
mhall119AlanBell: have you made your fortune by spying on Gnome Shell users yet?00:09
* AlanBell checks the piggie bank00:13
AlanBellI don't appear to have made any money or had any clicks through for several days00:23
AlanBellI can see searches are happening00:24
AlanBellbut people are not clicking the results00:24
mhall119AlanBell: you're not spying enough, have you considered using drones?00:24
* AlanBell would love a drone00:25
mhall119bkerensa: I'll warn you, I'm in a mood to fight tonight00:41
bkerensamhall119: in that case perhaps a discussion on gun control or platinum coins in a half hour? ;)01:52
mhall119we'd agree too much on one, and the other just isn't going to happen02:41
* mhall119 leaves it as an exercise to the reader to determine which is which02:42
Tm_Tmhall119: awww08:36
czajkowskibkerensa: wow flame bate post or what!08:56
bkerensaczajkowski: its pretty valid08:57
czajkowskiA patch doesn't have to be accepted at all08:57
czajkowskijust seemms like a post to get people to your site for traffic tbh08:58
bkerensaNo its more about defending user choice09:02
bkerensaA patch does not have to be accepted09:02
philipballewthese logs provide for some good late night reading!09:03
* philipballew sits down and grabs a cup of coffee09:03
bkerensaphilipballew:  ;)09:04
czajkowskimeh I have work to do09:04
philipballewim always down to discuss anything with  bkerensa.09:04
philipballewczajkowski, its already my weekend09:04
czajkowskinot getting drawn into such a debate - it is what it is.09:04
philipballewI thought I had a Wednesday/Friday class, but turns out it starts in march. Only found out after I sat in the classroom for 30 minutes Wednesday wondering why nobody was there...09:05
jcastroah nuts, those links were in my hangout chat16:28
jcastrocan you paste the theme links in here? sorry. :-/16:29
dpmmhall119, I think that one's for you ^16:32
balloonsyay, hangout stayed up for the whole convo ;-)16:38
mhall119jcastro: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~quickly/quickly/reboot/files/head:/docs/source/themes/ubuntu/16:41
mhall119it would be nice to get a hangout transcript after they end16:42
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