
bkerensabdmurray: Is #1073114 a valid bug?00:38
bkerensaBug #107311400:39
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1073114 in unity-lens-shopping (Ubuntu Raring) "Shopping Lens Does Not Respect User Privacy" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107311400:39
phillwbdmurray: when ever you pick this one up, ref bug 971918 I can'y immediately see the 'verification required' tag. (I'm looking at the instructions now), but I can confirm that it works and have commented on the bug.01:08
ubot2`Launchpad bug 971918 in lxterminal (Ubuntu) "Ctrl-Shift-C issues a Break command" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97191801:08
bdmurrayphillw: setting the quantal task to fix released is incorrect as the package is still in -proposed01:16
bdmurrayphillw: additionally did you test in quantal or raring?01:17
phillwbdmurray: sorry :(01:17
phillwI'm using quantal, which is what the bug is raised against01:17
bdmurrayphillw: okay, then if you verified it the correct thing to do is to change the tag from verification-needed to verification-done01:17
phillwbdmurray: where do I find that tag to alter?01:18
bdmurrayphillw: then when the SRU team copies the package from -proposed to -updates the bug will be automatically set to fix released01:18
bdmurrayphillw: in the bug tags? beneath the description and above related branches01:18
phillwthat only lists precise?01:20
phillwQauntal was the bug I knew of and the one I've followed. I'm quite happy to fire up a precise VM and test it in that.01:21
bdmurraythe precise tag is not necessarily related to the verification-needed tag01:25
bdmurraythey are 2 separate tags01:25
phillwbdmurray: is it just me being intensely dense (likely) or is it when I click on the 'verification needed' bit, I get a whole new window open asking me to tell it what bugs I'm asking about?01:31
phillwand when I put in the bug number it takes me back to original screen... :(01:31
bdmurrayclicking on the tag performs a search for bugs with that tag01:36
bdmurrayto edit the tags you want to click the pencil at the end of the list01:36
phillwbdmurray: is that correct?01:38
phillwbecause that reads to me that precise has been verified as okay, with no mention of quantal what so ever.....01:39
phillwI've never seen multiple tags against a bug - which is what is throwing me.01:40
phillwpatch precise verification-done01:41
bdmurraythe tags aren't necessarily related to each other01:42
bdmurrayeach tag is like a separate adjective describing the bug01:43
phillwbdmurray: now I understand, thanks to you.. May the Lord have mercy upon a new person. I've not had issues in the past.  I'll ask Gema to mention it when she does https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom#Section_201:49
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rbasakbdmurray: hey, will crichton honour bot-stop-nagging? Or if not, is there a way to post a debdiff marked as a patch to a bug but have it not subscribe ubuntu-sponsors please?09:56
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bdmurrayrbasak: yes it will honor the tag15:41
rbasakGreat. Thank you!15:41
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TheLordOfTimebdmurray, ping, this isn't a bug right?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/109869719:58
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1098697 in linux (Ubuntu) "High Battery discharge rate when Laptop is off." [Undecided,Confirmed]19:58
TheLordOfTimeif the laptop's off, can linux be affecting the discharge rate?19:58
TheLordOfTimepretty certain it cant if i understand modern laptop architecture.19:58
bdmurrayI wouldn't think so but would check with jsalisbury20:02
TheLordOfTimewhom you just pinged here :P20:03
jsalisburyTheLordOfTime, I would also not think so, if the laptop was powered off20:03
TheLordOfTimewhich is what my systems hardware training suggested20:04
TheLordOfTimeshould I be converting that to a support question?20:07
TheLordOfTimealthough, tbh, the answer to eh suypport question is "Contact HP"20:07
bdmurraywell maybe they mean suspend?20:07
TheLordOfTimei'm going to ask them, and Incomplete the bug20:09
TheLordOfTimeif they say "No, I mean powered off state" then its notabug given our knowledge of typical laptop architecture and design.20:09
jsalisburyTheLordOfTime, Maybe shutdown laptop, then pull the battery and re-insert it.  That way you know the OS isn't in some sort of suspend or hibernated state.  If the battery drain stops, then it may be a kernel issu20:11
TheLordOfTimejsalisbury, i'd like to see whether its a case of suspend being used20:11
TheLordOfTimeif it isn't then that should be the next question20:11
TheLordOfTimejsalisbury, i'm aware of a powered-on state link between the linux kernel/system and power drain, that one i'm fully aware of, but i've *never* heard of any kernel, Windows, Linux, or otherwise, impacting battery drain in a fully powered off state.20:13
jsalisburyTheLordOfTime, I agree.  It could be that the battery is going bad, or some sort of hardware short.20:15
TheLordOfTimei agree with that too20:15
TheLordOfTimebecause i've seen battery death :p20:15
TheLordOfTimeheck, it happened to me about two months ago20:15
jsalisburyTheLordOfTime, sounds like a bad batch of batteries maybe?20:16
TheLordOfTimejsalisbury, well, that battery was 3 years olsd20:16
TheLordOfTimeold *20:16
TheLordOfTimethis system here, which is still my primary, is almost 4 years old.20:16
jsalisburyTheLordOfTime, maybe let the batter sit for two days out of the laptop and see if it drains.  If it doesn't, that could indicate a short in the laptop20:17
TheLordOfTimejsalisbury, you may want to suggest that as possible tests of the battery, ASSUMING they're not suspending their system.20:17
* TheLordOfTime is currently busy working on updating a server20:18
jsalisburyTheLordOfTime, will do20:18
TheLordOfTime... that's a tag i've not seen before...20:21
TheLordOfTimekernel-da-key <-- that20:21
jsalisburyTheLordOfTime, Yeah, I use that for my reports to keep track of specific bugs that aren't related to the development kernel.20:22
TheLordOfTimeah.  i see.20:22
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TheLordOfTimejsalisbury, ping22:33
TheLordOfTimenew updates to the bug.22:33
TheLordOfTimeperhaps this is HP-specific in their architecture, and not something that is fixable in Linux?22:33
TheLordOfTimes/fixable/easily identified or fixed/22:46

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