I can't find kubuntu mirrors like Ubuntu.16:49
L3topwhat do you mean?16:49
L3topthe sources are identical16:49
L3topsame stuff from the same place16:49
phoenix_firebrdLucidGuy: torrent?16:50
shadeslayeryep, and ISO's should be sync'd by the mirrors16:50
LucidGuyI thought the kubuntu-desktop package was not the same as installing kubuntu..16:50
L3topits all the same stuff.16:50
shadeslayerLucidGuy: it's exactly the same :)16:50
shadeslayerjust KDE instead of Unity16:50
L3topok... the base os is exactly the same16:50
L3top+1 shadeslayer16:50
maco__shadeslayer: i have just iso file and i dont know what to do... i try krusader, but it ask parameters. but i dont understand16:51
L3topit is just that one comes with Unity, and one comes with KDE pre installed16:51
LucidGuyOk let me try this again.  If I install Ubuntu and then install kubuntu desktop .. will it be identical as if I were to go with kubuntu directly. (minus all the crap left over by unity etc)16:51
shadeslayer!iso | maco__16:51
ubottumaco__: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:51
L3topLucidGuy: ^16:52
shadeslayerLucidGuy: yep16:52
phoenix_firebrdL3top: if you plan to remove the ubuntu stuff, just uninstall the gtk runtime, all the gtk stuff will be pulled with it16:52
phoenix_firebrdLucidGuy: ^A16:52
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: some cruft might be left over though16:52
LucidGuyOk .. thanks.  Just thought maybe the kubuntu variant was a little more tailored.  So Canonical is fully responsible for Kubuntu?16:52
shadeslayerLucidGuy: not anymore16:52
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: like?16:52
L3topnot exactly16:52
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: I can't say, but I'm reasonably certain that packages that don't use gtk-runtime would be left16:53
LucidGuyYet the apt sources are the exact same servers?  They must be working together then.16:53
L3topThe DE is not maintained by Canonical, but is available through them... the OS is managed by Canonical LucidGuy16:53
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: thats true16:53
maco__shadeslayer: what is mountpoint?16:53
shadeslayerLucidGuy: Kubuntu is now a community project, which means that Canonical provides infra, but does not pay people to work on Kubuntu16:53
L3topLucidGuy: DE = Desktop Environment (assumes you know what OS is)16:53
shadeslayerit's like Edubuntu/Lubuntu now16:53
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: chromium is the onlt things that stops me from wiping out the gtk stuff16:54
shadeslayermaco__: google that word :)16:54
shadeslayermaco__: but in Windows terms it's like C:/D:16:54
LucidGuyYet Kubuntu is the only buntu with 5 year LTS .16:54
shadeslayerbut that's a bad explanation of what a mount point is16:54
maco__ok thanl you :)16:55
shadeslayerLucidGuy: uh, Ubuntu will also have a 5 year LTS16:55
maco__i will try16:55
shadeslayermaco__: no problem :)16:55
LucidGuyYes .. Unbuntu does of course16:55
shadeslayermaco__: quick and dirty trick : sudo mount -o loop foo.iso /mnt16:55
maco__if i failed, i will come back:)16:55
LucidGuyBut Lu and Xu do not.16:55
shadeslayerLucidGuy: hmm, don't know about those I'm afraid16:55
shadeslayeryofel: ^ any ideas?16:56
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: there is a service to do this , can be downloaded via GHNS17:00
shadeslayerfor what?17:00
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: sorry17:00
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: wrong channel17:00
maco__shadeslayer: i mounted :)17:20
UberDuperHave any of you setup kubuntu as a kvm/spice guest?17:24
UberDuperI can't seem to get spice-vdagent working right. Can't get dynamic reslution working.17:24
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ardoubleyoujoin #drupal-support18:04
vaibhav_Is this really work18:06
phoenix_firebrdneed a kde app like cpuz , also any tools for overclocking that you can recommend , i prefer to use a GUI based kde apps would be nice18:10
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phunyguyhmmm, can't seem to get any KDE apps to utilize the SOCKS proxy I set.18:46
phunyguyI have an ssh tunnel to proxy port 1080 through that tunnel as a proxy18:46
phunyguyermmm... yeah you know what I mean18:47
phunyguyYeah, in KDE settings I have "Use Manually Specified Proxy" checked, and for SOCKS I have "localhost:1080" set.  I do have a valid SSH tunnel with port 1080 forwarded to a remote server.  This worked under regular Ubuntu, but not in Kubuntu.18:55
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UberDuperWhat was the irc channel for kmail?19:17
shadeslayerUberDuper: #kontact19:25
UberDuperThank you, sir.19:25
shadeslayerphunyguy: hm, odd, maybe ask in #kde ?19:25
shadeslayerand maybe you need to logut/login ?19:26
UberDupershadeslayer: Ever setup kubuntu in a kvm/spice vm?19:32
shadeslayerI've run live sessions in KVM19:33
shadeslayerbut that's about it19:33
UberDuperI just can't get the spice bits working.19:33
shadeslayerwouldn't know :)19:33
UberDuperSo I ditched it and setup x11rdp19:33
UberDuperWhich I guess is fine.19:33
UberDuperI just don't want to use virtalbox.19:34
UberDuperI think this is the furthest I've ever gotten trying to switch from osx to linux.19:34
phunyguyshadeslayer: I am asking in #kde, and they say it only applies to KIO, and things like KDE IM don't use KIO.  So I set it manually in one of the connections and it still doesn't work.  Even one that uses https proxy doesn't work when rekonq works with https queries just fine.19:39
phunyguyI don't get it.19:39
shadeslayerif it's IM specifically ask in #kde-telepathy19:40
shadeslayerbut they might be right about the IM bits19:40
shadeslayersince all the im bits are done by telepathy and I'm not sure if telepathy respects KDE Proxy settings19:40
shadeslayerin which case it's a bug and must be fixed19:40
phunyguysame with Quassel and KMail19:42
phunyguythey don't respect proxy either19:42
phunyguyI can't even find an option to set proxy in Quassel19:42
phunyguyand about logging out and back in, that shouldn't matter19:43
phunyguybut I will try19:43
UberDuperYou're trying to use an http proxy for IM?19:55
phunyguyno, socks.19:56
phunyguyfor example, in ubuntu, they allow you to set a system-wide proxy for socks, and empathy utilizes that19:57
phunyguyas does anything else requiring an outbound service connection19:57
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phunyguyargh.   I can't make this work.  (SOCKS proxy)20:47
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UberDuperIs there any way to trigger a klipper action on images in the clipboard?22:41
wolftuneAnybody know if there exists a plasma panel widget to do something like the Unity thing where the active window's title bar and buttons are shown in the panel?22:47
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rorkwolftune: window menubar might help you out half way22:55
wolftunehmm ok22:55
wolftunethe deal is: I decided I really like the icon-only task manager, and now I've gone from overly cluttered panel to pretty empty. It would work well to do the Unity thing in the empty space22:56
rorkyeah, I used it for a while to save some window space. I made an auto-hiding panel on top for the menubar.22:58
rorkNow instead I have the no panel desktop :)22:59
wolftunethe no panel desktop?22:59
rorkI removed all my panels, and have 5 virtual desktops with the most used icons instead23:00
rorkEach desktop has a different catagory: Internet, Coding, Gaming, Multimedia, System23:01
wolftuneanyway, I found something interesting: Application Name Plasmoid23:02
wolftunebut I haven't found Window Menubar, where do I get that?23:03
rorkit's standard I thought, just search for menu in the widget toolbar23:05
rorkScreenshot of "present dekstops": http://www.rork.nl/tmp/desktop.png23:06
rorkJust play around, use your imagination and make it as you like ;)23:07
wolftuneI decided to just add extra spacers to make things work better23:24

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