
StevenKwgrant: Did you want a review, or you're still fighting tests?00:00
StevenK(Like I am.)00:00
wgrantI'm fighting a branch scan timeout00:02
StevenKGlad to hear it's not just me.00:04
StevenKEr, I mean, that's terrible.00:04
wgrantStevenK: https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-1098170/+merge/14281600:08
StevenKwgrant: Looks good, r=me00:14
StevenKwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/no-count-distribution-ppas/+merge/14281800:29
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wgrantStevenK: r=me00:32
StevenKwgrant: Oh, so IDistribution.getAllPPAs().is_empty() is fine?00:33
wgrantStevenK: If it works, why wouldn't it be?00:34
StevenKwgrant: It works, I'm concerned it's going to perform terribly.00:34
wgrantis_empty() is very different from count() == 000:35
wgrantBecause is_empty will stop as soon as it finds a row00:35
wgrantSo an index on archive(distribution, purpose) will have it satisfied in microseconds00:35
StevenK    "archive__distribution__purpose__key" UNIQUE, btree (distribution, purpose) WHERE purpose = ANY (ARRAY[1, 4])00:36
wgrantNote that that's not actually useful00:36
StevenKThat index, or the property?00:37
wgrantThe index00:37
wgrantIt's partial over (PRIMARY, PARTNER)00:37
wgrantYou may want to create a new index00:37
wgrantBut this will be strictly faster than what was there before, and trivially fast for Ubuntu00:37
wgrantFor other distros it will be slower00:37
wgrant(simply because for ubuntu/+ppas it has to find any one row matching distribution=1 AND purpose=2, for which it has to search at most 67 rows, because there's only 66 archive rows that *aren't* Ubuntu PPAs)00:39
wgrantStevenK: Oh00:40
wgrantI missed something in that review :(00:41
StevenKHah, test failure00:50
StevenKassertContentEqual ?00:50
wgrantOh, I only sorted one end00:52
wgrantStevenK: But the thing I missed was that you ended your commit message in a preposition.00:52
StevenKwgrant: The description, rather than the commit text?00:53
lifelessassertThat(... MatchesSetwise) might be your friend00:53
wgrantlifeless: assertContentEqual is shorthand for that00:54
lifelesswgrant: then sorting shouldn't be needed00:54
lifelesswgrant: isn't it shorthand for MatchesListwise ?00:54
wgrantYes, but I didn't use assertContentEqual :)00:54
wgrantBecause I copied it from another test00:54
wgrant    def assertContentEqual(self, iter1, iter2):00:55
wgrant        """Assert that 'iter1' has the same content as 'iter2'."""00:55
wgrant        self.assertThat(iter1, MatchesSetwise(*(map(Equals, iter2))))00:55
StevenKBad wgrant, no cookie.00:55
lifelesswgrant: well then :)00:55
StevenKwgrant: Are you landing a testfix, or shall I?01:00
wgrantI am01:01
wgrantStevenK: No +queue timeouts yesterday02:08
wgrantAnd only three soft02:08
wgrantThe remaining slow queries are because of partner and the COUNT(*), but they're only 700-900ms each02:09
StevenKMore problems solved by the destruction of PARTNER02:26
wgrantAll problems are solved by the destruction of PARTNER02:33
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* StevenK stabs this branch, gives up and casts a wide net for anything that wants IEmailAddressSet.03:22
StevenKOr I just call into traceback from IEmailAddressSet.new and toss a ValueError if the call trace doesn't contain LoginToken03:23
StevenKwgrant: So, due to ripping it out of getOrCreateOpenIDIdentifier, it looks like the person browser code only create a LoginToken03:27
StevenKThe LoginToken code will cope if the EmailAddress exists or doesn't.03:27
wgrantStevenK: Ah, so it does03:36
StevenKWhich would explain why I couldn't find it.03:37
StevenKwgrant: So I can put up this +10/-17 branch, but it's all tidy-up03:37
wgrantPerson.unvalidatedemails is actually calculated from the logintokens03:40
wgrantSo you're right, it's already all good03:40
wgrantStevenK: Might as well put it up03:40
StevenKAnd I can't see any errant calls to IEmailAddressSet.new, either03:41
StevenKwgrant: So two bits of QA and we should deploy?03:42
wgrantI'm testing the OpenID thing atm03:43
StevenKwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/random-logintoken-cleanup/+merge/14282703:52
wgrantStevenK: That looks like an ideal candidate for a self review03:53
StevenKwgrant: Did you not close bugs from the NDT?07:03
StevenKwgrant: And do we want to find the '' OpenID identifier in the DB and shoot it?07:03
wgrantAh, no, got distracted07:06
* wgrant closes07:06
wgrantAnd no, we don't want to dispose of that yet07:06
wgrantThere's a lot more cleanup we need to do next week07:06
StevenKwgrant: I just did the closing07:07
wgrantStevenK: Um07:07
wgrantYou reset the mailing list one to Confirmed07:07
StevenKOh, whoops07:07
StevenKI think that was a miss-click :-(07:07
adeuringgood morning08:51
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wgrantStevenK: https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/expire-some-p3as/+merge/14285709:55
StevenKwgrant: That is pretty hideous, yes.10:03
StevenKwgrant: Your Brilliant Plan[tm] is replace that horridness with Archive.expirable which defaults to True, I guess?10:03
wgrantI'd say so10:05
wgrantSomewhere on +admin, I suppose10:05
StevenKwgrant: r=me, hopefully it's short-lived.10:05
wgrantIt won't be :)10:06
StevenKwgrant: :-(10:20
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dobeyis anyone around?19:24
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czajkowskidobey: yup19:49
dobeyhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/128211802/buildlog.txt.gz :(19:50
dobey(yes still getting this, and still no idea why)19:50
czajkowskidobey: it's never simple with you is it :p19:51
czajkowskidobey: when was the last time you got this ?19:52
dobeytoday; that build was from a few hours ago19:52
dobeyit happens whenever i try to rebuild lp:ubuntu/ubuntuone-client via a source package recipe19:53
dobeybut building the same recipe locally works fine (creates the source package)19:53
czajkowskideryck: any ideas?19:55
derycklooking up.....19:55
czajkowskideryck: thanks19:55
deryckso I'm not very knowledgeable about builds. The "Most recent Ubuntu Raring version: MISSING" repeated looks suspect to me.19:58
deryckbut maybe that's normal noise.19:59
deryckdobey, is it trying to pull in some dep that isn't available in Raring perhaps? (just guessing, really.)19:59
deryckOther than my guessing, I'd say file a bug and get wgrant or StevenK to take a look when they're online.19:59
dobeyderyck: no; that's just a normal message from bzr bd20:00
dobeyderyck: the main issue is the pristine-tar failing20:00
dobeythe traceback and those MISSING messages are just noise really20:00
czajkowskimgz: you gone>20:00
deryckyeah, it's not a very helpful Traceback.20:00
dobeyderyck: right, the traceback is just restating that pristine-tar failed20:01
deryckI'd guess we'll need someone to look through builder logs to get more info.20:01
deryckI'm assuming we have something more detailed than this, but maybe not.20:02
dobeyyeah, i don't have any more info really. it's been happening since i set this recipe up; all my other recipes that just re-build lp:ubuntu/$something are working fine though20:04
dobeyit's only this one for ubuntuone-client that's failing20:05
deryckdobey, I'd say file a bug or question, and let czajkowski poke wgrant or StevenK about it.20:06
dobeyand i've tried to build the recipe on quantal and raring at various points over the past couple months, and it's worked fine locally both times20:06
derycksorry, wish I could be more help.20:06
dobeycan you poke at the logs now and see if anything is there?20:07
dobeyor do i need to find someone in ops to do that?20:07
deryckdobey, ask someone in ops. I don't know where the logs are, so they can probably help you quicker.20:14
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mgzczajkowski: mostly/nearly21:10
czajkowskimgz: dobey was having some issues above but I think he's gonna report a bug and get it looked at21:16
mgzand I don't have any particular clever ideas about dobey's recipe problem, though I wonder if his successfuly local build used a newer/bugfreer version of bzr-builddeb than the builders do21:17
mgzreporting a bug is the right thing, as I think the buildlog is basically the same as his failure from the other week21:18
dobeymgz: it's dailydeb, though pristine-tar is actually what's failing21:18
czajkowskimgz: would that relate to the RT that we mentioned earlier on21:18
dobeymgz: it is exactly the same as the previous failure, yeah21:18
mgzright, I guess my best bet would be on either pristine-tar or builddeb being too ancient on the builder21:19
dobeymgz: what version of pristine-tar and dailydeb do the builders have, where the recipes get built?21:19
dobeyactually, pristine-tar21:20
dobeythe older version makes some sense, if it's not using the ustar format for the tars it builds21:21
dobeyand newer version might21:21
mgzdobey: log says "builder 0.7.2dev" and my guess is pristine-tar would be the one from the archive21:22
mgzah, this version line is useful:21:23
mgzBuildd toolchain package versions: launchpad-buildd_113~0.IS.08.04 python-lpbuildd_113~0.IS.08.04 bzr-builder_0.7.2+bzr156-0ubuntu1~1.IS.8.04 bzr_2.4.0-0ubuntu2~11.IS.8.04.21:23
dobeymgz: right, but which version of Ubuntu is it running on? i'm guessing there's a big difference between what's in raring, precise, or lucid21:24
mgzright, lucid I think, but that's not actually mentioned21:25
mgzoh, no, precise21:25
mgzthat's actually reasonable.21:25
mgz(well, the environment is precise, the underlying machine may me more ancient)21:26
dobeyok, let me try the recipe on precise then21:27
dobeyi just realized that u1-client does have some "too long" filenames, and we have to use tar-ustar with automake to get a proper tarball. older pristine-tar might fail there21:29
dobeyok, this is weird21:38
dobeyon precise it's not even doing the "Reconstructing pristine tarball" bit for some reason21:38
dobeyhrmm, but it runs ok on quantal and raring for me, but on lp it fails on quantal. so i wonder if the dailydeb command is actually being run while chrooted, or what21:42
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wgrantdobey: The builds run on hardy23:05
wgrantdobey: With various newer packages23:05
dobeywgrant: is pristine-tar one of those "newer packages?" i suspect not?23:08
cjwatsonIt's certainly been backported in the past23:09
cjwatsonpristine-tar | 1.11ubuntu1~0.IS.8.04 | hardy-cat-buildd | source, amd64, i38623:10
cjwatsonProbably that23:10
cjwatson1.20~0.IS.10.04 is in lucid-cat23:10
cjwatsonhardy itself had 0.8, and 1.00~hardy1 in -backports23:11
wgrantThere have been changes relatively recent23:11
wgranteg. to cope with a bz2 change, IIRC23:11
dobeycould we get a newer version in?23:11
wgrantWe have an old old RT about upgrading the builders23:11
wgrantIt's been idle for maybe 18 months now23:11
dobeyor just upgrade them to precise23:12
dobeyhow does dailydeb create the tarball exactly? would be nice to see what command line it's using to do that, but it's not in the build log :-/23:14
wgrantI have no idea.23:17
wgrantYou could check the source.23:17
dobeywgrant: is there some way i can test this on one of the builders more easily than just watching my build fail again and again? or get access to the buildd ppa so i can set up a vm/chroot to test in?23:29
cjwatsondobey: It's not a PPA, but you can get at hardy-cat-buildd from the DC (e.g. chinstrap) - archive.admin.canonical.com23:31
cjwatsondobey: So you can just download the relevant bits by hand or whatever23:31
cjwatson(The output I posted earlier was from a madison-lite instance on chinstrap configured to look at a.a.c.c, without using any special privileges beyond having a chinstrap account)23:32
cjwatsonI expect that in general IS would prefer details of what's in CAT not to be shared around23:33
dobeyof course23:33
cjwatsonNot that I know the details, just seems like a safe assumptin23:33
cjwatsonBut handy for debugging this kind of thing23:34

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