
xiaoyI just installed chinese language support, installed all the input methods and set it right, but in lubuntu i cannot start ibus (the input method)09:07
xiaoynobody has had experience with that?09:08
xiaoyok, so eventually i found the solution for ibus not showing in lubuntu. for people interested, here there is the solution: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/104193309:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 1041933 in ibus (Ubuntu) "IBUS does not open when selected from menu or applications from within filemanager (PCmanfm )" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:32
poqCannot run paros proxy under lubuntu 12.04 => error http://paste.kde.org/643646/ What could be a problem?11:05
BWMerlinI am having an issue with Chrome sometimes opening when clicking on hyperlinks or external programmes opening web pages even though firefox has been set as the default browser11:57
BWMerlinhow do i stop this from happening?/11:57
inductiveloadBWMerlin: how did you set firefox as default?12:06
BWMerlinboth in the browser and in the preferred applications12:08
BWMerlinI think when I choose firefox as default browser at first launch it set it in preferred applications12:08
inductiveloadcan you do xdg-settings set default-web-browser firefox.desktop12:11
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BWMerlininductiveload: xdg-settings: unknown desktop environment12:35
xiaoyHi, is there a good guide on how to add icons on lxpannel?13:00
inductiveloadBWMerlin: hmm, then i'm not sure (i'm 80% sure I did that on my machine, which I don't have to hand here)13:02
xiaoyok, find out by myself...13:02
inductiveloadxiaoy: in what way? you mean a quick lauch area?13:02
xiaoyyea, i found out already, tkz :)13:03
BWMerlinright click, add/remove panel item, panel applet, application launcher and then add what ever you like13:03
BWMerlininductiveload: thanks for the help13:03
xiaoyinductiveload, BWMerlin tkz13:03
xiaoyanother question, how is called the screenshot taker in lubuntu? i need to install it13:04
inductiveloadxiaoy: "scrot"13:10
xiaoyinductiveload, thank you13:11
inductiveloadyou should be able to just press "print screen" on the keyboard13:11
xiaoyinductiveload, something more "graphic"?13:13
xiaoyshutter seems a bit heavy on my machine, dunno, maybe i should give it a try...13:14
xiaoyif i can't find anything lighter13:14
xiaoymaybe a scrot frontend would be great...13:17
xiaoywhat about gscreenshot?13:17
inductiveloadxiaoy: i just use scrot, i rarely need to use it anyway13:21
inductiveloadi have used shutter but it's loaded with useless junk13:21
inductiveloadno idea about others, sorry13:21
xiaoyinductiveload, np thank you13:25
BWMerlinhow long does it take for nvidia drivers to make it into the repo once they have been released?13:58
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Name141why isn't the 4670 picked up on 12.10 , but is on the LTS (For the ATi drivers)20:03
Akhilleusciao sono chi aiuta una ragazza a installare la stampante?????21:19
Akhilleusnessun italiano???21:20
guest638Hi, using Ubuntu 12.10, I want to get minimal lubuntu desktop (without abiword, sylpheed, chromium, etc) so I installed lubuntu-core package. Is that enough? How do I login to lxde now?21:23
rasta_lubuntuhi i have a prob can anyone help me22:23
rasta_lubuntui have win 7 client and linux lubuntu smb server22:23
rasta_lubuntui can connect to the shares but i cant see the linux shares in the network area in win722:24

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