
paultagAh, issue resolved, thank, czajkowski (etc!)00:11
ajmitchpaultag: darn, did I miss the chance to own the team? :)00:15
paultagyep :)00:15
paultagat least edit it :)00:15
paultagI'm not sure what else :)00:15
ajmitchprobably not a lot, really00:15
ajmitchyou filed/found a bug about the token not being expired after use?00:16
paultagit's expired now, so someone fixed it00:16
paultagajmitch: now i've got a better problem :)00:16
ajmitchyeah, but it could happen for other teams00:16
paultagif oyu google search for the token url, oodles show up00:16
paultagand some were valid when I tested it00:16
paultagajmitch: bzr git import is now blowing up on git signed tags - I just re-made the branch, I'll get you logs in a skitch00:17
ajmitchI doubt I can help with that00:17
wgrantThere's no way around that00:17
paultagWellp, end-goal is recipies, so I s'pose I can bring back my dput-every-night-bot00:18
washuu_dedobey: Tnx. I wonder why all documentation links go to lauchpad. Ubuntu should separate user problems and bugs.00:27
wgrantwashuu_de: Launchpad is a project hosting service that Ubuntu uses to track bugs, user questions, and other things00:27
washuu_deBut... Is unsufficient or too-well-hidden documentation a launchpad matter? Or 'ubuntu?00:28
washuu_deI'm always sent to launchpad... That can't be right.00:29
wgrantSent from where?00:29
wgrantLaunchpad doesn't store Ubuntu documentation, but Ubuntu does use our support tracker (https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu)00:30
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wgrantBut we're just a hosting service. The content is the reponsibility of the Ubuntu community00:30
washuu_deI can't document that right now. I usually click a link and "whoops" I'm in Lauchpad again.00:35
washuu_dewgrant: It is the links. But I can't pinpoint them right now. I'll look into my history (browser et al...) tomorrow. T'is sleeping time ,here.00:38
washuu_detnx for your attention anyway00:39
* washuu_de is away: Till tomorrow...00:45
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taoIs there anybody online02:54
taoI have some questions on Linaro gcc's simd features02:55
wgranttao: You probably want to ask in a Linaro channel03:02
wgrantThis channel is for the Launchpad.net project hosting site03:03
taoyes. wgrant03:07
taobut I don't know how to find that channel03:09
mwhudsontao: #linaro is probably a good first guess :)03:10
mwhudsonbut it'll be pretty quiet now03:10
taook, thank you very much03:49
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Known issues:-. Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
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pinkyHi! I received an email from launchpad saying "A new OAuth token consumer was enabled in Launchpad" and that if I didn't make the change I should contact someone on this channel16:20
pinkyczajkowski: is that going to be you that I should contact?16:20
czajkowskipinky: yup16:20
czajkowskipinky: can you file a question on lp please with the details16:21
pinkyczajkowski: sure can16:22
pinkyczajkowski: #218958 if you are interested. thanks.16:24
czajkowskipinky: looking now16:27
czajkowskipinky: doing anyting lately16:28
czajkowskiadding new device for 2FA ?16:28
czajkowskiadding U1 to a machine?16:28
pinkyczajkowski: nope. new 2FA about a week ago16:28
pinkybut that's it16:28
czajkowskipinky: resolved.16:41
pinkyczajkowski: cool, thanks16:51
mgzczajkowski: perversely the same traceback as bug 88432717:14
ubot5bug 794353 in Bazaar "duplicate for #884327 ascii is a bad default filesystem encoding" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79435317:14
mgzand ubot5 is smart, thanks ubot517:14
mgzso, the problem is that builder is using bzr 2.4.017:15
mgzwhich doesn't have the fix for that issue17:15
mgzI'm not sure how, if ever, we'll get the packages used on the builders updated17:20
mgzwe've wanted the new bzr-builddeb on them forever so recipe v4 with all the nice new features would work17:20
czajkowskiis this somewhere in a RT ?17:20
mgzI think so, but would need to poke jelmer to find out.17:21
czajkowskimgz: if you can find out and assign me the ticket I'l follow up with IS and see if I can make any headway on it17:21
mgzczajkowski: rt #4634517:23
mgzgot bogged down because IS were making jelmer backport the entire universe to hardy17:24
mgzhopefully they have a less insane path for upgrade now17:24
czajkowskimgz: cheers17:24
czajkowskiah it's one of them RTS17:25
czajkowskiI need to ope and come back to it later once it's loaded17:25
mgz(universe as in hyperbole, not as in the repository universe)17:25
* maxb would make some sort of snide comment, except for still running quite a few Debian etch servers. glass houses, stones...17:31
maxbBackporting python2.7 to etch was amusing17:31
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Known issues:-. Help contact:- | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
paultagHeyya LP! :)19:03
paultaghttps://launchpad.net/debian-project ← what's up with this guy?19:03
* washuu_de is back (gone 00:02:30)19:26
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czajkowskipaultag: that user no longer uses lp19:53
dobeyor never did?19:53
czajkowskior that19:54
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tgs3hello. why would username of user https://launchpad.net/~opensource-m3  not match the name visible in the url after ~ ?21:27
mapreritgs3: Which proof do you have to say this?21:30
czajkowskitgs3: display name is different from the LP id21:38
tgs3czajkowski: well in short, how to set own ~name ?22:50
tgs3LP id is the part in url after ~ ?22:50
dobeytypically you choose your username when you create an account22:57
wgranttgs3: https://launchpad.net/~/+edit23:07
wgrantYou can change it there23:07

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